Tang's dining table

Chapter 977 Universal Retribution

Yunchu discovered that people in the Tang Dynasty were the most sensitive to human heads.

The safety of money is also the most important thing.

More than 200 corpses without left ears were pulled out of Jinyang City, and Mingda Temple heard that more than 100 corpses without left ears were secretly buried.

The cart that pulls corpses out of Jinyang City is an ox cart, which is only covered with a broken reed mat. Naturally, it is impossible for this thing to completely cover the body. Therefore, many good people can see the cold on the ox cart as long as they bend down. They had seen the hard corpses and some of the faces yesterday, but in just one day, the living had turned into the dead.

Although many people died, the merchants in Hedong were more optimistic about the Liushui brand. After all, this time, the Jinyang Liushui brand had its own capital pool, which was said to be as much as 800,000 yuan.

This amount of money is basically equivalent to the annual taxes of Hedong Road, maybe even more.

This time Yunchu basically stopped showing up in the trading hall and only looked at the reports every day. When he saw that for three consecutive days, there were goods for medium and long-term transactions, his heart dropped to his stomach. inside.

Things in Jinyang have basically been dealt with, and the rest can only be left to time. Yun Chu predicts that by next year, which is the autumn of the third year of Linde, the flow of water in Jinyang will be the same as before the disaster broke out.

After waiting for another three days, Yun Chu was ready to return to Chang'an via Hedong Road. This year, he was going to spend a good New Year at home in Chang'an and throw all his bad luck to the damn Linde Year 2.

Before we were given the order to set off, someone came to the house, and his face was blue and he looked unlucky.

According to the shopkeeper sent by Yu Xiurong, the situation in Chang'an has become even worse, and Prince Li Hong has even begun to use rogue methods to blackmail those noble and wealthy families.

This is political instability, which then spreads to the economic field, severely damaging people's confidence in Chang'an's economic recovery.

Yun Chu was indifferent to this. Anyway, we were at a trough now. How bad could it be? If it was really bad to the extreme, the downhill road had reached the extreme, the road from now on would be uphill.

As a mature official, if you want to achieve political achievements, you must choose to bravely take on important responsibilities when things go wrong. Anyway, if you do something wrong, it is an objective fact. As long as you make some achievements, you will gain something. The mainstay, the praise of Nantian Yizhu.

"People always die all day long, and those who die are some famous shopkeepers in Chang'an. Originally, these shopkeepers took refuge in the nobles and wealthy families for the sake of safety.

It's fine now, let alone being thorough. The prince is jumping up and down in Chang'an like a tiger, just looking for a fat mate. Your honor, the wealthy families can't compete with the prince, so they just rely on the merchants who are attached to the wealthy families. Push it out and jack the cylinder.

My Lord, you also know that these merchants who work as lackeys under the wealthy and noble families must turn over more than 80% of their profits in a year to the wealthy and noble families.

How much money can they have in their hands?

The money in the Liushui brand belongs not so much to the merchants as to the wealthy families.

The rich and powerful nobles siphoned away the money from the capital pool, and now, the unlucky ones are the merchants.

His Highness the Prince firmly believes that these people are just walnuts, and they cannot produce oil unless they are smashed.

With neither party willing to give in, the merchants had no way out.

Cheng Gong's family gave the prince a compensation of 500,000 yuan, and the prince used this matter to force the others. Then, the Cheng family said back that it was Deshenglong's old shopkeeper who was in charge and it had nothing to do with the Cheng family. .

Just four days before his subordinates left to come here, Deshenglong's shopkeeper Lao Hou drank half a bucket of tofu factory's brine in front of so many people and refused to allow his son to send him to the Tai Hospital. , wailed for a long time, and finally vomited blood and died.

Before he died, he said that he was sorry for his employer.

Just because he said these words before he died, Cheng Chumo of the Cheng family cut off the dead man's head with a knife. He said that the old shopkeeper said this and was suspected of slandering the prince.

Huang Tiansheng, who specializes in Sichuan brocade business, was summoned by the prince once because he participated in the preemptive withdrawal of funds from the capital pool. When he returned home in the evening, he gathered the whole family for a dinner. Nothing happened, but , when the children and grandchildren paid their respects to Lao Huang and his wife the next day, they found that both Lao Huang and his wife had hanged themselves.

His Royal Highness also lost his temper. This time he did not go to the shopkeepers, but directly went to the Wei family, Du family, Dugu family, and even the Ying Gong, Su Gong and Yang Gong.

As a result, when their subordinates left Chang'an, the top shopkeepers or general managers of these families began to die one after another.

The prince was furious and was forced to die by his wife, so he stayed at home and did not go out.

Then, I heard that the Queen of Luoyang sent someone again, and the person who came was Zhou Xing, a cruel official who could make children in Henan and Hebei provinces stop crying.

Now, all the merchants in Chang'an don't look forward to anything else, and they don't dare to expect any good things to happen in Chang'an. They just hope that the Lord can return as soon as possible and give everyone a place to breathe. "

After Yunchu listened to what the second shopkeeper Liu Song said, he slapped him on the head and said, "Didn't I say that during this period, the Yun family would not do anything except spend money and buy properties to fill the hole?

