The Minister of Mozambique opposes aid to wind, and there is another very important reason. Once Mozambique enters the war, the homeland is the battlefield, but the wind state belongs to the rear and will not be implicated by the war. This is extremely important for Mozambique. fair. kenennetbsp; Their objections are not unreasonable, so Shao Fang just decided not to send troops to the army, but he couldn't come to send troops to help the wind.

The main purpose of Lu She's trip was to prevent Mozambique from participating in the cutting wind coalition. Now that Shao Fang has made a clear statement, Mozambique will not participate, and his task can be considered to be achieved.

As for letting Mo to send troops to aid the wind country and lead the war to the country, it is too difficult for the Mo people to accept. Lu She does not have such illusions for the time being, but he believes that once the wind country is at stake However, Mo Guo will still help the wind, and his lips are cold, and it is impossible for Mo Guo to watch the wind country perish.

Lu She's mission satisfactorily completed the country's mission, and highlighting the holiday season made the country more smooth.

The reason why Yuguo did not participate in the cutting wind alliance has little to do with Highlight Festival, but the lightning annexation of Ningguo by Fengguo shocked the jade people.

The jade country that borders Ning State knows the strength of Ning State too. Ning State, which is so strong in national power, was attacked by the Wind State and swallowed up in one fell swoop. It can be seen how powerful the Feng Army is, even the four great powers of Sichuan, Zhen, An, and Lu The final result of the crusade against the wind country is not necessarily this way, and the decision is made rashly before the situation is clear, which is inconsistent with the national policy of the jade country, so the monarch spirit frost of the jade country has not yet received the highlight festival. In the case of the decision has been made not to participate in cutting wind.

Gao Liang's ambassador to Yuguo made a comeback completely. After being entertained by Yuguo, he returned with satisfaction.

The two neighbouring countries, Mo and Yu, did not participate in cutting the wind, which made Tang Yin breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, these two countries are too close to the wind country. Once they send troops, there is no problem of trekking. The military strength can maintain the state of prosperity, but the four countries of Sichuan, Zhen, An, and Lu are not the same. Without having to fight, just going down this way is enough to consume more than half of their combat power. This is also one of the country's biggest chips to resist the four-country coalition forces.

Tang Yin led the army division back home, and even the Plains Army and the Sanshui Army fighting in the south also set off for the return journey. All the battles in the south of Ning State were handed over to the Mo army.

Now, the largest force in the south of Ningguo is Chang Sun Yuanhong. When Feng Jun attacked Liangzhou, Chang Sun Yuanhong also wanted to go north to rescue, but the road north was intercepted by the Plains Army and the Sanshui Army. In addition, the Feng Army captured the Liangzhou too quickly, and it was about to make Chang Sun Yuanhong They all felt incredible.

After learning that Liangzhou had fallen and King Wang Chu was killed, Chang Sun Yuanhong was faced with three choices. One was to recapture the capital north, but the Yan family had been killed by the wind army, and even the recapture of the capital became meaningless. Moreover, the hope of recapture the capital is still very slim. After all, there is a Skyhawk army stationed there. If your side can't attack for a long time, the Mo army behind will hunt down and there will be danger of the entire army being overwhelmed. Second, he led the department to stay at Yuemenguan, but this was also an unwise move. The capital fell, the kings were killed, and the counties in all cities and towns were already frightened. They took care of themselves. Their own logistics supply would be a problem and remained at Yuemenguan. It is tantamount to staying in one place. Therefore, after much deliberation, he has only the third way to go and retreat to the southwest of Ningguo.

Chang Sun Yuanhong has been serving in the southwest of Ningguo for many years. He is very familiar with it, and has a high reputation. He has a great response. The main thing is that in the southwest, he also has the powerful backup of Yueguo. He can help him at any time to resist the enemy. . Because of these considerations, Chang Sun Yuanhong decided to abandon the Yuemen Pass and led the public to retreat to the southwest.

His choice at this time was hard to say whether it was right or wrong, but Chang Sun Yuanhong did not go north to attack Liangzhou, giving the wind army a breathing space and completely stabilizing the situation in Ningbei eight counties.

However, his decision caused great trouble to Mozambique. Hundreds of thousands of Ningguo local troops with Chang Sun Yuanhong occupied the two southwestern counties, which became Mozambique's confidant. Later, Mozambique sent troops to fight several times and failed. Destroy Sun Yuanhong.

It is also because of the existence of Chang Ninghong, a remnant of Ning State, that later generations have disputed the time of Ning State's demise. Some people think that Ning State has perished when Liangzhou fell, and some people think that Ning State was not represented until the fall of Chang Sun Yuanhong Really perish.

Regardless, Chang Sun Yuanhong occupied the two southwestern counties, posing a great threat to Mozambique and Fengguo in the future.

The allied forces of the four nations set off one after another, heading for the mighty wind country, and at the moment, the enemy gave the warmest welcome to the returning wind army.

The capture of Ningdu, the killing of King Ning, the occupation of the eight counties of Ningbei, and the expansion of the territory of Fengguo, these achievements are unprecedented in the history of Fengguo. Tang Yin and his generals have become salvation nations , The great hero of a great country.

