Tang's dining table

Chapter 590 God Killing

When Yun Chu's face was exposed in front of others, Liang Ying was already ready to fight, but Yun Chu found a stone to sit down and looked at the leader of the stone warrior with a gray beard with a smile.

Next, under Liang Ying's surprised gaze, the old warrior swung his sword and slashed at his companion.

At the same time, someone slashed at the old warrior with a sword. The two hundred and seventeen people quickly divided into two camps and started fighting again.

Yun Chu waved to Liang Ying, motioning for him to sit next to him, and pointed at the small group of warriors who were fighting fiercely: "Because there is no faith, there is no loyalty, and because there is no loyalty, one will betray easily.

Whenever morality begins to decline, people will rely on instinct to live, and human instinct is to follow the strong.

I showed strong force and let the words out. As for the choice, it is up to them.

People in the Western Regions are accustomed to surrendering to heroes, not because they like to be dogs for others, but because without the guidance of heroes, they don't know what they should do and what they can do.

When you deal with people from the Western Regions in the future, it is best to focus on psychological attacks. They are easy to be divided and follow blindly. They are a body of contradictions. As for how to use psychological attacks, it depends on the scene at that time. Are the people from the Western Regions you are facing in a period of blind obedience or a period of division?

The secret of using it lies in one's mind. "

Liang Ying felt that Junhou was right!

Ever since he was deceived into the battle cage by the Lord, the Lord's strategy had already begun. A hero who could defeat three soldiers in a row appeared. The nobles in the city came out one after another to take a look outside the city. Is there any chance to recruit a young samurai like him to work for them?

Then, Junhou grabbed the guy who seemed to have the highest status in the scene and created an opportunity for other guys with slightly lower status to rebel.

The nobles who can compete with the person with the highest status for freshly baked heroes must be less afraid of the person with the highest status. In other words, they currently maintain a delicate balance.

Judging from their eagerness for talents, the relationship between these people has reached the edge of breakdown.

What Junhou has to do is to tear off the last layer of fig leaf between them, turning the balance from balance to chaos.

A spark ignited a piece of grass, and then ignited the surrounding grass, eventually turning into the endless battle like now.

And on the top of Zhezhi City, the Flying Tiger Flag of the Tang Dynasty was flying...

When Liang Ying returned from thinking to real life, the old warrior with a gray beard had already led his people to the final victory.

He respectfully placed three pairs of intact armors, a large number of weapons still stained with blood, and a heavy leather bag at Yunchu's feet.

Yun Chu looked at the old warrior's face, nodded, took out a bulging money bag from his arms, threw it on the pile of trophies, and said to the old warrior, "What's your name?"

"An old stone from Huihe."

Yunchu smiled and said: "Uighur is now called Uighur. There are nine surnames in it. Which one is you?"

Lao Shitou stroked his chest and saluted, "I don't belong to any surname."

Yun Chu shook his head, pointed at the pile of trophies and said: "Old stone without a surname, these things belong to you, take them."

After saying that, he stood up and went down the hill. On the other side of the hill, there were many cavalry fighting inextricably.

Liang Ying said in confusion: "Junhou, there are more than a hundred people alive. Why did the things only go to Old Shitou?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "This is the characteristic of the Western Regions. The winner takes everything. I rewarded everything to Old Shitou, and Old Shitou will give part of the reward to those who he thinks should receive the reward. Those who accept the reward can also continue However, under normal circumstances, it will only be divided into the third level, which means that 90% of people will not be able to get anything.

If they want to get more things, they have to work harder than those who are rewarded. "

Liang Yingdao: "I understand, it means that the rewards we give to the people of the Western Regions can be very heavy, but only a very small number of people will benefit."

Yun Chu looked back at the people from the Western Regions who were following with knives and said to Liang Ying: "Think carefully about why this is the way of reward."

Liang Ying fell into silence immediately. He felt that he should think carefully about the purpose of Junhou doing this and saying this.

When Yunchu brought these people back to Zhezhi City, the entire city had fallen into the hands of the old thieves.

They were robbers and thieves, so they had no interest in occupying territory. So, while the people outside the city were still fighting fiercely, they began to plunder like three feet of ground in this closed city.

Lao Shitou and the others had just joined Yunchu's team, and they would naturally have a share in the robbery. After all, it would be very unethical not to let them join when others started to rob.

Hassan discovered early that Zhezhi City was occupied by outsiders. He wanted to return troops to save his city several times, but he was held back by the group of people from Vashgan.

Who has the greatest interests in Zhezhi City?

There is no doubt that it is Hassan.

Will this group of robbers occupy Zhezhi City for a long time after the robbery?

The answer is no.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people in Vashkent, getting rid of Hassan is the top priority. Only by getting rid of Hassan, their real property, cattle and sheep, and the wealth of cattle and sheep belonging to Hassan can be preserved.