Why did you come to me? "

Liu Song was the second son of Liu Yi, the steward of the Yun family. Although his position was low, he became a retainer of the Yun family because he was an old servant of the Yun family. Seeing that his master was angry, he knelt down in front of Yun Chu and said: “This is the result of discussions between the eight top shopkeepers of the Yun family, their wives, and the eldest son.

Madam asked Xiao Xiao to bring a message to the Lord, too many people died. "

Yun Chu sneered and said: "The damn ones will not die, but the undead ones will die a lot. I will go back when all the damn ones are dead."

Liu Song carefully raised his head and glanced at Yun Chu and said, "I wonder who the Lord thinks deserves to die?"

Yun Chu gritted his white teeth and said, "Just because the Jinyang Liushui Brand was restarted, 421 people died in Jinyang. The scale of the Chang'an Liushui Brand is a hundred times that of Jinyang. How many people do you think should die?

Each and every one of them is so bold that they dare to use the Liushui brand that grandpa worked so hard to create as a tool for political struggle. If they don't kill a lot of them, there is no chance that someone will be bold enough to use the Liushui brand again next time. .

Okay now, King Yong has come in, the prince has come in, the queen has come in, let's all fight for our lives in the dog fighting arena in Chang'an.

When they lose their minds, they will regret touching my trick. "

Liu Song secretly glanced at Yun Chu's ferocious face and dared not say a word.

Yun Chu added: "Go back and tell the prince that you can make trouble, but don't get yourself into it. Since the queen has sent Zhou Xing here, he is here to kill people and seize power.

After the Chang'an incident spread to the court, he immediately returned to Luoyang, actively participated in welcoming the Buddha bone relics from Fahua Temple back to Beijing for enshrinement, and ignored the Chang'an incident.

He is still young, and it is normal for him to get angry and do random things. He cannot turn himself into a ruthless person like the Queen.

When you go back, tell your wife that you should guard the door and never leave Jinchangfang. "

The blue-faced man looked dejected. Yunchu didn't give Liu Song any time to rest, and asked him to go back as soon as the next day after things were arranged.

As for himself, he originally wanted to go back immediately, but now after listening to Liu Song's report, he is not in a hurry to go back. Anyway, there is more than enough time to go back before the year.

There was nothing he could do if the bulk goods on the three trade routes of Handan, Yuyang and Xuzhou could not reach Chang'an.

So, Yunchu invited Mr. Liu, Chen Dansheng and other Handan merchants to go next to Mingda Temple to take a look at the newly established Mingda Yuan.

Yunchu did not invite Jinyang City Guards Chu Dayou. He had already made up his mind to make a clean separation between Liushui Brand and the local government.

Judging from his many years of experience in politics, the more mothers-in-law there are, the less capable the daughters-in-law are at work.

The twelfth lunar month is only two days away, and it's already so cold by the Fenshui River that a dog can freeze to death.

The moisture-rich mud was frozen hard, and some moisture precipitated on the surface and became frost. The muddy ground was spread here and there, looking like a plague.

Yun Chu led the bay red horse for a walk. It was not that he didn't want to ride, but the injury to the bay red horse's left front hoof was not completely healed. He could not ride the white horse given by the emperor, and he could not touch it. Once the bay red horse was hit by When it sees it, it barks in panic and even does things like bumping its head against the hitching post.

When it comes to jealousy, Yu Xiurong is far behind.

Yu Xiurong had already said that she was already old and wan, and she was mentally prepared for Yun Chu to suddenly bring back a stunningly beautiful concubine at a certain time.

However, if you dare to bring back an old woman, she will kill the vixen old woman with her own hands. According to her original words, she will bring back a young and beautiful woman, and she will give it to someone later, as a bed attendant, and hold a banquet at home to dance and sing. She has a good reputation as a housewife, singing or something.

As for the old woman, there are many at home!

That's why Yun Chu couldn't see through this. He really couldn't treat a living person as a toy and just waste it and give it away. So far, he still has the same mentality and has to be responsible for others when he sleeps with them. It's like an idiot's idea, and it can't be changed.

There are a lot of orphans in Jinyang, and Yunchu created quite a few of them a few days ago. However, these freshly minted orphans will naturally not appear in Mingda Courtyard. They only take in senior orphans who have suffered a lot in the past.

Yun Chu just glanced at the good-looking orphans in the courtyard and said to Master Huiyuan, "It shouldn't be like this."

Huiyuan was a very smart man and immediately said: "Those who are physically disabled have a bad mind."

Yun Chu said: "Isn't this right? You still judge people by their appearance?"

Huiyuan clasped his hands together and said: "The sins of the past life, the disability in this life, and the hardship in life are destiny. If the poor nun disrupts his retribution, he will suffer more in the next life. Ignoring it at this time is a good deed."

Yun Chu gritted his teeth and touched his bald head and said, "If I rape you now, it seems like it will be retribution from your previous life, right?"

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