Wu Mei put on her armor and held a long gun to block the gate of the courtyard. Wu Yu, his husbands, and many servants in Xiangfu all hid in Wu Mei's courtyard.

The Sanshui Army did not find Wu Yu in Xiangfu, and soon searched Wu Mei's side. As Wu Yu expected, the Sanshui Army did not look at others, but did not dare to dance. When she saw her standing at the gate of the courtyard, many soldiers and soldiers dared to watch from a distance, but did not dare to step forward. .

At this time, both Gao Feng and Liu Gang arrived, and saw a charming costume dance, and a charming and charming posture was revealed in the gorgeous beauty. Liu Gang's eyes were bright and her heart was itchy. If such a woman can Touch it, kiss it, it's worth living in this life.

He deliberately froze and turned his head and said to Gao Feng: & t; The old Wuyu thief must be hiding here, General Gao, it's almost time to capture the thief and the female dancer, we rush in! & t; Gao Feng is subject to people, but he hasn't been rigidly dogmatic enough to listen to each other. Wuyu can catch it, but can Meimei touch? That's an adult's fiancee. Once you wait for the adult to leave the customs, if you know that you are rude to dance, ten heads can't be saved! He frowned, turned to look at Liu Gang, and said coldly: & t; Liu Gang, pay attention to your words! & t; Liu Gang was stunned by him, and he didn't realize that there was anything wrong with him. Gao Fengchao said sternly: & t; Ms. Wu Mei is an adult's fiancee. If you dare to speak again, even if you have an arrow in hand, I will take off your head! & t; This **** guy is so loyal to Tang Yin now! Liu Gang's bitter teeth in his heart, but his face was not revealed, he said positively: & gt; General Gao, the Lord has already explained, not only to capture Wu Yu, but also to capture Wu Yu's family all, now dance Mei is right in front of you, General Gao, don't you order quickly? & t; Gao Feng no longer gives in at this time, tit-for-tat said: & t; I will never order to capture Miss Wu Mei, just the opposite, if anyone dares to be rude to Miss Wu Mei, he must blame me for being ruthless! & t; Between speaking, he deliberately raised his sword in his hand.

He is the commander of the Corps. The soldiers and soldiers below are all looking at him. He does not order an attack. Liu Gang does not command the crowd even if he has an arrow from his coach. Hearing that Liu Gang couldn't wait to pounce on Feng Gao bitterly, he asked queerly: & gt; So, is General Gao determined to disobey the order? & t; & t; I think you should also have heard of the phrase & # o39; will not be affected in foreign military orders & # o39; !! & t; the peak asked coldly.

Liu Gang first stunned, and then fluttered a laugh, he nodded, and said: & t; OK, OK, OK, I will pass this on to your grandfather! & t; & t; Listen to respect! & t; Peak replied simply.

& t; hum! General Gao, I have to remind you that annoying Xiangye, you just have to wait to lose your head! & t; Liu Gang threatened unwillingly.

Gao Feng tilted his head and didn't answer again. Listening to Liang Xing's military order is dead, not listening to military order, it is also dead. He would rather choose the latter, at least leave a good name, Tang Yin will also revenge for himself in the future.

Seeing that he was stubborn and wanted to defy the general, Liu Gang reluctantly said as if his face could not be held up: & t; you wait, I'll go to find the grandfather! & t; Speaking, he turned and walked backwards, but before stepping out, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he was shocked and happy: & t; Master, what are you doing here? & t; I heard that Liu Gang called the word “Father”, and Gao Feng ’s body was shocked. He hurriedly put down his sabre and turned around, hoping to see the ceremony, but there were all his own soldiers behind him.

No, Liu Gang cheated! Gao Feng's response was also quick. He only saw that there was no Liang Xing behind, and immediately realized that he had been fooled, but Liu Gang, who had been prepared, did not give him a chance to respond at all, and I did not know when he had dropped his cuff A bright dagger came out and stabbed at the side of the peak.


The distance between the two of them was too close. As soon as Liu Gang's dagger was handed out, they stabbed into Gao Feng's body. The dagger was fast and fierce, piercing his heart from the chest side of the peak, and the latter did not even have the strength to fight back. The body immediately softened, his sword was released, his eyes were round, and he looked at it in disbelief. Liu Gang, the man has fallen straight.

This sudden change stunned the soldiers and soldiers in Sanshui who were present. It was a while before the people returned to God and they heard a bang. Thousands of soldiers came forward and surrounded Liu Gang, one by one. Can't wait to break Liu Gang's body.

Liu Gang had no fear. He held up the arrow in his hand so that the soldiers and soldiers in the Sanshui area could clearly see it, and then shouted: & t; the defensive military order has been corrected by me. If you do n’t want to Follow in his footsteps, obediently listen to my command dispatch! & t; Gao Feng is dead. At this time, it is undoubtedly the biggest arrow. People see the arrow in Liu Gang's hand, and they retreat subconsciously. Seeing the success deterring the soldiers, Liu Gang's expression on his face was both excited and proud, turning his head to look at Wumei, pointing her at the arrow, and shouting loudly: & t; the general of the army listened, immediately stepped forward, put Wu Mei caught me! & t; After shouting, seeing that the soldiers in Sanshui area had no response, Liu Gang screamed angrily: & t; Go! Defend the military order, kill without amnesty! Come on! With Liu Gang's repeated orders, the soldiers of the Sanshui Squad, who had nothing to do with the dragon, had no choice but to listen to his command, each holding a weapon, and slowly pressed towards Wumei.

