Tang Yin, Lotte and Jiang Fan rushed. Get out of the game. Enter Mozambique. Throughout the entire Mozambique. Enter the territory of Anguo. Go south. Dry up. Day and night trip. Called tens of thousands of hardships.

Yasukuni. Located in the south of Mozambique. Go north of Beijing. It is one of the three vassal states bordering Beijing. Anguo has a vast territory. And it occupies a large area of ​​the richest and most central land in the Haotian Empire. National well-being and strong. Since the founding of Anguo. There has never been war. Nor was it attacked by other vassal states. Although the surrounding vassal states all coveted the rich land of Anguo. But its strong national strength has also made other countries shun three points. He was once the strongest crownless king among the nine lords. The words of the monarch An Guo are even more useful than the imperial edicts of the emperor.

Just in recent years. With the rapid rise of the princely nations such as Ning, Mo, and Jade. The influence of Anguo has gradually weakened because Ning and Mo are in the north. There is also the lucky system of the wind country. It does not pose a threat to Anguo. It is a rising jade. " The two countries should not be underestimated. In particular, "the country. Dominates the southern empire. Its military strength is expanding rapidly. It also receives the strong support of Shenchi. It is seen from the south of Shangjing. It has begun to show a stance of calling for group pushes.

Enter Anguo. Immediately people will feel the country as it is. Stable and prosperous Because of the long-term stability of An Guo, there is no war. The population has steadily increased. Nine princes domestic. Anguo has the largest population. Villages and towns can be found everywhere in Angkor territory. Its peace is prosperous. Jealous

This day. Tang Xuan went to Tianhe County in Anguo. This is located in the south of Angola. It's not too far from the southern border. Rakuten is responsible for intelligence after all. He also has a general understanding of the terrain of Anguo. Walking forward. He said to Tang Xuan: Lord. It's not far from Shanghai. As we are now. You can go to Anguo in three days. Enter the capital! , Tang Yin smiled. Asked casually: How many days have we left Yancheng? , Adults. Sixteen days have passed "Rakuten didn't even think about it. He answered directly

Tang Yin couldn't help sighing. Yancheng is far away from Shangjing. But if there is modern transportation. Can be reached in less than a day. And now. The three of them ride fast horses overnight, and the little ones support positive reading! Yuliang Ming Dynasty era online game zone "below from the mouth to add. Old" mouth to delete sister. Countless horses have been traded. Running for sixteen days. It is three days away from Shanghai. Now he can finally understand why Jiang Lu took so long to go to Beijing. It is not that Jiang Lu moves slowly. The walk is really too long.

Hear his sigh. Lotte thought that Tang Yin was complaining that his side was too slow. He hurriedly said, sir. We are fast enough. Under normal circumstances. It takes at least two months from Yancheng to Shanghai. We used it in less than twenty days. It is the limit. 6 Yin nodded. It's sky. It's almost evening. Look at Lotte and Jiang Fan again. All unkempt. There was a thick layer of dust on the body. Don't look at it. His own condition is not much better, he said quietly, "Let's find a place to take a breath today. Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow again, "it is rare to be able to breathe all night. Lotte and Jiang Fan are very happy. Nod and should go.

Go forward not far. Dan meets a small town. The three dismounted in front of a tea house on the edge of town. The probe looks inside. The teahouse is small. There are not many guests inside. Tang Yin said to Lotte and Jiang Fan: Let's eat here first! 6 Café "Yes!" Jiang Fan promised. He took the horse's rope. Tied to a horse stake outside the teahouse. Tang Yin and Lotte choked off the dust on their bodies. Walked into the teahouse.

Just looking at the costumes of Tang Yin's three people knows that they are not locals. After the recent trio. Immediately came to watch the teahouse guests. But nothing special was seen in them. People turned around again. Continue drinking tea. There is no chat

Tang Xuan, Lotte and Jiang Fan sat down at a table near the window. quickly. The guy in the teahouse ran forward. He smiled and asked: Three guest officers. any drinks? 6 cents tea! What good tea? Despite coming up, Lotte raised his head and said: Do you have anything to eat here? "Oh," what does the guest officer want to eat? "Everything is fine. Just fill your belly! Feiming North is easy to handle! Please wait a moment. The guest will be delivered immediately." My favorite is such a guest. Not wordy. He ordered anything at random, and he simply answered. Turn around and leave

Waiting for Buddhism to bring tea and food. Tang Yin also listened to the chat from other guests. These guests are residents near the tea house. Know each other. Speak freely. All they talk about is this trivial matter.

But the conversation between the two middle-aged people near the table on the left-hand side of Tang Yin aroused his interest.

