Tang Yin and Wu Rui engaged in warfare. Even though Wu Rui exhibited the spiritual transformation of the soldiers, it was still difficult to prevail in the scene. At the time of the fierce battle between you and me, an arrow suddenly shot from above the heads of the two. This arrow, fast, turned into electric light, and went straight to Woolui's head.

Wu Rui, a well-known Sichuan national, reacted extremely sharply. Although he did not see an arrow flying overhead, he realized that the danger was approaching. He didn't think about it. He leaned back completely out of instinctual reaction, and he heard a flutter in the ear wheel. This golden arrow did not hit the top of Wu Rui's head, but was nailed to his foot.

Because of the strength, Jin Jian shot directly through his feet and pierced deeply into the ground. Wu Rui screamed in pain, glanced down, and nailed a purple-gold spirit arrow with only a small half left on his feet. It's Jiang Fan! In the country of wind, there is such an arrow method, and those who use this kind of arrow support, except Jiang Fan, can not find a second one.

Wu Rui's heart trembled, so great archery! The secret spiritual practitioner in front of me is hard enough, and now there is one more Jiang Fan, it is really difficult for him to fight. Thinking of this, he squatted down quickly, grabbed the tail of the arrow, then clenched his teeth, drank, and pulled out the gold arrow that penetrated the sole of his foot. Then, Wu Rui did not delay for a moment and pulled away. Lumbling backwards.

Before Tang Yin chased him, Jiang Fan on the city's head fired a second arrow, which went to the back of Woolui's heart. Wu Rui looks like he has long eyes behind him, and once again rolls a lazy donkey, avoiding the purple gold arrow. When Jiang Fan wanted to shoot the third arrow again, Wu Rui had entered the crowd of Chuanzhen Coalition and looked for him again.

If according to Tang Yin's previous personality, he would definitely hunt down the enemy generals at this time, but now the situation in Jinyang is too critical, it is really difficult for him to get out of sight, and when the enemy generals have fled, he immediately kills other enemy soldiers and generals. This battle was a difficult blood battle for both Sergeant Feng and Tang Yin.

At the end, so militant Tang Yin was numb and killed, and the muddy brain was left with only a simple wield of weapons to kill the surrounding enemies. In his place of stay, the surrounding corpses were stacked high, but the Sichuan Army and Zhen Army were too many, killing one, and rushing to a group, as if there was no end to killing.

Tang Yin fought fiercely outside the city for more than an hour. At this time, he did not even have the strength to wield a knife, and the enemies around him were still too numerous to resist. Tang Yin could only retreat to the city with a shadow drift. When he returned, the whole man had collapsed, leaning on the arrow stack, sitting paralyzed, panting heavily.

Spread off the armor, and look at his body as if he had just crawled out of the water. Even the armor was wet and the clothes inside were soaked with sweat. When the sergeant around him saw this, he hurried forward, eager to help, but he didn't dare, and each hurriedly asked, "King, you ... you are injured ..."

Tang Yin's eyes turned and he looked around at the soldiers and prisoners. When he saw people's expressions, they were worried and concerned. He forced himself, raised the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Any enemies, what can I do?" He paused, he With a sigh, he said, "Don't worry, I'm just tired of killing the enemy."

Hearing that, people finally let go.

Tang Yin called Cheng Jin, and then whispered, "Cheng Jin, you immediately led a dark arrow out of the city. Like yesterday, you created trouble behind the enemy ’s siege and tried to keep the enemy forces out of the way."


Cheng Jin responded, gathered his subordinates, and brought out more than one hundred dark arrow personnel, flashing out of the city with a shadow drift, and wanted to continue to attack the Sichuan Zhenlian Army in the housing area near the city wall.

As a result, this time, Dark Arrow suffered a big loss.

The Chuanzhen Coalition had long been prepared to arrange a careful trap in the place where the Dark Arrow personnel appeared. The Dark Arrow personnel were unguarded. After appearing, they were entangled by the rope set by the other party. Wu Rui is right. Shadow drift is most afraid of locks. Once locked, shadow drift cannot be performed at all.

The dark arrow personnel who were entangled by the ropes just realized that it was not good. The spiritual practitioners ambushing in the dark rushed up. Some people released the spiritual skills, and some people rushed up to kill them. The personnel did not even have the opportunity to break the rope, or they were chopped into pieces by the opponent, or they were smashed by the Lingwu skill.

Cheng Jin also nearly caught the trap of Chuan Zhen's coalition. Seeing that the situation was not good, he hurried out a whistle and signaled that the Arrows would immediately retreat. He came out of the city with more than one hundred Dark Arrow brothers. As a result, only seven or eighty were retired. At least thirty Dark Arrow personnel died in the trap of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army.

Tang Yin was also shocked to learn about this. Qiu Zhen's concern still made sense. The Sichuan Zhenlian Army did think of a way to crack its own harassment tactics. It now appears that sneak attacks and disruption of the enemy's rear are no longer feasible, and they can only fight with enemy forces. Thinking of this, Tang Yin slowly stood up, covered her armor, and plunged into battle again.

