Shanyang strode into the army's tent. When he got inside, he didn't even see Zhen Nie and other Zhen generals. He went directly to Ren Fang and intervened and said, "General, I have escorted His Royal Highness Feng to Jinyang's inner city. "

Seeing Shan Yang, Chuan Jiang and Zhen Jiang reacted differently. The Sichuan generals breathed a sigh of relief, and each one was relieved, but the Zhen generals were spitting fire with two eyes, filled with indignation, looking at Shan Yang's eyes like to pounce at him at any time.

Ren Fang was very calm. After sitting in the handsome case, he slowly waved to Shan Yang and said calmly, "Single General is working hard." After a pause, he looked at the angry Nie Ze, then said: "General Shan, General Nie sue to the coach, saying that you hurt the Zhen Army brothers. I wonder if this is the case?"

Shan Yang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "This is true!"

As soon as his words fell, Nie Ze couldn't wait to say, "How about, Ren Shuai, this was admitted by General Shan himself, didn't he be wronged?"

"Huh!" Shan Yang snorted coldly and said, "General Nie, if you don't come to the door, I will go to you and ask what your heart is ?! General Ren has reached an agreement with His Royal Highness, and But you set up an ambush halfway and wanted to assassinate His Royal Highness. If you do this, it will not only undermine the peace between the two sides, but also place our country in a state of injustice. What can you explain? "

Ren Fang had already guessed what happened, and now listening to Shan Yang's explanation, he pretended to be suddenly realized, and turned to look at Nie Ze again, as if he was asking what was going on.

Nie Ze blushed, and then toughly said, "The wind country is the enemy country, and the wind king is the enemy. Why is it wrong for our army to assassinate the thief?"

Ren Fang still didn't interrupt, didn't express his position, and turned his head to Shan Yang.

Shan Yang said coldly: "When the two armies fought, it was understandable to kill the enemy's monarch by any means. Now that the two sides have reached a peace agreement, can General Nie still focus on the king, and is General Nie too presumptuous? ? "

Unexpectedly, Shan Yang, who had always been taciturn, became so articulate at this time, and Nie Ze was silent for a while. Just when he didn't know what to say, Ren Fang finally spoke. He said, "Yeah, General Shan makes sense! General Nie, the commander has made peace with the wind king, but you go and kill the wind king. Doesn't this make the coach a villain who is indifferent? It also makes you and our country look shameless! "

Nie Ze was furious and angered. Chen Zhen said: "Whether it would be right or wrong, but it is true that General Shan was seriously injured by General Pan. How do you handle this?"

At this time Ren Fang stopped talking and looked at Shan Yang with a confused look.

Shan Yang said: "My duty is to protect His Royal Highness King, while General Pan is here to serve His Royal Highness Assassin King. My duty lies in having to fight with General Pan. It is inevitable that we will be injured, not to mention being on the battlefield. Unless I do my best, I am lying down now. "

Nie Ze asked angrily: "General Shan means ..."

Shan Yang replied: "I mean, Pan He took his own blame and did not take his life. I already remembered the meaning of the alliance, and my mercy!"

"You ..." Nie Zeqi's eyes flew directly into Venus, and he stretched his fingers over Shan Yang's nose, speechless for a long while.

Shan Yang was lazy and argued with him again, turned around and walked to Ren Fang's hand, drew the skirt, threw the robe, and sat cross-legged. Shan Yang is an admiral. He ranks low and is equal to Ren Fang. He is a low-key man, but it does not mean that he has no temper. If he initiates Weilai, even Ren Fang will have to shun three points.

Looking at his attitude, how could Nie Ze's face still be able to hold his face, his facial features are distorted, his expression stubborn, and he looked back at Ren Fang, and asked: "Ren Shuai, Shan Yang hurt me General Pan, what do you do? ? "

Ren Fang smiled and said, "General Nie, don't be angry, don't worry. General Shan is a little bit heavy, but it is also the responsibility. If there is any offense, the boss will not pay General Nie for him." Ren Fang stood up and gave a respectful respectful gift to Nie Ze.

As the coalition commander, Ren Fang was able to put down his apology to Nie Zeshili in public, which was enough to give his face, but Nie Ze was obviously not satisfied.

His two generals, Pan He and Wu Jin, were wounded and killed. Wu Jin died in the hands of Tang Yin. There is nothing to say, but Pan He was injured in Shan Yang's hands. If it was just a sentence of letting go This is the end of an apology and a courtesy. Does n’t the Zhen army lose face in front of the Sichuan army? What majesty is there in the army?

Nie Ze shot a gloomy cold light, stared coldly at Ren Fang, and asked, word by word: "Is this how Ren Shuai handles it?"

On the surface, Ren Fang always smiled. He looked like a gentleman, but in fact he was tougher than anyone. In his bones, he had the pride of the Sichuan aristocracy.

