At the beginning, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi commanded the 400,000 Ning Army to invade the Wind Country and helped Zhong Tianzhang Jun rebel. In the Wind Country, the two brothers are the enemy of the wind and the wind, but the left double has asked in front of the king. Go to worship the two thieves, isn't this your own death? People looked at Tang Yin one after another, and at the same time, they perverted the cold sweat for the left double. kenennetbsp; To Yin Zuo's request, Tang Yin first froze, then narrowed his eyes, staring at the left double, and after a long while, when people thought he was going to make a thunder, Tang Yin laughed and laughed, Nodded and said: "For the Wind Country, the Zhan brothers are enemies, but for the Ning people, they are the heroes who died in a foreign land. As a Ning man, you have not forgotten the original. It is a good thing to worship. It should be. "

The unexpected surprise of these words also touched the left double very much.

He knelt down on one knee, his hands arched high, and trembled, "Thank you very much, King."

Tang Yin nodded and helped him up without saying anything.

He smiled on his face, and he spoke very well, but he felt a bit embarrassed, but now it is the time of employment, and the 150,000 Central Army of Ningguo is still very important. Do the trick.

When the whole army stopped to rest, Fan Shan came to see Tang Yin.

Now Tang Yin didn't even let him build a simple Chinese military account. He was sitting on a stone with only Qiu Zhen and a few close guards beside him.

Fan Shan came across quickly with a roll of maps and was stopped by the guards when he was not ten steps away from Tang Yin.

"Several brothers, I want to see the king!" "What's the matter?" Tang Yin's guards were all very proud. They were only small staff members who didn't even look straight.

"I have something to report to the King!" "Say anything! We will report to the King!" "This ... I have to report to the King myself ..." "Luo Ye!" Without saying a few words The guards reprimanded loudly.

Their snoring caught Tang Yin's attention.

Tang Yin, who was talking to Qiu Zhen, turned his head and looked to Fan Shan. He asked, "What's going on?" A guard hurriedly rushed forward and said, "I have a counsellor to see you. "

"Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes crossed the guard and looked at Fan Shan. Now he is a bit impressed with Fan Shan, but still doesn't know his name.

He waved his hand, motioned the guards to let go, and said, "Let him come over!" "Yes! King!" The guards conceded aside and let Fan Shan pass by.

Fan Shan stepped forward, kneeling on his knees, and said, "Little Fan Fan Shan, see King!" Tang Yin responded, and after Fan Shan got up, he asked: "Is there something wrong?" Fan Shan looked around. , Whispered, "King, can you speak further?" His mysterious look made Tang Yin laugh and said, "There is something to say, there are no outsiders here."

"Uh ..." Fan Shan knew very well that he was humble now, and he didn't know if the words he said would be adopted by the king. He hesitated for a while and came up with the most inappropriate idea to relate to Tang Yinpan.

He said with a smile: "Although the king does not know the villain, the villain has long admired the king, and in theory, the villain is still the cousin of Mrs. Wan'an!" Mrs. Wan'an is the title of Fan Min.

In terms of seniority, it is true that he is Fan Min's cousin, but it is a bit far away. His great ancestors and Fan Min's great ancestors are brothers.

What Tang Yin hated most was the person who climbed the power and attached to the noble. After listening to Fan Shan's words, the original impression of him was quite good and immediately fell to the bottom.

Qiu Zhen laughed in his heart aside, this is another person who does not understand the king, it seems that this person's road to military service is also coming to an end.

laugh! Tang Yin chuckled, stood up, and approached Fan Shan, approached him carefully.

Fan Min has a beautiful appearance, but Fan Shan's appearance is also gentle. If you look closely, you can find one or two places to meet.

He casually asked, "Fan Shan, how long have you been in the army?" I didn't understand why the king asked so, and he replied, "Quickly ... almost a month."

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked, "The army you only joined after the king reached the stage?" "Yes, king."

Fan Shan nodded.

"Servant to serve as an officer?" "Yes."

"You have a lot to offer, and you have no experience. What qualifications do you have to be an army officer?" As she spoke, Tang Yin beckoned to the guards on the side, and came over a spear, shoved directly into Fan Shan's arms, and said, "You first Start with the recruits and fight for me! "Fan Shan dumbfounded the spear in his arms, completely dumbfounded.

Tang Yin no longer ignored him, and no longer looked at him, sat back on the stone, and continued to talk to Qiu Zhen.

He didn't return to God until the guards on both sides came up to pull Fan Shan away. At this time, Fan Shan finally understood Tang Yin's likes and dislikes, and it must have been his own words that annoyed the king. Is good? He turned his eyes continuously, and suddenly pushed the guards left and right, then raised the spear in his arms and fell to the ground fiercely.

When 啷 啷 ——The spear hit the rock on the ground and made a crisp sound. The guards did not change color, they took up their weapons and lived in Fanshan.

Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen were also stunned, frowning and staring at Fan Shan, not understanding what sudden nerves he had.

