After listening to Cheng Jin's reply, Tang Yin couldn't help frowning. If even Cheng Jin felt strenuous, it would be difficult for ordinary soldiers to swim past.

Zhao An said, "This general will definitely not understand water, otherwise, with the help of ropes, it will save energy."

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "Most of our generals don't understand water."

Cheng Jin's eyes rolled around and said, "Sir, in order to prevent sinking in the water, you have to work hard to hold the rope. This is the most labor-intensive task. If you can cross a river by holding a wooden stake, you will get twice the result with half the effort. . "

"Oh?" Tang Yin heard his eyes lightened, thought for a moment, and had an idea in his heart. He smiled and said to Cheng Jin and others, "Let's go back!" Then, he said again, "You Follow me back and go to the prefecture to collect the bounty. "

Hearing the word bounty, Zhao An immediately changed her eyes and smiled, her mouth couldn't be closed, she nodded even.

A team of four people returned the same way.

There was no speech on the road. After returning to the county government, Tang Yin didn't break his word. He did give Zhao Anbai two gold as a reward, but did not let him leave immediately, but temporarily placed him under house arrest. In Tang Yin's opinion, he can tell himself about this and receive a bounty. If he doesn't get it, he will also go to Jiangbei, tell Zhan Wushuang about it, and get a bounty. The human heart is sinister and must be prevented. This is also Tang Yin's consistent style.

People took Zhao An away, Tang Yin didn't delay any more, and immediately ordered him to recruit his generals.

Soon, Shangguan Yuanrang, Zhanhu, Zizi, etc. will arrive one after the other, and when everyone arrives, Tang Yin will repeat the original story of the river crossing rope provided by Zhao An. After listening to his words, everyone was shocked and delighted. This is really a pie falling from the sky. As long as they can sneak across Lushui and approach the enemy, the tens of thousands of Peng soldiers on the other side are not at all worried.

Shangguan Yuan asked to intervene in salute, and said positively: "Sir, the end will be willing to lead the 2,000 brothers to cross the river first. This time, the Peng army on the other side will be wiped out. If it is not yet possible, the end will return to see the adult." Since joining the army, although Shangguan Yuanrong has also defeated the battle, it has never been defeated like this time, so miserable, he has not even hurt the enemy, and his brothers have been almost wiped out. He had a long sigh of anger in his heart, and now it was time for his breath.

Tang Yin looked at Guan Yuanrang with a smile, shook his head, and said, "Yuanrang, don't rush, this matter also needs to be discussed in a long time." After speaking, he looked at Zizi and said, "General Zizi, who crossed the river. The raft still needs to be rushed, and more efforts must be made to make the opposite Peng Army think that we will continue to cross the river with rafts. "

Ziyi understood that Tang Yin used the strategy of hiding the sky and crossing the sea. He smiled and said, "Yes, sir, I will understand!"

"And ..." Tang Yin took out a roll of silk cloth from his side and handed it to Ziyi. The latter didn't know what it was. Somehow took it and unfolded it. A rectangle was drawn on the silk cloth, which was semi-circular on the front and back. It was as wide as one person and as long as half a foot. Not to mention that I did n’t understand it. Inexplicable, I don't know what Tang Yin painted.

Tang Yinhan said with a smile: "General Zizi, according to this figure, make exactly the same size, not too thick, not too thin, half an inch, you have to make two thousand in two days, can you do Arrived? "

Wooden boards are easy to do, but Ziyi does not understand what Tang Yin wants to do with two thousand wooden boards. He asked: "My lord wants these boards for ..."

"Crossing the river!" Tang Yin said with narrowed eyes. "General Cheng Jin has tried it in person. Even with the rope as an aid, if you do n’t know the water and want to pass the water, it is still not easy. So I created two thousand planks. I The generals can lie on the wooden boards, just hold the rope tight and not be washed away by the river. In this way, crossing the river will not only save effort, but will also be faster. "

"That's it!" After listening to Tang Yin's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they had re-examined the graphic drawn by Tang Yin. Although there were only four lines, the more delicate they became, the more suitable the semicircles were, which were more suitable for sliding in the water. Zi Zi couldn't help but praise: "Master, clever! At the end, the commanders will immediately order the soldiers to make this thing."

"Well!" Tang Yin nodded.

The graphics he just drew were not his own imagination. The inspiration was from surfing skateboarding. Although he had never played it, he also saw it and thought it would be more suitable to cross the river with skateboarding.

After a pause, he added: "It is reported that two days later, a general of 100,000 plains, general Xiao Muqing, will arrive in Lishan City. By then, our army's wooden planks will just be finished. By then, our army will be on the front. Putting on the offensive to attract the attention of the enemy forces, secretly, Yuan Rang led two thousand soldiers and sneaked away from the shallows in the east of the city. As long as Yuan Rang and the enemy started the war, our army would forcefully cross the raft. Jiang, generals, can you disagree? "

Everyone admired Tang Yin's close and meticulous arrangements, rubbing his fists and rubbing his hands together, saying, "Master, wise, the end will obey!"