He looked up at Nie Ze, slowly sat back on the bedding, and said with a calm smile: "Yes, this is my approach. General Nie, you and our two countries are allies, and you and our two army are brothers. Army, why bother to worry about anything? Besides, this time, it is indeed Zhen Zhen's brother that has made a mistake first! "

"Now being seriously injured, it's not your general of Sichuan army who is dying in bed. Of course, you can't stand back and talk without back pain!"

"No matter who was injured, the coach is talking about reason. I agree with the wind king, this is something that you and we both agree, and General Nie wants to do the assassination of the wind king, causing General Pan He to be injured. Anyway, the main responsibility lies with you. "

"Both sides agree on peace? Haha—" Nie Ze smiled angrily, sternly: "It is always the Lord who is you, letting go, I Nie Ze has never agreed! Reconcile with the wind thief, retreat, then you Sichuan Army Retreat on your own, I would rather die than retreat, rather than be a dog with a tail running away! "

At this time, Nie Ze was really stunned, tearing his face regardless of thoroughness and letting go. After snarling, Nie Ze angered and pointed at the crown again, turning around and striding outwards. As soon as Nie Ze left, many Zheng generals also got up, and many of them hummed at Ren Fang and left.

"Nie Ze is abominable, no one is in your eyes!" It took a while for Zhen generals to get out of the big account, and the Sichuan generals who were in shock came back to their hearts. People were flushed with red beards and glaring with beards, even wounded. Wu Rui even shot the table. If it wasn't for an arrow injury on his foot, it would be necessary to chase it out and Zhen Jun theory.

Ren Fang was not upset, at least without showing anything on his face. He smiled indifferently and said, "The roads are different, and they don't work together. Now that they want to stay, let them stay. Nie Ze wants to find his own way, and we can't control that much."

The battle of the Zhen Army was brave, but without the support of the Sichuan Army and the large-scale weapons provided by the Sichuan Army, they wanted to defeat the Wind Army and destroy the Wind Country by their own strength. From the perspective of Ren Fang, if the Zhen army did not retreat, it would be left alone.

Nie Ze said that he would rather die than die, it was just a moment of anger, and he was not impulsive enough to really stay alone.

Returning to the camp of the Zhen Army, sitting in the army's tent and discussing with his generals and counselors, Nie Ze also felt that his party was unable to stay alone in the country of the wind and fight alone. In the end, he could only accept The fate of retreating.

This long-lasting, months-long battle between Sichuan and Zhenzhen combined with the wind, finally ended with the initiative of the Sichuan and Zhen coalition to make peace.

In this battle, the two sides did not separate the clear winner.

The Sichuan Zhenzheng Army dispatched a total of 1 million people. During the war, the casualties were close to 400,000. The number of Li Cheng who disappeared mysteriously in the wind country alone was as many as 150,000. However, there are not a few casualties in the Wind Country. The garrison of the Guanguan Army was annihilated, and the Chifeng Army was almost wiped out. The 100,000 new army ended up with only 20,000 or 30,000 people. The casualties of the immediate army, wind downsizing was also close to 300,000.

If we only look at the data of the dead and injured on both sides, it can be regarded as a battle that has lost both sides, but there are still many things that cannot be seen in the data. The most important point is that in the battle of the wind, the two countries The weak alliance relationship has cracked, and the relationship between the two armed forces is even worse, even to the extent that it is intolerable.

It stands to reason that the two armies are allies and should support each other in the retreat, but the Sichuan army and the Zhen army retreat separately. The Sichuan army retreats first, and the Zhen army retreats. It is not so noble as the Zhen army. Disdain to travel with the Sichuan Army.

In the war-torn era, the army is the core of one country, and the disagreement between the two countries' armed forces directly leads to the deterioration of relations between the two countries.

After the Sichuan Army returned to the country ~ ~ to see their respective monarchs, they also shirk each other's responsibilities. With their own words, the monarchs of the two countries will inevitably develop dissatisfaction with each other.

The rupture of the Sichuan-Zhenzhen Alliance can be said to be the biggest victory of the wind army in the battle for the defending of the country. The disagreement between the Sichuan-Zhenzhen army and the Sichuan-Zhenzhen can no longer reorganize and assemble forces, and jointly launch the second In the second cutting wind war, the wind country that had been exhausted and wounded in the war got a rare respite.

The current Fengguo has annexed the eight counties of Ningguo, and the overall national strength is far better than before. At this time, the most important thing for Fengguo is time. It takes time to fully integrate Ningbei eight counties, and it takes time for the resources between Fengdi and Ningdi Reasonable distribution also requires time to influence and soothe the people of Ningdi, so that Ning and Fengren are combined into one.

Without external pressure and threats from powerful enemies, the Feng Guo court headed by Tang Yin could concentrate on doing these things.

If Lian Mo Fanning is a stepping stone for the rise of the wind country, then the invasion of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army can be regarded as a sign of the true rise of the wind country.


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