Hassan was furious and commanded his army to press forward. He didn't want to fight with Vashgan and the others, but now, he couldn't help it.

People in Zhezhi City take things like being robbed calmly. This kind of thing happens every few years, if you are not lucky, it happens every other year or even every few months.

According to their experience, as long as they don't resist, all these bandits need is money, food, materials and women.

Money, food, materials, and beauties are all in the city lord's mansion or the mansions of nobles. There are not many things that can be robbed from poor families.

As long as they make their daughter and wife look dirty, they can escape this robbery.

There is a black square-roofed room in Zhezhi City. There is a spring in the room that flows all year round. The roof of this house is very high. Whenever a sound is made, there will be reverberation in the room. Even if it is a soft whisper, there will be no sound. It also sounded like the whispers of gods in the house.

This is a house with a very high level of construction. Every brick, tile, beam and column, even the wrinkles and curves in the room have their own significance.

Yunchu set fire to the house...

The people of Zhezhi City, who were originally numb to things like robbery, were heartbroken by this burning house.

Although the Tang people on horseback and holding knives were still suppressing the people in the streets, some people still had the courage to rescue the burning house.

Yun Chu did not stop these people from putting out the fire, because there was no way to save this wooden house.

When the flames burst out from the roof, those people rushed into the fire scene carrying various water-filled objects and poured water to put out the fire.

It was just a few people at first, but after setting an example, many people came. In the end, the burning wooden house was surrounded by people putting out the fire. Unfortunately, they could not save the house and watched it collapse in the fire.

Seeing this, Yun Chu ordered the house in the City Lord's Mansion to be set on fire. The house here was more exquisite than the black house.

Unfortunately, no one came to put out the fire. They kept worshiping, crying and praying around the dark house.

"Burn this city." After seeing the performance of these people, Yun Chu sighed and gave Liang Ying the order.

"Is it because these people worship that black house?" Liang Ying found it difficult to start.

"The Big Eater has occupied this city." Yun Chu replied calmly.

"After burning the city, where can they go?"

"It's fine to go anywhere. As long as the population starts to disperse, it's good. After the hard life exhausts all their energy, they will slowly forget about this dark house and the god in the sky who did not protect them."

"Burning this city is tantamount to killing the gods?"

Yun Chu raised his head and glanced at Liang Ying. He felt that Liang Ying performed very well today and seemed to have enlightened herself in an instant.

Then he nodded and said: "As a human being, we shouldn't do this. As a Tang people, we are still too soft-hearted after all."

"Unforgivable, right?"

"It's not unforgivable. From other people's perspective, people with faith are definitely stronger than people without faith, and some beautiful human qualities will be born.

It's just that their position is different from ours, and their existence is not in line with the unification goal implemented by the Tang Dynasty.

Since it is inconsistent with our goals, then it is naturally our enemy and needs to be destroyed with our heart. "

"Is what the Naha women are doing in the Western Region the same as what that black house is doing?"

Yun Chu smiled, put down the Hengdao in his hand, sat in the hall of the city lord's mansion that was not on fire, and said with a smile: "Yes."

Liang Ying raised his head and said: "The people of the region do not rely on the boundaries of the frontier, the country does not rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, the country does not rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, and the power of the world does not rely on the benefits of military revolution. Those who have gained the right will have many help, and those who have lost the right will have little help.

Is it the "Tao" of the Tang Dynasty that Nahaha women spread in the Western Regions? Are the Naha women in the Western Region just trying to get more help for us? "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "That's true, but these ways are not enough to guarantee the interests of the Tang Dynasty. We also need to support it with border closures, mountain streams, and military reforms.

The human heart may be the most powerful weapon in the world, but at the same time, it is also the most unreliable weapon in the world.

When the wind and the current are smooth, people's hearts are invincible. When people's hearts are in trouble, it is like a boat sailing against the current. If you relax a little, you will go with the current and soar thousands of miles away. "

Liang Ying nodded and said: "Remember it."

When the black house collapsed in the flames, there was a cry in Zhezhi City.

Just when the people of Zhezhi City were sad, more than a thousand old thieves under Yun Chu's command had completed the looting of Zhezhi City.

The biggest advantage of plundering cities in the Western Region is convenience.

People like Hassan plundered the people of Zhezhi City in almost all directions, and all the good things were piled up in the city lord's mansion.

Therefore, as long as the city lord's palace is robbed, it is equivalent to taking away more than half of the wealth of Zhezhi City.

The City Lord's Mansion covers a large area, so it is very spectacular when it burns. The flames are overwhelming, and with the help of the north wind, it creates the effect of a burning camp.

Hassan, who was still fighting outside the city, watched blankly as the entire city began to burn. He couldn't help but howl in the sky, like a fat, wounded wolf.

It was reviewed and revised.

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