The next day, in the morning, Xiao Min came to the inn to find Tang Yin. He also brought a big bag, opened it, and it contained armor, military uniform, and a long and narrow sabre.

Xiao Min said to Tang Yin: & t; Put them on and try them to see if they fit. & t; Tang Yin picked up the helmet easily, and looked back and forth. To be honest, the armor of the palace guards was not as delicate as the armor worn by ordinary soldiers of Anguo, but it was much stronger than the leather of the wind country. He nodded, then looked at Xiao Min with a smile, and didn't speak.

& t; You change it, what do you stare at me for? & t; Xiao Min was anxious, seeing Tang Yin staring at herself, and immediately made a dissatisfaction. After a pause, she realized that Tang Yin was waiting for herself to go out. She pouted and murmured: & t; The big man still has so many problems ... & t; so that she still walked out of Tang Yin's room.

After Xiao Min left, Tang Yin took off his casual clothes and replaced them with the uniforms of the palace guards. Most of the military uniforms are made of cotton, and some of them are brocade material, which is both mental and comfortable to wear. After Tang Yin dressed well, she bowed her head and nodded secretly. Xiao Min's vision was good, and her military uniform was also fitting. Then, both Lotte and Jiang Fan stepped forward and dressed Tang Yin with helmets, breastplates, shoulder pads, knee pads and other trivial armors. At the same time, Lotte frowned and said, "Master, Xiao Min only brought a set of armor With military uniforms, I am afraid Jiang Jiang and I will not be allowed to enter the palace! & t; Tang Yin smiled indifferently and said: & t; You don't need to go with me this time. The palace is forbidden and the defense is strict. If there are many people going, it will be easy to expose. & t; But ... But let Tang Yin go to the palace alone, and Lotte and Jiang Fan were really at ease. In case anyone noticed the clues, they even started to work, and there wasn't even a person who could take care of it.

Seeing the worries of Lotte and Jiang Fan, Tang Yin shrugged casually and said: "Take it easy, nothing will happen, even if it is unexpected, I can't beat each other, I can always run away." & t; Listening to him, Lotte and Jiang Fan glanced at each other, their brows were still locked, but there was no more words. They are very confident in Tang Yin's skills, but the palace is forbidden, and the experts among them should not be underestimated.

After neatly putting on the armor, Tang Yin picked up the sabre on the table, hung it around her waist, then straightened her body, and smiled and asked the three of Lotte, Jiang Fan, and Jiang Lu: & t; how? Do I look like a palace guard? Before waiting for Lotte to talk to Jiang Fan, Jiang Lu smiled beforehand: & t; The adult is absolutely brilliant. No matter who wears this armor, there will be no magic from the adult! & t; & t; haha! & t; Tang Yin laughed lightly, turned around and walked to the door, opened the door, and Xiao Min, who was waiting outside, laughed: & t; Xiao Min, made you wait for a long time. After hearing the words, Xiao Min, standing with his back to the door, hurriedly turned back, and saw Tang Yin dressed up, Xiao Min's eyes were also bright. Tang Yin is tall and tall, with perfect body shape, wide shoulders and thick back, and long legs. Although she is not burly, she is a bit skinny, but she will never feel sick, plus his handsome appearance, and then put on majesty. The sloppy military uniform, the wicked atmosphere was weakened a lot, but it was a little more masculine and majestic.

It is no wonder that Her Royal Highness has been obsessed with Tang Yin. He is indeed a man who can make a woman's eyes fascinate men. Besides, His Royal Highness has never seen a few men since he was a child. Xiao Min sighed secretly. She has a good opinion of Tang Yin, but this feeling is only a friend's affection for friends, not for men and women.

She lifted her head, smiled at Tang Yin, and praised: "This military uniform is a good fit, and it is also very suitable for you!" & t; & t; Thank you. Tang Yin thanked Xie Xiaomin for her praise and thanked her for taking great risks to help herself.

Xiao Min understood what he meant, and smiled concisely, saying quietly: & t; I help you ... in fact, it is mainly to help the princess ... & t; paused, she took a deep breath and cheered up, and said: & t; not too early, We should be out too. & t; & t; wait a moment. & t; Tang Yin waved her hand to her, then walked back to the room, and said to the three: Lotte, Jiang Fan, and Jiang Lu: & t; During your absence, you should not go anywhere in the inn. The current capital city is also full of danger. & t; Lotte, Jiang Fan, and Jiang Lu naturally understood Tang Yin's meaning. Just yesterday, when Tang Yin arrived at the inn, a mysterious dark spiritual practitioner followed and eavesdropped outside the room. Who knows if the other person will suddenly Difficult for yourself? !!

The three should bow, reminding each other in unison: & t; Be careful, too. & t; & t; Well! & t; Tang Yin responded, without any further delay, and briefly explained two sentences, leaving Xiao Inn with Xiao Min.

Xiao Min came from a horse. Tang Yin also had his own horse. Both of them mounted the horse and went straight to Tianzi Mountain in the center of the capital.

