This Zhen army headed by Li Cheng penetrated into the hinterland of Fengguo, and hit Baguan all the way to Fengdu near Yancheng. It can be said that it swept the central and southern parts of Fengguo, and the courts of Fengguo had to relocate, but in the end, they failed to get out of Fengguo. .

Li Cheng was not defeated by the wind army, but by that rare blizzard. If the Zhen army was able to plunder some cotton clothes while plundering the property, the outcome of this battlefield would likely be fundamental. change.

However, the world is not as good as Li Cheng and his army of 150,000 troops are almost buried in the wind.

The danger of the capital city of the wind country was actually resolved by a sudden snowstorm, which was unexpected by everyone.

Wind country southwest battlefield.

The Chuanzhen coalition's attack on Jinyang was blocked, and the generals suffered losses, and morale was low. The most terrible thing was that two logistics bases were successively attacked by the wind army, causing more than six hundred thousand troops to lose supplies. Now, the Chuanzhen coalition's situation is difficult to ride a tiger. , Both embarrassing and critical.

The commander of the coalition commander Ren Fang ordered the stone thrower to throw stone bombs day and night, which would smash Jinyang's outer city and smooth the obstacles for his army's siege. Ren Fang was very clear that his own army and Fengjun could not afford to drag, and the grain in the barracks was not enough. If the domestic shipment of grain and grass came over, it would take at least a month or two. Where can the army persist for so long?

Now we must fight fast and win Jinyang as soon as possible.

However, the Sichuan Zhenlian Army used stone blasting machines to destroy houses in Jinyang's outer city. During the day, the Fengjun didn't dare to act, but at night, the dark spiritual practitioners headed by Tang Yin sneaked out of the city and attacked Sichuan's heavy rock throwing machine, causing trouble to the other party.

In the dark night, the dark spiritual practitioners are so strange that they are too weird to prevent. Sichuan's heavy rock throwing machines are frequently damaged. Finally, Ren Fang can only give up using rock throwing machines at night and only use them during the day. The destruction of Jinyang's outer urban area became much slower.

Ren Fang knew that this would not be the way to go, but how to break Jinyang, he couldn't think of a very good way for a while.

On this day, Ren Fang sat in the army's tent and was studying the topographic map of Jinyang. The more he felt upset, the more he looked at it, he folded the map, took a hard shot, and then asked Jin Zhuo aside: "Can there be Li The news from General? "

Jin Zhuo smiled and replied: "The other day, the Zhen Army had just received a reply from General Li Cheng, saying that the army had captured the city and was preparing to march to Wancheng. According to time calculations, if the march went smoothly, Li General Cheng should now have entered Wancheng and is taking a break and preparing to attack the city of Yancheng. "

"Really?" Li Cheng was only 150,000 people on the other side, but the battle was so smooth, like a bamboo shoot, and there were more than 600,000 people on his own side, but he was blocked by a small Jinyang and could not advance. It seems that I need to review myself! Ren Fang sighed secretly, his eyes rolled, and murmured: "If Wancheng is broken, Yancheng will be endangered. Tang Yin, as the wind king, should get the news as soon as possible, but look at Jinyang City. Feng Jun, it's very calm, not like the capital is about to fall. "

This is quite amazing. Jin Zhuo suspected: "Perhaps the wind army is pretending to be calm. The wind army must also understand that at this time they will rescue them and will be chased down by our army, and will also lead our army to Yancheng. China is even more disadvantaged. "

It is not unreasonable for him to say this, but Ren Fang always felt that things were not so simple, Feng Jun's performance was too stable, and there was no urgency of the city's endangerment. It was also true that Li Cheng was in a row in the middle and south of the wind country. The Chifeng Army, one of the main forces of the Wind Country ... Ren Fang rubbed his painful forehead, and the performance of the Wind Army at this time can only be described by confusing and incredible.

Panicking in his heart, Ren Fang didn't want to be trapped in the army's account anymore. He stood up and said, "Let's go for a walk."

"Yes! General!" Jin Zhuo followed Ren Fang out of the army's account and strolled around the camp.

As he walked, Jin Zhuo asked puzzledly, "General, why did our army have to smash Jinyang's outer city and then attack the city? Even if there are obstacles, if we attack the city with all our strength, we may win Jinyang. "

"There are many obstacles, great threats, and great casualties." Ren Fang turned his head and looked at Jin Zhuo, Youyou said: "The king has ambitions, which means that there will be many more battles in China in the future. Now If you can reduce one soldier and one general, you must minimize damage, and you can bring more soldiers and one general back to your country, and you must bring as much as possible. "

Jin Zhuo inhaled, looked around, and whispered, "After the wind blows, we will return to Heaven, and will we fight again?"

"Hehe!" Ren Fang chuckled, and didn't speak again. The King was so anxious to recapture the Son of Heaven that he did not want to worship the Son of Heaven, but to replace it. Changing the dynasty, the nations of the world must be dissatisfied, and there are still many wars to fight! However, this cannot be said, and Ren Fang dare to think only in his heart.

Seeing that Ren Fang was laughing, Jin Zhuo scratched his hair and didn't figure out what he meant. Jin Zhuo is a good general, but he is not a good politician like Ren Fang.

