Let's say that Mengluo, after sending Wang Yi away, immediately set off into the palace to see the emperor Yin Ying. kenennetbsp; Now Yin Yun is very leisurely. He basically has no government affairs to deal with. He stays in the palace and spends his days and days. Anyway, there is a wind country to support him. In addition to the rights of the emperor, what is required.

When Mengluo arrived, Yin Yan was watching songs and dances in the side hall, and he was obviously enjoying it.

When Meng Luo was brought near by the maid, Yin Yan sat there with a smile on her face, pointing at the empty space next to her, and said cheerfully: "Why is Mongolian so free today, hurry up, sit here."

Mengluo sighed secretly, stepped forward, knelt down at Yin Qi, then stood in shape and sat aside.

Soon, the maid brought snacks like drinks and dried fruits. After the waitress retreated, Meng Luofang said to Yin Yan, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen entered the palace, and there was something to discuss with His Majesty."

At this time Yin Yan's attention was completely absent from his body, and he blinked at the dozen or so dancers dancing in the temple without blinking.

These dancers were specially brought back from Ning Guo by Tang Yin, and were specially given to Yin Yan. Yin Yan likes women, and Tang Yin also likes them, hoping that he can continue to indulge in them.

"What's the matter, let's say it!" Yin Jian said casually without turning his head.

Munro frowned, and said in full color: "Your Majesty, what the minister wants to report is the important thing."

Yin froze for a moment, and finally his eyes fell on his face, and said, "Face, please speak up if you have something."

Mengluo looked at the dancing girl in the temple, and then looked at the maids around him, revealing a lingering expression.

Yin Yi was rather impatient, but still patiently said, "Say!"

Seeing that Tianzi didn't understand his meaning at all, Mengluo had to pick out clearly: "Your Majesty, please let the dancing girls and court ladies back first."

Yin Yan heard the words, and immediately showed dissatisfaction, staring suspiciously at Meng Luo. The latter reiterated: "It is important that the minister and his Majesty negotiate."

After being silent for a while, Yin Ye finally waved his hand and made Wu Ji and the surrounding maids step down. At this time, Lang Zhong ordered Mengtian to come and remove all the guards inside and outside the hall. Now, there are only Yin and Mengluo in the whole hall.

"Morning, what's the matter with you?" Yin Yan asked curiously.

Mengluo no longer hesitated, and said straightforwardly: "Wei Chen wants the Son of Heaven to be secretive, and kills Chen Yin!"

Yin Yan was still drinking slowly while holding a wine glass. When he heard this, his body shuddered, and the wine glass fell on the desk case. He drank the drink that was too late to be swallowed in his mouth. He widened his eyes, looked at Munro incredulously, and asked, "What did you say?"

"Your Majesty's secret, kill Tang Yin!" Said Meng Luo, word by word.

This time Yin Ming heard it clearly. He first fought the Cold War, and then his head shook like a rattle, stuttering: "No, never! Tang Aiqing once saved his life, how could he revenge him?" To him

Deadly? Besides, Tang Aiqing was loyal to him, why did he kill him? And ... "Speaking of this, he lowered his voice and whispered," Hang, you don't forget where you are now. This is the country of wind. Even if your majesty is determined, who can listen? Your command? "

After listening to the first half of his sentence, Meng Luo's face became more and more dignified, but after listening to the second sentence, Meng Luo was relieved at once. His Majesty was not stupid enough to think that Tang Yin was a loyal minister. He also wanted to get rid of Tang Yin, but he was worried. Without this ability.

He sighed sighing, his face sorrowful, saying: "Since Tang Yin welcomed His Majesty into the wind, he relied on his identity as the Wind King, formed a party and private affairs, colluded with the Minister of Central China, oppressed His Majesty everywhere, and threatened His Majesty everywhere. His attitude? In his eyes, His Majesty has become a plaything in his hands. "

This sentence is talking about Yin Yun's heart, his heart is sore, his eyes are red.

Mengluo continued: "The minister can guarantee that when Tang Yin welcomed His Majesty into the wind, he had no ambition, and Tang Yin had no loyalty to His Majesty. If this thief is not removed early, his wings will be plump and he will become His Majesty Big trouble! "

Yin Yan lowered his head and didn't speak, but looking at his expression, he agreed with Munro's words.

Meng Luo said: "Your Majesty, now is the perfect time to get rid of Tang Yin."

Yin Zhe was refreshed, raised his head, and asked with amazement and joy: "How do you say this?"

Meng Luo took out Wang Yi's set of rhetoric and explained it to Yin Yun in detail. Finally, he said, "Using the hatred of Ning people towards Tang Yin, coupled with His Royal Decree, he can certainly succeed. His Majesty can think about it. , Once the 150 thousand Western Border Army suddenly betrayed Tang Yin, this thief had a living reason? "

Oh? Yin Yan's eyes lighted up and thought carefully. It wasn't unreasonable for Mengluo's words.

In fact Yin Yin's mind is very smart and his mind turns quickly. In addition to his preference for women, he really has no obvious shortcomings. If he can hold the imperial power, he can become a good emperor, but unfortunately he is not born Time.

