Tang's dining table

Chapter 594 Human words are the most untrustworthy

Just as the horse thieves sent by Naha began to clean up the temples in the Western Regions, Yunchu was slowly approaching Naha's Buddhist kingdom with the wealth plundered from the Stone Kingdom.

Nine hundred miles away, Pei Xingjian was fighting with the Tubo people by the Hotan River. The sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark.

There were 50,000 Tibetans coming, and Pei Xingjian only had 18,000 people under the Anxi Governor's command, plus 20,000 Uighur cavalry.

So far, Pei Xingjian's men have suffered heavy casualties... The Uighur cavalry is no match for the Tibetan warriors led by Lun Qinling.

This group of Uighurs, who were full of courage before the war, broke away from Pei Xingjian's military tent and claimed that a single charge could drive the barbaric Tibetans back to the plateau. In a battle on the rocky beach, they were killed by the cavalry of Lun Qinling. More than 8,000 people.

After killing more than 8,000 people and capturing thousands more, the Uighur cavalry who escaped immediately became a model of prohibition in the army.

The tragic defeat of the Uighurs had almost no impact on the soldiers of the Anxi Army of the Tang Dynasty. They had long been accustomed to this situation.

As for the issue of using less to fight more, they did not consider it even more, because since they came to the Western Region, they had never used more to fight less. It can be said that every fierce battle they experienced was to fight more with less.

However, a city appeared on the rocky beach, a city made of Uighur corpses.

This city wall is not high, but it can effectively stop the pace of the cavalry. Under the sun, this corpse city looks dazzling. No other, just because the adhesive between corpses is water. After the water freezes into ice, the corpses There is a close connection with the corpse.

The Tubo people were very skilled in making corpse cities. They turned the heads of corpses towards the invading enemies, so that when Pei Xingjian's army arrived at the city, they were stared at by the dead Uighurs.

Originally, these heads were not splashed with water to make it easier for the vultures to peck in the sky. Unfortunately, this place is close to the river and the humidity is very heavy. After only a few days, the heads that were not soaked in water were wrapped in ice shells and died. What it looked like before, it is still lifelike after being wrapped in the ice shell.

After Pei Xingjian received the battle report, he did not continue to advance and choose a decisive battle with Lun Qinling on the rocky beach. Instead, he withdrew his troops and ordered the Uighur cavalry to attack in all directions and move away all the tribes in the Western Region within a radius of 500 miles.

After Qin Ling's soldiers and horses emerged from the tunnel in Kunlun Mountain, although they were stranded and lacked horses, their will to fight was very high.

Pei Xingjian felt that there was no need to risk the lives of his brothers in the Anxi Army to fight with Lun Qinling, who was eager to fight due to a shortage of food and supplies.

They only need to endure for a few days, and when Qin Ling's army is completely unable to keep up with the food and fodder, it will not be too late to fight again.

At the same time, he also wanted to confirm a guess, that is, the Tubo people still have internal agents in the Western Regions. If Lun Qinling refuses to retreat, it means that someone is providing him with food and grass.

Therefore, Pei Xingjian's army is constantly retreating. He believes that as long as he continues to retreat, sooner or later the traitor will be exposed in broad daylight.

The will of Pei Xingjian, the Protector of Anxi, continued to extend throughout the Western Regions, and all Tang people in the Western Regions began to revolve around Pei Xingjian's will.

After receiving Pei Xingjian's order, Yunchu was not in a hurry to rush to Khotan. He continued to take the wealth from Shicheng and the cattle and sheep from the old monkey's hometown, and headed towards the Buddhist kingdom of Naha in a leisurely manner.

The boy created a huge Buddhist kingdom with nothing but a group of slaves and a group of bandits serving as guards.

Although there was a group of Serbs brought by Selema, the Serbs were no better than those slaves. They were all horribly poor.

Everything left by the old monkey is to support the capital of Nahaha's kingdom to continue to operate. What Yun Chu is doing now is to take all the wealth that the old monkey left to Naha to the Buddha's kingdom.

With a large number of cattle, sheep, seeds, and craftsmen, Naha's Buddhist country has the foundation to survive.

Therefore, after Yunchu returned to the Buddhist country this time, he not only wanted to help Naha's Buddhist country survive, but also transformed those horse thieves and sand thieves into a formal army, so that these troops, together with the Cypriot cavalry, became Nahaha The country’s most basic military system.

Not only Yun Chu, Wen Wen, Zhong Kui, and Naha came to the Western Region together, but Buddhism paid even more attention to Naha's entry into the Western Region this time.

One after another, they sent people into another team and entered the Western Region at the same time. What they had to do was not only to promote Buddhism, but also to make their due contribution to increasing the population of Buddhism.

Therefore, on Yunchu's way to the Buddhist Kingdom, they often met groups of wanderers. The leaders of these wanderers were usually one or two monks. They were in ragged clothes but had holy smiles on their faces. Leading a large group of people who were in rags and couldn't even put on their trousers, they headed straight to Naha's Buddhist Kingdom with full confidence.

