Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi, and Ziyi have already criticized the actions of the direct army. They have also talked to Gu Yue about this. However, Gu Yue was named commander of the direct army. In fact, he was just a display. The actual control of the direct army has always been It's all in Tang Yin's hands.

His answer to the three was very simple and very helpless: "The king condone, what can I do?"

After hearing from Yue Yue, Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi and Ziyi were all silent.

Listening to Tang Yin this time, instead of blame for the actions of the direct army, they praised it, and all three felt that it was not tasteful.

Xiao Muqing has always been smooth in front of Tang Yin, good at flattery, and he will not easily export the words against Tang Yin. Liang Qi is low-key, and his father's relationship, he is somewhat restrained before Tang Yin, some should say I'm sorry to say that. To enter into the concubine, the eyes of the two fell on the concubine again.

Got it! It's me again this time! Zi Zi and Xiao Muqing and Liang Qi have been together for so long, how can they not understand the meaning of the two of them.

He took a deep breath and took a step forward, saying to Tang Yin, "King, our army occupies the three counties of Bacheng, and has controlled the whole territory of Hexi County, but the people of Hexi have moved to the west severely, and many cities and towns have become rare."

Tang Yin heard the words, turned her eyes and said, "Everyone who moves to the west, seize everything and cut it."

Ziyu nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "Master, I'm afraid that this is a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause."

Tang Yin froze and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ziyu said, "The reason why the Ning people moved to the west in large numbers was not because they were unwilling to accept the control of our gale, but because our army was scattered, and the soldiers were lawless outside, stealing money, killing innocent people, and women. It is not uncommon to cause people in Hexi. The people are not talking about life. If this continues, the people of Ningxi will run out sooner or later. Even if the king succeeds with Mo Guo in destroying Ning, he will eventually be divided into eight counties in Ningbei. I am afraid it is just an empty empty county. Ning people will flee to Mo Guo It's ... "

Tang Yin's face became uglier when he heard it. Before he had finished talking, he had already slammed the table and said, "That's enough! Don't say any more." He stood up, his sister-in-law, and again Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi, and Gu Yue said coldly, "You are the commanders of the Fourth Army and the military discipline is scattered. Naturally, you cannot escape the blame. How can you say these truths in front of me?"

The king has completely eliminated the responsibility! Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi and Gu Yue secretly grinned, bowed their heads, and did not dare to face Tang Yin's sharp eyes.

Ziyi's face was calm, and his expression had not changed at all. In fact, he was secretly laughing. He arched his hand and said, "The King said that the military discipline was scattered, and the ministers really couldn't escape the blame. Because of this, the officials and others vowed to the king, and there would be offenders who violated the military discipline, no matter how high his rank is, How hard, the officials and other officials will be punished severely, and I do not know what the king wants? "

Tang Yin Na Zhizi talked about the medicine sold in the gourd. After listening to his righteous words, he snorted coldly and mumbled, "It should have been so!"

Ziyi arched his hand and shouted, "My King Shengming!" After speaking, he looked back at Cheng Jin, the general, and said, "General Cheng!"

Cheng Jin froze, did not know Zizi suddenly asked himself to do it? He owed a little and arched, "General Zizi?"

"General Cheng has already heard the meaning of the King? Is there another person who violates the military discipline? I hope that General Cheng can co-operate to correct the military discipline and military law."

Cheng Jin was not very willing to give himself a 'live'. He looked up at Tang Yin and saw that he had not made any statement. Cheng Jin sighed and said helplessly: "This is natural, Cheng Jin must stand up and assist the rank of general . "

Zi Yan smiled and said, "Okay! With the assistance of General Cheng's Dark Arrow, Yan Zhengjun Ji will be able to do more with less."

Cheng Jin smiled bitterly and said, "General Zi Zi is polite."

Tang Yin was unwilling to delay time in such trivial matters. He looked to Lotte and Ai Jia and asked, "What's the situation with Mo Jun now?"

Ai Jia was listed for Tang Yin.

Seeing the report of the Battle of Zhanghe from Tang Yin, Shao Fang was not happy, but he was not sad, but just felt disapproved. 400,000 to 200,000, it is reasonable to win, but paid 150,000 casualties, the price is a bit too great, he also did not understand how the battle of the wind army was fought.

It was only when he attacked the Ning Kingdom ’s Hexi Camp that Feng Jun suffered such a heavy loss, and Shao Fang did n’t give much hope to Tang Yin. Fortunately, Ning Guo's troops are empty and there is a wind army to contain them. Shao Fang took this opportunity to divide Mo's 200,000 cavalry and 200,000 infantry soldiers into two paths, going side by side, and invading Ning Guo's territory.

There were not many troops in the south of Ningguo. Mo's offensive came too suddenly and too fast, so that the local troops around Ningguo were caught by surprise and often had not gathered in one place, so they seemed to fall from the sky. Mozambique rode through various breakouts. It can be said that Mozambique's early battle against Ningxia was like a bamboo shooter. In just five days, it took 15 cities and successfully captured two counties.