Soon after contemplation, Yin Ye judged that the strategy put forward by Meng Luo was the best policy, and there was great hope for success. However, killing Tang Yin is not a trivial matter. It involves too many things, and it is also related to his own life. Yin Yun dare not carelessly.

He thought for a while, and said, "Hanging up, this matter still needs to be considered, tomorrow ... tomorrow, I'll talk to you in the palace."

Mengluo shook his head and said positively, "Your Majesty, it is not too late, long night dreams," talking, he got up and left the seat, thumped to his knees, and trembled, "Chan please please your Majesty, immediately give the Western Border Army coach left double Xia Xuan, make him uprising, to kill the thief for the country! "

Now Tang Yin is in Yancheng. Who knows if he will suddenly leave Yancheng tomorrow to go to the south. In case Tang Yin is gone, it will be all over.

Looking at Meng Luo who was kneeling in front of him, Yin Qiu really had a hard time. He also wanted to kill Tang Yin, but success was fine, but what if he failed? With Tang Yin's personality, he might even kill his own son.

He clenched his fist slowly, thinking about it, and finally crossed his heart and murmured secretly! Whether I want to be a real emperor or a puppet of Tang Yin, that's where I go.

He walked around the table case, walked up to Meng Luo, reached out and helped him up, and said, "Meng Xiang, oh ... listen to you this time, help me grind!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Meng Luo's excited tears almost fell, three steps and two steps, went to the table, grind Yin Yin.

Yin Yan obeyed the opinion of Meng Luo, and secretly wrote a scripture to Zuo Shuang. In the scriptures, he enumerated Tang Yin's various hegemonies, and he described him as the first in the world to deceive and conceal all evil. Traitor, please the left double to lead the Ning State Central Army generals, beheaded Tang Yin, and raped the country.

After writing this 诏, Yin 谆 stamped the jade seal, and then carefully folded it, and handed it to Meng Luo, and said with a trembling voice: "Meng Xiang, this secret is related to the survival of the empire, the life and death of 朕, ​​and must not It's in Tang Yin's hands! "

Munro was well aware of the importance of this edict, and when he took it, he felt heavier.

Holding Luo Yanshu in both hands, Mengluo's tears fell. He cried not Yin Yin's trust in himself, but distressed Yin Dian, the divine emperor, was insulted to such an extent by the prince below, sad and sorrowful. !!

The old man choked and said, "Even if His Majesty is assured, even if the old man breaks his bones, he will protect the book from his life, and will not fall into the wrong hands!"

"Ah ... Meng Xiang said so, I was relieved ..." Yin Zhi was paralyzed sitting on the soft collapse. For a moment, the strength in his body seemed to be emptied instantly, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. .

Under the watchful eye of Yin Yun, Mengluo left the palace, and the old man left the palace. Without stopping, he immediately rushed to the western army camp outside the city.

There are 150,000 people in the Western Border Army. So many troops cannot be stationed in the capital. At this time, they temporarily live in the northern camp.

Without a word, Mengluo went out of Yancheng and arrived at the camp in the north of the city.

The predecessor of the Western Border Army was the Central Army of the Ning Kingdom. As far as military discipline is concerned, it is more rigorous than the Wind Army. Inside and outside the camp, three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, patrol guards passing by from time to time.

Mengluo's carriage was stopped by the guards of the Western Front as soon as it reached the gate of the camp.

When people looked at the carriage, they immediately judged that the identity of the people inside was not simple.

A captain of the guard stepped forward and asked politely, "Who wants to join our army camp?"

Without waiting for the people to answer, the carriage curtain slammed, and Monroe poked his head out, saying, "Little brother, if you are bothered to let your general commander General Zuo Shuang talk aloud, you will say Zuo Mengluo!"

Zuo Mengluo? The captain didn't respond for a while, wasn't Xiang Zuo Qiu Zhen? When did it become Munro? But after a pause, he suddenly remembered that Qiu Zhen was the right side of the court of the Wind Country, but the left side of the imperial court was Mengluo.

Yeah? What's wrong with the imperial court? In terms of status and status, the left of the imperial court is much more noble than the left of the principality.

Where is that guard

Dare to neglect, and hurriedly intervened in the saluting, saying, "Please wait for a while, Lord, please report to the general!" After speaking, he turned and ran to the camp.

It is now evening ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zuo Shuang has just inspected the training of His Majesty's officers and returned to the Chinese Army Account. He is unloading his armor. Waiting outside.

Mengluo will come to find himself, but the left double is quite surprised. He and Menglu have never met, let alone talk about friendship. Why did he come suddenly?

Zuo Shuang was baffled, but he went out to meet him in person.

After the two met, the left pair took the initiative to salute, and said with a smile: "I don't know if the prime minister came to visit, there is a long-distance welcome, and I don't want to see strangeness."

Mengluo hurried forward and paid a deep respect to Zuo Shuang, saying, "General Zuo is too polite to kill this one."

The left double had a good first impression of Mengluo. He felt that he was not a domineering stance as the imperial court official, and waved sideways and said, "Mengxiang, please inside."

"Please, General Zuo!"

The two spoke a few words and walked into the camp side by side.


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