Tang's dining table

Chapter 1048 Moody Yun Yuchu

Life has been pretty good lately.

My sister, daughter, and adopted daughter are plotting against the little money that the earth kings have.

The eldest son is leading a large group of kiln workers and old porcelain craftsmen to figure out how to make the clay look good and sell it for a big price.

The two disciples are helping their brother Wen Wen to capture the genius Yao Chong.

His subordinates are staring at the Nancheng reconstruction project with eager eyes, waiting to immediately start the unfinished plan of the Nancheng reconstruction project at a certain point.

The old boss is preparing to welcome the cruel officials from Luoyang, so that he can drive away all the Luoyang master craftsmen who have high ambitions but low ambitions and are accustomed to talking big words, so that they can take the credit for establishing the Tianshu of All Nations.

Everyone has something to do, and it’s a busy but fulfilling day.

The summer harvest season passed unknowingly.

Not many people care about this season that was originally very important to Chang'an.

Yunchu still remembered that he once took all the officials to the farmland to perform the summer harvest. It was fake, grand, and important.

It’s different now. The output of some of Chang’an’s few farmlands no longer means much to Chang’an. The food grown is not enough to feed the people in Chang’an, and the vegetables grown don’t seem to be enough for the city of Chang’an. , even cotton, which used to be a lifeline, is now the attitude of the government.

There are eight nearby rivers surrounding Chang'an. Some are navigable and some are not. Even if they are not navigable, it is still okay to float bamboo rafts. Therefore, vegetables, meat, poultry, and eggs from places far away from Chang'an can also enter Chang'an. , and the price is obviously much cheaper than those produced in the farmland around Chang'an, and the quality seems to be better.

In the fields near Chang'an, only some old people who are inseparable from the land are currently cultivating the fields. Young people have all moved into Chang'an City. No matter what kind of work they do in the city, all year round, it is not comparable to farming.

The price of grain in Chang'an has been stable for many years. The source of grain is Longyou. For a whole year, the official road from Longyou to Chang'an has never been interrupted by grain transport trucks.

A large part of it comes from the farm of Prince Li Hong.

He has 217 farms, large and small, in Longyou, using more than 100,000 slaves from all kinds of criminals and sources.

The cost of using prisoners, soldiers, and slaves to break up the country to produce food is very low, which is very beneficial to stabilizing food prices in Chang'an.

At the same time, this is also a means for Prince Li Hong to secretly control Chang'an.

It was this kind of multiple controls that created the miracle of Yunchu Mu guarding Chang'an for fifteen years.

The emperor controlled the military affairs in Chang'an, and the prince controlled the grain roads in Chang'an. Only the queen was helpless against Chang'an. This is why the queen worked hard to increase her influence on Chang'an.

Judging from the current situation, whoever wins Chang'an will win the world is no longer a gossip among literati, but a reality.

For Chang'an, if a pillar cannot be inserted or erect, it is really not a big deal. After experiencing such a terrible thing as the Liushui sign exploding, the matter of the pillar is nothing. The common people at most muttered - —The officials are all idiots. If you replace them, they can insert the pillar into the base in a matter of minutes. If necessary, you can insert it several times.

Is this kind of thing so rare for a newlywed in London?

Those stupid officials look like uncooked bastards at first glance.

Watching the copper pillar bend.

The craftsmen from Luoyang became anxious now.

The loss of cattle and the loss of the winch could have been made up overnight, but now it is not possible. Since the people from Luoyang wanted the Chang'an people to take the blame, the Chang'an Ministry of Industry and Craftsmen were no longer willing to support these people.

Without their support, this pillar would probably be even more curved.

"The lower official is Wu Chengsi, Wu Sansi pays homage to the Duke."

As soon as Yun Chu said "yes", brother Wu Chengsi pushed the door open and entered.

Yun Chu, who was busy writing, licked his lips at the teapot on the red clay stove. Wu Chengsi took the initiative to lift the teapot and refill Yun Chu's tea cups. He then made tea for them and sat beside the red clay stove to wait for Yun Chu. First busy.

Yun Chu continued to finish writing his official document, then pulled a rope, and soon a clerk came in. While sealing the letter with fire paint, Yun Chu said to the clerk: "Send it to Luoyang by post from the Ministry of War."

After the clerk took away the documents, he breathed a sigh of relief, came to the Wu brothers with his own little teapot in his arms, and said, "You guys always come to visit us for no matter what. Tell us what it is."

Wu Chengsi cupped his hands and said, "The Queen has written a letter asking us brothers to ask the Duke for advice on the whole story of the Great Tang Dynasty's praise of Tianshu."

Yunchu sat down and said to Wu Chengsi: "You are also working on a project now. How about pulling up a copper pillar weighing 1.8 million kilograms and 140 feet long, and then moving it another 20 feet? You should have an idea of ​​the difficulty, right?”

Wu Chengsi said: "It's difficult!"

Wu San thought: "It's extremely difficult."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "No one dares to pat their chests and say that it will be possible for a project of this difficulty. Now, there is a group of idiots who insist on saying in front of the Queen that they can definitely do it.