When Yun Chu was in the Stone Kingdom, he not only plundered the richest Zhezhi City, he also did not spare the herdsmen tribe outside the city. Therefore, in the winter of the Western Region where there was little snow, they drove as many cattle and sheep as the clouds. Same.

The wanderers led by the monks naturally joined Yunchu's team, which caused Yunchu's team to become very, very bloated in a short period of time.

The eyes of the old thieves who followed Yunchu were full of resentment. They once thought that the wealth, craftsmen, singers, dancers, musicians, and so many cattle, sheep, and camels would all be their property.

When they discovered that Yun Chu behaved in a way that everyone wanted, the old thieves felt that all the good things that belonged to them would fly away from their hands.

Because Yunchu was using the wealth they robbed along the way to support these beggar-like people from the Western Regions, and those monks seemed to be a bit unique. There were actually monks who despised their behavior.

The Kunlun Mountains have always existed. It lies across the horizon. The large groups of people seem to have been marching towards the Kunlun Mountains. However, after more than 20 days of walking, the Kunlun Mountains still seem to be on the horizon.

It's just that the landform has undergone some changes, and some grass has begun to appear on the dry land underfoot.

This is good news for cattle and sheep.

The closer they got to Kunlun Mountain, the more depressed the old thieves became. They keenly discovered that except for them, everyone, including cattle and sheep, began to get better, and only they got worse.

Some sporadic corpses began to appear on the road. The appearance of these corpses was very strange. They had no external injuries, but died alone on the road. They were all wearing a pair of boots that were not old, and they were wrapped in a blanket that was not old. Sheepskin, some people were still wrapped in some linen, and the linen was not old either.

There are no fresh scars on the body, but when you lift the clothes, you can see a battered body with old wounds and scrofula spots on it.

"These people all died of natural causes," the old thief Huo Du said to Yun Chu after examining the corpses.

"What is the natural way to die?"

"Excessive joy combined with speed leads to suffocation."

"Have you ever seen this kind of death?"

Huo Du avoided Yun Chu's awl-like eyes and lowered his head and said: "When we were surrounded by officers and soldiers in the mountains, some people would die after everyone escaped and hurried on their way."

Yun Chu said: "Since not all of them died, then why didn't we meet anyone alive on the road?"

Huo Du looked up at Yun Chu and said, "Of course he is hiding."

"Catch some and ask questions."

As soon as Yunchu finished speaking, some old thieves who were accustomed to operating in the mountains and forests rushed towards the mountains and forests on both sides.

An hour later, Yun Chu finally understood where these dead people came from.

Naha made all the slaves free.

It was obvious that the dead bodies in front of them, as well as the captured guys, were people who liked greater freedom, and they were generally full of resentment towards Naha's Buddhist country.

Especially those people who were caught by the old thief roared loudly and called Naha a liar without fear of death.

Naha was not willing to kill people, and Yun Chu was naturally not willing to kill them either. Even though they were yelling and cursing, Yun Chu let them go.

"They will spread rumors and say bad things about Nahaha."

Yun Chu looked at the backs of those people leaving in a hurry and said, "The entire Western Region is now in chaos, where can they go?

In the Western Region, I can responsibly say that no slave owner can be more benevolent than Naha.

If they leave Naha's protection, they will regret it for the rest of their lives until they die.

Saying bad things about Naha now is just temporary. When they really start to repent, what they say will be very beautiful and more credible. "

There are snow peaks on Kunlun Mountain. Yunchu knew that the snow mountain in front of him should be called Muztage Peak. This name is the name of the Uighurs, which translates to iceberg like his father. However, people still habitually call this mountain the sacred mountain.

In every sacred mountain, there must be a god living there. Now, the god has come to the foot of the mountain, standing on a three-foot-three-high white jade lotus seat with his bare feet. He is a full ninety-nine feet tall. The god's name is - Buddha.

When Yunchu arrived at Naha's Buddhist Kingdom, he was also surprised by the scale of the Buddhist Kingdom in front of him.

At the foot of the giant Buddha is a red and yellow building complex completely covered by Buddhist temples.

Everyone who sees the Buddhist Kingdom will be surprised by its scale. Even Yunchu, who is used to seeing the construction of luxurious buildings and halls, is so surprised when he sees the Buddhist Kingdom for the first time.

He never expected that in this remote place and in this era, he would see such a huge group of buildings under the snow-capped mountains.

"How much money did this guy, Old Monkey, make?"

When Yunchu saw Naha who came to greet her, he asked in a low voice after she got tired of being in his arms for a while.

Naha sighed softly and said: "If you don't come again, I won't be able to sleep. There are too many bones buried under this Buddhist kingdom.

When I go to bed at night, I am always scared, worried that the ghosts underground will drag me out for revenge. "

Yun Chu frowned and said, didn't he say that of 30,000 people, only more than 10,000 died? "

Naha whispered: "That's because the monks bullied the people from the Western Regions who didn't know how to count. Of the 30,000 Western Regions people who were captured in the last batch, more than 10,000 died."

Chapter 2, one more chapter

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