Qiu Zhen couldn't watch Zi Zi being so severely punished. As a general and commander-in-chief of the first army, it is a great glory to die in front of the two armies. It is no doubt a great shame that he was dismissed from his post.

He hurriedly said, "The King, General Zi Zi is loyal to the King. Since he came to the King, he has led the Sky Eagle Army to the North and the North, and he has countless military achievements. "

Tang Yin interrupted blankly: "My lord just let him go home because of his military merit, otherwise how can I still allow him to survive?"

Seeing that Tang Yin is now angry, no matter how persuading is useless, Qiu Zhen chooses to shut up smartly and stop talking.

After Qiu Zhen left, Wu Ying walked a few steps, and behind Tang Yin, watching him look stiff back, she returned to dissolve the nephew behind him and put it behind Tang Yin.

Tang Yin stopped and looked back at Wu Ying.

Wuying flushed, and whispered, "It's cool outside."

Tang Yin nodded, but still pulled down Wuying's nephew, handed it back to her hands, and said, "I'm not cold!" He was almost angry at this time, how could he feel cold?

Wu Ying looked at his handsome and resolute cheek, and said softly, "The king should not hurt his body for a courtier like Ziyi."

Is Zi Zi a minister? Even though Tang Yin can't wait to break Ziyi into a dead body, from the heart, he doesn't think Ziyi is a Chenchen.

Seeing that Tang Yin was silent for a long time, Wu Ying continued: "Zi Xun is too much. In the presence of the king, he must execute those poor soldiers, and he does not put the king in his eyes."

It may be because of her origin that Wu Ying is stabbed in the bones to protect her shorts, which is also a common problem of traditional nobles. In the eyes of the traditional nobles, if the people below are wrong, it means that they are wrong. If the people below are punished, they are slap in the face, which is a great humiliation to themselves.

Tang Yin was in a terrible mood. He didn't want to listen to Wu Ying's chattering. He sighed and said, "Xiao Ying, don't talk any more, and don't mention any more."

Fortunately, Wu Ying is not a woman who doesn't know how to look. She nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, hundreds of soldiers with private possessions were cut off suddenly, which caused a big uproar in the wind army. The wind soldiers who had regarded the military discipline as nothing at all had become acquainted with the rules this time, many people Even keeping the military rules and discipline records as a small book, I have to come up and watch it several times a day to know what can be done and what can't be done by myself.

As for the sons and daughters of Cheng Ming who took the lead in Yan Ming's military discipline, no one has benefited. On the surface, Tang Yin rewarded the two with some gold and silver, but in fact it was not the case at all. Cheng Jin's rank was demoted from the rank of lieutenant general to major general, and Lu Lu was directly detained for a whole year. As for the son-in-law, the rank was not lowered, and Lu Lu was not detained, but the command of the Sky Eagle was removed, leaving only the empty title of General. The Sky Eagle command was taken over by his deputy Situ Banner. If the generals were to persuade Tang Yin bitterly, Zi Zi would have been beaten back home. In the end, Tang Yin finally agreed to stay in the army for a while and be a leisurer.

The military discipline of the wind army has come to an end, and it is not until this time that the military discipline of the wind army really begins to be rigorous.

Three days later, additional reinforcements from the Wind Country arrived, and the troops of the Plains, Sanshui, direct, and Skyhawk troops were restored. Next, the Plains and Sanshuis set off south, and the Plains pursued the remnants of Wei Zheng. The Sanshui Army instead of the Tianying Army went to Jiashang County to reinforce the Mo Army there.

With the two main corps of the Plains Army and the Three Waters Army going south, the strength of the Wind Army Battalion decreased sharply, leaving only the direct army and the Sky Eagle army.

The coach is favored and gains a lot of benefits. The coach is out of favor, and the whole army is unlucky. When replenishing troops, the Plains Army and Sanshui Army took precedence, followed by the direct army, and only then was assigned to the Sky Eagle Army.

In the battle of Zhanghe, the Aquila Army suffered the most losses, but it had the smallest number of troops to be filled. When it was assigned to the Aquila Army, the total troops left were less than 10,000. For this result, Situ Banner, the newly-appointed commander of the Skyhawk Army, could only give a bitter smile.

Situ Qi was Zi Xi's confidant, and Zi Zi promoted him to Deputy Commander. His relationship with Tang Yin was not familiar, let alone close. Even if he was dissatisfied with the division of troops, he did not dare to raise it. .

After the Plains Army and the Sanshui Army left, Tang Yin began to actively prepare for the westward advance and prepare to attack Xiaoling County.

On this day, he inspected in the camp and also called Cheng Jin on purpose.

As he walked, he said to Cheng Jin who was with him, "Cheng Jin?"

"Subordinates are there." Cheng Jin bowed in response.

"You are not convinced of the punishment in my heart, right?" Tang Yin asked flatly, holding his back.

"No ... no." Cheng Jin hurriedly answered, "Don't dare."

Tang Yin turned to look at him, smiled, and was annoyed, "I let you decide that day, don't you see that is my irritation? Do you dare to kill me?"

