Chapter 730

"Thank you for bringing me up from Jiangli. After all, I was rescued by this young man named Han Zhan. Tang Yinhan smiled and thanked her, and suddenly remembered the village aunt who fed himself water at night. He asked: "Last night, the person who helped me drink water was ..."

"Last night?" The boy froze and said, "You were sleepy last night. Mother said you woke up the night before and fell asleep after drinking water."

It turned out that the day before yesterday, I actually slept for so long. He sighed and said, "Can you help me sit up?"

"No!" The burly boy shook his head in a hurry and said, "Mother said you have more than a dozen fractures on your body, abrasions and scratches are more, at least one or two months of rest before you can move, I dare not touch you."

Tang Yin couldn't help but laughed again. With more than a dozen fractures, it seemed that he was really hurt this time. That village aunt turned out to be his mother, but it didn't seem to be that old last year. He asked, "Is your mother a doctor?"

The teenager shook his head.

"Doctor invited?" Seeing the house so downcast, Tang Yin wondered if his family could afford the doctor.

The young man shook his head again and said, "My mother is not a doctor, but my mother's medical skills are better than those of the doctors in the village and city. Unfortunately, no one wants to see my mother to see a doctor."

"Why?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

The boy was about to answer, and at this moment another person approached from the door. The boy turned back and immediately stood up and laughed, "Mother, you are back."

Tang Yin looked sideways. Recently, a woman was wearing rustic floral cloth, shabby and pale, but she was very clean. Looking to her face, she was about twenty-seven years old, and her wheat-colored skin was not considered. Delicate, but definitely not rough, with charming luster, exquisite facial features, and will not give people a stunning feeling, dignified and beautiful, generous and elegant, people have a very comfortable feeling.

Is she fucking? Tang Yin couldn't believe it. How could a 27- or 8-year-old woman have a 15- or 6-year-old child? Even in this era, those who have children at the age of twelve or three are considered strange stories.

Tang Yin didn't know what to call her, and for a moment, she said, "Mrs ...."

The village aunt took a look at Tang Yin, put down the basket in his hand, walked to the collapse, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Her voice was as soft and soft as her people, making it comfortable to listen to.

Tang Yin said, "Much better. Thank you, Madam, for helping."

"Zhaner rescued you from the river." After hearing Tang Yin's thanks, the aunt's cheeks were a little flushed.

Tang Yinhan smiled: "But it was my wife's treatment for me."

The village aunt did not say any more, and the words turned, and said, "Your body is ... strong. If an ordinary person is seriously injured like you, you should have died already." When she was treating Tang Yin, she did not expect him to She survived and was impressed by his tenacity.

Tang Yin said faintly: "I'm not an easy person to die."

His words made the village aunt laugh.

Inspiring, Tang Yin couldn't think that she looked so beautiful, making him feel like a spring breeze.

"I don't know his wife's last name?"

"My mother's name is Han Ning." Han Zhan rushed to answer.

Han Ning? Tang Yin secretly discussed: This boy turned out to be his mother's surname. He said, "Mrs., listen to my son, I have more than ten fractures in my body?"

The aunt had not spoken yet, and Han Zhan fluttered a laugh.

Tang Yin looked at him puzzled.

Han Zhanle said: "The uncle is very interesting in his speech!"

He was rarely called an uncle, and even less said that he spoke Sven, and Tang Yin smiled bitterly.

The villager gave a glance at Han Zhan, and whispered, "The war child must not be rude." Then he said to Tang Yin: "The war child is young, and there is disrespect in the speech. The son must not be surprised.

Tang Yin laughed: "Mrs. polite. Han ... Zhan Er is my benefactor, how can I blame him?" Since everyone called himself uncle, he had to call him Zhan Er like his village aunt.

"Uncle, how did I get hit like this? How did I run into the river?" Han Zhan asked curiously.

When he fell off the cliff, he was unconscious, and he didn't know why there were so many fractures in his body. It is estimated that he hit the cliff when he fell. He said: "It wasn't about being beaten, it was about falling off the cliff."

Han Zhan pouted his lips and said, "Uncle lies. Did the strange steel needles stabbed in the uncle fall?"

Tang Yin froze for a moment, then remembered that he had hit the opponent's hidden weapon, a very powerful hidden weapon. He didn't know how to answer the Korean war, and he hadn't spoken for a long time.

Seeing that he didn't want to say it, Han Ning said empatheticly: "Zhan Er, since the son doesn't want to say, there must be something inexplicable. Zhan Er shouldn't ask the West politely."

Afraid of his embarrassment, she also said: "There are seventeen fractures on the son, and I have connected the son, but it will take at least two or three months to recover."

"Oh! Thank you, Madam." Tang Yin remembered to salute, but unfortunately he could not move now.