When Ren Fang walked to a sitting tent, he suddenly stopped and stood and listened. Jin Zhuo stepped forward and listened carefully.

Cruel grumbles came from the camp: "I see, the general is too persistent, his brain won't turn, and Jin Yang is not easy to fight, so don't fight. Look at the Zhen Army, and find another way. It is said that it has been all the way Hit Yancheng ... "

Hearing this, Jin Zhuo's face changed, and he said boldly! How dare he reprimand the general? Thinking, he clenched his sabre tightly and rushed into the camp.

Ren Fang reached out and grabbed his wrist while shaking his head slightly at him. Jin Zhuo thought that Ren Fang would be angry, but he did not think he was thoughtful at this time.

Jin Zhuo's heart moved, and he whispered, "Isn't the general going to attack Yancheng, right?" But there is not enough food in the army. Hundreds of thousands of troops may have to run out of food before they reach Yancheng.

Of course, Ren Fang would not be stupid enough to attack Yancheng, but the complaints of the sergeants in the camp were right, and reminded him, why should he struggle with the army in Jinyang? There are three cities around Songyang, Ningding, and Taifeng around Jinyang. As long as your own troops send troops to capture these three cities, Jinyang becomes an isolated and dangerous city. The sleepy can also trap the wind army inside. In addition, the capture of Songqiu, Ningding and Taifeng also have another advantage, which can solve the problem of food and grass for their own army. He can completely imitate Li Cheng, plundering in situ, and fill the lack of his side with the grain of the wind country.

Thinking about this, Ren Fangsheng was shocked. He didn't stop and turned back to return to the military account. At the same time, the guard next to him went to Nie Ze and said that he had to discuss with him urgently.

After seeing Ren Fang's energetic appearance at the moment, and judging the two when he was upset, Jin Zhuo guessed that Ren Ran had a strategy to defeat the enemy, but he did not know the specific method, and did not dare to ask more. .

It wasn't long before Ren Fang and Jin Zhuo returned to the army's account, and Nie Ze and several Zhen generals approached with their heads raised. Li Cheng, who has been battled and battled over there, is approaching Yancheng, which makes Nie Ze more attractive. He walks along the road and is very proud of Ren Fang.

When they saw Ren Fang, the Zhenjun took part in the ceremony, and Nie Ze only arched his hand slightly and asked, "Ren Shuai, you are coming down and I don't know if there is anything to discuss."

Ren Fang did not care about Nie Ze's arrogance, of course, others also have arrogant capital. He waved his hand with a smile, motioned for Nie Ze to sit aside, and then asked, "General Nie, do you know what you think of the current battle situation?"

"View?" Nie Zexuan laughed, and his view was put forward, but he was vetoed. He said: "My opinion is still the same as before. Don't hit any outer city. The army is overwhelming, storming Jinyang, and killing it with anger."

Ren Fang nodded thoughtfully and said, "General Nie's strategy also makes sense, but I have another idea. I don't know if it's not feasible, so I asked General Nie to discuss it."

His attitude and tone were too modest, like playing Tai Chi. Even if Nie Ze had a dissatisfaction and opinion about Ren Fang, he could not vent it. He sighed and said, "Ren Shuai has any ideas, please speak up!"

After pondering for a while, Ren Zhuan slowly said, "Our army has been attacked in two places where supplies and supplies are accumulated in Mozambique and Fengguo. Now our army is short of grain and lack of armaments. The more the war is delayed, the more unfavorable to our army ... ... "

Before he finished speaking, Nie Ze shot his thigh again and said, "Ren Shuai, you want to understand! How about it? Just do it my way and storm Jinyang!"

Ren Ren slowly said: "The attack is to attack, but our goal is not Jinyang."

"What? Not Jinyang? Where is that?"

"The three cities of Songqiu, Ningding and Taifeng ~ ~ Ren Fangzheng said," These three cities, together with the camp of our army, form exactly four points, encircling Jinyang. As long as our army captures these three places, Jinyang can become an isolated city. At that time, our army can plunder the food in the three cities and surrounding villages and towns to fill the needs of the army. In this way, our army has solved the urgent need and just broke it. Jinyang's supply. There are also hundreds of thousands of wind troops in Jinyang City, trapped for ten days and a half months, the wind army died without fighting. "

After Nie Ze heard it, his eyes were suddenly bright, and he secretly said loudly! His style is fierce, but he can also distinguish which strategies are feasible and which strategies are difficult to implement. In his opinion, the idea of ​​letting go is the best policy, at least much better than forcing Jinyang to the ground, allowing the party to achieve the greatest victory with minimal casualties.

He thought for a moment, nodded, and admired: "Ren Shuai deserves to be the commander in chief of the coalition, and he was really good at it. I think this is a feasible plan!"

Ren Fang laughed. If he wanted to win Songqiu, Ning Ding and Tai Feng, it was inseparable from the support of Zhen Jun. Nie Ze's attitude was very important. When he agreed, Ren Fang was completely relieved. He said, "Okay! Now that General Nie has no objection, let's assign how to attack."


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