Tang's dining table

Chapter 1019 The benefits of a strong country (Thanks again to Flying Master Bajie for the reward)

After Yunchu heard that the boss of the salt supervisor was Wu Mei, he stopped talking.

If, before knowing that she was the boss of the salt supervisor, Yunchu thought it was just a matter of corruption of the salt supervisor's discipline, now that he knows, this is obviously no longer a technical mistake, but a political struggle.

Using a small salt supervisor to deal with Yun Chu and Chang'an obviously did not take them into account. Even if the boss of the salt supervisor was the queen, as long as Yun Chu was willing, there would be no problem in overthrowing the Hedong salt supervisor in half a year.

Not to mention the sea salt from Dahang City, just the salt from the Qinghai Salt Lake is enough to marinate the entire Guanzhong people into bacon, and it can also guarantee an excellent flavor.

After all, Qinghai salt has always been said to be green salt, which is the best salt in the world.

In the past, it was very difficult to develop Qinghai salt. First, we had to deal with the Tuyuhun people, and then we had to deal with the Tubo people. Both tribes were stubborn, brave, and unreasonable.

As long as we talk about fighting, we will fight to the death. There is no concept of peaceful coexistence in our minds.

There is no need to pay attention to them now. The whole area of ​​Tuyuhun has been almost depopulated by Xu Jingye and Zhang Jianzhi. Rich people come to Chang'an and buy houses to simply enjoy the happiness. Unfortunately, there are no pastures, no cattle and sheep, and they can just sit back and eat the mountains. Under the circumstances, there were more than 700 Tuyuhun nobles who originally came to Chang'an to buy houses. Now, less than 30 of them can stay in the city and continue to live.

The rest of the Tuyuhun nobles, how their ancestors lived, have now returned to the life track of their ancestors - herding horses, sheep, and cattle for the Tang people... There are also some who followed the slave catching group to capture the surviving Tuyuhun. People have gone.

The Tubo people are fighting against Nibra's Brikuti and King Viguru. Currently, in this war that has lasted for five years, the famous Tubo general Lun Qinling defeated the army organized by King Viguru in one fell swoop at the Dajue Mountain Pass. After the victory of the 120,000 allied troops and the elephant army composed of 500 elephants, King Nibala retreated southward. Lun Qinling did not rush to catch up, but followed leisurely.

Where King Nibala stopped, he attacked there, and at the same time, the Tibetans behind his army moved there.

As the army continued to penetrate deeper into Niboluo, the Tubo people continued to follow up. The Tibetans in the rear were also retreating westward, and the Qinghai area had long become a no-man's land.

Niboluo has a humid and warm climate, rich in products, and is obviously more livable than the Tubo Plateau. Judging from the current situation, the Tubo people have regarded Dabolu and Niboluo as their new residences.

Tuyuhun was completely finished, the Tubo people ran away, and even the Luoxe Palace did not have many guards. Hei Te Changzhi, who was stationed in Ganzhou, led his troops to the plateau in the second year of Linde.

In order to prevent the Tang army from taking away the Statue of Sakyamuni (i.e. the twelve-year-old statue of Sakyamuni), the Tubo people hid it in the Jokhang Temple, sealed it with mud, and painted a statue of Manjusri.

But before they had time to hide the Immovable Vajra Statue (the eight-year-old statue of Sakyamuni), Black Teeth Changzhi's army arrived.

After a large search, they really couldn't find anything to loot, so they took away the Immovable Vajra Statue (the eight-year-old statue of Sakyamuni) and prepared to transport it back to the Tang Dynasty to prove to the emperor that they indeed Already arrived at Luoche.

Currently, this Buddha statue is still in transit. It is estimated that it will be transported to Famen Temple for enshrinement this autumn.

Judging from Hei Te Changzhi's experience on the Tubo Plateau, the Tubo people have no intention of guarding the plateau... In a few years, there won't even be many Luosu left.

Yunchu was very positive about Lun Qinling's military commanding ability. He believed that under the leadership of this famous general, the Tubo people would definitely be able to create a world in South Asia.

However, after Qinling takes over the entire territory of Nibala, it will have to enter the Indian cannibal territory. By then, it is estimated that there will be a fierce battle.

Black Teeth Changzhi's deeds on the Tubo Plateau should have been celebrated on a grand scale. The emperor should have told the world that the last bad wolf around the Tang Dynasty had been driven away, and everyone should celebrate.

Unfortunately, over the years, the people of the Tang Dynasty have long been indifferent to the achievements of their own generals in opening up territories. There are always some literati who write articles denounced Hei Te Changzhi and their actions, believing that the way to become a king is to appease, not to kill. .

Under this situation, Heiji Changzhi's achievements were only mentioned in the Di newspaper. Heiji Changzhi was promoted to three ranks and became a loyal and military general of the fourth rank of the Tang Dynasty. As for the rest, that's it. …

The Tang Dynasty could not conquer the Tubo Plateau in vain. Since it had conquered the Tubo Plateau, it must be productive.

Yun Chu is preparing to open the Yanchi Road, which will extend from Chang'an to the Qinghai Salt Marsh, opening up another trade route for Chang'an and another way to bring in money.

The reason why the Salt Supervisor came to trouble Yunchu was obviously a strategy of the Queen.

The purpose of the strategy was to portray Yunchu as a troublemaker.

