"Well!" Zhan Wudu nodded and said, "I made such a decision, of course, this is also the decision of my king."

After listening to Zhan Wushuang's confirmation, Zhong Tian was dumbfounded, stunned in his place, unable to react for a long time. You are the king in the country of wind. If you go to Ningguo, what are you? After a long time, Zhong Tian recovered from shock and misunderstanding. He burst out of sweating and said: "No, absolutely! If General Wushuang and Invincible General return to China, then ... What about the king? ? "

Zhan Wudi frowned and said, "Did I just say that, you followed our brother back to Ning State. After Ning State, you will form a court and look for a counterattack!"

It's easy to say, but how can it actually be so simple? Zhong Tian knew that once he left the country of wind, he wanted to fight back to the country of wind and regain the throne, which is basically impossible.

He also wanted to speak again, and Zhan Wudi said, "No need to say anymore, and this is what our Ning King meant. If you are not willing, then you can stay in the country of wind. Our brothers don't want to be your funeral. Product! "

If the battle was invincible, Zhong Tian was not left with a slight face. The latter's face was extremely ugly. The ministers and generals behind him couldn't see it anymore. Each one gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, but he was helpless to take the brothers.

Finally, a minister with a close relationship with Zhong Tian whispered: "King, the current domestic situation is indeed very bad for us. Instead of waiting ... it would be better to withdraw to Ningguo first, Cultivate talents, attract talents from all over the world, and perhaps have the possibility of resurrecting the country. I hope the king will think twice! "

"Well! This adult speaks reasonably. Don't take it alone, so that you won't regret it later!" Zhan Wudi said coldly. Although he called Zhong Tianjun up, but his attitude did not have the respect that the king deserves, and he was a savior with a supreme attitude.

Zhong Tian is not a fool. If you think about it, it is really impossible to rely only on the few counties in the south to resist the morale of the Tianyuan Army, but can you retreat to Ningguo? In his opinion, this is also extremely unrealistic. However, it is true that the death bar is left, and it is possible to flee to Ning State for a while. After thinking about it, Zhong Tian couldn't help but sigh and said, "Heaven can't help me, he can't help me!"

In order to save his life, Zhong Tian finally compromised, accepted the ‘suggestions’ of Warriors and Warriors, and agreed to follow Ning Army and withdraw to Ning State.

However, this southward retreat will not be calm. When they retreat to the city, they will face the 100,000 Skyhawks with their sons.

At present, the Tianying Army has besieged the city, but it has not begun to attack. Zizi sent troops to lobby the city to persuade the city's owner. The Fengcheng City Lord did not immediately accept the persuasion, but did not expressly refuse to accept it. The reply given was that he would reconsider. Of course, when we consider it, we are actually delaying time and wanting to see the bigger picture before we make a plan.

At this moment, two remnants of the Ning Army and the Peng Army, about 70,000, were about to fail.

Knowing that the main forces of the Ningjun and Pengjun came, Ziyi ordered early and transferred back to the siege of the siege, and set up a square array in front of the fortified city and waited for it.

When Ning Jun and Peng Jun arrived, they saw this interesting scene. The city of Fengcheng still had the banner of Peng State, but in front of the city was the dark wind army, and the wind army closed the city behind. Ignoring it, it seems that there is no fear that the Peng Jun in the city will suddenly kill and attack behind his side.

Zi Zi's formation of this array is also his thoughtful thoughts. He was originally Zhong Tian's Majesty General and was very familiar with the situation on the side of Zhong Tian. He knew that the main city of Fengcheng was not Zhong Tian's lineage. Next, the Fengcheng Lord cannot be stupid enough to end up with Zhong Tian. The reason why he did not immediately accept his own surrender, that is, waiting to see the situation clearly.

Now he is undefended against Feng Cheng, and he has deliberately shown it to the Lord of Feng Cheng, showing that he trusts him and sincerely hopes that he can return.

The 100,000 Sky Eagles blocked the way in front of the city. The most abominable was that the general was still a son-in-law, and Zhong Qi's Qiqiao smoked. With the help of several personal guards, he rode out of his own camp, but did not move forward. How far you go to hold the war horse and no longer move forward.

He looked at the son-in-law of the opposite handsome, with two cold lights in his eyes, scolding had reached his mouth, and he swallowed back again, a smile on his gloomy face, and shouted: "The general in front But my general Ai Qingzi? "

When Zi Tian just came out, Zi Xi saw him and couldn't help taking a breath. Now after listening to Zhong Tian's question, Zi Xi's old face turned red. From his heart, no matter what Zhong Tian was like, However, it is not thin to him. Now he abandoned Zhong Tian and switched to Tang Yin. Ziyi is still a little bit sad.

Ugh! He sighed, urged the war horse, and walked out of his side. Before the two army formations, he arched his hand at Zhong Tian and said, "Last General Zi has seen Master Zhong!"

