Tang's dining table

Chapter 971 Going with the flow

Yun Chu had always wanted to make a thorough adjustment to Chang'an's economic structure. Unfortunately, all the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty and the emperor felt that Chang'an was currently very good and the economy was running very smoothly. Therefore, the reforms proposed by Yun Chu were Suggestions are indifferent.

Yun Chu understood their approach very well.

After all, Mourinho once said that a winning team will not change its tactics until it encounters a defeat.

This sentence can be completely applied to the level of political decision-making.

Before the emergence of the First Emperor, it was impossible for the county system to appear in this land.

Before Chao Cuo appeared, the monarchs had no idea that there would be a method of decentralizing power such as the "Tianfa Order".

Two years ago, before the nobles of the brigade left Luoyang, who would have thought that Li Zhi, the largest landowner, would actually start to implement the policy of attacking local tyrants and allocating their land.

You can't expect a system that has been running for many, many years to suddenly make internal improvements and reach an internal consensus before running into trouble, and completely transform into a system they have never seen before.

Before Yunchu encountered the heavy rain in the Gobi, he would not have believed that one day there would be a huge flood in the dry and waterless Gobi, let alone that a large number of wild camels would be drowned by the water.

The government's decision-making is the collective will. Before a decision is widely recognized, it is difficult to be recognized and implemented. Of course, except for Li Zhi, he is no longer as powerful as a human being.

Without the protection of laws, policies, or even consensus, the capital pool will collapse sooner or later. Yunchu has been carrying this thunder for ten years. If it explodes again, it will probably harm the Yunchu family.

And Yunchu would never let this happen.

He could work hard for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but he did not want to imitate Fang Xiaoru in the Ming Dynasty and send his friends and family to the guillotine.

Don't think that there was no time to kill the Nine Clans in the Tang Dynasty. It's just that now that the court is powerful, it usually only executes things like killing three tribes. However, when it is really necessary, let alone killing the Nine or Ten Clans, draw a circle on the map. There is no such thing as murder.

Therefore, Yun Chu is not a pure person.

He wants to do good things, but he pays attention to methods.

Just like this time, although the capital pool suffered a disaster, it was still within control. After all, the Liushui brand was too important to the merchants of the Tang Dynasty.

Now, the capital pool has collapsed, and everyone has seen the terrible consequences. The inviolability of the capital pool has also been determined, and it is time to re-establish a capital pool that no one dares to touch.

Ruichun caught up with Yunchu when he was about to cross Jishui.

He gave Yunchu an order, a warning order ordering him to quickly take up his post as magistrate of Wannian County, and a warning order that would severely punish him if he left office without reason again.

Yun Chu took a look and found that it was a very serious edict issued by the Ministry of Education, signed by the left and right desks, and printed by the Ministry of Education.

Seeing Yun Chu's expression of concern, Ruichun took out a piece of paper from her arms and gave it to Yun Chu with both hands, saying: "Your Majesty has written for you."

Yun Chu opened this piece of white paper. There were only six words on it, and it was quite big - what else do you want from me?

Li Zhi's despair filled the entire paper, what else do you want from me?

Yunchu chuckled lightly, took out the fire fold and burned the paper in front of Ruichun. When the paper turned into ashes and fell on the dirt, Ruichun stepped on it several times with his feet until the paper turned to ashes. Turn into mud.

"You go back and tell Shangguan Yi that they will never get out of the Chang'an rebellion this time, from Zhongshu Province to the Left and Right Stations, and then to Menxia Province.

A certain family has worked hard for fifteen years to build a prosperous Chang'an. It is these people who are greedy for profit and always want to take advantage of Chang'an. They suck blood from Chang'an. A certain family recognizes it. After all, the blood sucked is also used in state affairs. They regard their family as The dandies who are not human are all going to Chang'an. As a result, Chang'an now has fewer people working and more people eating empty wages.

A certain family wanted to do something, but as soon as the memorial was handed in, countless people jumped out to stop it. This one is not allowed, that one is not allowed, I asked them to do it, but they just didn't have the ability.

Will things come out now?

Are your claws numb?

There used to be five people and six people, but now, why are they all so dumb?

You go back and tell them that it is because they jointly rejected the "Outline of Commercial Law" proposed by Lao Tzu and failed to make the capital pool an inviolable taboo in the form of law as early as possible. situation.

If there were legal protection, would Yong Wangxian dare to touch the money in the capital pool? You don’t even dare to give him the courage to do so, right?

In the past, I would always say that a certain family was just hanging out in Chang'an drinking tea all day long, and they also said that I wanted to make Chang'an into the Yun family's compound, where the wind can't blow in and water can't get wet, and they're preparing for a fucking rebellion.

Are all the nephews and nephews you packed into Chang'an fucking dead?

Are the troops stationed in the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an all a bunch of pigs?

When I was squatting in the toilet, two censors were lying on the toilet staring at me.

Aren't you just jealous of me seeing some of my achievements?

Why did you fucking humiliate me on Mount Tai? Not only did you ruin my opportunity to show my merits in front of the Emperor of Heaven, but you also sent me to be used as an arrow in front of the furious queen.

