The arrival of Shang Guanyuan let the battle invincible lose the last bit of warfare. He watched his war horse split in half by Shang Guanyuan. He didn't even return his hand, and turned to run outside the battlefield. Shangguan Yuanrang didn't look at other people at all. In his opinion, the only one who could be called an opponent was invincible.

At this point, when the battle was invincible, Shangguan Yuan made Haha laugh and urged the horse to chase after him. The panic of running invincibly, Ning Bingning yelled to the surrounding Ning Bing while running: "Stop him! Stop him!"

Ning Bingning was dumbfounded. The invincible war was simply a **** of war in their minds. When did they lose so miserably, and they even lost to the opponent without even having a move? This is incredible. Surprised and surprised, many Ning soldiers still flocked around, blocking the way of Shangguan Yuanrong.

Shangguan Yuan made a humorous laugh, and Zema rushed to Ning Bing. The three-pointed and two-edged sword stabbed forward, and he heard a plop. Two Ning Bing were pierced by the blade, and his body strung on the pole. Shangguan Yuan trembled his arm and screamed loudly, and he heard two clicks. The two bodies of Ning Bing and the armor on his body were cracked hard and broken into two pieces. The blood sprayed out splashed around the people's faces. Full body, without waiting for the rest of Ning Bing to return, Shangguan Yuan asked one hand to lift the three-pointed and two-edged knife high and cut it down with all his strength. Flutter! The gloomy cold light flashed, and the heads of the four Ning soldiers blocking his side were cut off in half, and only the half of the corpse stood on the ground and shook it a few times before falling to the ground.


On the other side, several Ning Bing screamed and shouted the halberd in his hand to Guan Yuan to stab it in the past. Shangguan Yuanyuan never thought about it. Quickly retract the knife, pick it back, click, several halberds were picked straight, the tip of the halberd was broken, and the ground was scattered, waiting for the other party to retreat. A swipe swept out, and Ning Bing, who still had half a weapon in his hand, fell to the ground.

Although Ning Bing has a large number of people, but compared to Shangguan Yuanrang, it is no different from the ants. Even if they do n’t use Lingwu skills, the sword is opened and people are cut like vegetables. Numerous Ning Bing rushed up and fell down. , Shangguan Yuan let the place pass, blood flowed into the river, broken limbs covered the ground, this is really a blood route to kill.

Zhan Wudi did not run towards his brother Zhan Wushuang, but ran towards Zhong Tian.

At the critical moment, the invincible battle was not impulsive, but the mind was extremely calm. Shangguan Yuan was too powerful, and it was really not something he could handle, but the three Shenchi masters around Zhong Tian were not easy, but the three of them still refused to make a decision, and brought Shang Guanyuan to Zhong Tian to see the three Can the famous masters of God stay out of the matter?

He did not escape quickly, just to let Shangguan Yuan let him see him, but he could not catch up with him.

When the invincible battle ran to the edge of the battlefield, I saw Zhong Tian watching the battle at a glance, as if afraid that the Shangguan Yuan behind him could not hear it, and pulled his neck and shouted: "King, run, Shangguan Yuan let the kill Come up! "

His voice was so loud that it was like a clear sky and thunderstorm in the chaos, not to mention the Shangguan Yuanrang behind, even people on the side of the battlefield could vaguely hear it.

really. When he heard the word "Jun Shang", Shang Guanyuan shook his body, and the tiger's head lighted up immediately. The one who could be called the monarch by the invincible must be Zhong Tian. Is Zhong Tian nearby? Thinking of this, he picked up Reiki, a three-pointed and two-edged sword with great light, and Lingran's wind screamed out.

Only momentarily, when the soldier Ning soldier in front of him threw a piece, by this neutral position, Shangguan Yuan let his neck be stretched, and he looked at it with a probe, and saw that the invincible was running towards one person.

The man was in his forties or fifties, wearing a black brocade robe with a jade belt around his waist, a jade crown on his head, a white face and black beard, and thick eyebrows. His appearance was not handsome, but it was not ugly. After watching it, Shangguan Yuan made almost 100% affirmation that this person is Zhong Tian.

Seeing Zhong Tian, ​​Shang Guan Yuanrang immediately left Zhan Invincible behind him. After all, Zhong Tian's head was much more valuable than Zhan Tian. Even so calm Wu Guang could kill Zhong Tian regardless of everything, let alone Shangguan Yuan let.

He yelled, "Give me everything you don't want to die!" Between words, his legs were tightly pinched between the horse's belly, the horse was hurting, hissing, he jumped forward, and uttered two or three meters. Far away, Shangguan Yuanrang was like a tiger coming down the mountain, his eyes were red, and he urged the horse to go straight to Zhong Tian.

Ning Bingning was already scared away by him. At this time, when he saw that he was slamming like a madman, who still dared to stop him and gave way to both sides. Shangguan Yuanrang almost reached Zhongtian unobstructed. Recently, as for the invincible war that had brought him in, he had already turned his head and ran away, and went to find his brother.

Let's say that Shangguan Yuanrang rushed to Zhongtian without saying a word. He turned up the spirit knife in his hand, and the oblique shoulder strap was carrying a heavy split.

Zhong Tian did want to dodge, but his degree was faster than Shangguan Yuanrang's sword. When he turned around and realized that it was not good, and then tried to dodge, the blade had reached his shoulders. At this moment, the wind-fighting sword standing behind Zhong Tian suddenly reached out and buckled the jade belt around his waist, and then pulled back hard.



