Tang's dining table

Chapter 30 Key points for making beef buns

Yunchu stood behind He Yuanshan and watched how he acted.

As a result, he saw in this small official who had just become the eighth-grade Grand Pass Order, he saw the appearance of a general with a determined command.

In half a day, he captured all the Turks in Qiuci City. The total number was not too many, only about a hundred men and women.

He deliberately kept two of the strongest Turkic spies, broke their hands and feet, and placed them on a high platform outside the city. He thoughtfully prepared water and food for them, in order not to let them die too quickly.

Yunchu forced himself to watch the whole process, and even forced out his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

These warriors who knew they were destined to die spontaneously lined up at the front, followed closely by the Turkic old men, followed by the Turkic women, and finally a few children.

Yun Chu thought that this should be a big problem, because those children who witnessed their relatives being cut into pieces by the Tang people and forced by the barbarians were initially very scared, but later on, they miraculously no longer were afraid, even though they were tied to pillars. On the top, all of them were staring at He Yuanshan, Yun Chu and others who were standing at a high place, their eyes were terrifying.

Yunchu felt that his heart had become as hard as a stone. Unexpectedly, his heart still beat violently a few times.

"I will die here!" He Yuanshan wiped his copper hammer with a dead man's clothes, his tone was indifferent and calm, no different from his usual chat.

"Now, I am only thinking about how to defend this city, drag the Turks under the city, and wait for General Wuhou to come and avenge me.

If I can do it, my children will be better off. His Majesty will definitely reward them with the rank of seventh-grade Martial Cavalry Lieutenant. If I die wonderfully enough, even if I am a Yunqi Lieutenant, my children will not have no chance. "

Yun Chu nodded and handed his wine bottle to He Yuanshan, whose hands were trembling slightly. For a man who had long regarded himself as a dead person, there was nothing he dared not do.

He Yuanshan drank a pot of wine in one breath, returned the pot to Yun Chu, patted him on the shoulder and said: "This city belongs to the dead. If a living person like you can't come in, then don't come in."

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said, "I had already run away, but then I came back."

He Yuanshan laughed and said, "You're not really doing it for our friendship, are you?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "The relationship between us is good, but not so good that we live and die together.

You brought me to the Aries Department, where I have my adoptive mother who has raised me for many years, and a girl who has been calling me brother since she could talk. If they die here, I will die in this life. There were no good days.

I originally weighed the difference between living a long life and living a comfortable life but a short time. In the end, I still felt that being happy in life is the most important thing. "

He Yuanshan looked at Yun Chu for a long time, and then said coldly: "Don't even think about going to the Aries Department to find them and take them away. If you do this, I will kill them as soon as possible."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Yes, it's okay for the Sailors of the Aries tribe to fight with the wind. If they knew they were fighting a war in a desperate situation, they would disperse."

"It's good that you understand. Since you don't want to live anymore, then take people to eradicate all the green barley crops outside the city and bring them back to feed the livestock."

Yun Chu agreed and led a group of government soldiers to drive the group of barbarians who had just killed people and eaten meat to go outside the city to cut the highland barley that would be harvested in more than a month.

Since these highland barley can be used to feed cattle, sheep, and camels, the Hu people who harvest green crops are still very active.

In just three days, the originally green wheat fields outside Kucha City became bare.

After handling this matter, Yunchu went to the Aries Department to find Selema and Naha. After all, this was what He Yuanshan had promised him personally - he could not take them away openly, but could only secretly, without harming them. The Aries people took them away with their optimism.

When Yunchu found Selema and Naha, they stood on the outside watching the tribesmen teasing the two Turks who had their hands and feet broken but were still tenaciously alive.

Yun Chu had long been accustomed to the Aries tribe's behavior of committing suicide.

When Yunchu appeared in front of them, the first person to discover Yunchu's existence was not Selema, who claimed to have excellent eyesight and could clearly see the appearance of an eagle in the sky, nor Naha, who could tell where Yunchu was by smelling it, but It's a wretched fat marmot.

There is an iron chain tied around the fat marmot's neck. This thing is rare in the Sai tribe. Now, the other end of the iron chain is in Naha's hand, which means that Jiesga really loves Naha very much.

Naha rushed into Yunchu's arms like a cannonball, and at the same time let out a heart-rending cry.

The first moment Selema saw Yunchu, she covered her mouth with her hands, but tears poured out like spring water.

She wanted to pounce on him, but Yun Chu's neat Tang Dynasty official uniform stopped her in her tracks.