Fan Shan shouted at Tang Yin: "The villain joins the army to help the king break through thousands of armies, not to kill one or two enemy soldiers with a spear!" Alas! What a great tone! Tang Yin and Qiu Zhenxiang laughed at each other. If Fan Shan had shown such courage, Tang Yin might have looked at him long ago.

He asked with a smile: "How do you talk about how to help the King defeat the enemy? It makes sense. I ’ll add you to the ranks. If it ’s unreasonable, even if there is a King of Heaven as your patron, your The head also scores. "

Fan Shan faced Tang Yin's eyes without fear and asked, "King, General Zuo Shuang is going to worship and worship Warriors and Warriors. Can you let him go alone?" "Yes? Is there anything wrong?" "The king can be sympathetic to and understand the feelings of the Ning people. This is the wiseness of the King.

Since King Ken sent the left double generals, why not send the West Front Army together? Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, stared at Fan Shan, and asked, "What do you mean?" Fan Shan took the first two steps and said positively: "Takagawa-gun is spread all over the mountains and forests, and it is easy to hide. Why doesn't the King leave the Western Front in Takagawa-gun and raid the enemy's rear? When our army enters the three counties in the east, the enemy forces will follow. By then, the logistics supply of the enemy forces will pass through Takagawa-gun. With the West Border Army in the county, the enemy's supply line can be cut off. Hundreds of thousands of The army loses supplies and is vulnerable! "Oh? Tang Yin really didn't think about this strategy. His eyes gradually changed from Jingliang to deep, thinking.

It is a good idea to leave the West Front to harass behind the enemy. If the West Front can fight in good faith, it is absolutely fine, but what if it changes? The left double left their control, and if they led the 150,000 Ning Army to rebel suddenly, how would they cope? Seeing Tang Yin's concerns, Fan Shan stepped forward two more steps and said, "The king employs people. He always advocates the use of unquestionable people. Do not use suspects. Since the king reuses the left double general, he should trust the Western Army he commanded."

This can be said to Tang Yin's heart.

He didn't answer immediately. Seeing Fan Shan still holding a roll of cloth strips, he raised his head and asked, "What's that you got?" "It's a map!" Between words, Fan Shan went to Tang Yin and flattened the map. Paved on the ground, that's a map of the whole country.

Regardless of whether Tang Yin asked or not, he talked about it first.

He pointed at the junction of Takagawa-gun, Shangqing, and Goyang-gun on the map, and said, "King, this is Jinyang City, which is located between the three counties. It can be attacked, retreated, and defended. It belongs to the throat. King It can be armed in Jinyang to fight against the enemy forces. The Western Front guerrillas in Takagawa-gun, specializing in the logistics of the enemy forces, echoing the hatchbacks, can disturb the hearts of the enemy forces, and make the enemy forces self-defeating. "

Fan Shan is by far the first person to have a complete combat strategy with Tang Yin.

Tang Yin listened expressionlessly to his analysis, wondering whether his strategy was feasible.

For a moment of contemplation, Tang Yin asked Qiu Zhen next to him, "Qiu Zhen, what do you think?" Qiu Zhen did not say good or bad, but raised his concerns.

He said: "I have been to Jinyang City, where there is a plain of Pingchuan, which is safe and secure, the city is not large, it is a small projectile, and the walls are not high. There is no moat outside the city. The enemy attacked me. The army's strength and Jinyang's city defense are afraid that it is difficult to resist! "Tang Yin nodded, turned to look at Fan Shan, and listened to how he explained.

"Qiu Xiang is right. Jinyang is indeed a small city and it is not easy to defend."

Fan Shan pointed at the map and said, "But Jinyang can be located between three big cities, Songqiu in the north, Ningding in the east, and Taifeng in the west. These three cities are not far from Jinyang, like a pocket. Jinyang was surrounded by it.

If our army can't hold on, it can completely abandon the city and retreat to the three cities of Songqiu, Ningding and Taifeng ~ ~ and give Jinyang to the enemy.

At that time, no matter if the enemy forces first attack one of Songqiu, Ningding or Taifeng, the other two cities can send troops to counterattack Jinyang, or sandwich the enemy forces, or exhaust the enemy forces, so that they can only take advantage of this position. The advantage is extreme! Tang Yin heard the words, his spirit was shaking, he bent down and looked at the map carefully.

As Fan Shan said, there are cities on the east, west, and north of Jinyang, forming a semi-encircle to sandwich it. Tang Yin did not know how the four cities were built at the time, but their unique layout is indeed suitable for defense. use.

In fact, Jinyang was not a city but a town, but it was located between Songqiu, Ningding and Taifeng, and at the junction of the three counties. Many caravans and tourists passed by Jinyang and rested here. Because of its sharpness, Jinyang Town is very lively. The population continues to increase and the town area continues to expand. Later, the county in which it belonged was so happy. At that time, the court did not conduct more cross-examinations, and it was approved inadvertently.

As a result, Jinyang Town has become Jinyang City, but the scale is indeed smaller than other cities.

Qiu Zhen said that Jinyang is a small projectile city with short walls and no moat.

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