Tang's dining table

Chapter 17 The best Tang Chui in the world

Lao Yangpi actually has a house in Qiuci City. Not only does he have a house, but he also has six beautiful and outrageous orchids to serve him. The most outrageous thing is that after stepping into the not-so-big mud-walled courtyard, ten Several warriors wearing half leather armor were lying on the ground to greet him.

After the monkey-like old guy took off his sheepskin cloak, Yun Chu was surprised to find that the old monkey was actually wearing a silk gown underneath, especially when Hu Ji began to wrap gauze around his head with sparse hair. First cover his exposed scalp, and then put a hard hat on his head. There are two streamers behind the head. Shake it a little, the streamers twist like a snake, looking... more like a snake. Just a monkey.

Yun Chu wanted to laugh, but he tried his best to hold it back, because no one else in the yard had a mocking look on their face.

"This futou evolved from the Xianbei turban. In the past, Xianbei people looked fierce and sturdy when wearing turbans. After being changed by the Tang people, they looked much more noble and elegant.

The Cypriots believe that a man has reached adulthood when he is thirteen years old. They believe that the sign of a man's adulthood is that he can mate and produce the next generation.

You see, this is not the case in the Tang Dynasty. They believe that a man can only be considered an adult when he is twenty years old with his hair tied and a crown.

From this point of view, it is not wrong at all to call us barbarians. "

Yun Chu folded his hands in front of his chest and accepted the instruction humbly.

Just when Yun Chu laid his eyes on the six Hu Ji, who were dressed in cool clothes and had plump figures, each with a butt no less than that of a big-tailed sheep, Lao Yangpi, who had just taken a sip of milk, immediately frowned and said: " If you want a woman, wait until you are crowned."

Yun Chu immediately returned to his humble state, but he knew clearly that the age for men in the Tang Dynasty to get married was definitely not twenty! ! !

This old monkey is obviously not from the Tang Dynasty, but he adheres to the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty even more than the Tang Dynasty people.

The thought of contempt arose in his mind, and he remembered for no reason that long, long ago, those who left the Central Plains and went to other countries seemed to be like this.

There is nothing new in this world, and anything that people think is new is just a repetition of history.

Lao Yangpi's home is really nice. What Yun Chu likes most is that there is a meandering canal in the yard. The water is cool and clear. It passes under the grape trellis and sits on the vine that has just grown large leaves. Under the grape trellis, the heat is gone.

She was curled up on a couch wearing a colorful old sheepskin bun. The patterns around the couch were cloud patterns and bats. It didn't have any Western characteristics, and it should have come from the Tang Dynasty.

When the orchids, who were dancing like butterflies, brought the food over, Yun Chu just glanced at it, and his tears flowed freely like a flood.

Thirteen years, thirteen years, a full thirteen years... It was only six years shorter than the time Su Wu had grown a beard... He finally saw the white rice he had been dreaming of!

"why are you crying?"

"There's sand in my eyes."

Yun Chu wiped away more and more tears with his sleeves, and when he was about to pick up the bowl of rice and devour it, he was angry to find that Lao Yangpi poured milk into the snow-white rice...

No matter how wealthy Lao Yangpi is, he is still a primitive man when it comes to food combinations.

The first element of eating white rice is to taste the unique sweetness of white rice and pour goat milk into it...

Fortunately, Yunchu snatched it quickly and the goat milk fell on the table.

"Rice without goat's milk doesn't taste good!" Hu Ji took the initiative to take the rice basin away from Yunchu's hands without Lao Yangpi having to do anything.

Even though the tassels on Hu Ji's bust touched Yun Chu's face, the cumin-like smell on her body still kept his attention decisively on the white rice.

A long time ago, all the women Yun Chu met were fragrant. Even if they had just eaten roast mutton, they still smelled fragrant.

It's not possible here. There's no perfume, plus I don't like bathing, and the weather is extremely hot during the day.

White rice can be eaten directly, or you can add lard, soy sauce, and eat it in one big mouthful. You can also add sugar to make it sweet and delicious. If you are more particular, you can have a bowl of braised pork to go with it. If you are more particular, you can eat it with it. You can pour the braised fish soup on it, and when you stir the thick and sticky soup of Buddha Tiaoqiang with white rice... the taste will make people feel worthy of this life.

Absolutely, absolutely do not use milk, especially goat milk, which has a strong fishy smell. This is a blasphemy to white rice! !

Lao Yangpi was not a purely unreasonable person. After discovering that Yun Chu was in agitated mood, he agreed to Yun Chu's request to share the bowl of white rice.

In the end, Yunchu didn't eat a bite of barbecue, didn't drink a mouthful of goat's milk, and finished three pots of white rice by himself. Each pottery pot was bigger than Yunchu's head.

"After you've eaten enough, it's time to get started." Lao Yangpi looked at the rice grains at the corner of Yun Chu's mouth and shook his head and smiled.