"The medicine on my boyfriend is some herbs collected from the mountains. Although it is not a treasure, it won't delay the boy's injury." Between words, she pulled an old small wooden box from the collapsed tail and continued. "Everything on the son's body is here, don't worry. If you want to inform the family, I will let the son help the son."

Tang Yin thanked again and then asked, "Excuse me, how many days have I been unconscious?"

"It's been seven days today," Han Zhan said.

It's been so long for seven days! He disappeared for seven days, and I do n’t know what Cheng Jin was in a hurry. For such a long time, Cheng Jin must not be able to conceal it. He must have sent a letter back to the Hexi military camp. Thinking of this, Tang Yinton felt headache. Once the news of his disappearance spreads, the army's heart will be in chaos.

You must get back to Hexi as soon as possible, at least you must first find the brothers of Tianyan or Diwang, and relay the news of your safety. The fatal thing is that I can't move now! He asked, "Where is it? How far is it from Liangzhou?"

Han Ning said: "This is Yibai Village, south of Shiliang, Liangzhou. Is the son's house in Liangzhou?"

Home is thousands of miles away. Tang Yin said, "I took refuge in Liangzhou, and my home is in Hexi."

"So far ..." Han Ning looked worried.

Tang Yin smiled and said, "Mrs. Please rest assured that there are no people in my family, and I don't need to speak for a fight."

Han Ning seemed a little embarrassed by his words, and was about to speak. Tang Yin asked again, "How many steps can I take to move based on my injury?"

"At least a month."

too long. I can't wait that long. Tang Yin frowned. If Han Zhan went to Liangzhou to find Cheng Jin or the brothers of Tianyan and Diwang. I ’m afraid I would n’t be able to find them. disaster.

He saved his life, how could he let him take risks?

Tang Yin sighed secretly, at this moment, there was a rumbling sound in his belly.

Han Ning paused for a moment, then got up and said, "The son hasn't eaten for seven days, and only depends on the soup to maintain. Now he must be hungry. There is still some porridge in the pot. I'll take it to the son."

"Mrs. Xie."

"You don't have to be polite."

"Madam can call me Tang Fang."

Before Han Ning's porridge came in, there was a shout from outside.

"Is anyone home? Don't hide, I know you two are here now!" It was a rough man voice talking outside.

Although Tang Yin couldn't move, Liu Shi was still outstanding, and her ears were sensitive. He heard Han Ning sigh in the kitchen.

She hesitated for a while, but still opened the door.

"I just got the news that the younger son of the Li family died in the south. This was all done by your mother and mother. When did you leave?"

"Where does the village chief let us move?"

"I care where you move? Anyway, don't die and lie in our village! I really don't know what kind of mold has fallen. Since you swept the star into the village, evil things have continued, first kill the husband, then kill the neighborhood, you Do you want to kill everyone in our village? Get out! Your mother and mother get out of the village right away! "

Listening to the insults of the men outside, Han Zhanqi gritted his teeth, standing beside the collapse, he couldn't bear it, he rushed out with a roar, and shouted, "Why do you call my mother a broom star? Why do you say the people in the village are Let me die? "

"Your mother is a broom star, and your little beast is not a good thing ..."


"Little beast, dare to do it--"

Shouts and shouts outside the room were quickly replaced by passive chaos. Lying on the collapse, Tang Yin sighed softly. He didn't know exactly what was going on, but one thing was certain, the mother and son were not welcome in the village.

He wanted to help, but unfortunately, he couldn't do anything now.

"Do n’t fight, I beg you, the village chief will not fight anymore, the war child is still young and not sensible!"

"Hey, he doesn't know anything, do you still not know anything? It's okay to spare him. I'll be happy with your uncle first ..."

咣 Dang —— "Ah-"

With an exclamation ~ ~ Han Ning fell directly into the room from the outside, and then, near the door, a middle-aged man with a big waist and a round waist approached Han Ning with a smile on his face. Going, he smiled and said, "As long as you can scout the good old man, maybe the old man won't let your mother move away as soon as he is happy."

Han Ning's complexion was pale, and her eyes showed fear. Afterwards, she looked at her frightened coquettishness. The middle-aged man was even more distressed. As he approached Han Ning, he unfastened his belt.

What type of situation is this? Tang Yin couldn't laugh or cry, the village chief was completely dead!

When the middle-aged man reached out to pull Han Ningyi's skirt, Han Zhan rushed from the outside like crazy. His blood on his face was obviously not hit by the middle-aged man just recently. On the waist of a middle-aged man. The latter was struck forward by his impulse, his head was not biased, and he just hit the leg of the table, and his forehead suddenly opened a big opening, and blood flowed out.

"Damn little beast!" The middle-aged man with distorted facial features, climbed up with a sullen face, wrapped his neck around Han Zhan's neck, and withdrew his hands hard, trying to kill Han Zhan alive.

At this moment, Tang Yinyou said, "Sir, the village chief, I have to remind you that killing is for your life!"

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