Yunchu said nothing, hugged Naha and motioned Selema to follow him.

At this time, Miman just put a barley head into the Turk's crotch, which attracted the laughter of countless tribesmen. Except for Jiesga who was riding a horse in the distance, almost no one noticed Selema. Naha and a fat marmot followed a young man from Tang Dynasty away.

As usual, Naha habitually sat on Yun Chu's neck, grabbed Yun Chu's new webbed head with both hands, and shouted "Drive, drive, drive."

Yun Chu loosened the iron chain around Da Fei's neck, and as soon as he was free, Da Fei jumped up and ran towards the meadow in the distance.

"I want to make it fatter and burn it and eat it when my brother comes back." Seeing the big fat one run away, Naha felt a little regretful.

"When I get back, I'll make you steamed buns with beef and shallots. They'll be much more delicious than roasted marmots."

Yunchu dealt with Naha casually, and then said to Selema: "You will live in my house these days."

Selema suddenly stopped and looked back at Jasika who seemed to be looking at her in the distance. She immediately shook her head violently and said, "Those people will laugh at Jasika."

Just when Yun Chu frowned, Jasika had already driven his horse over. He seemed happy to see Naha's wanton behavior of riding on Yun Chu's neck, and just lifted Selema onto the horse's back. Putting it in his arms, he said to Yunchu with a smile: "Take Naha to play."

After saying this, he turned around and returned to the crowd of spectators.

Naha didn't care about her parents leaving, gave them a big grimace, and continued to ride Yun Chu's webbed head.

Back at her residence in Mulberry Land, Naha was interested in everything, especially the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the short table, as well as the mountains of paperwork.

Yunchu started to boil hot water. It had only been two months since he left Naha, and the child was already extremely dirty.

It wasn't until Naha was stripped naked by Yun Chu and thrown into the cauldron that Naha cried loudly as if she had just woken up from a dream. She didn't like taking a bath at all.

The marching pots in the Daguanling Yamen are no longer of much use. He Yuanshan and Liu Xiong have not been back these days. Once the Turks come, these pots will definitely be abandoned.

When Fang Zheng left, he left some bath beans for Yun Chu. This stuff was actually a mixture of mung bean powder and medicinal materials.

It is expensive, but it was developed by the old god Sun Simiao and Sun Zhenren himself. It is said to be made from soybean powder and medicine. It can not only remove dirt but also protect skin. It is said that if you use it to wash your hands and face, the color will be like snow in ten days, and it will be like gelatin in thirty days.

After this stuff was dissolved with water, there was a faint herbal fragrance. After Naha smelled this smell, she immediately calmed down and motioned to Yun Chu to apply more on her.

After half an hour and three pots of water, the dirty child was finally washed out. He put on the red bellyband prepared by the old sheepskin for Yun Chu. His red lips and white teeth were really cute.

When preparing to cook for Naha, Yunchu began to miss Hou San. No matter whether he was a young man or not, he was really useful.

Zhang Gu and the others were killing cattle and preparing to make beef jerky. This was the military ration they had already prepared. They sent the mute to get a large piece of fresh beef back. Yun Chu took Naha, who was only wearing a red bellyband, to get it. A lot of shallots came back, and the child was asked to select the shallots one by one, while he began to make dough and chop beef fillings.

The most important step in making beef buns is to remove the natural fishy smell of beef. The fishy smell of beef comes from the remaining cow blood in the beef. Therefore, when soaking the beef in cold water, it is best to put a few pieces of charcoal.

After soaking for two hours, pour away the water and charcoal, then cut the beef into thin slices along the texture of the beef, then cut the slices into shreds, and finally turn them into small, distinct pieces of meat about the size of peas.

In the Gobi Desert, the best thing to pair with beef is actually scallions. When this wild vegetable with natural aroma is mixed with beef, it will give the beef a fresh taste of grass.

In order to make the beef slightly sweet, Yunchu added some soaked and chopped raisins to it. After the fructose in the raisins is combined with the salt, it will transform the grassy flavor of the beef and shallots into a bit of wild berry sourness. Fragrant complex flavor.

Yun Chu stopped making the beef stuffing at this point, letting the flavors of the stuffing continue to blend. He took out the dough that had risen from the pottery urn, soaked it in the ash fired by Peng Peng Cao, and waited for the ash to melt. The dark gray water inside was filtered through silk, and half a bowl of turbid alkaline water was obtained.

The dough will have a strong sour taste after being fermented with yeast. Only by using alkaline water to offset the sour taste can we truly steam a pot of good steamed buns without sour taste.

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