(Literature m) Tang Yinken delays the two-day trip. One is that he really wants to meet the doorkeeper of Xiaoyaomen to see if he can use it for himself. The other is that he also needs to interrogate Hong Ying during these two days. Get as much useful information from him as possible.

Back at the barracks, Tang Yin did not delay for a moment, and immediately raised Hong Ying for trial.

He first prepared the cold water to wake Hong Ying to see that he had recovered his mind. Tang Yin stepped forward, crouched down, stared directly at Hong Ying, and asked with a single shot: "Two questions, first, against the wind Who is the leader? Second, what is the purpose of annexing Fengguo Rangers against the wind. "

At this point Hong Ying had taken over Sanlingdan, no matter how deep he cultivated, the aura in his body could no longer condense. In addition, his hands and feet were **** and fell to the ground like a lamb to be slaughtered. He sighed, first flinging the drops of water on his face, then looking up for a while, and finally fell on Tang Yin.

"Tell me first, who the **** are you?"

"Wind King."

"Wind King?"


This young man is really Tang Yin? Hong Ying's eyes widened incredulously, and Tang Yin looked up and down. Now Tang Yin has put on a meticulous and exquisite robe, with a jade pendant from the emperor only in the waist hanging from his waist, and there are many Wang Ting guards standing on the left and right, Hong Ying is already clear, the other side is true.

After a long time, he sighed in his heart, closed his eyes, and said quietly, "The old man fell into the hands of the wind king today, and can only admit that he is unlucky. If he wants to kill or slap him, please give the wind king a treat. Nothing will be said. "

"Hongmen is not alone, is he?"

"What does the wind king mean?"

"It ’s easy for the king to find your family. Even if you want to check your family's ancestral grave, it is very easy. If you take refuge in the tide, you are going against the law. Think hard before you say anything, and imagine the end of your family! "Tang Yin smiled and flicked his fingers.

This made Hong Ying's face suddenly change, and Douda sweat beads leaked from her forehead. Tang Yin didn't give him much time to think, leaned forward and leaned into Hong Ying's ear, and whispered, "Answer the truth of the king, your family will be fine, the king will let you go, you even You can stay in the headwind and nobody will know what happened today. "

Hong Ying appeared dull, and seemed to be thinking about Tang Yin's words, but after only one second, he suddenly fought a cold war, shook his head again and again, and said, "The boss knows everything. If the husband confesses, the husband's family will die. Even worse, if His Royal Highness the Wind King is kind, he will give the old man a happy life! "

Oh? It sounds like the counter-current means to their own people is not just right! Tang Yin's eyes rolled around and he said, "If the Lord Hongmen is dead, what will happen to your family? What's more, the means of doing things against the wind will always be the last resort. Even if you die, they may not let your family go. what!"

Tang Yin said this only as a tentative test, but did not expect to really talk about Hong Ying's heart. Yeah, doing things against the wind has always been clean, leaving no clues. Even if they die, they may find their family members to investigate in order to prevent wind people from killing them! Thinking of this, Hong Ying's face was more cold sweat.

Tang Yin was so smart. When she looked at Hong Ying, she immediately understood that her words had an effect. He turned back to the guard below and asked for a sweat towel, wiped the sweat on Hong Ying's face, and said with a smile: "I want nothing to do, nothing to do with my family, there is only one way for Hongmen to go, and to cooperate with the king . "

Hong Ying swallowed, and stared at Tang Yin.

"Tell me the truth, I let you go. After you go back, you can say that you escaped by yourself. Even if someone doubts it, you can't get the truth. In the future, the Hongmen master can continue to be your deputy assistant in autumn leaves. You can continue to work against the current, and if necessary, the king can be responsible for protecting your family. "

In front of him, Hong Ying didn't take his mind, but Tang Yin said that Ken was responsible for protecting the safety of his family, which was too tempting for him. Hong Ying's joining upwind is not voluntary. It is a helpless move under semi-coercion. His loyalty to upwind is completely out of fear. If Tang Yinken provided protection for his family, he would have no worries.

This time Hong Ying was silent for a long time. After five or six minutes, when everyone in the account was impatient, he suddenly asked: "Is the king serious?"

"Jun has no jokes." Tang Yin converged with a smile, and said sternly.

Hong Ying was silent for a moment, then said to Tang Yin's eyes, "I don't know who the head is against the current."

Seeing Tang Yin's bright eyes and raising his eyebrows at the same time, Hong Ying continued: "The leader is too mysterious. I haven't even seen him, but one thing is certain, he is not peaceful."

