Tang's dining table

Chapter 993 Red Lantern Story

“What is the basis of lying?

It is the truth, the truth that you need among the two sides of the matter. "

“Where does the seductiveness of lies come from?

It is sincerity, the kind of sincerity that opens one's heart and allows others to watch. Although the heart as a whole is a flesh pump, except for the gurgling and shrinking, it can only be seen that the person is still alive, and the effect is better after being shown to others. "

“How does a lie become true?

The reason why there are lies is entirely because of interests. No matter what kind of lies they are, they are closely related to the liar's own interests. The liar must consider that before lying, once the lie reaches the extreme and becomes reality, it will definitely To still benefit yourself, this is the highest level of lying. "

"Under normal circumstances, lies will have a big goal, a major premise. The goal that lies want to achieve is just the entire big goal. If there is any remaining point in the major premise, it is usually profitable.

This is what people often call a hidden needle in political life! "

“Those who seek the top will get it, those who seek the bottom will get it, and those who seek the bottom will get nothing. This is a golden rule in political life.

In fact, many government affairs do not deserve the best solution at all. As a government affairs worker, it is already commendable to be able to do so.

This is why many government orders look like they were thought up by idiots. "

This is the lesson about the multifaceted nature of human nature that Yun Chu taught his five children, Li Chengxiu, Yun Jin, Li Si, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi, after returning home.

Today is New Year's Eve, a time when countless auspicious words are spoken. Yunchu feels that it is necessary for his children to have the ability to distinguish between true feelings and falsehoods.

New Year's Eve is the end of the year, and the New Year's Eve is the beginning of the year.

The bad things and bad emotions of the past year must be discarded and must not be brought into the New Year.

Many times, this ability to distinguish true from false may be more important than learning more knowledge.

He gave people like Lu Zhaolin and Yang Jiong a clear direction to work towards, and also taught them how to use data to speak.

When you are with young people, whether you want to use them or deceive them, you need to explain things clearly. Only in this way, when Lu Zhaolin and the others were doing what Yunchu said, There will be no complaints.

Those who are stronger will continue to find ways to move forward.

The cowardly ones will choose to give up.

Whether they move forward or give up, they will never resent Yunchu.

Li Chengxiu went back to the Duke Ying's Mansion, but later came back for unknown reasons. His face was not good-looking, and it seemed that he had been humiliated by the rest of the Li family.

As the eldest son of the Wen family, Wen Huan was supposed to host family sacrifices tonight. Unexpectedly, his mother and younger siblings were called by their ancestors to go to the old house for collective sacrifices.

His mother left a message asking him to celebrate the New Year at his master's house and not to follow him to the old house.

Obviously, the mother was there to be scolded and did not want to harm her son. Wen Huan originally wanted to share the joys and sorrows with her mother, but the housekeeper at home forcibly sent him back to the Yun family.

It was totally unnecessary for Di Guangsi to return home. His mother cried and laughed when her husband came back, and was comforted by his father in his arms. Not to mention preparing for sacrifices at home, they didn't even buy tributes, and the pot was left cold. , there were no smiles on the servants' faces. Di Guangsi felt that he was superfluous and had nowhere to go, so he returned to the Yun family again.

Li Si went to see her younger brother Li Xian and came back and said that Li Xian had not seen her and wanted her to get out, so she came back.

Everyone was not very interested, so Yunchu stopped teaching and decided to take them for a walk in Jinchangfang to relieve their bad mood.

Looking at the long line of children behind him, Yun Chu suddenly felt his heart aching, because after all, Naha did not come back in time for New Year's Eve.

Thinking of this, his mood became very bad.

After three years of not seeing each other, the little baby of yesteryear has grown into a big girl and is already a mother.

Yunchu felt a little regretful about becoming a mother instead of a wife. Considering that Naha was a fearless Cypriot, such an idea was a bit redundant.

Among the Cypriots, it is not a bad thing for a woman to have her own children but not a husband. If the woman is strong enough, it is even a lucky thing for her.

People in the Western Regions don't care whether their leader is a man or a woman. As long as they are strong enough, even a wise wolf can be their leader.

The Cypriots are a group of extremely pure people. Their whole life is just the pursuit of power. As long as there is a strong leader, they will think that they are safe.

Yunchu used to always joke that Sairen was like a herd of yellow sheep in the wilderness. He longed for a powerful protector all his life, but was abandoned by others all his life, and then continued to wander.

That time, Naha did not express her submission. She just looked into her brother's eyes and asked in a low voice: "Didn't my brother also abandon the Sai people?"

That sentence made Yun Chuwen feel ashamed.

Selema raised him, and the ignorant and barbaric Sai tribe gave Yunchu the roughest sense of security in the world. Although among the Sai people except Jiesga and Selema, the rest of the Sai people had a favorable impression of him. Not good, but after all, those people did not abandon him in the wilderness to feed the wolves.

Protection is protection, this is an objective fact, and it will not make any difference just because of some small things.