The battle of Ning Ning also maximized the self-confidence of the wind people. In the eyes of most wind people, the army of their own country is invincible and can not be attacked. Even if the million coalition forces of the four countries come to fight, it is not enough. fear.

When Tang Yin led his army back to Yancheng, the whole city fell into a frenzy of boiling, the streets were full of people, bright red petals fluttered in the sky, the people of Fengguo all lit up the lights, and they were lively ten times more than festivals.

The ministers of the court of the wind country all greeted the city, and even the imperial court, Yin Yin, came, ten miles away, to welcome the triumphant Tang Yin and the wind army.

Yin Ying didn't want to take Tang Yin. The wind country would not destroy Ning. Ning was part of the Haotian Empire. After Ning was destroyed, it was also part of the Haotian Empire. For Yin Yong, this was a civil war, internal consumption. It should be condemned, but should not be praised, but now almost all the ministers of the dynasty are on the side of Tang Yin. The ministers have come forward to persuade Yin Xuan, and in the end, it seems that he did not follow the wishes of the ministers, he is a Like a stunner. Yin Qiao was helpless by the ministers, so he had to go out of town to meet Tang Yin unwillingly and reluctantly. After meeting Tang Yin, the ministers of the imperial court greeted each other with smiles. They enthusiastically sang praises and virtues, and only Yin Kun who was present presented a bitter face.

When Tang Yin saw it, he also said half sarcastically and ridiculously: "Your Majesty is unwell and went out of town to meet Weichen himself, which really makes Weichen's heart uneasy!"

Hearing this, Yin Huan flushed, but it was difficult to refute, but he just laughed twice and confused.

Under the stars and the moon, Tang Yin returned to his palace. Then he rewarded his subordinates for their rewards. Whether it was the general who followed him or the ministers who stayed in Yancheng, everyone got a lot. reward.

Now Tang Yin has a wealth of money and a lot of money, just like a burst of money.

The Fengjun division returned home empty-handed, and brought back a large amount of gold and silver. Ningguo's treasury and the palace's silver treasury were carried away by them. The huge wealth accumulated by Ningguo for thousands of years was transported back to Yancheng by the Fengjun.

Tang Yin even considered whether to expand Yancheng's treasury.

With gold and silver, many things can be solved, especially for Tang Yin, who wants to increase his troop strength, and gets the maximum protection.

Now, he can rest assuredly recruit new recruits across the country. He can rest assured that he can customize military assets and armaments. There are eight counties in Ningbei. The wind country needs money and money.

The Plains Army, the Sanshui Army, and the immediate army returned to Yancheng for only one day of rest, and then set off again, heading south to Baguan.

Although Tang Yin did not leave the capital together with the army, he was also prepared to go to Baguan to command and fight, but there were still some things to be dealt with, and he could not go south so quickly.

He officially named Xia Yufu as the Prime Minister, and was fully responsible for the two agencies of the Wind Machinery Division and the Manufacturing Division, while Xuan Wang was the deputy of Xia Yufu.

The presence of Xia Yufu in the Ordnance Division gave Tang Yin a lot of confidence. Regardless of whether she could make a powerful weapon, she simply looked forward to mass production of her improved crossbow.

Xia Yufu also did not quit his appointment, and accepted it happily. Now Feng Ning has merged into one, and even the Central Army of the Ning State returned to the battlefield with Tang Yin. She felt that she no longer needed to be talented, even if it was Ning Bingning who could help enter the wind.

Tang Yin's stay in Yancheng coincided with the completion of Lingwu College, which officially opened for teaching. There were many students enrolled, including Yin Rou, a princess.

Yancheng Lingwu College is the first Lingwu college in Fengguo. It is very harsh on the students enrolled. The requirements are based on Lingwu and talented. Yin Rou does not meet at all, but he has successfully entered Lingwu. The first one was Tang Yin's approval. The second was Qiu Zhen, who was in charge of the academy, who was very happy to join Yin Rou. Yin Rou was a dignified imperial princess. Her willingness to join Lingwu College would raise the level of the college several steps , Thereby attracting more talents, including talents outside the wind country.

Fengguo Lingwu College emulates Ningguo, but Bining has a breakthrough. The college has set up a special dark wushu course. You can choose to practice the bright wushu or dark play wuwu according to the students' preferences.

In this way, the wind country is also equivalent to show the nations to the world ~ ~ the wind country recognizes and respects the dark wushu, which has greatly promoted the exhibition of the dark wushu, of course. , Also offended to the greatest extent the God of Light, spiritual martial arts.

That night, Tang Yin deliberately called for the left double.

The wind army has moved south. Only the left-wing West Front Army was left in Yancheng by Tang Yin, leaving the West Front Army alone, which also shows Tang Yin's trust in it.

After the left double arrived, he asked people to prepare a few dishes and drinks, and chat as they ate.

Tang Yin first asked Zuo Shuang what he thought of Lingwu College in Yancheng.

This question made Zuo Shuang not very good at answering. He groaned for a long time and said, "Wei Chen feels that the King can promote Lingwu College with great foresight, but ... but ..."

Although the left double was reused by Tang Yin, he still had more or less lingering thoughts and divisions about him, and he was not easy to say something directly.

Tang Yin smiled and waved her hand and said, "You and I are chatting in private. If you have something to say, don't worry."


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