The force on the winch of No. 2 Bing and Ding was too great, and the rivets fell apart. You brothers should also know how strong it can be, right? "

Wu Sansi said: "The rope that pulled the stone at the Nancheng reconstruction site broke. The rope was forced to cut off a man in the waist. This is what someone saw with his own eyes. The force of the Tianshu winch is thousands of times that of the winch that pulls the stone. The rivets It is reasonable for the collapse to hurt people."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "So, this is a natural disaster."

Wu Chengsi said: "Since it was just a natural disaster, why not renovate it immediately and continue the Tianshu construction site process?"

Yun Chu chuckled and said: "Originally, it only took one night to reinstall the new winch. If two are not enough, just add two more, and then continue to insert the copper pillars into the base and it will be completed.

As for the dead and injured officials, those who should be reported to the court should be reported to the court, and those who should be compensated should be compensated. After the ninth-grade copper pillar is completely completed, the whole world will celebrate. It is as simple as that. "

Wu Sansi looked at Yun Chu and said, "That's the truth. However, it has been six days since the copper pillar was hung at the entrance of the imperial city. Moreover, the copper pillar is bending at a speed visible to the naked eye, but no one pays attention to it. Why is this?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said, "Because everyone is trying to shirk responsibility now, and no one cares about what happened to the copper pillar."

Wu Chengsi said in disbelief: "How can this be possible?"

Yunchu smiled at Wu Chengsi and said, "What you followed at the Nancheng construction site was Chang'an's management method. If problems arise, just solve them. Afterwards, you can consider who is responsible.

What is considered at the Tianshu construction site is not the progress of the project, but who is responsible.

The master craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry in Luoyang insisted on saying that it was the Ministry of Industry in Chang'an. Naturally, the fault of the master craftsmen in Chang'an was not accepted, saying that it was the fault of Luoyang.

Everyone was so noisy that they had no time to pay attention to the copper pillar itself. "

Wu Sansi said angrily: "They are looking for death."

Yun Chu chuckled and said: "Now, we will wait for the people from Luoyang to sort out the right and wrong before we continue the construction."

Wu Chengsi stood up and approached Yunchu to intervene and said: "The Queen handed over the authority to handle the Tianshu construction site to our brothers, and also asked the Duke to help our brothers complete the matter. Afterwards, we brothers will definitely not dare to forget the Duke's great kindness."

Yun Chu thought for a moment and said, "Are you really willing to listen to me?"

Wu Chengsi said solemnly: "As long as it is beneficial to the country, the Wu brothers are willing to serve as vanguard."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Okay, since you have this idea, then, whether it is your brothers or me, what we have to do is to insert the copper pillar into the base, and ignore the rest."

Wu Sansi looked into Yun Chu's eyes and said, "We brothers only want to contribute to the queen, and other things are not our brothers' responsibility."

After reaching a consensus with the Wu brothers, the Tianshu construction site started moving again.

Everything went beyond the expectations of King Lu Li Lingkui. The Wu brothers entrusted by the Queen did not question the toppling of the bronze pillars. As soon as they took over, they made preparations for erecting the bronze pillars tomorrow.

Under strict orders, the construction site finally restarted after a day and night of preparation.

This time, the Wu brothers did not summon anyone to watch the ceremony. They and Yun Chu stood on the stage and watched thousands of craftsmen driving thousands of cows, slowly and steadily making the Great Tang Dynasty Songde Tianshu. Steadyly inserted into the base, the craftsmen used hundreds of arm-thick red-hot rivets to connect the copper pillars to the bottom of the base. After countless stones and countless mortars filled the gaps in the base, a statue was slightly The copper pillars bending toward the southeast are truly erected in front of the imperial city.

Seeing the copper pillars shining brightly in the sunlight, Yun Chu smiled and said to Wu Chengsi, "This is his mother's achievement."

Wu Chengsi saluted Yunchu and said, "Wu Chengsi will never forget the kindness of the Duke."

Wu Sansi deliberately turned his head away and pretended not to see it.

These two brothers, one hypocrite and the other a real villain, made Yun Chu couldn't help but laugh. However, he still held back and decided to wait for the opportunity and strength to beat their brothers again.

The respect and politeness they are showing now are all disguised. After being beaten again, the appearance they show will be real.

Just when Yun Chu thought that the Wu brothers were starting to get smarter, the two brothers started to become domineering. On the second day after the copper pillars were erected, he sent people from Baiqisi to attack the Luoyang Ministry of Industry, the master craftsman, and Not only did they arrest all the great craftsmen from the Chang'an Ministry of Industry, but they also personally brought people from Baiqisi to Yunchu's office to question them, asking Yunchu to repeat what he had said to their brothers that day.

Seeing Yun Chu's shocked look, Wu Chengsi said proudly: "My lord, it's just official business."

Yun Chu sighed and thought to Wu San, who was also satisfied with his ambitions: "You guys really don't remember anything."

Wu Sansi sneered and said: "If it's just a matter of inserting the pillar back, wouldn't our brothers get this job in vain?"

Yun Chu said: "You still like to hold the power of life and death, right?"

Wu Chengsi smiled and said: "We brothers can't always be the supervisors of the construction site..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Chengsi felt a pain in his chest and his body flew up...

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