Yunchu suspected that the reason why Naha went to the Western Regions to become a queen was to give those poor Sai people a great leader and protect them...

Once a person is in a bad mood, everything he sees will make him feel bad.

Although the flow of people in Jinchangfang was much greater than in previous days, it was still not enough. There were not many customers at the stalls set up by merchants in front of their homes. The dark red alley turned into ghosts as soon as the number of people was small.

Even the panda is sneaky and doesn't look like a good thing.

Well, tonight is New Year's Eve, everyone is staying at home to watch the New Year's Eve, and no one comes out.

When passing by the Golden Phoenix, Yun Chu suddenly remembered the first time Naha followed him in flying a huge sky lantern.

"Brother, why do we put up such a big light?"

"Oh, it's so that you, the confused guy, can find your home when you get lost at night."

"Oh, I understand. I will go home when I see the light in the future. Don't worry, I can't throw it away."

The conversation from a long time ago passed by Yunchu like scenes from a movie, and he felt that his eyes were extremely wet.

He said to Liu Yi who was following him: "Let's put on the lights."

Liu Yi said in confusion: "My Lord, the day when our family lights up the lanterns is usually on the fifth day of the lunar month. Why do they light up today?"

Yun Chu said: "There is still one person missing at home. I'm worried that she will come back late and won't be able to find her home."

Liu Yi immediately understood who the head of the family was talking about.

He said with emotion: "Miss Naha is not here, the New Year has been deserted, I will make arrangements now."

When they heard that the lights were going to be put on, a group of children immediately became excited, and all the bad emotions were thrown away.

Li Si held Yunchu's arm and said, "Can I climb into the basket by then? I think this lamp can take me flying."

Yun Chu glanced at Yun Jin, who had been silent, and said, "Ask Cai Yun'er. She was almost taken away by this lamp back then."

Yun Jin said: "This was a stupid thing done by Aunt Naha, but my mother-in-law beat her very badly afterwards."

Li Si smiled and said, "One dares to speak, and the other dares to sit."

Yun Jin said: "What do you know? I was thrown up. I just said I wanted to fly, and Aunt Naha threw me up."

Yun Chu just looked at the children talking and laughing. They were all very smart children, and he could clearly feel that his father or master was in a very bad mood.

Liu Yi asked someone to take out the skin bags placed in the warehouse. These skin bags were well preserved. Yun Chu and Li Chengxiu were responsible for filling the copper jars with kerosene, while Yun Jin and the others were responsible for spreading the skin bags. Li Si held up the large opening of the skin bag and waited for the flame on the copper jar to be ignited so that the heat could enter the skin bag.

At this time, there was a slight wind in Chang'an City, so Liu Yi held on tightly to the rope tied to the leather bag, fearing that it would be blown away by the wind.

After finding a torch, Yunchu lit the ignition port on the copper can. Suddenly the flame spread throughout the ignition port, just like the kerosene stove Yunchu had seen before.

Hot air flowed into the skin bag with the wind, and the originally dry skin bag quickly swelled up. Yun Chu turned up the flame, and the skin bag that had been dumped on the ground slowly stood upright.

Seeing the first balloon slowly rising into the sky, Yun Chu and Li Chengxiu pulled the rope and slowly released the light. Li Chengxiu pulled the rope hard and said to Li Si: "I am very strong, I will have no problem lifting you up."

Li Si immediately looked at Yun Jin, and Yun Jin said: "This thing is not very good or reliable now. We will take you to heaven after we study it carefully."

Wen Huan glanced at Di Guangsi's chubby body and said, "You have to lose weight in the future, otherwise you won't be able to fly..."

When the rope was put to the end, the giant sky lantern was fixed in mid-air, swaying in the wind, emitting bright light in the dark night sky.

Soon the remaining five Kongming lanterns were put into the air again. The tall Big Wild Goose Pagoda, which was originally swallowed up by the darkness, was now looming under the light of the Kongming lanterns and looked extremely dilapidated.

"Your Majesty, look at the headlight!"

Zhuoma, who was riding on the horse, suddenly pointed to the sky in the direction of Chang'an in surprise.

Naha opened her hood and looked at the six red dots rising in the dark night with surprise. She was so happy that she stuffed the child in her arms into her fur coat and said loudly: "I knew it was like this."

After saying that, he slapped Wu Zima's butt and jumped out first.

Xiao Yuhua, a fierce general from the Western Regions who was accompanying him, said, "No, Your Majesty. Don't run wildly on your horse at night."

Zhuoma said angrily: "Why don't you hurry up and run to the front to explore the way for the king?"

Xiao Yuhua said with difficulty: "Can that horse outrun Wu Zui in the snow?"

Fortunately, the road near Chang'an was very flat. Naha laughed while running wildly: "Chang'an, your King Naha is back."

As the moon disappears during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I use a red light to wish all brothers and sisters a safe return home. I wish everyone a safe family and all the best.

Yours sincerely.

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