Zhang Dong was talking and got up and wanted to leave. Tang Yin said, "Since it's here, why should Zhang Men's owner leave in a hurry? Come, serve wine!"

To be entertained by the monarch himself is a great glory for a ranger like Zhang Dong, but he also knew in his heart that the king would not entertain him for no reason, and there must be another secret.

Not long after, the army's maids rushed in and brought drinks and meals. Tang Yin didn't drink, asked the maid to pour a cup of tea for him, then took the tea cup, took a slow sip, and then said, "Zhang Menzhu is in danger, isn't he aware of it?"

Zhang Dong and Ji Lianyan were taken aback by his words. The former hurriedly sat up and asked, "Please show me the king!"

Tang Yinyou said: "The Ningren Ranger formed four major gangs, namely the spring breeze, summer rain, autumn leaves, and winter frost. Now they have entered the windland and secretly annexed and annihilated the Windland Ranger gang. The purpose is to ultimately control the entire wind. In the Chinese ranger world, your easy door is one of the objects they want to annex and destroy. Now, Akiba has destroyed your two halls. In the future, more halls will be attacked, even your main hall. Inevitable. "

Zhang Dong took a breath and his face changed. He always wondered why Ning Gang was going to be his enemy, and now he heard Tang Yin say that he realized that the other party was more than his family. To be the enemy, but to be against all the gangs of the wind country.

He hesitated for a while before murmuring, "Ning help so ambitious!"

With a smile, Tang Yin sarcastically thought: In fact, they have bigger ambitions! If you just want to control the Fengguo Ranger world, it's not worth mentioning, and you don't even need to intervene. He said: "Only a bunch of autumn leaves, your Xiaoyaomen is still out. If the four gangs of spring breeze, summer rain, autumn leaves, and winter frost are attacking your Xiaoyaomen together, I don't know how Zhangmen will respond?"

"This ..." Zhang Dong's face changed again, and his frown was about to twist into a frown.

Ji Yanyan asked, "Is the king so aware of this, is he trying to help me?"

Tang Yin was happy, a smart woman, and she really deserves her pair of spiritual eyes. He said calmly: "The Ningren's spring, summer, autumn, and winter gangs gathered all the elites of Ningguo Rangers. Each gang is very strong, and the strength of each gang is far better than any gale gang in my style. So, if you do n’t want to be annexed or destroyed, if you want to survive, there is only one way to go. "

"How to do?"

"Together, join forces to resist the Ning Gang, which is also a way of treating their own people. Since the Ning Ren gang can unite in one place, why can't my strong gang?" Said Tang Yin with a smile.

Zhang Dong and Ji Lianyan's eyes suddenly brightened, but soon, Zhang Dong's expression faded again. It was easier said than done, but it was so easy to do in practice. Ranger gangs, especially superior gangs, are more arrogant than others, and they are polite to each other. On the surface, they are kind to each other. No one is secretly convinced by anyone. A long time ago, someone proposed an alliance. In the end, the leader was not elected. Instead, he was elected with a **** storm and countless deaths and injuries. Until now, no one has mentioned the alliance, and no one dared to earn any title.

"King Yingming, King's policy is indeed a good policy to resist Ning Gang, but ... just to implement it, there are many difficulties." Zhang Dong said in a grimace.

"What does Master Zhang Men say?"

Zhang Dong told Tang Yin about the selection of the Alliance Leader in Fengguo Ranger, and finally said, "We have a strong national wind, and our Fengguo Ranger has always been a model of good fighting. I am afraid that the selection of the Alliance Leader is only It will lead to a feud between the various gangs. In the end, if the leader is not elected, it will also hurt the vitality of the gangs and give Ning Gang a chance. "

Yep! Tang Yin said quietly, the owner of Xiaoyaomen was not a reckless husband. He even felt that Zhang Dong was the best candidate for the leader of Fengguo Ranger. He nodded and said, "Zhang Menzhu said yes, and he was very thorough, but if the king himself came forward, would it be much easier to choose the leader?"

Zhang Dong was surprised, and it was unexpected that the king had to get involved in the selection of the leader. At that time, rangers were widespread in the nations. Although the courts of various countries did not explicitly ban the ranger gangs, they did not recognize the ranger gangs as legitimate. The court's attitude towards the rangers was basically ignored. As long as the rangers did not toss too much, the court would not Be under siege. Now that Zhang Yin is about to get involved in the Ranger, Zhang Dong is naturally surprised.

He was silent for a long while, and Fang asked cautiously, "I don't know who the king wants to choose as the leader of my Windlander Ranger?"

Tang Yin did not immediately make a statement, and asked Zhang Dong: "Can Zhang Men have a suitable candidate?"

