Tang's dining table

Chapter 974 The endless Buddha’s wish

Wu Mei left angrily.

Then Li Zhi began to feel sad for Yun Chu.

After all, if a minister has offended nobles, wealthy families, civil servants, and now the queen, his life in the future may not be easy...

However, Li Zhi felt that he could be nicer to Yun Chu, and then ask the prince to be nicer to Yun Chu. In this way, after Long Yu Bintian, the prince would have an important minister who could connect the past and the future.

Li Zhi has his own unique approach to the use of talents. Unparalleled ingredients such as Yunchu, which have a lasting taste, must not be stir-fried, let alone barbecue, which is very wasteful. Stewing is also a must, even if it is The practice of braised food, which can maximize the freshness of ingredients, must also be abandoned.

When eating this kind of food, the most important thing is not to squeeze out all the taste and benefits of the food, but to ensure that it is exclusive to you first!

Exclusivity is the respect you deserve when facing the highest quality ingredients!

Everyone was madly targeting Yun Chu, but he was the only one who was protecting Yun Chu at all costs, and the protection was unreasonable and partial. In this way, Yun Chu would have to spend a lot of energy to deal with those who opposed him. Then there was no energy left for the royal family who had always been kind to him without restraint.

Therefore, Li Zhi admired Yun Chu's approach of seeking help from Buddhism this time, which showed that Yun Chu had no followers other than Buddhism.

As for Buddhism, they are only interested in preaching. As for rebellion, there is no precedent, and their teachings do not allow them to do so.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhi said to Ruichun: "Let's allocate 500,000 yuan from my inner treasury to Yun Chu. From now on, the inner necessities will be halved."

Ruichun said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the young master's prison treasury is empty, and there is not much left in the inner treasury."

Li Zhi turned around and hugged the giant bear who came close to Wu Mei after she left, waved his hand and said: "It's just to reduce extravagant expenses, it's no big deal. In the past, my mother could wear skirts that exposed her toes, so can I.

As long as Yunchu can reorganize the Liushui brand, everything will be possible.

You take the money to Chang'an and tell Yun Chu that if the money is gone, it is gone. I believe that as long as people are around, there will always be money, and you must not lose the big for the small. "

Ruichun respectfully bowed to the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty is wise and wise."

After Ruichun left and Secretary Cheng also stepped down respectfully, Li Zhi took out a piece of peach cake from the snack box in front of him and stuffed it into the giant bear's mouth. Seeing that the giant bear was eating the peach cake and the ground was covered with dregs, he Couldn't help but laugh.

"So greedy... The whole world belongs to me. It doesn't matter where the money is. As long as the money is still in the Tang Dynasty, I have nothing to lose..."

When Yun Chu set foot on the land of Hedong Road, the number of merchants following him had reached more than 500. These more than 500 people could be considered big merchants. Soon, a group of merchants would appear behind them heading straight to Chang'an. caravan.

Of course, this number of people is nothing to Liushui Brand, which is always busy all year round. However, today is different from the past. It is commendable that so many businessmen are willing to follow Yunchu to Chang'an to reorganize Liushui Brand.

Wherever Yunchu's team went, everyone praised Yunchu's benevolence and righteousness, and countless people gave him gifts. However, when it came to asking merchants from Hedong to quickly follow up and participate in the task of saving Liushui brand, they also needed Master Xuanzang's son. It took Yun Chu to show up.

Everyone knows that Yun Chu of Chang'an is not willing to owe anyone a penny even if his family is ruined. Such a person can definitely be trusted. However, it is best not to do business with Chang'an Yunchu that exceeds the total amount of his family's assets.

In terms of business, no matter how reputable Yunchu is, when doing business, it is best not to exceed 120% of the total value of Yunchu's family assets.

The reason why there is an extra 20% shows that the merchants have extremely recognized Yunchu's credibility. The extra 20% is their profits, which allows merchants to do business even if they give up profits. Yunchu is the only one in the Tang Dynasty. One person can do it.

Therefore, if Chang'an Yunchu wants to save a big business like Liushui Brand, his family business and his reputation cannot be leveraged, because this investment has far exceeded Yunchu's personal credibility.

When the time comes, Yun Chukong has the desire to repay the money, but he doesn't have the money to do so, so it's all in vain.

At this time, the appearance of Master Wukong, a disciple of Master Xuanzang, gave many merchants a completely different choice. Although Master Wukong is not very famous, it doesn't matter. You can conduct a large-scale business with him without having to worry about it. Worried about not being able to pay back the money.

Businessmen's cognition is so simple and direct.

Jinyang Liushui brand, which had already sunk to the west and was still struggling to survive, gradually gained some vitality after Yunchu arrived with 500,000 gold cakes.

There was no shortage of adventurous merchants in the Tang Dynasty. Before Yunchu arrived, they began to list information on some goods at extremely low purchase prices or extremely high selling prices on the Liushui sign.

There are even some smarter people who list some goods on Liushui Brand at normal prices. However, whether it is buying or selling, he is responsible for everything, allowing Liushui Brand to really gain some trading income.

The purpose is to leave a deep impression on the upcoming Yunchu, so that when Yunchu really starts to save the market, he can take the first sip of hot soup.

There is a large Buddhist temple west of Fenshui in Jinyang.

This large Buddhist temple was built during the Kaihuang reign of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. It was built by a twenty-year-old monk named Zuo Chengkong and the efforts of believers in Jinyang.

