Tang's dining table

Chapter 1035 Vicious old thief

After the sun went down, Yunchu climbed down from the pine tree like a big mouse, and then lowered the soft bushes and got in.

Such behavior was far from his reputation as an invincible warrior.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Yunchu is actually very good at things like hunting. When he was very young, he caught wolves, killed argali sheep as majestic as cattle, captured blue sheep that were good at climbing on cliffs, and also followed him in Grasshopper Lake. Fighting fierce carnivorous fish.

Therefore, he knows one thing better than others - the purpose of entering the hunting ground is to hunt, and nothing else.

Even tigers and lions look vulgar when they are lurking and hunting. Of course, he cannot be arrogant.

After a whole day of observation, Yunchu discovered that Lishan Mountain had turned into a hunting ground. It was also a hunting ground where the Lion King was about to die and the other beasts were gearing up to show their prestige.

The villa of Li Ji's family is the old Lion King's cave. Now, there is only an old lion who is about to die of old age and two old hyenas who are almost losing their teeth.

The meat of old lions and hyenas is too poor to eat, so they can only eat some of the saliva left by the old lions when they were young.

What does Li Ji want to say?

Yun Chu secretly calculated and found that there were quite a few. Not counting anything else, it was just that this old lion had raided several royal courts when he destroyed the Turks, Xue Yantuo. And what the Eastern and Western Turks liked to do most was to destroy all the Turks. All the treasures were collected in the royal court. In the end, these treasures benefited Datang.

When Datang was proud, the coach Li Ji was actually the proudest.

Yunchu had also been a coach all the way, and he knew very well what a coach's virtues were. After the battle at Xiaomen Temple, he relied on the name and power of the coach to get hundreds of millions of dollars for the emperor.

Not only did he get hundreds of millions of dollars for the emperor, which made the emperor burst into tears of gratitude, thinking that he was the only loyal minister left in the world, but he also made all the Chang'an soldiers who followed him on the expedition into rich men. The most important thing is that I also built a Dahang City, and I am still sending money to my family in a steady stream.

Who is Li Ji?

How many of the Turks' unknown khans, big and small, kings and officials, big and small, had he captured?

Don't you want to carefully interrogate these people where they put their property?

Forget about the Turks, after all, Emperor Taizong was very strict at that time and it was difficult to make money.

What about Xue Yantuo?

Xue Yantuo could forget it. After all, Emperor Taizong had just dealt with Hou Junji at that time, and the big guys no longer dared to hide their private money.


What about Goguryeo? What about Baekje? What about Silla?

At this time, the old guy can speak more effectively than the emperor in Liaodong.

A small manager in a remote place like Yunchu can make a lot of money, but a big manager like Li Ji can be as clear as water and as clear as a mirror?

After the old guy came back from Liaodong, he lived a very prosperous life indeed, but the wealth he showed was nothing compared to the profits he made from the first battle in Liaodong.

Even if there are people like Yunchu who don't care about Li Ji's property, what about the military notes in Li Ji's hand?

I think back then, Li Jing was forced by Emperor Taizong to teach Hou Junji the art of war. Hou Junji only learned a little bit about it and became so good. Now, Li Ji, the only military strategist who can barely compete with Li Jing, has only one article in his military notes. not worth?

Even if there are still people who don't like Li Ji's military notes like Yun Chu, then what about the medical books "Ying Gong's Materia Medica", "Medicinal Pictures" and "Illustrated Classics" that he also had that even people like the old immortal praised?

Even if there are still people who don't care about Li Ji's half-baked medical books, the old guy has been in the Tang army for almost fifty years. Did he really devote himself to the Tang army willingly and leave nothing behind?

No officer corps has been formed?

Now, this old guy is about to die, and it's time for the big guys to swarm up to pick up equipment.

Before, the reason why Yun Chu felt danger was that it was real danger, because compared to others, Yun Chu seemed more like a guy who could get the Ying Gong's treasure.

It wasn't until he jumped a tree on the mountain road and ran away that everyone confirmed that he, Yunchu, was the one who came to Lishan to pick up the equipment that Yinggong exploded.

His behavior of escaping perfectly complied with everyone's wishes.

The death of the British Duke is not his own business, and his inheritance cannot only belong to the British Duke. When Li Ji is alive, he can enjoy these good things. Once he is about to die, these good things must be scattered into the world. Engage all stakeholders.

To be honest, Yun Chu has no interest in Li Ji's legacy. When it comes to military books, Yun Chu has seen better ones. In his opinion, Li Ji's practical and theoretical knowledge about cold weapons is not enough for him to start to enter the state of hot weapons. It was a bit outdated for the Tang army.

Li Ji's money, just money, would not play a big role in Yun Chu's current predicament.

If money really was everything, Yun Chu would have revitalized the Liu Shui brand long ago.

Now, he just wants to see who these stakeholders are.

