Wu Rui's Qi Qiao smoked, striding into the tavern, stroking the spirit gun as a stick, and smashing against the wall with the blood on it. kenennetbsp; The walls of the tavern are made of civil engineering, where they can withstand the heavy blow of the spirit soldiers.

Boom-this shot went down and the wall with blood on it fell down, but then, the whole pub was shaking, and before Wu Rui's response came, the tavern collapsed and brought Wu Rui together with several Sichuan soldiers. Pressed inside.

The soldiers who were standing outside first step backwards instinctively, and then shouted, "Quickly save the generals—"

People rushed up, moving wooden beams and digging tiles. When the crowd was desperately trying to rescue Wu Rui from the ruins, a muffled sound was heard in the ear wheels, and Wu Rui, covered with dust and gray face, came out of the ruins. Stand up straight.

He had a shield of spiritual armor, of course, the wooden tavern could not kill him, but since he joined the army, he has never been as embarrassed as he is now. Obviously, the tavern had been manipulated by the wind army, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to be smashed by a shot. The other party ’s message on the tavern wall was premeditated, just to lead him to smash it. In Wu Rui ’s view , The other party is obviously playing and fooling themselves.

Mud Bodhisattva has three points of earth! No matter how good Wu Rui's temper was, he couldn't stand it at this time. He moved his body and stepped out of the ruins. The soil and wood chips on his body also fell straight down. At this time, Wu Rui's eyes turned red and he looked around. The soldier, roaring, "Army, follow me!"

Everyone heard the words, their hearts shuddered, they were only 20,000, and they did not bring out any siege weapons. How could they siege the city? The two regiment commanders quickly walked to Wu Rui and whispered, "General Wu, General did not let us come to attack the city, and now we do not have weapons to attack the city ..."

"How? You are afraid that the wind army will not succeed? If you do n’t have a siege weapon, go back to the camp to get it!" Wu Rui was already mad at this time, and he was totally disregarded, just trying to fight with the wind army.

Seeing his appearance, the two regiment leaders did not dare to persuade him, and nodded in response: "Yes, yes, yes! General Wu, we will send someone back to operate the siege weapon."

That's what it said, but the two regiment commanders did not do so. They specifically told the returnees to quickly inform the general and let the general decide.

After Fen Fang heard it, he frowned darkly. Wu Rui had always been stable. Why was this impulsive this time?

Thinking of this, he said to the generals of the two army of Sichuan Zhen: "Last night, the three thousand brothers sent by our army have been found, but they have all been killed by the ambush of the wind army, and the outer city of Jinyang is basically There are no ghosts. Today, we are going to avenge blood and revenge for the brothers killed. Which general is willing to take the lead and explore the truth and reality of the wind army? "

If Wu Rui is still calm, Ren Fang may send him to attack the city, but now he has been red-eyed by Feng Junqi, Ren Fang can't rest assured that he will fight again.

As soon as his words fell, Zhen Jun general Liao Sheng stood out and intervened in the ceremony, saying, "Ren Shuai, I would like to take the lead!"

Liao Sheng was the same as Gao Jun in Zheng State, and one of the outstanding men. He turned the nine-turned gun into a deep, exquisite spirit, and had the force of an enemy among the armies.

Watching His Majesty's love will invite him to fight, Nie Ze smiled and said nothing, but pride had surfaced. Zhen Guo's fierce power is like a cloud, and this alone is enough to compare Sichuan.

This is not Nie Ze's ego, but the fact. There are many generals in Sichuan, and there are countless talents who are good at fighting in the army. Zhen Guo lacks handsome talents, but there are many powerful and powerful generals and a lot of talents. If there is a confrontation, no Principality can compete with Zhen.

Liao Sheng called for a fight, and Ren Fang only thought for a moment, and said, "General Liao led the battle with 50,000 generals, and General Dou Kui was pushed by 100,000 generals!"

"The general (below) obeys the order!" Dou Kui and Liao Sheng both stepped in to take their lives.

Dou Kui is the general of Sichuan, the rank of lieutenant general, and the earl. In front of Ren Fang, he claims to be the general, while Liao Sheng is a Zhen general, and does not recognize himself as a subordinate of Ren Fang, so he claims to be below.

The two were ordered to leave, ordered 150,000 soldiers, and out of the barracks, headed straight for Jinyang inner city.

In the outskirts of the city, Wu Rui saw that his team was out of the camp, and was carrying a large siege equipment. When the two sides met, Dou Kui and Liao Sheng were met, Wu Rui excitedly asked, "General Dou, General Shao, did the General send you to help me attack the city?"

Without waiting for Dou Kui to speak, Liao Sheng swaggered and said proudly: "Ren Shuai sent me to wait for the siege, which has nothing to do with General Wu."

Wu Rui heard the words, his eyebrows were twisted into a frown immediately, and he looked at Dou Kui. The two of them were colleagues in the army. They had a good relationship in private. Dou Kui turned over and dismounted, approached Wu Rui, and whispered, "General Wu, the general asked you to bring the dead brother's body back to the camp. The second siege will be fought by General Liao and me! "

"Why is this?" Wu Ruixin was just Zhen Zhen's words, but Dou Kui could not help but believe. He clenched his fists and stared directly at Dou Kui.