If Yun Chu's predictions are correct, any business involving official sales will show a certain degree of unfriendly attitude toward Chang'an. Even if the salt supervisor's troubles are ignored by Yun Chu, they will be dealt with. What's the mistake? The Salt Supervisor and the Tea Supervisor will soon continue to cause trouble for Chang'an. After Yun Chu takes care of them, the Wine Supervisor, Silk Supervisor, Iron Supervisor, and even the entire Shanhai Supervisor will stand against Yun Chu.

Then, it was the turn of the various departments controlled by the queen to cause trouble for Yunchu, expanding simple economic disputes into political disputes.

If Yun Chu was right once, could he be right all the time?

People in those departments made one mistake and three mistakes. Can they still be wrong all the time?

Is there nothing Yunchu needs to reflect on during this period?

Once these trends become mainstream, everyone will question Yunchu's character.

After discussing with Liu Rengui, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie, Yunchu decided to ignore the salt supervisor's provocation. They liked selling dark salt, so they would continue to sell it, and the market would automatically correct their behavior.

It will definitely not be good for those salt people to eat, but don't forget that Chang'an also has a large number of livestock groups, which also require a lot of salt, not to mention chemical products such as salt, which are also important for the textile, papermaking, and leather industries. resource.

Once the people of Chang'an are accustomed to the fact that the salt from Hedong Salt Lake can only be used as industrial salt, Hedong Salt Lake will continue to produce this kind of crude salt in the future.

If trouble arises in other government affairs, Yun Chu is also prepared to deal with them in the same way, trying to limit the disputes to the economic field.

So, when Zhao Chuncheng, the salt supervisor of Yanchi in Hedong, came to Yunchu to reason with him, Yunchu entertained him very well with cans of tea.

"Xiaoguan was very nervous when he came this time. He thought he would also be thrown out of the Yamen by the Duke."

Zhao Chuncheng just sat down and began to complain to Yun Chu.

Yun Chu poured a cup of tea for Zhao Chuncheng and pushed it over and said: "I thought you, the Marquis, were going to send a small official to come over and point at my nose and ask why the people of Chang'an don't buy salt."

Zhao Chuncheng sighed and said: "I'm used to being aloof, and I always think that I can still boss around if I leave my own one-third of an acre of land. Now, isn't it like being here with the county prince and getting into trouble?"

Yun Chu now doesn't have a good impression of anyone with the word spring in his name, so he speaks very directly.

"You should have come earlier."

Zhao Chuncheng cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry."

Yun Chu put his hands on his stomach and said with a smile: "It's not rude. You are all corporals of the Queen's sect. It's understandable to be arrogant. When Mr. Zhao comes this time, shouldn't he also ask about buying salt? "

Zhao Chuncheng nodded and said, "That's true. Chang'an's salt sales this winter were 16,000 tons less than in previous years. What's the reason?"

Yunchu sighed and said, "Since the collapse of Liushui Brand, all industries have been in decline."

Zhao Chuncheng frowned and said, "Even if all industries are depressed, people still need to eat salt."

Yun Chu asked strangely: "Don't you know, Mr. Zhao, that the salt from the salt ponds in Hedong is never meant for human consumption, but is used to feed livestock?

In addition, the textile, papermaking, and leather industries are the real major consumers of Hedong salt. "

Zhao Chuncheng suddenly stood up and said, "Don't people eat the salt from the salt pond in Hedong?"

Yun Chu clapped his hands, and the clerk immediately brought a bag of Hedong salt and put it on the table. Yun Chu opened the bag, pointed at the gray salt and said, "Does Mr. Zhao think this is salt that people can eat?"

Zhao Chuncheng said: "The county government does not use official salt, but uses private salt wantonly. This is not good for the country."

Yunchu chuckled, and asked the clerk to bring the salt tax book. He turned to the two sets of data on the last page and said: "Last year, the Chang'an salt tax was more than 164,800 yuan. Private salt contributed 150,000 yuan. With more than 3,000 guans and 11,000 guans in fines and confiscations, official salt contributed almost nothing to Chang'an's salt tax.

Mr. Zhao, if you were the chief officer of Chang'an, how would you choose? "

Zhao Chuncheng said anxiously: "The Hedong Salt Pond is turned over every year..."

Yun Chu blinked and looked at Zhao Chuncheng who was halfway through speaking, waiting for him to say the rest.

After waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Zhao Chuncheng speak, so he took a sip of tea and said, "This year, the Chang'an government will open a new salt road, starting from the Qinghai Salt Marsh and ending in Chang'an."

Zhao Chuncheng grabbed Yunchu's sleeve and said, "My lord, if you continue like this, where will the Yanchi River in Hedong go?"

Yun Chu grabbed a handful of dirty salt on the table and said: "Continue production. Chang'an still has a huge demand for this kind of inferior salt. By next year at most, the amount of Hedong salt used in Chang'an will be the same as before, or even slightly. There is growth.”

Zhao Chuncheng said with a mournful face: "There is a huge difference between what humans eat and what cattle and horses use."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "You don't care so much. Anyway, just sell the salt. As for how the buyer uses it, that's someone else's business."

Zhao Chuncheng said: "My lord, it's inappropriate, it's inappropriate."

Yun Chu stretched out his hand and said: "If Mr. Zhao feels that something is wrong, just come out with His Majesty's decree and say that the people of Chang'an must eat this kind of salt. I will be the first to eat it!"

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