Yun Chu rolled his tongue, pulled the rice grains on his lips into his mouth, patted his belly and said, "I don't want to work as a waiter in that restaurant opened by the Sui people."

"Oh?" Lao Yangpi heard what Yun Chu said was new and he recognized Yun Chu's cooking skills very much, so he sat up straight and said, "What are you going to do? Open a restaurant by yourself and overwhelm that Sui restaurant. Restaurant?

This method is very good and can shorten the process of becoming a Tang Dynasty person. "

"I'm not even planning to open a restaurant."

"What do you want to do?" Lao Yangpi frowned again: "This is the fastest way for you to integrate into the Tang people."

"We have seen the majesty of the Tang army today. What do you think is the most striking feature of the Tang people?"

"Elegance!" Lao Yangpi touched the silk gown on his body and gave Yun Chu an unexpected answer.

"What, isn't it right?" As the words came out, Lao Yangpi asked immediately when he saw Yun Chu's expressionless face.

Yun Chu lowered his head and said: "I think it is more concrete to describe the Tang army with the majestic spirit of going forward.

There is no way to describe killing with elegance. No matter how you kill, people will definitely be angry after death. As long as they are contaminated with violence, it has nothing to do with the word elegance.

The majesty of the Tang people destined them to become proud, and a proud person is precisely the easiest person to deceive. "

Lao Yangpi leaned his head in Hu Ji's arms, rubbed the hair on his face and said with a smile: "You'd better be smarter, so that we can live more comfortably in Chang'an in the future." I heard Xuanzang said that in Chang'an it's just You can’t do it with money.”

Yun Chu smiled and nodded.

After returning to the rest room, the smile on Yun Chu's face slowly faded.

An alliance of interests is a relatively stable relationship, but once interests diverge, this alliance is also the most fragile.

This must be clear.

Yun Chu had never done this kind of thing a long time ago.

Lao Yangpi's house had a bed, which was a bed with upturned ends. The bed was piled with various furs and fabrics. When Yun Chu lay down on it, he felt like he was sinking into the clouds.

At dawn, Yunchu left Lao Yangpi's house alone. Not only did he leave, he also took his bay-red horse, put on his own cowhide backpack, took his own scimitar, bow and arrow, and rode on the horse. He looked like a handsome young man from Tang Dynasty.

Once you leave Lao Yangpi's home, you can't go back. Lao Yangpi is a very scheming person. He doesn't want more people to see that he has a close connection with Yun Chu. After all, the people living in Qiuci City Neither the Tang people nor the Sui people liked dealing with barbarians, especially the Tang people!

The most profitable human trade, fur trade, livestock trade, and grain trade in Kucha City were all firmly in the hands of the Tang people.

The Sui people could only engage in the buying and selling of jade, spices, and metal products. Of course, most of the Sui people who engaged in these businesses were inextricably linked to the generals of the Tang army.

Sui people who did not have relationships with generals could only do small businesses to make ends meet.

Although Lao Yangpi is very rich and powerful, in Qiuci City, he is just an old Hu man who likes to enjoy life and has a very low sense of presence.

Yun Chu wandered aimlessly in Qiuci City. When he was thirsty, he quenched his thirst with water from the karez. When he was hungry, he went to a restaurant opened by the Sui people to eat. At night, he tied up his horse. We spent the night under the roof of a Chinese shop.

The city of Kucha is not stable. Fortunately, he has a purely Han face, which makes the local urban foxes and rats in Kucha stay away from him.

In the process of living in this confusion, Yunchu still did not forget to tidy up his appearance, clean his clothes, brush the bay horse, and wander around the Qiuci market neatly and blankly all day long.

When the affectionate Hu Ji touched his face, he was not angry. He just took the mulberries that Hu Ji gave him with a blushing face.

Some people from the Tang Dynasty felt sorry for him. The waiter from the Sui Dynasty wanted to give him food, but he politely refused, showing great integrity.

In just three days, everyone in Qiuci knew that a clean and beautiful young man from the Tang Dynasty had arrived in the city.

During these three days, Yun Chu didn't say a word, let alone take the initiative to say that he was from Tang Dynasty. However, everyone knew that he was a young man from Tang Dynasty.

The reason why I don't think he is from the Sui Dynasty is entirely because the smile on his face looks warm, but his behavior is extremely arrogant.

The Sui people, who were subjugated, were very cautious in the city of Qiuci and would never breed such outstanding and confident children.

As for other races, such as the Uighurs, although they also have black hair, no one thinks that they are Uighurs, and even thinking that they are disrespectful to the Tang people.

The merchants of the Tang Dynasty wanted to say hello to Yun Chu, but they hesitated because they could not figure out his identity. After all, they were just a group of merchants wearing soap clothes.

As a result, everyone was paying attention to Yunchu, but no one took the initiative to pay attention to him.

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