When people suddenly discovered that there was no Big Buddha in this temple called the Big Buddha Temple, Monk Chengkong suddenly swore to all the believers that he would build a giant iron Buddha seventy feet high in the temple.

So Monk Chengkong went around begging for alms, giving lectures, and performing rituals. He spent twenty years gathering gold and charcoal and opening a furnace to cast the statue. Unfortunately, the statue was not completed.

Monk Chengkong believed that the Buddha felt that his heart was not sincere and he would not allow him to successfully cast it before he had collected enough will power.

Therefore, Monk Chengkong repented again and continued to spare no effort to build the Buddha.

Twenty years later, it was already the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, and the second attempt to build a Buddha failed again.

Monk Chengkong, who is over sixty years old, is still not discouraged and remains determined. He is determined to make careful preparations again and vows to build a Buddha statue in his lifetime.

After another twenty years of hard work, the furnace was opened three times to build the Buddha. Thousands of monks and laypeople from far and near came to watch the grand occasion of casting the Buddha.

Chengkong climbed onto the top of the hundred-foot furnace and shouted to the audience: "When I was young, I made a great wish to cast a giant Buddha. I am now eighty years old. I have failed to build a Buddha twice. If my wish is violated again this time, I may not be able to fulfill my long-cherished wish in this life. I will open the furnace today and cast the Buddha statue together with the gold liquid. If the construction of the Buddha is successful, I will build another statue of the Buddha in fifty years."

After hearing this, everyone in the audience burst into tears and sobbed and remonstrated, but Chengkong was determined to die to clarify his ambition. When the furnace mouth opened and the golden liquid spurted out, Chengkong waved to everyone and thanked everyone before jumping into the rolling iron flow like a bird.

Immediately, the blacksmith opened the furnace door, and red molten iron rolled down... At that time, the sky was covered with clouds and thunderstorms.

Iron Buddha is accomplished!

At this time, Yunchu stood in front of the mountain gate of Tiefo Temple like a monk.

The purpose of his coming to Tiefo Temple was to lend some integrity to Jinyang's running water brand from Tiefo Temple, the place where Jinyang people's integrity and perseverance come from.

Nowadays, the reputation of Liushui Brand here in Jinyang has actually become bad. Six of the merchants who suffered this wave were hanged at the door of the Liushui Brand trading hall. As for those speculators who specialize in buying low and selling high There are many people with their families broken up and their families dead.

Before coming, Yunchu had already sent someone to calculate that if he wanted Jinyang Liushui Brand to operate again, he would need to invest at least 4.6 million yuan to eliminate the consequences of the previous disaster.

Yunchu felt that there was no need to pay back the money of those speculators. Buying low and selling high was inherently risky. Before they engaged in such opportunistic money-making behavior, they should be mentally prepared to lose money.

They are different from those merchants who lost all their money. These people are the real victims of this disaster.

Yun Chu had already calculated it. As long as the Liu Shui brand started to operate again, the property in the hands of these people would prove to be of certain value even though it was not as good as its original value. As long as Yun Chu bought the property from them at a low price. The goods prove that once the harvest period comes, he may make a lot of money.

The trouble now is that no one believes it, and no one is willing to continue to sell their goods on the liushui brand. Even if Yunchu takes over at a low price, the value of the property's certificate will still not increase, and maybe it will change. Got lower.

Master Hanshan, the presiding master of the Great Buddha Temple, is not an easy monk to deal with at first glance.

This guy is obviously the abbot of the largest temple in Jinyang, but his cassock is full of holes. Rather than saying that he is an enlightened monk, he is more like a bald old beggar.

Master Hanshan received Yunchu with Buddhist courtesy. When the two sat opposite each other in front of the tall iron Buddha, Master Hanshan said, "Are you Xuanzang's evil son?"

Yun Chu said: "No."

Master Hanshan nodded with satisfaction, dug a spoonful of clear water for Yunchu with a bamboo spoon and said, "This is very good."

Yunchu took a sip of water and saw that the old monk was still pretending to be stupid, so he directly served meat dishes and said: "Sixty thousand guan!"

Master Hanshan smiled and said: "The Great Buddha Temple does not have 60,000 strings."

Yun Chu said: "The poor monk has always admired the miracles Master Chengkong created for our Buddhism, and is determined to use 60,000 xiangxiang to support Master Chengkong's great wish to build a double statue of our Buddha fifty years later.

In the blink of an eye, the fifty-year wish is approaching. "

Master Hanshan said with a smile: "If you bring good money into Buddhism, you can't get it back. Even if Master Wukong is famous, once you make a Buddhist vow, you probably won't be able to get it back."

Yunchu looked up at the tall iron Buddha above his head, clasped his hands and said, "Amitabha, monks don't lie."

Master Hanshan said: "Master Chengkong's 50th anniversary of the restoration of Buddhism is still ten years away. I wonder when Master Wukong will deliver the promised 60,000 yuan of charity?"

Yunchu said solemnly: "It has been deposited in the capital pool of Jinyang Liushui Brand and can be used as principal to operate in Liushui Brand. Within ten years, this 60,000 yuan principal will generate an income of 60,000 yuan. At that time, the Great Buddha Temple can draw out the breath and use it to fulfill Master Chengkong’s Buddhist wishes.

However, the principal is still circulating in the capital pool and is endless. By then, no matter how ambitious Master Hanshan is, he will be able to realize it on time, and then the original wish of the Great Buddha Temple will also be endless. "

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