Mo Jun's plunder is no worse than Feng Jun's. What he sees is what he grabbed. When Shao Fang declared war on Mo, he had already spoken out and wanted to play a 'Lingyun Palace' in this battle.

(Lingyun Palace is a palace built by the Sichuan state. In order to build this palace, the Sichuan state leveled a high mountain in half, used half a mountain as the foundation, and built the palace pavilion in the air. , It costs more than hundreds of thousands of manpower and takes up to 20 years.)

What Shao Fang meant was to plunder enough wealth to build a Lingyun Palace in this war, so that his country's national strength could go hand in hand with Sichuan.

Perhaps because of the close relationship between Ning and Mo people, Mo Jun was more polite to the Ning people, did not indiscriminately kill innocent people, and did not involve the fighting on ordinary Ning people. However, Ningren has no sense of gratitude towards Mozambique's 'benevolence', and his hatred of Mozambique has not abated.

The Ning people were afraid and hated when the Feng army invaded Ning State, but after all, the relationship between the two countries was originally bad, and the Ning army had once invaded the Nation. Now the Ning people have nothing to complain about, but Mo's country has nothing to complain about. The invasion is different. Ning Mo has always maintained a friendly alliance relationship. The country did no doubt betray its faith, so the Ning people hated the country more than the country.

After Mo Guo had laid down the two counties with lightning speed, Ning Guo finally returned to his power. Local troops in various places gradually gathered and gathered up 80,000 heavy soldiers in Shanyang City and Shishui City in Jiashang County. A stance in a deadly battle with Ning Jun.

The two cities, like two door gods, blocked Mo Jun's way north.

Mo Jun immediately attacked the second city, and Ningcheng's garrison fought hard. Instead of dying, the people in the city clamored with their enemies and joined the ranks of the garrison. Under such stubborn resistance, the Mo's army was blocked from attacking and attacked continuously. For two days, the two cities of Shanyang and Shishui could not be taken down. This is the current situation of the Mo army.

After listening to Ai Jia's narrative, Tang Yin touched his chin and pondered for a moment. He asked: "What's going on in Liangzhou? Did Ning Guo's court send out Chang Yuanhong?"

Lotte replied: "Not yet. It seems that Yan Chu had the intention to leave Changsun Yuanhong to defend the capital."

"Oh?" Tang Yin heard this, and laughed aloud, and murmured, "This way, Liangzhou is not so good." After a pause, he asked Qiu Zhendao: "Qiu Zhen, now I Should the army continue to stay in Hexi to recuperate or go west to go straight to Liangzhou. "

Qiu Zhen frowned, saying, "If there is Changsun Yuanhong defending Liangzhou, this battle will be extremely difficult. It is best to let Mo Jun attack our army to Liangzhou in one step, and when the two sides are exhausted, our army will Appear, clean up the mess. "

"Yeah!" Tang Yin said with a smile: "But Mo Jun is not a fool. Maybe Shao Fang is just like you think. He is waiting for us to attack Liangzhou first. He will take advantage of it!"

This is quite possible. Qiu Zhen did not deny Tang Yin's speculation. He turned his eyes continuously and said quietly, "If Chang Sun Yuanhong can be transferred from Liangzhou to fight the Mo army in the south, it would be best."

of course. If Chang Sun Yuanhong can go to war with Mo Jun, this will be very beneficial to Tang Yin. He can move west without any worries and conquer the vacant Liangzhou in one fell swoop. However, how can we let Yan Chu transfer Chang Sun Yuanhong from Liangzhou?

With regard to this general strategic strategy, Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi and Ziyi were not good enough. Finally Qiu Zhen said, "The king can now send two troops to the south."

"Why is this?"

"One of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Following Wei Zheng who flees into Wuqu County. If Wei Zheng cannot be completely wiped out, it will be a big problem for our side. Both Hexi and Hedong counties may become each other. There will never be peace behind our army. "

Tang Yin and other generals nodded their heads, and felt that Qiu Zhen's words were very reasonable.

Qiu Zhen continued: "Second, assist Mo Jun in attacking Jiashang County and help Mo Jun destroy the Ning Army hoarding in Jiashang County. In this way, Liangzhou will be weak in the south, strong in the east, and weak in the wind. Illusions. "

"Well!" Tang Yin listened and thought, and raised his head, "Keep talking."

"Xiaoling County, west of Hexi County, has reportedly assembled about 50,000 Ning troops in an attempt to stop our army from going west. The king can wave his attack. This battle can only be defeated, not win, and then the king will again The army withdrew from Hexi. "Seeing everyone's faces were all changed, they were all eloquent, Qiu Zhen smiled and continued:" Yan Chu kept Chang Sun Yuanhong in Liangzhou because of Yan Chu's heart I do n’t know, I do n’t know if it ’s better to send him to block our army or to block Mo Jun. The king only needs to make the west of our army blocked, and Mo Jun ’s northward momentum is like a bamboo shoot. The battle is dead! "

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