Master Zhong is what Zhong Tian has not yet called Wang Shizi.

Zhong Tian heard a dark frown, and he could hear it, and now Zizi no longer acknowledges him as a king. Zhong Tian depressed his anger, and spoke as softly as possible, saying, "I am not a thin general! I promote you from an ordinary soldier to a captain, a regiment, and even a grand general, but you are the key. At any moment, when confronted, how can you deserve the trust of the King, and how can you deserve the knowledge of the King? Is it that the King, the son-in-law who has been entrusted with the heavy task, is a ruthless, unjust, filial piety, greedy for life and death ? "

Zhong Tian's uniformed soldiers are not good at fighting, but they have a good eloquence. After speaking a few words, they dumbly asked Zi Zi, and his face was red and red.

When he saw him ashamed, Zhong Tian pretended to sigh, and said, "My King believes that General Zi Zi is not such a person. Even if he is defeated, there must be no reason at the time. Previously, Ben The king can not blame the past, as long as General Ziyi can now return to his side, the King will still trust and reuse the General Zizi, and he can even take out half of the country and share it with the general! "

This statement is too heavy. Since ancient times, Jiangshan has been the king. How can there be examples of kings sharing with courtiers? As soon as Zhong Tian said this, the generals of both armies couldn't help but inhale.

In fact, Zhong Tian is just talking pretty. In fact, where is he left? There is nothing but a blank check. Do n’t say no. Even if there is, he will not share it with others. He has long hated Zi Zi. If it is the latter, Really willing to vote back, Zhong Tian's first thing to do was to get rid of him.

Ziyu is not a maggot in Zhong Tian's stomach, and naturally he doesn't know what he thinks, but he is very touched by Zhong Tian's words. Just when he didn't know what to say, the deputy regiment of the Tianying Army Long Junuo urged the horse to come to his side, first staring at Zhong Tian fiercely, and then said to the son-in-law, "General, don't listen to the clever words of Zhong Tian's old thief. This old thief robs the king and sells his country for glory. What has it been tossing my mighty gale kingdom? Until now he didn't know how to repent, and he was inspiring, and the general should come down and kill the thief for the country! "

After speaking, Juno yelled at Zhong Tian again, "Old thief, General Zizi knows the righteousness, how can he be mingled with the national thief? If you have any truth, just use it on the battlefield. Power! "

Although Juno was just a rough man, his words made Ziyi savvy. Yes, he chose Tang Yin not because he was greedy for life or death, but for the sake of thousands of people in the country. Peng The country is immortal. It is not only the country name that is lost by the wind country, but also the country and the dignity of the country.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, looked up at the opposite Zhong Tian, ​​and said positively, "Since the general is born a wind man, death is also a wind ghost. Lord Zhong, after listening to the admonition of the end, now it is too late to repent, as long as the bell The adult is willing to surrender, the end general will do his utmost to plead with the adult to save the life of the adult. If the adult refuses, the end will be willing to go to Huangquan with the adult to report the favor of the adult ... "

After waiting for his son to finish his speech, Zhong Tian couldn't help it anymore, his eyes spit fire, and his roar screamed, "Fart! You, a wicked villain, I knew today, King It was time to kill you with thousands of swords and corpses! "After speaking, he looked back at the general behind him and asked," Who wants to take the rank of Zizi? "

"I'm going!" With a stop, a Peng urged the horse out.

The son-in-law is a general and will not be a martial artist. This point is clear to all Peng generals, so after Zhong Tian asked, the Peng army was eager to try, but this Peng general was the fastest and rushed directly to the two army formations. before.

Seeing the enemy will come out and call war, Junuo waved to Zi Xun and said, "The general will go back to the front to watch the battle, and the last will go to fight him!" After speaking, he did not wait for Zi Xun to agree, and urged the horse to kill him ~ www .readwn.com ~ I saw that I was not here. There was a burly general with a spear. The Peng would be shocked. When Juno rushed forward, he asked, "Come on! "

Juno didn't return anything, rushed directly to the other horse, and stabbed the gun.

Na Peng was startled and hurriedly dodging.


Juno's pistol almost passed through his chest, and at the same time Peng Jiang was shocked with cold sweat.

"A good thing that doesn't understand the rules!" Peng would yell, stabbing Juno's left shoulder diagonally. The latter withdrew his gun, swung it up, and hardened his edge.

When the puppet-the spirit knife was chopped on the pistol's muzzle, Mars burst into a ball. When the two sides stumbled, Juno suddenly used a return carbine to return to the aspiration of General Peng.

Peng Jiang responded quickly and hurriedly blocked the sword. He bounced Juno's carbine back, but when the opponent had a second hand, Juno took out the sword with his other hand. Pointed at Peng Jiang's weakness

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