Tang's dining table

Chapter 1043 The world of young people is the most beautiful

"May I ask, sir, how can a man fly by himself without wings?"

"Take dreams as horses, engage the world, wear beautiful feathers as clothes, perch on sycamore trees, and persevere as wings, fly thousands of miles in the sky, pay as much as you can, and reap the rewards with joy, soaring into the nine heavens."

"May I ask, sir, where can I get a glimpse?"


"Where is Chang'an?"

"You have been in Chang'an for too long, and you don't know the true face of Chang'an."

"How to know the true face of Chang'an?"

"Come with a certain family..."

So the people in Jinchangfang saw Bald Wenwen leading a limping young man to see the layout of Jinchangfang, the bright and dark water channels in Jinchangfang, and occasionally got into the state-owned grain store. Stores, state-owned cloth stores, state-owned carriage and horse stores... Go in and take a look. You don’t buy anything when you go in. You just let the shopkeeper introduce the characteristics and functions of the state-owned stores.

Not only shopkeepers have seen this kind of scene many times, but even ordinary residents have seen it too many times. Even if they were not asked, they would all offer a warm smile.

In Jinchangfang, Wen Wen was the master. It wasn't until the gate of Da Ci'en Temple was in sight that Wen Wen smiled at Yao Chong and said, "How about it? How does the layout here compare with the layout of the Yellow River loop you suggested?"

Yao Chong was not an idiot. Hearing Rou Wen's question, he thought for a moment and said, "The idea of ​​the Yellow River Ring Line is too crude."

He smiled softly and said: "Yes! The layout of Jinchangfang may seem chaotic, but in fact it has formed a unique way of operation. Young people's wild and unconstrained ideas are often refreshing, but if you want to implement them, you need an expert. Intervened."

Yao Chong said: "Sir, have you seen the students' complete layout?"

Wen Wen nodded and said: "Yes, it's a pity that your layout is too grand. In today's world, only Chang'an has the power to realize your dream. So, stay and see what kind of majestic your layout will be in the future." Strange flowers come out.”

"Isn't it possible for Luoyang too?"



"Although this city is a new capital, it is already aging. Although Chang'an is an old state, it is a city of young people. Young people should live in the city of young people. They should not live in the country of the elders for a long time and waste time."

Yao Chong thought for a moment and said, "Let me think about it."

Seeing this, Wen Wenwen was not in a hurry, but continued to take Yao Chong into the Da Ci'en Temple and up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Standing on the high tower, Chang'anfang City, as neat as a vegetable patch, fell in front of her.

Seeing that Yao Chong was in a trance, Wen Wen smiled and said: "If you don't sweep one room, how can you sweep the world? If you don't manage a city, how can you sweep the world?"

Yao Chong said: "Did Guangsi have a close relationship with Mr. Di?"

He said softly: "As close as a father and son."

"So, when he beat the students, it was also arranged by Mr.?"

Wen Wen said: "Someone has heard that in order to get good iron, you must first go through thousands of tempers to remove fire and impurities, and then you can get a piece of good iron. After thousands of tempers and quenching, you can get hundreds of steel."

Yao Chong swallowed and said, "So, Di Guangsi is a hammer? Has the student been tempered?"

Wen Wen glanced at Yao Chong and said: "Thousands of times of hard work, the important thing is to take a thousand blows."

Yao Chong snorted coldly and said: "Apart from Di Guangsi, which other boy can beat me?"

Wen Wen said with a smile: "It just so happens that the child of a certain family thinks that a certain family values ​​you too much, so..."

Yao Chong said: "He also wants to beat me?"

She said with a gentle smile: "He is waiting for you in the bamboo forest behind the Jinchangfang cafeteria. Don't worry, there are also a few flower bears there, and they are used to sleeping with others."

Yao Chong looked at Wen Wen and said, "Why must we compete in martial arts?"

He looked at Yao Chong with tenderness and pity and said, "You will lose worse than others."

Yao Chong had a young mind and said angrily: "I don't believe it."

He smiled softly and said: "Quinzi Wen Huan is two years younger than you. You are both young people, so it's good to go and experience things. Young people must have an attitude of not admitting defeat.

Of course, if you are afraid, you don’t have to go. "

Yao Chong looked at him tenderly and said, "Although I know that this is a tactic to provoke the general, the student still wants to see how extraordinary your master is."

She smiled softly and said, "Go ahead and talk about the rest after you fight."

Yao Chong said: "The student has not yet thought of becoming Mr.'s disciple."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "Someone knows that when you find that everyone is stronger than you and you can't beat anyone, you will take the initiative to ask me to be your master. If you can't persist, even if you ask me , I won’t agree either.

After all, it is a pleasure to wait for talents and teach them, but it is a pain to teach idiots. And I only want talents. "

Yao Chong looked at Wen Wenhan fiercely for a while, then turned around and got off the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. On the way to the small bamboo forest, Yao Chong was still thinking about how to get the boy named Wen Huan to sleep with the bear for a whole night.

After Wen Wen got off the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, we came to the Yun Family Courtyard.

"This kid is very confident in himself."

Yunchu picked up the brush and put it into the brush washer to wash the ink.

Gentle said: "Young people are so kind. Even though they know they will lose, they still do things with the hope of winning."

