Tang's dining table

Chapter 995 The so-called high mountains stand tall

Chapter 995 The so-called high mountains stand tall...

When Naha comes back, the atmosphere in the Yun family becomes very weird.

Mainly because the people in the family have changed. Except for Yun Chu, Yu Xiurong, and Cui Yao, there have been no changes. Li Chengxiu and others were quickly fascinated by the powerful and exotic aura displayed by Naha.

Li Si and Yun Jin have become Naha's hardcore losers. Ever since Naha returned home, they have been inseparable from Aunt Naha.

On the first day of the new year, this momentum gradually spread to the entire Jinchangfang. When King Naha called out that she was going to the bathhouse, most of the young women in Jinchangfang followed Naha with their own small wooden basins for bathing. Went to the big bathhouse.

There are also many former playmates who have married long ago, armed with slingshots, guarding the outside of the bathhouse. As long as the bald donkeys on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda dare to peek out, there will be a hail of bullets.

Li Si rubbed Naha's back vigorously, while Yunjin beat Naha's legs in a very shameless manner.

"Auntie, are you still strong?"

"It's okay."

"Auntie, all the money you left me was lost in the big pit called Liushui Brand. You won't blame me, right?"

"No wonder, it's just a trivial matter. When the time comes, my aunt will give you a big gold nest. You can capture some people and come back to mine gold for you. In a year or two, your money will be back."

As a result, Li Si's men worked even harder.

Yun Jin groaned and said: "Auntie, there is also me. This time I threw all the dowry money into the flowing water sign. Now, except for the jade my aunt gave me, I don't have any decent jewelry."

"Little thing, your previous jewelry is out of date. The best goldsmith in Chang'an City is actually the goldsmith from the Western Regions. This time I brought six Persian goldsmiths. I heard that they used to serve the King of Persia. Since the old If your jewelry is gone, my aunt will replace it with new ones. You can have as many as you want."

Yun Jin said longingly: "I want ten pieces, no, twenty pieces!"

"Okay, okay, okay, those six goldsmith aunts have given it to you. If you like any jewelry, let them make it for you."

When Yun Jin heard this, he immediately grinned.

The hands that hit the legs became more agile.

"Everyone who came today has one gold coin..."

Naha opened her eyes and looked at a large group of young women from Jinchangfang who were bathing with her. She waved her hands generously and sank her beautiful body into the pool. The pool was very big. Only she, Li Si, Yun Jin... Even her personal maids Dolma and Elisa could only hold a basin and bathe with the water flowing from the clay pipe.

It wasn't like this before.

This has happened since Dolma and Elisa were almost hacked to death by the old monkey because they forgot about their dignity.

Grandpa Monkey made it very clear that the Queen of the Western Regions is a very, very noble existence and should not be treated lightly.

Young women kept coming in with food.

Naha said before she came in that she wanted to eat everything... So the young women ordered all the dishes in the big cafeteria.

Naha made do with a bowl of braised pork, a bowl of braised pork, a bowl of braised meatballs, a braised lamb leg, a bowl of soup noodles, seven or eight wontons, and a sesame pancake. It means you are full.

However, seeing the women rushing to eat the remaining dishes, Naha wanted to eat again...

Her brother didn't let her get involved in Chang'an affairs, and said that the only thing a daughter should do when she returns to her parents' home is to eat, drink, and have fun with the family she cares about.

This point is non-negotiable. I heard from my brother that a Buddhist queen who is aloof and unconventional is valuable, while a Buddhist queen who messes around with Tang Dynasty affairs is worthless.

If this Buddhist country complains about our country in the Tang Dynasty, it will definitely arouse the resentment of all the people of the Tang Dynasty. You must know that the people of the Tang Dynasty are very proud now.

Although they were oppressed miserably at home, when facing foreigners, in Chang'an, even a beggar dared to spit in the face of a foreign noble.

Ever since Emperor Taizong captured Jieli Khan back from the grassland, Jieli Khan's dance has always been the finale of any big scene in Chang'an, such as sacrifices or when everyone is enjoying themselves.

After the current emperor destroyed Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, the fate of these royal families was similar to that of Jieli Khan. They all focused on poetry, poetry, and dance music.

Since Naha is the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom, she should have no desires and desires in the Tang Dynasty. She can only serve the good of the Tang Dynasty and must not interfere in the domestic affairs of the Tang Dynasty. Once she does, it will be a shame for the people of the Tang Dynasty.

This is a very strange emotion, but it is this emotion that has become the consensus of people in the Tang Dynasty.

However, the idea of ​​the Moral Tianshu of the All Nations of the Tang Dynasty was highly praised by Yunchu.

He even believed that the Persian prince Alohan did learn some good knowledge about flattery in the ancient country of Rome.

Once this thing is built, standing in front of the Chang'an Palace at the end of Zhuque Street, it will indeed be a wonder that can make the people of the Tang Dynasty even more proud.