At this time, Zhang Dong's heartbeat was so strong that no one did not like the right. If there was such a person, he would jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, and be able to fly into the sky. As a ranger, there is no one who does not want to be the leader. Don't want to order the heroes, Zhang Dong is no exception. But in the presence of Tang Yin, how can he feel free to recommend himself, pondering for a moment, and said: "The lord of the church, Wei Xiaoxiao, the master of Hurricane's Hou Ge, and the master of Baihui church, Zhou Kuan, can all be chosen for the alliance master."

The three gangs he said were all the top gangs in Fengguo, but Tang Yin was one he had never heard of, and he did not know who Wei Xiaoxiao, Hou Ge and Zhou Kuan were. He blinked and smiled, "Zhang Menzhu seems to say one less person."


"It's you!" Tang Yin smiled at Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong was shocked, stood up in a hurry, bypassed the desk case, bowed his head on his knees, his head was against the ground, and he dared not raise it for a long time. He trembled and said, "The king kills the villain. . "

He said this from his mouth, his heart was jumping out of his throat, and if he hadn't dangled his head at this time, people around him would have noticed that his face was changing constantly, and his eyes were twitching with bones.

Tang Yin was right. Zhang Dong was not a reckless husband. On the contrary, this is an old man who is treacherous and better than a fox. He knelt down and bowed his head. He looked like a man, but he was actually disguising himself. Excited, while adjusting his mind, carefully pondering Tang Yin's intentions.

The king did not let him leave, but he had to leave him for hospitality. He also deliberately mentioned the selection of the ally and thought about it from beginning to end. Zhang Dong guessed the intention of Tang Yin almost. It is estimated that the lord had made himself the ally. intend. Thinking of this, his heart beats faster.

He electric} brain] visit] ω ~. My heart is mirror-like. In order to win the support of the king, he must be obedient, at least he must feel that he is easy to be controlled by him, but at the same time can not appear too clumsy and opinionless.

Looking at Zhang Dong who was kneeling in front of him, his body trembling slightly, Tang Yin smiled, he slowly stood up, walked in front of Zhang Dong, reached out and pulled him up, and said, "The three people you recommended, Ben The king didn't understand and hadn't seen him. He didn't know how to be a man. However, the king felt that Zhang Men was very good. I wonder if Zhang Men was interested in the position of the ally. "

Have! Zhang Dong almost shouted. He bowed his head, neither saying yes nor no, but whispering: "The strength of the Holy Church, Shuramon, and Parkway Hall all beat my Xiaoyaomen. The king chose the villain as the leader, and the three gangs would not accept it. , Other gangs will not accept. "

"Haha—" Tang Yin held his back, laughed, and said proudly, "What are you afraid of? If you have the King to support you, who dares not to admit it? Besides, as long as the King has a word, your Xiaoyaomen's strength can instantly increase several times and become The strongest of all the gangs. You just have to answer the king, whether you want to be the lord. "

Zhang Dong, who had just been pulled up by Tang Yin, fell to his knees again, bowed his head, and said with a trembling voice: "The king is the king, the villain is the minister. If the king is the king, the villain will only obey, not disobey."

His words are very skillful, which means that he can be the leader, and he fully expresses his loyalty to Tang Yin.

Zhang Dong is very clever. He has grasped one important point, that is, the leader to be elected by Tang Yin must be a person who is extremely loyal to him. He is in his favor. In front of Tang Yin, the dignity of all the masters is thrown into his mind. Later, he bowed his knees and obeyed. At this time Ji Lianyan looked like he was looking at a stranger, and couldn't believe that this was the man he knew best.

Sure enough, Zhang Dong's attitude delighted Tang Yin. He looked down at Zhang Dong who was kneeling at his feet, turned back to his seat, and said, "My king will help you to become the leader. Your task is currently only one, uniting all The Windman Gang ~ www.readwn.com ~ joined together to fight against the Ning Gang. As long as you ensure that my Windman Gang is not swallowed by the Ning Gang, not only can you continue to do it, but also the King will be rewarded. "

"Thank you, King!" Zhang Dongben knelt on the ground and didn't get up. Now it is just right, he bowed his head directly.

At this time, Ji Lianyan couldn't bear it any longer, rushed to Zhang Dong, struggling to pull him up, and said hurriedly, "Dong brother, how many people have tried to be the leader of the alliance, but in the end they all ended up There is no place to die, you must not be confused ... "

Zhang Dong's face sank immediately, first looking at Tang Yin, then turning his head to give Ji Jiyan a severe look, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense in front of the king!"

Ji Lianyan hurriedly said: "Dongge is already the master of the door. His Majesty is helping the public more than a thousand, why should he still love the position of the leader of the alliance, causing the murder ..."

She hadn't finished speaking, Zhang Dong's irritated teeth were tickling, peeping at Tang Yin, and found that the king was looking at himself and Ji Lianyan with an eyebrow. He bit his teeth and waved his hands slap in the face. On the cheek of Ji Lianyan, he yelled, "The king has a trust. I ca n’t do it if I ’m a civil servant? Besides, I ’m rather arrogant and unscrupulous, and my gang is in danger. At this moment, how can I care about myself? Life or death? "

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