The Royal Palace, where the emperor of the Haotian Empire is, is also the true core of the entire country. The weakening of imperial power has not affected the style and majesty of the imperial palace. The closer it is to the imperial palace, the more shocking it will be. The palace is built around the mountain. There are five floors above and below. From a distance, the dense and magnificent palaces seem to enclose the entire Tianzi Mountain. The number of high-rise towers is countless. The palace, in fact, is more like an independent and huge castle. It is difficult to imagine how much manpower and money would be spent on such a huge project. It is also difficult to imagine that it was the product of thousands of years ago.

It can also be seen that the prosperity and heyday of the Haotian Empire was first established.

Xiao Min took Tang Yin to walk through the West Gate, not the main entrance. Even so, the spacious and tall gate was still amazing. Tang Yin lifted her eyes and looked at it. It is estimated that the palace gate is three meters high and six or seven meters long. On each side of the palace gate, there are two towering stone pillars, white and jade, with carved dragons and panlongs carved on it. , Kirin and other auspicious beasts and totems. Looking to the left and right, it is the palace guards lined with armor. Tang Yin didn't know how many guards were standing here at the gate of the palace, but she looked up, her head was tightly pressed, her helmet was bright, she was imposing, she stood in place, she didn't move, as if there were wooden sculptures made of stone. .

The style of the palace is indeed comparable. Tang Yin walked inward behind Xiao Min, and nodded secretly in praise.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the palace, the guards stepped on both sides, looked up and looked up at Xiao Min and Tang Yin, and then Fang Qiqi bowed and salute, and said respectfully: & t; General Xiao! & t; Xiao Min is the captain of Yin Rou, who is a confidant and holds important positions. He often goes in and out of the palace, and the palace guards responsible for guarding the palace door naturally know her.

Xiao Min has long been accustomed to them. She sat on the horse and only slightly waved her hands. She didn't say anything, and she didn't introduce Tang Yin's identity to the guards at the gate.

Tang Yin followed Xiao Min and entered the palace.

Because he was wearing the armor of the palace guards and followed Xiao Min, although the guards guarding the palace gates did not know him, he did not dare to stop them, and sideways made way to let Tang Yin enter the palace.

Entering the palace gate, you are greeted by an extremely spacious large square. The ground is covered with clear milky white bricks, each of which is about one meter long, with various patterns carved on it. Tang Yin followed Xiao Min. Far away, no square tiles with the same pattern appeared.

There are still many guards here, one next to the other, and there are a lot of patrol guards, and the guards in groups from time to time run across the square.

After crossing the square, I walked a long and wide martyrdom, and there was a step in front of me that could not be seen.

Xiao Min glanced back at Tang Yin, then turned over and dismounted, the latter followed suit, and also flew down immediately.

At this moment, two guards hurried forward at one side, took the horse's reins, and led them to the side.

Xiao Min led Tang Yin up the steps, and as she walked upward, she said softly: & t; There are five floors in the palace. We just walked through the first floor, and there is the Tai'an Treasure Hall in the south. . Tang Yin understood that he nodded, but only walked through the first floor of the palace, so it took so long. If the chapel was built on the top of the mountain, the ministers would vomit blood every day when they went up and down. Tang Yin asked quietly, "How many palaces are there in the palace?" It seems like a lot outside. & t; & t; There are five hundred houses that can be called palaces. As for ordinary pavilions, it is not clear how many, there are probably thousands of them! & t; Xiao Min replied lightly.

Tang Yin listened lingering, 500 palaces, thousands of pavilions, how many royal families can it accommodate? Hundreds of thousands of people can even be hoarded. Such waste and extravagance, it is no wonder that the imperial power of the Haotian Empire will fall into the hands of the vassal states.

He no longer asked about the layout of the palace, and the words turned around and said, "Presumably you have told your Royal Highness that I will enter the palace today?" & t; Xiao Min looked at him in surprise ~ ~ laughed: & t; how do you know? & t; & t; I think if Her Royal Highness does not agree, even if you have the courage to dare not take me privately, let alone see the Princess. & t; & t; You're pretty smart! & t; & t; haha! & t; Tang Yin couldn't help laughing and asked half-jokingly: & t; Did I look awkward? & t; Xiao Min laughed softly with his amusement and didn't speak.

After finally reaching the end of the steps, through a spacious square and a long gangway, the steps appeared again in front. It seems that this step is not shorter than the previous one. Tang Yin sighed with a bitter smile and asked: & t; are we going to the third floor of the palace now? & t; & t; That's right. & t; & t; Excuse me, how high does the Princess live on the first floor of the palace? & t; & t; Of course it's the top level! & t; Xiao Min's answer was straightforward, and at the same time he looked back at Tang Yin, as if he should not blame him for asking such nonsense.

Tang Yin shook her head and smiled: & t; Does Her Royal Highness have to go this far every time she goes out of the palace? & t; & t; You can rest assured that if the princess really wants to go in and out of the palace, someone will pick up and drop off the car, but her Royal Highness will not leave the palace. & t;

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