I heard last night. Two other babies were lost in town. I heard that too. Is this the tenth? "Well. If no one comes out to control again. I think people with children in their homes will have to help them out. It ’s fine, it does n’t matter. It does n’t matter! It ’s said that the county has transferred masters of Lingwu. But to no avail.” I do n’t know exactly Who did this wicked thing? !! 6 cents, I do n’t think it ’s human. I guess there may be ghosts in town. Here. Tang Yin couldn't help laughing. Ghost. It's nonsense! Hearing his smirk. The two middle-aged men turned their heads. Frowning and looking at Tang Yin. Look him up and down for a while. One of them asked: Young man. Why are you laughing? Zhibi Pei was lost. It must be done by people. It just didn't catch it, "Tang Yin said with a smile.

The middle-aged man who said it was a ghost did a chuckle. He said disapprovingly: The four deaths said that they were not the people in this town. I do n’t know anything about it. It is also important to put the word out here. Self-righteousness "Tang Xuan shrugged. Just then the guy delivered the tea. Tang Xuan got a cup of tea. He blew it slightly. He slowly drank the tea. Ignore him

Nothing to do with yourself. He lazily asked more. People who have nothing to do with themselves. He is too lazy to talk nonsense

See Tang Xuan no longer speak. He thought he knew his reasons. The middle-aged man gave him another look. Continue chatting with peers

When the shop buddies serve simple meals again. Tang Xuan asked: Dude. Is there a hotel in town? "Yes! Guest officer. You go straight along the road outside. Waiting for the town. You can see the largest inn in the town. Comfortable and fair." The shop buddy enthusiastically declared to Tang Doing an introduction.

After listening to Tang Yin. Thank you with a smile. Then they ate with Lotte and Jiang Fan.

bsp; is off.

The trio were quick. not long time. I drank all the dishes on the table

. then. Lotte called the shop buddy. Take a piece of broken silver and hand it to him. Say: No

Use it. Thank you very much, thank you very much! , Anguo's prices are relatively low. A piece of broken silver can buy a lot of things. Shop buddy Le closed his mouth. Rush

Tang Yin and others nodded and thanked him

Waiting out of the tea house. Get on the horse. Rakuten could not help asking curiously, sir

. Who would steal a baby in town? What's the use of stealing a baby? Tang Xuan shrugged

. He said casually: The ghost knew it had nothing to do with us. No need for multiple tubes. Car this, yes! grown ups! , Lotte nodded.

According to shop buddies. The three men went forward on horseback. really. Lots in the center near town. There is a small inn on the roadside. Up and down two levels. A huge plaque hung above the gate. Long Fei Feng Wu has four big characters. Jiri Inn

See this big inn. Tang Yin, Lotte, and Jiang all sighed in their hearts. No

Wait in. The comfort of lying on a soft bed has begun to emerge in the minds of the three

The three have just dismounted. The second child of the inn greeted from the inside. Asked with a smile on his face

:, Do the three guest officials live? "Yes!" Lotte said, "Give us three rooms. Let's talk. He pats the horses around him

. And said :, and then prepare the fine straw. We have to hurry tomorrow morning to know that vomiting is good, good, good. Three guest officers please come inside! Xiaodian Er shouted that the other buddies would take the three horses to the inner courtyard. One side greeted Tang Xuan three to enter the inn.

Because the town is small. It is not located in the main road. Not many businessmen and tourists in the past

. The inn also seemed very calm. Few rooms are occupied.

After entering the inn. The shop's second person took Tang Yin and others directly to the second floor. Stop in front of the three rooms. Asked: Three objective. Are these three rooms satisfactory? Three rooms are adjacent. Get into it. It feels spacious enough. Tang Yinhan

Nodded with a smile. Said: OK. Just these three! , Tang Yin, Lotte and Jiang

Where to stay in the inn. Because I hurried day after day. All three are too tired. In their respective rooms

After the Lord showered. It was not completely dark yet. Three of them were in bed. Covered his head awake.

I don't know how long I slept. Tang Yin was suddenly awakened by a short and slight wind breaking.

Don't look at being asleep. But the habit he has developed throughout the year still makes his six senses sharp.

amazing. Any wind and grass could not hide his ears.

It was Tang Xuantu, who was lying on the bed while his clothes were shaking with the wind when he was in a hurry

Then opened her eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ and rolled over. Get out of bed. Bare feet. Go to the window. Push the window

Make a gap. Look at the appearance.

It was late at night. Catch the clouds again. It was dark and no fingers were seen. change

Beside others. May not see anything. But Tang Yin has Yeyan. He could see everything in the window. I saw it in front of the inn. There was a dark shadow running across the roof. The man's degree was like wind. Anxious like electricity. What surprised Tang Yin the most was. that

When people walk to the edge of an eave. Body shape will suddenly disappear. Then appeared directly on the eaves opposite. That is the Shadow Drift that can only be used by Dark Practitioners

In this town, you can see the dark spiritual practitioners who use shadow drift so continuously.

. How can Tang Yin not be surprised. Then he suddenly remembered the conversation between the two middle-aged people in the teahouse.

words. Is it. Things about losing a baby. Will it be related to this person?

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