If you change to other people, facing so many soldiers like wolf-like tigers, you will definitely be scared to retreat back to the hospital. But Wumei is just the opposite. Instead of retreating, he is facing the many soldiers and taking the first two steps. With a wave in the volley, the spear turned into a blood-red spirit gun. She looked around at the soldiers in front of her and drank loudly without fear: & t; Who do you dare to take a step forward? !! The soldiers in Sanshui came up slowly, but they retreated quite quickly. With the charming voice, people heard a bang, and everyone retreated. Wu Mei ’s spiritual practice is not profound, and she has n’t even reached the realm of transformation. Of course, the soldiers in Sanshui are not afraid of her, but Tang Yin behind her.

As their top boss, Tang Yin acknowledges that his fiancee only has Wu Mei, and now they let Wu Mei take the shot, they have neither the heart nor the courage.

Useless things! Gao Feng didn't listen to the general, Liu Gang could play tricks to kill him, but so many soldiers and soldiers didn't listen to the general, could he kill everyone? Liu Gang's eyes rolled, his heart was crossed, and he suddenly made a strange noise, like a lightning, rushing towards Wumei.

Since the soldier below didn't dare to take action on Wu Mei, he could only enter the battlefield himself, otherwise, if he procrastinated, Liang Xing would be guilty and he would not be able to take a walk.

At the scene of Liu Gang's assault on Gao Feng, Wu Mei naturally saw it. She knew in her heart that the Sanshui Army did not mean to do it herself, and the worst thing was the young man in casual clothes. Seeing that she was rushing in the right direction, Wu Mei was annoyed in her heart. She didn't even think about it, Ti Ling gun came forward and stood with Liu Gang.

Liu Gang was able to be assigned by Liang Xing to monitor the Second Corps to capture Wu Yu's family. Naturally, he trusted and valued his abilities. In theory, he should be far above the charm of dancing, and his experience in combat and combat was better than dancing. There are so many strong players, but after the two played against each other, Liu Gang did not use all his strength immediately, but deliberately pretended to be evenly matched with Wu Mei.

You and I came and fought for more than 20 rounds in an instant. It seemed that the two were indistinguishable from each other, and several times Liu Gang was almost injured under the gun of Wumei. Gradually, Wumei also felt that the other party was just like this. The nervousness was relieved a lot, and one move and one style were gradually let go, and Liu Gang started to fight.

This is what Liu Gang wanted, and when Wu Mei gradually hooked, he felt rejoicing. At this moment, Wu Mei just stabbed at his chest with a shot, Liu Gang squatted down, flashed from underneath the pistol, and then Wu Mei asked The moment he closed the gun and attacked again, Liu Gang's sword was severely cut off to Wu Mei's feet.

This move made a big anticipation, but at this time she wanted to dodge again, it was too late.


Liu Gang's sword was not chopped on Wu Mei's ankle, but was shot on her ankle with a sword face. After all, Wu Mei was Tang Yin's fiancee. Liang Xing wanted to keep her as a hostage, but could not kill her. Even with the sword face, Wumei couldn't stand it, she screamed in pain, and fell to the ground horizontally, but for a moment, her delicate cheeks were covered with fine sweat.

& t; haha? ? & t; Liu Gang giggled, and strode forward, kicking Wumei's spirit gun out first, and then, the sword in his hand reached Wumei's neck, his eyes glanced quietly and said: & t; sorry, the next shot is heavy A little, I don't know if I have hurt Miss Mei Wu, let it be! & t; talking ~ www.readwn.com ~ while holding the dancing throat with his sword, he grabbed one hand to her slim feet.

But his hand hadn't touched Wumei's feet yet, coldly, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on his side. Liu Gang hadn't seen what happened, and the Wumei lying in front of him had been affected by that dark shadow. Grabbed it, then waved to the side and threw it out.

& t; ah? & t; Not to mention Liu Gang's cold sweat, even the soldiers in the Sanshui area could see clearly where the person came from. The shadow had great strength, and flung Wumei directly into the woods beside him. Before he landed, he jumped down from the tree and caught Wumei's falling body. Without stopping for a moment, he turned and ran towards the forest. go with.

& t; oops! & t; Liu Gang suddenly woke up, raised his sword in his hand and stabbed at the black shadow near him, at the same time, the soul-chasing spur was exhibited. At such a close distance, no matter how powerful the other party is, don't you think you can dodge it? I thought I could cause the other person to die, but the black shadow suddenly burst out of the mist, then disappeared out of thin air, and the true body had already flashed into the woods.

& t; Darkness! & t; Liu Gang screamed in exclamation, hesitated for a moment, and shouted again and again: & t; chasing! Never run away, please chase after me! & t; Looking at the soldiers and soldiers around like a fool, Liu Gang jumped angrily and shouted

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