People do not know when this battle will come to an end. The siege force of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army is increasing, and the number of the wind army is getting smaller and smaller. Gradually, the wind army has begun to fight.

This is the first team of the Sichuan Zhen coalition to attack the city, and there is a second group waiting for it. At this time, the wind army is extremely difficult to cope with the first wave of attack, and the danger is still alive. The second group of coalition forces stormed up again, and the results could be imagined.

The situation in the Fengjun was at stake, and Jinyang's large battalion suddenly changed when it was possible to be broken by the Sichuan Zhenzheng at any time.

In the south of the Chuanzhen Allied Army Battalion, a man and horse were suddenly killed. This man was powerful and had more than 100,000 people. It was called the wind flag, and the military flag in the center had a big Western character.

This army is the West Front Army led by the left double.

The Western Front's mission was to stay in Takagawa-gun to block the logistics supply line of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army. However, since the capture of Lishan City, the Western Border Army has never seen the logistics team of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army. When they were broken by their own side, the other side would send troops to **** them. As a result, the Sichuan Zhenlian Army did not intend to send troops to them, and instead began to storm Jinyang with all its strength.

The left double can imagine that with Jinyang's strength, it will be under great pressure to withstand the main attack of the Sichuan Zhenlian Army. Now all he can do is to contain it from the rear of the enemy, making it impossible for the enemy to attack Jinyang. Put all your effort into it. Based on this idea, Zuo Shuang led the Western Front to go north to attack the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army.

On the first day of the siege battle, the Western Border Army did not catch up. They made a journey day and night, and finally caught up with the Sichuan Army's onslaught the next day. At this time, the Chuanzhen military camp was already extremely empty, and the available soldiers had been sent to the battlefield, but the left double did not dare to rush into it, so that the generals would launch rockets outside the enemy camp to explore the reality of the enemy camp.

The predecessor of the Western Border Army was the Central Army of the Ning Kingdom. Other skills were inadequate. Arrow shooting was their old skill. People lined up a neat square array, wrapped in tarpaulins around the arrows, and after firing, they shot into the enemy camp. For a time, all arrows of the Western Border Army flew together, flying into the camp of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army like a fire and rain.

The climate of the wind country is extremely cold and dry, and the camps made of cotton and leather can be described as sticky fire. The West Front Army fired rockets outside the camp, but it instantly caused the Sichuan Camp's South Camp to have a raging fire. Hundreds The military tent was ignited by the rocket, and the smoke plummeted into the clouds.

The sudden fire in the big camp made the morale of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army suddenly dumbfounded, including leaving it alone. Soon, the soldiers in the camp rushed to report the letter, hurriedly rushed to the front, and turned over and dismissed his horse. He said hurriedly, "General, what's bad, our enemy was attacked behind the barracks!"

what? Ren Fang heard the words, drank a cold breath, and his head buzzed. He paused for a moment and asked, "How many people are there in the enemy army?"

"It's not clear. According to the brother of Nanying's letter, there are many enemy troops, at least 100,000 or more, and the soldiers guarding Nanying cannot resist."

Ugh! Ren let out his clenched fist subconsciously, and sighed in his heart. The enemy did not come early or late, but rushed to the most critical time of his own siege. No matter how long Ren Ren wanted to win Jin Yang with a blast of energy, but the big camp couldn't help but he assigned Deputy Coach Jin Zhuo, so that he led his 200,000 soldiers back to camp immediately, defeating the enemy.

The 200,000 troops he dispatched were all the soldiers who were ready to enter the battlefield as the second batch of siege teams, and they were removed. In fact, it did not affect the current strength of the Sichuan Zhenlian Army, but it made the army All of a sudden, the momentum weakened, and it directly affected the morale of the combat officers in front.

The own camp was on fire, and the Chinese army became emptier for another time. The Sichuan Zhen coalition that was attacking the city also lost heart. People no longer wanted to charge like that just now, but they were worried ~ www.readwn.com ~ Many soldiers still look back from time to time.

It can be said that the sudden appearance of the Western Border Army completely disrupted the rhythm of the Sichuan Zhenlian Alliance's siege, and also let the original win in the hands of the suffocate to the extreme.

The fire in the camp was getting more and more fierce, and the army of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army was becoming more and more chaotic. People looked forward and looked after each other, and lost the momentum of slamming and rushing. On the contrary, the morale of the wind army began to remind people that when they saw the thick smoke of the enemy camp, they knew that the enemy camp must be on fire. Although I don't know what the reason was, one thing was certain, as long as they stood up to the enemy army for a while At half a moment, the enemy will retreat.

General Feng Jun saw a glimmer of hope from despair, exerted all his potential in the body, and fought desperately against the enemy siege.

With the passing of each other, the morale of the Sichuan siege forces was completely suppressed by the wind army, and the dead and wounded began to rise linearly.

The arbitrators who watched the battle in the Chinese army could clearly see it, and their minds were clear. Today, they can no longer fight. Even if they are forced to fight, they are afraid that there will be no progress, and they will increase the casualties of their officers and men. In desperation, Ren Fang passed the order, the whole army retreated, suspended the siege, turned its front, and fully attacked the enemy's stealth camp.


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