Dou Kui didn't know why Ren Fang didn't let Wu Rui play. He shrugged and said, "This is the order of the general. What is the reason? I'm afraid only the general knows it. It's not too late to face up to the generals. "

The Sichuan Army has a strict discipline, and its military orders are as mountainous as a mountain. Even a general like Wu Rui, who is so beloved by the king, dares not disobey the military order. He stomped his foot fiercely, sighed helplessly, and nodded, "Okay! I'll go back to camp first!"

Dou Kui comforted with a smile: "I don't know when this battle will be fought. I will wait for General Wu's return before the two army formations!"

Wu Rui looked around, leaned against Dou Kui's ear, and whispered, "Brother Dou, don't fight too hard, be sure to wait for me to come back!"

Dou Kui laughed, but just nodded and said nothing, turned over and arched to Wu Rui, and led the army with Liao Sheng to the inner city of Jinyang.

When the two of them passed through the outer city, they were close to the range of the Feng Army. Dou Kui ordered the army to stop advancing, then turned to look at Liao Sheng beside him, and asked, "General Liao, there are many houses in the outer city. Although it is suitable for our army to avoid flying in the city, it is not suitable for our army to charge. How do you think this battle will be fought? "

Liao Sheng snorted coldly and said, "I'll go get some wind-captains' heads and talk again!" Between words, he rushed out of his team with a single shot, and asked the enemy to scold him out of the city a hundred steps away. "Feng Jun, listen, I am Liao Sheng from Zhen State. Who wants to die from the city?"

His tone was crazy enough, and he didn't pay attention to the generals in the army.

At this point, Jinyang's city walls were already full of admirers, and Tang Yin was among them. Tang Yin didn't know much about Zhen Guo's generals. He asked everyone around him: "Who is Liao Sheng?"

Lotte said: "Back to the king, Liao Sheng is one of the lords of Zhen State, and his strength is not under Gao Jun. Don't just ignore this person!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this man really had some arrogant capital. He was pondering that the new army commander Nan Ye was in the ranks and stepped in and said, "King, the end will be out of town to fight the enemy!"

Tang Yin didn't answer immediately, but asked, "Nanye, how many people did the enemy send to attack the city this time?"

Nanye froze and turned to look outside the city, not sure. If the enemy lineup is a square array, it is very good to judge. You only need to count the number of square arrays to calculate the force, but now the enemy forces are crowded on the main road in the outer city area and discharged. Far, this is not very easy to judge.

After pondering for a while, Nanye said uncertainly: "It should be more than 100,000, but less than 200,000."

Tang Yin nodded and questioned: "The enemy is less than 200,000 and has not moved the main force. This battle is mostly a temptation to ask for directions. How can you be so calm as a commander in chief of the army?"

Nan Ye was blushed by the old man asked by Tang Yin, did not dare to say half a word, and bowed back to this column.

Tang Yin said in a deep voice: "No one is allowed to fight! The enemy will be willing to yell and scold outside the city and let him yell and scold. Our army only needs to strictly guard the city."

"Yes! King!" The generals responded in response.

Tang Yin stepped in front of the arrow stack, leaning on the wall, leaning forward to look at the appearance, sometimes his eyes shone brightly, sometimes deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

He could turn a blind eye to Liao Sheng's shouting, but others couldn't do it. As Liao Sheng's yelling became more and more unpleasant, people's faces became increasingly ugly.

At this time, Lotte secretly gritted his teeth and beckoned silently to the sky behind him. People would notice that someone immediately stepped forward and handed his bow and arrow.

Lotte's bow is a strong bow, which is more difficult to pull than the usual hard bow, and its power is greater. The arrow he uses is a steel arrow. I saw Rakuten striding the first two steps, grasping the bow in one hand, and holding the arrow in one hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Between the shaking hands, the steel arrow became spiritual, then twisted the bow and took the arrow, aimed at Liao Sheng outside the city, and shot a fiercely Mind the arrow.

Squeak-Spiritual arrows cut through the sky, and a shrill scream sounded as if a meteor flew over and flew straight to the heart of Liao Sheng outside the city.

In fact, Liao Sheng is not within the range of Jinyang City, but the bow used by Lotte is too powerful. This arrow is still very powerful even when flying to Liao Sheng.

Liao Sheng did not expect that Feng Jun would suddenly release a cold arrow, and he could still shoot such a long cold arrow. His heart trembled, and he hurriedly turned the nine-turn Qiankun gun in his hand outwards. The spirit arrow flying over hit the head, and with a crisp sound, the spirit arrow hit the ground and fell to the ground.

After a while, Liao Sheng, who was still frightened, came back to him. He roared angrily at the head of Jinyang City: "Jiang Fan, if you have a seed, go out of the city to fight with me and let the cold arrow be stolen. What is the skill? Jiang Fan, Get out of town and die! "

Liao Sheng has seen Jiang Fan ’s arrows. He also saw Jiang Fan and Gao Jun last time. Gao Jun was defeated. He was stunned in his heart. Now he mistaken an arrow from Lotte for Jiang Fan. Of course, he hated Jiang Fan even more.


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