The Aquila Army and the new army were ordered to go into the army and re-enter Xiaoling County. ..

At the beginning of the battle, the two armies were in a rage, and they did not encounter much resistance, and they went under Daiyun City.

The people of Dai Yuncheng had already run out, and only Ning Guo's garrison remained. The two sides launched a fierce battle.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and the 20,000 defenders in the city finally couldn't resist, and fled to the west.

The Aquila Army and the New Army naturally relented, and then hunted down.

However, in the pursuit of the killing, Zi Xun issued a general order. Once met, don't fall in love with each other, the army's rear team will change to the front team and retreat immediately.

Guan Tang was very puzzled about his order, and asked, "General Zizi, do you think that the enemy army was deliberately swindled and led our army to the ambush?" After speaking, after Zizi answered, he shook again. After shaking his head, he said, "If it is a fraud, the camp should not break up, the flag should not be chaotic, but the enemy ..."

The 20,000 Ning Army who had fled the city had turned into a pot of congee. When they ran away, armor, weapons, and flags were thrown all over the ground. As long as someone with a little combat experience can see, this is not a fraud, but a true defeat.

Ziyi smiled and said: "The enemy is really defeated, but that does not mean that it must not be Lin Han's trick to lure the enemy."

"How do you say this?" Guan Tang asked puzzledly, and Han Zhan, who was next to Zi Xi, looked at him intently.

Ziyi did not answer directly, but asked, "How many people are there in the Ning Army in Xiaoling County?"

"Uh ... it's reported to be about 60,000 to 70,000 people."

"Yeah! There are only 60,000 to 70,000 troops in the county, and the Ning Army on behalf of Yuncheng has 20,000 people. With Lin Han's mind, how could it be possible to throw so many troops into a lone city regardless of it, Wait and see if it perishes? If I was right, he must have a backhand, and it is most likely to set ambush halfway. "Zi Yan analyzed with a grin.

"However, the two 10,000 Ning Army on behalf of Yuncheng did not look like scams!"

Zi Yan rolled his eyes and said, "I have just said that Ning Jun is indeed not a swindler, but a real defeat. Lin Han's plan is likely to have the two 10,000 Ning Army in the drum, its purpose It is to make Ning Jun ’s defeat and escape more real, so as to lead our army to hunt and kill. Through the last defeat of Xiao Ling, we can see that Lin Han is good at making choices and knows how to sacrifice part to win the greatest victory. The two 10,000 Ning Army is just the victim he used to lead our army to the hook. "

"Ah! That's it!" Guan Tang suddenly realized, and finally understood Zi Zi's meaning, carefully pondering his words, Guan Tang could not help but raise his thumb, and praised: "General Zi Zi is clever and clever. It's the first wise man in my army! "

Ziyi shook his head and smiled, and said, "I don't dare to be the title of the first intelligent general!"

None of the commanders of the Plains Army, Sanshui Army, and Chifeng Army was given in vain. Xiao Muqing's style was fierce, he was good at tough battles, invincible, and attacked. Liang Qisu was known as a genius. Although the mountains are not exposed, the people are stable, very defensive, and sitting in the hometown of the wind country, it is like a sea god.

In the army of talented people, Zi Xie is like walking on thin ice and working hard, and dare not have the slightest innocence.

Hearing what he said, Han Zhan couldn't help but say, "Uncle Ziyi is too modest."

Ziyi glanced at him sideways and smiled, "After the battle, after fighting with the Plains, Sanshui, and Chifeng Army, you will know whether my words today are modest words. Remember, this There is no best commander in the world, and there is no perfect battle. The best commander and perfect battle will always exist in the next battle. "

Han Zhan seemed to understand Zi Zi's words, but he kept it in his heart.

The next battle was almost exactly the same as Zi Xi's speculation. When the Ning army was chased to a place where the left and right sides were dense forests, the forest whistle on both sides sounded. For a moment, the arrows in the forest were raining, so at the same time , Rushed out numerous Ning Bing Ning Jiang.

Because I had been reminded by Zi Zi in advance, the Tianying Army and the new army had already taken precautions. At this time, they encountered enemy ambush. The entire army did not show the slightest confusion. The rear team immediately changed to the front team, and the original way back.

The two sides did not fight at all, even before they contacted each other, the wind army withdrew, but in the process of retreating, in order to speed up, get rid of the Ning army's pursuit, the order continued, the entire army's heavy weight was discarded and lightly defeated. escape.

Feng Jun's escape not only returned to the Ning Army the Dai Yuncheng that he had just captured, but also fled back to Hexi from the hinterland of Xiaoling County.

Above all, the wind army has abandoned countless heavy, armor, and weapons, but there are not many real casualties. This result is exactly what Zi Xi wants. The heavy weight, grain, and supplies can be replenished and plundered. Once a person dies, he will never be found again. Talent is the most precious wealth in war.

Tang Yin was also very satisfied with the battle and awarded Zi Zi and Guan Tang again.

On the other side, Lin Han passed on Liangzhou's battle report to defeat Feng Jun again.

In this battle, the Ning Army did not kill or injure the wind army, but it seized too many materials and grains, and it took three hundred cars to load it. The report of the war passed to Liangzhou will inevitably be exaggerated. When the report of war arrives in Liangzhou, it will be exaggerated by the ministers. When Yan Chu is in the hands, the report of the war will become the re-established Skyhawk Army and kill Killed more than tens of thousands of enemy troops and seized countless materials.