Tang Yin stared at it, wondering: "Since you haven't seen him, how do you know he is not Ning?"

Hong Ying smiled bitterly and asked: "Have the king ever heard of Santangkou?"

"Of course." Of course Tang Yin is no stranger to Santangkou. He almost died under the scales of Qingyuntang.

"At the time of the King ’s attack, many of Santangkou's elites died in the chaos, including the three masters of Santangkou, but even so, the strength of Santangkou was still in the beginning. The leader went to the Holy Hall of Santangkou and proposed to join forces to fight against the wind and restore Daning. At that time, the King had led the army to capture Liangzhou. The Holy Hall saw that the overall situation was set, and there was no hope of resurrection, so he declined the leader. The request, as a result, the leader was furious. Overnight, he killed all the people in the main hall of the hall and left a blood book on the wall, saying that the hall was greedy for life and was afraid of death. Gangs are not worthy of being a Ningren. Therefore, Fengyu of the Holy Hall is a first-class hidden weapon, with great power and fear of spirits and ghosts, and can destroy the main hall of the Holy Hall overnight. Ning Guo Ranger could not find such a powerful person, so the old man asserted that the leader was non-Ning.

The leader is acting badly, leaving no room, that is, it attracts the fear of some gangs, and is highly praised by some gangs. Many dead men who want to return to the country have come to invest, so that the counter-current has expanded to an extremely large scale in a very short time. The gang then wrote to the gangs who would trust in the future, inviting them to join the current, and the gangs were afraid of the strength of the current, but did not want to be the second hall of worship. Is one of them.

Later, those gangs who turned their heads against the current were integrated into four major gangs, namely spring breeze, summer rain, autumn leaves, and winter frost. The old man was the assistant gang leader of autumn leaves. Although Akiba directly obeyed the boss's assignment, and the husband was the deputy leader, he never saw the boss himself, and even the general structure of the chief gang didn't know anything. Usually, the commander of the chief was the left ambassador of the chief gang-- Zi Xu.

As for why the boss wants me to wait for the annexation or eradication of Xiaoyaomen, the old man does not know much, but as far as the old man knows, the three gangs of the spring breeze, summer rain, and winter frost have received the same instructions, but they annexed, The target of eradication is not Xiaoyaomen, but other gangs of the wind country. "

Hong Ying took out everything he knew, and talked about it from the beginning of Advent. Although the information he told was also very limited, Tang Yin finally got a general understanding of the upwind.

The core of Adverse Current is undoubtedly the leader that Hong Ying said. I do n’t know who this person is, but it is extremely powerful. It can be incredible that Tang Yin can destroy the hall overnight. If Hong Ying is true, , Then this person's Lingwu is too scary, of course, there is another possibility, the leader has a group of extremely powerful helpers.

In addition, the four direct gangs of Fengfengliu all received orders to annex and eradicate the Fengguo Ranger gangs, which further quoted Tang Yin's speculation that Fengfengliu had an attempt to control the Fengguo Ranger and was taking action. It happened today , I spoiled the actions of autumn leaves, but what about the actions of the three gangs of spring breeze, summer rain, and winter frost? If it can't be stopped in time, I don't know how many wind country gangs will be absorbed by the upwind! This is a more dangerous threat than simple assassination.

With such a terrible spirit, and with such thorough thoughts and plans, who is the leader against the current? Tang Yin showed meditation, and murmured, "Who is the leader of the current?"

Hong Ying's mouth moved, hesitating for a moment, or said: "The old man estimates that this person is probably from Shenchi!"

what? Tang Yin was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ and asked, "How do I say this?"

"It's very simple. It can destroy the Holy Hall overnight. Only the talents of the Shenchi can do it. It can only set up such a huge gang against the wind in two or three months, and only Shenchi has such strength." Hong Ying smiled bitterly: "Of course, this is just the speculation of the old man. Shenchi has never interfered in the disputes between countries. The old man really can't think of the purpose of Shenchi to help Ning State regain his country."

The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive.

Hong Ying couldn't think of Shenchi's purpose of helping Ningguo to restore his country, but Tang Yinneng, if this matter is really a ghost of Shenchi in secret, then the purpose of Shenchi is very clear. It is not to help Ningguo to restore his country, but to weaken the country. Separating Ningdi from the territory of the Wind Country, and re-emerging a dead enemy to the west of the Wind Country, isn't it the greatest weakening of the Wind Country?

The more you trace downwinds, the more you find that there are too many things involved, and the more complicated they are. Tang Yin felt a headache, and he looked up and rubbed his forehead, muttering: "My king really hopes your guess is wrong ..."


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