Well, I quit and become a monk. Even if I become a monk, after a few years, I will still become a great monk who allows you to treat each other with courtesy.

Let me tell you, I still have children as a monk, and I still have countless money flowing into my account. I have to go to Dayun Temple in Handan to worship Buddha, and I don’t have time to go back and be the county magistrate of Wannian, the city guard of Chang’an, or the Duke of Lantian.

Let them really issue an order if they have the ability to get rid of these burdens on me. "

Ruichun saw that Yunchu started to curse the street with a bald head, and her face turned red. Seeing that Yunchu was tired of scolding, she took the opportunity to say: "My father-in-law, please don't even scold His Majesty. , as far as I know, your Majesty treats you differently from all his ministers."

Yun Chu said: "If you hadn't considered His Majesty, do you think you would have heard such wonderful curses from me? You would have only seen an eminent monk whose heart is as calm as an ancient well."

Ruichun thought of the fact that Yunchu's Aye was Master Xuanzang, and felt that Yunchu's future would definitely be good if he became a monk, so he accompanied her carefully and said, "How can your majesty reply?"

Yun Chu waved his hands angrily and said, "Your Majesty has said that, what else can I do?"

Ruichun said cautiously: "Your Majesty specially sent his mount a white jade lion horse. My father-in-law should return to Chang'an as soon as possible."

Yun Chu was silent for a moment and said: "Go back and report to His Majesty that the problem occurred in Chang'an, but the solution does not lie in Chang'an.

Ruichun asked: "Where?"

Yun Chu said: "This time, a certain family did not go south from Mount Tai and return to Luoyang via Yanzhou. Instead, they went parallel to Feicheng, Pingyin, crossed Jishui, entered Hebei Road, passed through Bozhou, Weizhou, and finally arrived at Handan in Luozhou. city."

Ruichun said: "In Handan?"

Yun Chu continued: "Wen Wen also did not return to Yanzhou. He took a northward road, passing through Qizhou, crossing the Yellow River, passing through Nanpi, Cangzhou, Youzhou, and finally arrived at Yuyang.

Only Di Renjie went south along Yanzhou and finally settled in Xuzhou.

Handan, Yuyang, and Xuzhou are distributed in a Z-shaped pattern. Yuyang is the highest, Handan is the farthest left, and Xuzhou is the farthest south. Basically, these are the three places and the farthest that the caravan heading east from Chang'an can reach. The three capitals are Dayi.

Every year, after the Autumn Fair in Chang'an, the caravan heading east will leave Chang'an with full cargo. After processing the goods in the East, they will purchase enough goods from the East to go all the way west, and then participate in the Spring Fair in Chang'an. In the past ten years, Mid-year, every year, never an exception.

What the three of us have to do is to persuade the merchants in the East to continue supplying goods to Chang'an, and this year, we must do so in advance.

Among them, Handan, the central trade hub in the east, is the most important.

As long as we can persuade the merchants here to continue shipping goods to Chang'an, then a trade route will automatically be formed, and all the merchants passing by the trade route will follow.

Chang'an is nothing without goods coming in and out. No matter how much money you invest in the Liushui brand, it will be in vain.

Trade, commerce, the most important thing is the exchanges. Originally, the money earned by Liushui Brand itself was the money from business transactions. As long as there are large-scale commercial activities in Chang'an, Liushui Brand can make money from it, and then slowly regain its strength.

There is a lot of money in Chang'an now, a lot of money, but without goods, money is useless. "

Ruichun said: "So, after hearing about the incident in Chang'an, did the Lord no longer have the intention to practice Buddhism?"

Yun Chu's eyes filled with tears and he choked with sobs: "Years of hard work have been ruined in one day. Do you think my heart is really made of iron?"

Ruichun couldn't help but couldn't help but asked after a long while: "How sure are you?"

Yun Chu raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. Even if it is really irreversible, just treat a certain family as a stone and fill it into this bottomless pit."

Ruichun looked at Yun Chu, who was dressed in monk robes, clasped his hands and said, "Amitabha, God bless you. My father-in-law is in Handan, but if you need anything, please feel free to send me as many as I can."

Yun Chu looked at the bronze medal Ruichun held in both hands and said indifferently: "Don't cause trouble for yourself. You know better than anyone how your master died."

Ruichun smiled and said: "My master died at my hands, there is nothing to say about this."

Yun Chu patted Ruichun on the shoulder and said, "I would be very grateful if you could help me get the command of these sixteen hundred soldiers."

Ruichun said with a smile: "I am going to report to you right now, please send 1,600 Guanzhong soldiers to guard the prince. We will disband after they escort the prince to Chang'an."

Yun Chu nodded, then pointed at a long object being dragged behind the carriage and said, "Help me give this body to Lao He of the Imperial Medical Department. He knows how to deal with it."

Ruichun whispered: "Guo Daifeng?"

Yun Chu said solemnly: "Those who have connections with foreign countries and murder my descendants of the Tang Dynasty should be warned!"

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