This battle report made the Ning Dynasty court, which had been clouded in the past few days, rarely see a glimmer of light. Above the chapel, there was also a rare laughter of ministers.

Yan Chu carefully read the battle report three times, and then sighed in the sky, showing a happy face, and praised three times.

Lin Chu was defeated by the Skyhawk Army, and Yan Chu was very surprised by this. He couldn't help looking at Lin Han's use of troops.

Seeing Yan Chu's great joy, right-handed Zhang Zhihong stood up again without any time, and arched his hand and said, "King, Lord Lin defeated the Wind Army invasion twice in a row, causing the Wind Army to lose countless soldiers, greatly increasing our morale, and destroying the prestige of the thieves. The Wizards guarded the frontier. This is the blessing of my Daning, and the King should pay tribute to Master Lin. "

"Well! That makes sense." Yan Chu, who was in a good mood, nodded his head, and then raised the pen, without thinking, and wrote a reward book.

Feng Linhan is a fellow concubine, rewarding thousands of gold. The name of Tiantonghou is taken from the star of Tiantong. This star is a blessing and symbolizes disaster elimination. Yan Chu named Lin Han as a cousin of heaven, implying that he can help Ningguo resolve the crisis and survive the crisis.

It can be seen that Yan Chu is now full of confidence in Lin Han. Zhang Zhihong took the opportunity to enter and said, "King, there is an adult in the east sitting in Xiaoling County, solid as a golden soup, the wind army is difficult to cross the thunder pool half a step. Although the east has no worries, However, the situation in the south is precarious. The coalition forces are constantly attacking, and our army is struggling to support it. It is hoped that the king would think of a solution early. "

When referring to the war in the south, the joy on Yan Chu's face was lost and replaced by a strong melancholy. He asked, "Right, in your opinion?"

Zhang Zhihong's eyes rolled, and he said, "Wei Chen bravely dared to speak, please ask the king to drive!"

Unexpectedly, he would make such a proposal, Yan Chu frowned slightly, and hadn't waited for him to speak. The surrounding ministers had already stood up against it.

"The war in the south is chaotic. It is too dangerous for King Yujia to march."

"How can the body of King Wanjin come to the battlefield?"

"Although the South is in a critical state, it is not in a state so critical that the King will be procured ..."

The ministers have everything they say, but they all have the same meaning. They do not agree with Zhang Zhihong's proposal.

Yan Chu himself was also reluctant to go on his own expedition. He did not think that his presence in the south would change the war situation in the south. After all, he was not a military genius, and he had no experience in united war. Is a kind.

However, Chang Sunyuan Hong was moved in his heart. I feel that Zhang Zhihong's words are not unreasonable. Although the king will not unite the army, but after all, he is the king. When the king is in the south, it is tantamount to swore and retreat with the soldiers in the south. In this way, the hearts of our own army will certainly be revived. As long as the fighting spirit comes together, the disadvantages on the battlefield will be restored a lot.

When everyone was talking and accusing Zhang Zhihong that the king should not be involved in the danger himself, Chang Sun Yuanhong intervened and said, "King, the minister thinks that the rightist is right. As long as the king can come to the southern battlefield, the morale of our army can be restored ... ... "

Before Sun Yuanhong had finished speaking, Yan Chu's complexion had subsided first, and everyone was opposed to his own enlistment. How could Sun Yuanhong agree? What does he mean? What ambition is he to rush himself away from the capital?

He glared at Chang Sunyuan's mouth that closed together, didn't listen to his words at all, and put his hand on his lap and slowly raised his fist.


Chang Sun Yuan Hongzheng said it vigorously ~ ~ Yan Chu had already fiercely shot the table, leaning forward, angrily reprimanded: "Don't say any more! My king will not go anywhere, he will only sit in the capital city. My king He is a magnificent king of a country. Naturally, he must focus on the overall situation. If he leaves the capital, who will preside over the administration of the state? Who will handle the state affairs? Would n’t there be chaos in the country? "

What he said is not wrong, but in extraordinary times, it needs to be dealt with very much. Even if you leave the capital, you can handle the political affairs in the south. Chang Sun Yuanhong disagreed with Yan Chu's statement. Instead, he felt that Yan Chu was greedy for life and was afraid of death. He did not dare to come to the battlefield. How could a timid person be a monarch in a troubled world?

He still has to speak, but the ministers around him have stepped forward to stop them, and it can be seen that the king is angry, at this time against him, what kind of trouble will happen?

"The culprit" Zhang Zhihong secretly said an opportunity came, and he said in a straightforward manner: "The war in the south was not serious enough to require the king to go on his own expedition. The king sent General Yuan Hong to the power and strategy of General Yuan Hong. Will be able to turn the tide and protect my South! "

This time when I heard the proposal from the dispatching chief Sun Yuanhong to go south, Yan Chu didn't even think about it and asked Chang Sunyuan what he meant. He said bluntly: "Just! Just in accordance with the right phase, the general general Sun Yuanhong Set off today, head to Jiashang County, lead me to Ningjun, and fight against the two thieves!

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