Cheng Jin froze and said positively: "The king has the grace to know his subordinates, and the same kind of re-creation. The subordinate's life is already the king. If the king wants it, his subordinate will have no complaints."

"Well! That's good." Tang Yin nodded with a smile, and the words turned around, and then asked, "On that day, you decided to execute the soldiers who violated the discipline privately. Are you afraid that your king will not come to Taiwan?"

Cheng Jin told the truth, Ying said, "This is one, and the other is that his subordinates are also afraid of the king's anger, and killed General Zizi in anger."

Tang Yin sneered and asked: "Should a child kill?"

Cheng Jin whispered: "Although General Zi Zi has no respect for the King, after all, he is also for the King and the whole army, loyalty can be learned, and sin is not enough to die."

Tang Yin first took a moment, then his face sank, and said, "The stance of your stance is too serious. You must understand that the dark arrows are special. If you have a stance, how can you achieve justice, and if you cannot, you will lose your population. Actually, then the dark arrows can no longer survive. "

Cheng Jin shuddered and hurriedly said, "Yes! His subordinates remember."

"Accompany me to the camp of the Tianying Army." Tang Yin turned and walked towards the station of the Tianying Army.

When Tang Yin and Cheng Jin and others arrived at the camp of the Tianying Army, the soldiers of the Tianying Army were doing formation training. The evolution of various formations was scrutinized, and the cooperation between the officers and soldiers was extremely tacit. Tang Yin stopped and watched for a while, nodded secretly, then walked to the handsome account.

In the handsome account, Situ Qi and several major generals of the Tianying Army were present. When Tang Yin came, people got up and saluted Tang Yin.

Tang Yin waved her hand, motioned everyone to flatten, and then sat in the handsome position, looking around. I didn't see Zi Xi's figure. I just wanted to ask. Suddenly I remembered Zi Zi had been removed from office. Then, I swallowed it when I reached the mouth. . He looked up at Situ Qi and said, "General Situ!"

"The end is here!" Situ Qi hurriedly arched.

Tang Yin smiled and said, "This trip to Xiaoling County, the king wants your Skyhawk army to take the lead. What do you think?"

Where Situ Qi dare to have opinions, Tang Yin is the king, and he has to do whatever he says. He responded: "The end will obey."

Tang Yin leisurely said: "You should know that our army can only be defeated and cannot be defeated in this battle, but even if it is to be defeated, the king still hopes to give the Ning army in Xiaoling County a strike, so the first few battles will be won. , And it has to be a big victory, can you do it? "

Compared with Ziyi, Situ Qi is not only vastly different in ability, even self-confidence and courage are far worse than Ziyi. He swallowed his throat and said cautiously, "The end general ... the end general must do his best."

After hearing such a reply, Tang Yin's brow frowned immediately. What you can do is what you can do, what you can't do is what you can't do. What is best effort? He said blankly: "Zi Xishan is a scheming strategy. If you have been with him for so long, you should learn one or two. The king has confidence in you, and you have no confidence in yourself?"

Situ Qi heard Tang Yin's words blaming himself, and he quickly said, "The general will take the lead and set the flag to win!"

"Okay! This is what the commander-in-chief of the army should say!" Tang Yin nodded with satisfaction and said, "I send Zhou Chang and Li Shenger to be your pioneers to help you!"

Zhou Chang and Li Sheng are both one of the newly elected sixteen generals.

"Thank you at the end!" Situ Qi bowed deeply.

"Early tomorrow morning, your ministry will go out first, and the king will lead the army and then take over."

"Yes! King!"

"Oh, by the way, is the Skyhawk's armament still sufficient?" Tang Yin asked.

"Some were lost during the battle of Zhanghe ..." Situ Qi didn't dare to say enough, but pushed to the battle of crossing the river.

At the time of Ziyi ~ www.readwn.com ~ never said these nonsense, Tang Yin did not want to listen to these. Without waiting for Situ Qi to finish his speech, he took a heavy picture of the table and asked, "Do you not know the fullness of the armament as a commander-in-chief? Do you want the king to investigate it?"

Situ Qi was frightened, almost paralyzed to the ground, his pale face was terrified, and he hurriedly said, "Foot, foot, foot! Return to King, Tianying's armament is enough to meet the battle!"

"Eh!" Tang Yin's face eased a bit, and he groaned for a moment, and said, "Since this is the case, the king will not allocate arms to your department. After all, our army is not sufficiently equipped now. The navy needs a lot of logistical support. "

"Yes, yes, yes! The end will understand." Situ Qi replied repeatedly.

The generals and ministers who can usually discuss with Tang Yin are very close to him, and they also understand Tang Yin's person, so he is very relaxed and speaks naturally, but Situ Qi is not. Although he is the deputy commander of the Tianying Army, Tang Yin hasn't met many times, and hasn't said a few times, so she seems nervous and flustered.

He was unnatural, and Tang Yin felt even more awkward. He stared at Situ Banner and couldn't help asking: "General Situ, isn't this King so abominable, like a ghost?"

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