Shangguan Yuanrong's knife almost passed by Zhong Tian's chest, and Zhong Tian was pulled by the wind-sword, his body was like an off-string arrow, and he shot straight and straight out, flying full. It was more than five meters away before he landed on the ground and rolled out three meters, and finally stopped.

Looking at Zhongtian again, although he escaped the stabbing that Shangguan Yuan let him die, the force of the fall almost cost him half a life. He was lying on the ground with a gray face and a shame, and the bones all over his body were falling apart. I can't stand for a while.

Seeing that Zhong Tian was going to be stabbed under the knife, at this time someone came out to make a stalk. The seven tactics of Shangguan Yuan let the Qi smoke, looking at the chasing sword standing in front of his horse. Tear you! "Then, the round of the knife rounded in his hand, aiming at the top of the chasing sword, chopping with all his strength.

The scoring sword is also a powerful and thunderous sword.

The blade rubbing the air is no longer a sharp whistling, but a dull buzz. The Herald Sword stood still without moving, except that a white mist erupted around his body, instantly covering his body with a layer of silver-white spirit armor. At the same time, he did not know when he would have an extra thin hand. The long spiritual sword is about five feet long, which is more than half the length of an ordinary sword.

He lifted the spirit sword in his hand, holding the sword handle in one hand, and holding the sword body in one hand, to hard-connect the heavy knife of Guan Yuanrang.

You did it yourself! Seeing this, Shangguan Yuan let his teeth clenched, and used the force of the falling sword to achieve 12%.

Dangxiong—this loud and loud sound, as if it were going to fall apart. This is the collision between the spirit soldier and the spirit soldier, and also the confrontation between the spirit wave and the spirit wave. The stones and the ground under the blade of the wind-fighting sword were directly pressed into powder by the powerful spiritual pressure. The soil debris wandered all over the sky with the spiritual waves, and a large circular pit with a length of two meters grew out of the ground. Looking coldly, the wind-fighting sword seemed to be The whole person was about to fall into the ground.

The lingering spirit waves in the air and the people around them retreated involuntarily, and the violent sound also buzzed the ears of the left and right people, and they could not hear anything. Even Zhongtian, who was flew far away, was shaken. His chest was stuffed, his body was on the ground, his hands were covering his ears, and he was screaming and retching, as if he were in purgatory.

Shangguan Yuan made the warhorse that could step down to withstand the powerful spirit pressure. The shocked Qiqiao bleed to the ground, thumped on the ground, and could no longer stand up.

It can be said that both sides did not expect the other's cultivation to be so profound.

At this point, Shangguan Yuanrang had stood on the ground. He held the knife in both hands, and the blade was still pressed against the spirit sword, but the chasing sword did not budge. Even if he was in the pit, he hadn't stepped back and still held the sword with his hands. Hold on to the three-pointed and two-edged sword of Shangguan Yuanrang.

The two are fighting against each other's strength and their respective cultivation.

However, Shangguan Yuanrong was the active party after all, and he was standing outside the pit and standing high. The two confronted each other for a moment. The wind-sword felt that he couldn't resist the pressure of the other side. He bit his teeth and shouted with all his strength. At the same time, the spirit sword holding the three-pointed and two-edged sword suddenly exuded a thick white mist. The white mist enveloped the spirit sword and slowly turned into an entity. Then, the sword's body flashed a dazzling light. The tip of the Spirit Sword is several feet long, like a silvery white tentacle, twisting in the air, and stabbing directly towards Guanyuan's neck throat.

This sudden change is too incredible and too counterintuitive. At present, the spirit sword of the wind-fighting sword still holds the sword of Shangguan Yuanrang, but the sharp edge of the sword has magically pierced the key of Shangguanyuan.

For ordinary spiritual practitioners, at this time, they will definitely think that the sword of the wind is using black magic, but Shangguan Yuan let them know that the opponent is not using any black magic, but only the spiritual practitioner who has achieved extremely advanced attainments. The "Spirit of Bing" that can be used is also the advanced step of Bing Zhiling.

Annoyingly loudly! Shangguan Yuan was too late to think about it, his head hurried to the side, hey! The sharp sword's sharp edge stabbed against his neck.

But this is not the end ~ ~ The spirit sword that pierced the past is as soft as a whip, making a sharp turn in the air, and then stabs back.

Shangguan Yuan had already prepared for it, bowed his head again, and dodged the stabbed back sword. Before waiting for the opponent to move in again, he retracted the three-pointed two-edged sword, and at the same time, his body continued to move backwards, and fully withdrew to three meters away. Only then did the body stabilize.

At this point, the two already have a certain understanding of the strength of each other, and invariably use insight to check each other's specific practices.

"What a spirit and god!"

"Spiritual Realm!"

The first sentence was said by the chasing sword, and the second sentence was the sigh of Shangguan Yuanrang. He was the first time he encountered the master who cultivated to reach the realm of spirit.

He was lamenting, wasn't it true that the sword of the wind-fighting.

He can also be regarded as a genius who is suitable for spiritual and spiritual training. He has worked hard in the Shenchi for dozens of years, and he has reached the level of spiritual deities. It's not under you, which makes people have to lament the unfairness of God.

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