"Well, since everyone agrees, as soon as the brothers of the Plains Army arrive, we will immediately attack the enemy forces on the North Shore!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Now the spirits of the generals have been raised again, especially Shangguan Yuanrang, with his eyes full of light, can't wait to fly to the other side at once, killing the Pengjun, and revenge for the 5,000 brothers who died.

Tang Yin looked at the excited Shangguan Yuanrang and said to Zhanhu side by side, "Zhanhu, this time you are walking with Yuanrang."

The battle tiger is not as brave as Shangguan Yuan, but the war tiger is careful and calm-headed, and there is a war tiger beside Shangguan Yuan to let him, Tang Yin is more at ease.

Regarding his arrangement, Zhanhu had no objection. He stepped in to get the order, but Shangguan Yuanrong's face sank. He didn't even see Zhanhu. Instead, he asked Tang Yin: "I think that I can't control 2,000 brothers by myself?" "

Tang Yin understood Shangguan Yuanrang's temper. If he said he was uneasy and asked him to lead the army alone, then Shangguan Yuanrang became furious. He had already thought about the wording, and smiled slightly, saying, "Yuan don't underestimate the enemy army, don't forget, there is also a master of Chichi's chasing sword in the enemy army. But you can contend with him. Once you are entangled in the wind-fighting sword, I am afraid that the two thousand soldiers in our army will not be able to match tens of thousands of enemy forces! "

"Oh! I'm worried about this!" Shang Guanyuan let him laugh, his head raised, he looked at the generals, and his pride came out naturally. Cut the sword of chasing the wind under the sword, and take his level sacrifice the brother Jiang Mo's spirit in heaven! "

Tang Yin nodded slowly. The Windward Sword is not on the opposite bank, he does n’t know, but even if he does, he believes that the current Windsword is definitely not the opponent of Shangguan Yuanrang. After all, on the top of the mountain with ghosts, he stabbed the two swords of the Windsword. It is also very serious. The other party is not a secret spiritual practitioner and cannot be cured in a short time.

The investigation reports of Tianyan and Geonet were correct. Two days later, Pingyuan Army arrived in Lishan City as scheduled.

The army capacity of the Plains Army is much worse than that of the Skyhawk Army. From top to bottom, the generals are very loose. Especially after entering Takagawa-gun, the Plains generals did not adapt to the climate and heat of the highlands, and many soldiers brought their uniforms and trousers. They all took off, shirtless and armored, and they looked indecent.

Because the Plain Army was not lightly armed, the army was accompanied by a large amount of grain, heavy weight, and large siege weapons, so the march was much slower. Tang Yin had been delayed for ten days in Lishan City to catch up. However, the speed of the Plains Army is still fairly fast. The Sanshui Army and the Chifeng Army are behind. As for the 20,000 Besa Cavalry, they did not enter Takagawa-gun at all. When the cavalry is fighting in the mountains, it is equivalent to pushing the cavalry into the fire pit. .

As the 100,000 Plains Army entered Lishan City, the momentum of the Tianyuan Army immediately increased, and Lishan City could not accommodate so many troops. The Plains Army camp was set up on the bank of the Laoshui and looked at them from the opposite bank. I saw army flags like forests, armoured guards everywhere, camps next to camps, and I couldn't see the margins at a glance. When the pot was open for cooking, the black smoke rising everywhere went straight into the sky.

Seeing such a confrontation, even if there was the danger of backwaters, the generals of the Peng Army could not help but feel terrified.

On the morning of the arrival of the Plains Army, early in the morning, Tang Yin issued an order to attack.

These days, the Tianyuan Army rushed to build about five hundred rafts overnight. At this time, all the rafts had been dragged into the riverside. A team of Tianyuan Army began to board the raft and make an attitude towards the opposite bank. While the generals were waiting for Tang Yin to order the attack, Tang Yin stepped out of the carriage and walked across the shore ~ ​​ ~ directly onto a raft.

Seeing that Tang Yin suddenly got on the raft, the generals were startled, and rushed forward in unison, asking one after another: "Master ... you ... what are you doing?"

Tang Yin looked around the generals, and then turned to look at the soldiers on the rafts on the left and right. He shouted, "Three days ago, here, our army injured 6,000 soldiers. Today we are attacking here again. ? "

"Not afraid!"

Upon hearing Tang Yin's question, the soldiers on the raft answered in unison.

They said so in their mouths, but they did n’t think so in their hearts. They were not afraid of them in the water. On the 6th place, they were not afraid of anyone. Even if the enemy had thousands of horses, they dared to rush up and fight, but in the water. The generals of the Tianyuan Army all had a sense of weakness. The fiasco defeat three days ago was vividly remembered. It is absolutely deceiving to say that they are not afraid or nervous at this time.

Tang Yin understood the minds of the soldiers. He shouted, "We will have a shame before the battle today. No matter how fierce the enemy's counterattack is, we will rush to the other side in a rage. This time, I will go with your brothers. Fight side by side, live, I live with my brothers, die, and I die with my brothers, now, are you still afraid? "

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