After that, he came to Yunchu's desk and took a look at his newly written article and recited: "Wen, Wu, Cheng, and Kang were the youth of the Zhou Dynasty, and You, Li, Huan, and Nan were the old ones. Time.

Gao, Wen, Jing, and Wu were the young people of the Han Dynasty, and Yuan, Ping, Huan, and Ling were the old people.

Since the rest of the dynasties, this has happened. "

Yun Chu nodded and said: "The most important thing for a country's longevity is to extend its youth."

Gentle said: "For the prince?"

Yun Chu said: "Recently, he has lost the liveliness of a young man and has become lifeless. This is not a good thing. He will be a prince for a long time. It is not a good thing to become gloomy prematurely."

Gentle said: "Are you sure my son can beat Yao Chong?"

Yun Chu said: "Your son is flexible and agile. If he can get rid of his habit of pretending to be good-looking and cool, he can become a very good knight in the future."

Gentle said: "Yao Chong is full of resentment, how does my son compare to me?"

Yunchu sighed and said, "You have never been a reference for children."

Wen Wen nodded and said, "It seems that the reason why that child was chased all over the yard by me was because of his filial piety."

Yun Chu looked into his gentle eyes and said, "That child is indeed filial."

In fact, Wen Huan has always been a very filial child, so when he learned that Yao Chong was actually valued by his Aye, he felt very uncomfortable. Aye should only value him as his eldest son, and he should only value himself as his eldest son.

The weather is very hot today. The bears are afraid of the heat and are reluctant to go under the sun. Fortunately, there is a small pool in the bamboo forest. The water source comes from the neighbor's well. Even in summer, the water here is cold, so , the flower bears were soaking in the cold pool, watching the two young men staring at each other like cockfighters.

"You think I'm a piece of iron, and you want to use your hammer to beat the impurities out of me. Do you think you can do the job of a hammer?"

Wen Huan looked at Yao Chong, whose legs and feet seemed to be a little weak, and said, "Why don't we wait until your legs stop hurting and we can do it again. You are no match for me."

Yao Chong said: "If I defeat you, who else can I challenge?"

Wen Huan shook his head and said, "If I don't let you move forward, you won't even be able to get out of here."

Yao Chong slowly lifted up the hem of his robe, put it on his belt and stretched out his hand towards Wen Huan, saying, "You are young, so you can make the first move."

Wen Huan didn't have much courtesy when fighting against others. Since he was standing on the battlefield, his mission was to defeat the opponent. Seeing that Yao Chong was so powerful, he took advantage of the situation and grabbed Yao Chong's extended hand, and quickly approached Yao Chong. , without waiting for Yao Chong's other arm to whip like a whip, he ducked under Yao Chong's ribs, and his shrinking body suddenly lifted up. The force of his forward thrust and the weight of his body made him suddenly The boy knocked Yao Chong back and stepped away.

Wen Huan, who was well prepared, quickly followed up, hitting Yao Chong's lower abdomen with five or six punches in a row, which made Yao Chong's body curl up. How could Wen Huan let go of this opportunity? His fists, legs, and elbows all rained down. Like falling on Yao Chong, Yao Chong protected his head and neck with both hands and had to retreat again. It wasn't until Wen Huan jumped up and hit Yao Chong's wrist with his flying knee that Yao Chong couldn't help but feel the pain. Open the hand that protects your head and neck.

Wen Huan used his left leg as a pivot and kicked with his right leg. The instep hit Yao Chong's neck hard. Yao Chong staggered back two steps and finally fell into Hua Xiong's bath.

Yao Chong splashed the boss in the pool. The flower bears who were taking a bath thought that he was here to play with them, so they approached Yao Chong one after another. The nearest one had already grabbed one of Yao Chong's legs, and then Just sat down.

"Ah——" Yao Chong screamed.

Wen Huan thought he was injured, so he quickly moved over to take a look, only to realize that the small bear's butt was right against Yao Chong's face.

Yao Chong pushed the flower bear away, staggered up from the water, pointed at Wen Huan and said, "Sneak attack, you don't have martial ethics!"

Wen Huan pouted and said, "It seems extremely unbelievable to say this from a mouth that just kissed Hua Xiong's ass."

Yao Chong raised his leg and shook off a little flower bear that was clinging to his left leg and roared: "I will never break up with you."

Wen Huan said: "As long as you don't attack me with the mouth you just kissed Hua Xiong's ass, I don't think you have any hope of defeating me."

Yao Chong waded through the water like a tiger and rushed over... Behind him were four or five bears lapping the water to cheer him up.

During dinner in the evening, Yun Jin saw that Wen Huan seemed to be in a good mood and even took two bites of the garlic eggplant that he didn't like to eat on weekdays, so he asked, "How about Yao Chong?"

Wen Huan looked at Di Guangsi who was working hard at cooking and said, "Well, it's very impressive."

When Di Guangsi heard this, he looked at Wen Huan and said, "It's not very powerful."

Wen Huan smiled and said: "My most powerful trick is to kiss the butt of a flower bear... hahahahaha."

Yun Jin laughed for a while and said to Wen Huan: "Don't become enemies."

Wen Huan shook his head and said: "No, this guy asked me to fight again tomorrow. It shows that he is also a man."

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