After Faxian and other Buddhist monks made a request, and after unified planning by master craftsmen from the Western Regions and even Persia, they decided to build a 147-foot-tall tower weighing 2 million kilograms with eight sides, dragons and unicorns. Wandering around, there is a soaring cloud bearing the dew plate, and the four dragons on the top stand holding fire beads, which is the Tianshu of the Tang Dynasty and the Ten Thousand Kingdoms of the Tang Dynasty. (historical facts)

The entire Tianshu is made of cast iron base, with copper as the pillar, silver as the flower plate, dragon as the unicorn, and gold as the dragon ball.

Yunchu felt that as long as this pillar was erected, there would be no problem in rebuilding the Liushui brand in Chang'an. At least in terms of reputation, there would no longer be any flaws.

Back then, he erected twenty-four bronze bulls in Chang'an, but he was already denounced by civil and military officials as an unprecedented prodigal. Yun Chu believed that after the Tianshu, a symbol of praise to all nations of the Tang Dynasty, was built, he did not know that he would be criticized again. What a scolding.

Because the total cost of this pillar will exceed five million. (Less than half of the historical facts of hundreds of billions. The historical facts are too exaggerated)

Until now, Yunchu still couldn't figure out how they obtained so much gold and silver, let alone how they transported it to Chang'an.

Fortunately, these gold and silver will be exchanged in Chang'an for copper used to cast the Tianshu. Otherwise, releasing so much gold in one breath will collapse Chang'an's financial order.

As for what to do if there is less copper in Chang'an, Yunchu actually doesn't care much. He had originally planned to implement three currencies of gold, silver and copper. As long as the exchange ratios of these three currencies were determined, based on the credibility of the Tang Dynasty, He could improve the currency of the Tang Dynasty and create a situation where gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins coexisted. He could strip away the monetary attributes of grain and silk and return them to the ranks of goods.

Otherwise, with more and more food and silk, wouldn’t we be waiting for these things to impact the financial market?

In the past, gold was precious because it was scarce. Now, there are many gold mines that can be mined in the Western Regions. In addition, the trade between Chang'an and the Western Regions is booming. Even Roman gold coins are not rare in Chang'an. It is time to improve the currency.

However, this job requires the collection of financial data from various states in the Tang Dynasty. It is impossible to rely on the government. Those idiots who are obsessed with studying still cannot understand such advanced things. , but the data is harmful to the country and the people, that is too bad.

Naha came back, and so did the child. Yunchu couldn't sit still in the yamen. After handling some emergencies and arranging the celebration schedule for New Year's Day, he hurried home.

Seeing Naha walking back and forth in the yard with a bulging belly, holding a huge pomegranate in her hand and eating at the same time, she knew that she must have eaten too much at noon and was forced to eat by Yu Xiurong.

I wanted to curse out of habit, but when I thought about this child coming back from thousands of miles away, I took back the words that came to my lips and turned into a complaint: "Why are you eating so much?"

Naha put the half-eaten pomegranate into Yunchu's hand and said aggrievedly: "Except for beef, mutton, and camel meat, there is nothing delicious in the Western Region."

Yun Chu said: "Then pick some smart ones among your servants and go to the big cafeteria to learn. Anyway, you will have to stay at least for a long time when you come back this time. Take your time."

Naha nodded and said, "Let Dolma and Elisa learn. They both learn quickly."

Yun Chu smiled and patted Naha's hand and said, "Very good. At least you have learned to protect yourself. How about it? It's not easy to be the queen of the Buddhist Kingdom, right?"

Naha shook her head and said: "It's not difficult, at least it's much easier than my brother's side. If someone disobeys, just start a fight. After the fight, you'll be fine for a while. That's all they recognize anyway."

However, they were always disobedient, and after a while they started to behave randomly again, so they had to beat them again and replace their king with an obedient one.

But, brother, it’s strange. The obedient people who didn’t become kings soon became disobedient after becoming kings. I caught a few guys who were obedient at first but became disobedient. I’ve seen them before. The guy who got down and kissed my shoes actually had the guts to scream after seeing me.

I had no choice but to behead them. Mr. Monkey always said that I was too kind and said that I should cut them into pieces and show them to everyone. In this way, those who were disobedient would be able to be obedient for a few more years. "

Yun Chu sighed, there was nothing that could be done about it. People from the Western Regions were born and raised and were used to doing things according to their own preferences. Now, Naha insisted on putting a halter on them. Before the enlightenment could catch up, she wanted them. Obeying the rules and disciplines will definitely not be achieved by killing a few kings.

People in the Western Regions generally have short memories, which is directly related to the high mobility of their tribesmen. Coupled with the harsh climate, people's life span is generally short. Under normal circumstances, people in the tribe can be replaced in three to five years. Half of the time, after ten years, the tribes that were familiar in the past have become unfamiliar. In another five or six years, the current tribe will basically have no similarity with the tribe fifteen years ago.

The cost of education is very high and very slow.

What's more, no one is so generous as to teach them how to be smart.

Naha's child's smile was really beautiful, especially when she opened her mouth full of baby teeth and drooled at Yun Chu while smiling, Yun Chu's heart almost melted.

Many years ago, Naha smiled at him like this... As a result, his second childhood life was extremely miserable...

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