The sun had set and the woods looked extremely dark. Yunchu saw a group of people. Their footsteps were as light as swallows and they did not make too much noise even when walking in the woods.

After walking less than two hundred steps with these people, they arrived at their camp. The camp was a nest in the ground. Judging from the freshness of the pine branches covering the nest, these people had only been here for seven or eight hours. They were older than themselves. Not too long ago.

Yun Chu didn't dare to get too close, because they were carrying crossbows, and two of them had military-standard grenades hanging on their chests. After countless improvements by the army, the explosive power of these things cannot be underestimated.

Yunchu lay down on the leeward position, eager to hear what these people had to say. As a result, these people refused to say a word. After eating, they tied a branch to their mouths, which they called a piece of meat.

Their mouths were tied so as not to make any noise, but they must have some way of delivering the message that Yunchu didn't know about.

There is no doubt that these people should be good soldiers in the army.

When these people were getting ready to rest, Yun Chu couldn't find a flaw. He was alone and couldn't break through the light and dark checkpoints in an instant.

So, he crawled back slowly and walked along a trickling stream towards the wooden house he had chosen.

When passing through a thorny and short locust tree bush, Yun Chu fell into the water.

After a while, seven or eight more people were chopping locust trees and shrubs with knives, and walked past Yun Chu. The person walking in the third position, Yun Chu, looked familiar, but I couldn't tell him from his face. But it can be seen from her breasts. When walking, her breasts bounce up and down. Except for Jin Yuru, I have never seen other women like this, not even Pingkangfang.

Women in the Tang Dynasty still habitually bound their breasts, unlike Jin Yuru, who liked to be free.

Jin Yuru was the Queen's servant, and she was also the Queen's die-hard loyalist. Although the Queen once tortured her to the point where she no longer looked like a human being, she was still devoted to the Queen.

There is obviously something wrong here, but Jin Yuru is the queen's wife, and she doesn't even doubt it. It is completely redundant for an outsider to talk about it.

Yunchu did not follow him. The current Hwarang disciples are all death warriors. They may not be effective when killing others. But when it comes to killing themselves, they are not ambiguous at all.

There is no use catching such a person, and Jin Yuru is a liar who is always good at lying. As long as she doesn't want to say it, she won't say anything.

So, Yun Chu continued to search forward. In a corner with a mountain spring, there was a group of people hiding. Judging from the way they were squatting and urinating, it seemed that they were a group of eunuchs, or eunuchs from Baiqisi.

Yunchu was still among the group of people and saw Fuchun, the governor of Chang'an Baiqisi. This guy had a dead face and was sitting on the edge of the spring with his feet in the water. The eunuchs behind him didn't dislike it at all. They use the downstream water for cooking.

These should be the emperor's men.

Yunchu thought for a moment, didn't bother them, and continued to search forward.

When he saw Xiao Siye holding a Mo Dao on a ridge, Yun Chu's face twitched twice. It seemed that the prince did not send Xiao Siye away from the East Palace, but moved him from the light to the dark and surrounded him. The group of people around him should be the prince's men.

When Yunchu returned to the tree house again, his face was already ugly. The people who came here were not only the emperor, the queen, and the prince's people, but also people from Pei Xingjian, Xue Rengui, and the Sixteenth Guards. Centaur.

These people are now waiting for Li Ji to take his last breath. At this time, whoever is Li Ji's designated successor will be swarmed by this group of people.

Just like Yu Xiurong said, whoever goes to see Li Ji at this time will be unlucky.

Yu Xiurong was talking about typhoid fever, but compared with the current situation, it was more serious than typhoid fever...

No, a terrifying thought suddenly popped into Yun Chu's mind. When Li Ji, an old thief, was a massacrer in the late Sui Dynasty, too many people were killed and injured at that time, which was exactly when the epidemic was rampant.

When this old thief was attacking the city and plundering the territory, he must have done the unethical thing of throwing corpses of those who had died of the disease into the city.

Why is it that he can't die now, but he has to suffer from typhoid fever?

This old thief wants to use typhoid fever to teach all those who plot his legacy a lesson?

Thinking of this, Yun Chu shuddered and didn't bother to hide his body. He wiped his whole body with anti-virus drug first, and then drank seven or eight swigs of the anti-virus drug, especially his mouth and hands. He almost even gargled his mouth and washed his hands. Lost half of the antiseptic.

The old god gave him a bottle of miasma-avoiding pills and clearing pills. After putting on three layers of masks, Yunchu thoroughly disinfected the tree house and shot a feather with instructions written on it towards his general's location. Arrow, then he lay down to sleep uneasily.

Yun Chu's feather arrow landed lightly on the edge of the fire. After reading the instructions on the arrow, Zhang Cheng, the leader of the family, packed up his things and prepared to leave the courtyard of Yinggong's mansion overnight.

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