Tang's dining table

Chapter 605 Nothing is inevitable

The environment has a very strong binding force on a person.

In a civilized environment, Yun Chu would not be able to do such a barbaric thing.

Similarly, in a barbaric environment, if Yun Chu uses the same tactics as civilized people, he will suffer losses and even die.

In the environment where Yunchu grew up, there was no concept of colonies. In the Tang Dynasty, one must have colonial experience, and there were a lot of it.

In the sixth year of Yonghui, there were four million households in the Tang Dynasty. Based on his experience in governing Wannian County, Yunchu learned that the population of a household in the Tang Dynasty should be between six and ten people based on three generations. On average, The population of this family is eight.

People in Wannian County generally like to report as many people as possible in their family, because the county magistrate will allocate various subsidies based on the number of people. Even if they have to pay a poll tax, it is advantageous to report the entire population.

It's different in other prefectures and counties. Common people's families usually report two or three boys. As for the rest, they will hide it. On the one hand, it can reduce taxes, and on the other hand, it will make it easier to work as a servant in a wealthy family.

Therefore, if four million households are calculated based on eight people per household, the Tang Dynasty at this time had a population of approximately 32 million.

Yun Chu made a rough calculation and found that the land area that Datang could control at this time should be about 12 million square kilometers.

There is no twilight zone here.

Counting babies, what can a country with a population of just over 30 million control 120,000 square kilometers of land without colonial means?

In the Tang Dynasty's court, officials were now very disgusted with the generals' behavior of expanding territories when they had nothing to do.

The reason why the Datang army likes to constantly attack nearby enemies is not to expand territory, but to create a safe production and living space for the people of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, at this moment, the richest place in the Tang Dynasty is not Jiangnan or the southeast, but Longyou Road, Shanxi, Guanzhong, and even Shuzhong are far from being a land of abundance.

In order to protect Longyou Road, Shanxi, Shandong, Guanzhong, and the Central Plains, the Tang Dynasty spared no effort to drive the Turks away.

A Jisi land that cannot bring benefits to the Tang Dynasty is not a good Jisi land. This is why the Tang army expropriated and expropriated the Jisi land.

The purpose of every Yunchu expedition was not to expand territory, but to extend Chang'an's industrial chain and find a qualified dumping ground for the goods produced by the people of Chang'an.

Yunchu believed that the establishment of the Buddhist Kingdom would be very beneficial to the Tang Dynasty.

With the existence of the Buddha Kingdom, in the future, the land in the river will no longer be a barrier that blocks the extension of the Silk Road at every turn, but will become a gas station on the Silk Road, allowing Datang merchants to go further , and also allow merchants from further away to reach Chang'an more safely and quickly.

Gold, silver, and money are not important to the Tang Dynasty. What the Tang Dynasty wants is a variety of economic species, abundant commodities, and constantly upgrading industries. It also needs to grow a variety of food. To ensure the food security of Datang, we need a variety of cattle, sheep, and livestock, which can make breeding easier and more productive.

The Western Region is too big and is considered a relatively wealthy place compared to other places. Therefore, the Western Region appears to be more valuable than other places.

Therefore, the Anxi Protectorate and the Beiting Protectorate are very busy, and there are never enough troops.

The birth of gunpowder gave Datang a little more confidence and a lot of courage in controlling the four directions.

He also began to boldly use various strategies and boldly study the strategic and tactical significance of defeating more with less.

Even if it goes wrong, it doesn't matter. At most, the troops can be sent up to quell the chaos with thunder and fire bombs and kerosene bombs, which are far beyond the knowledge of the indigenous people around the Tang Dynasty.

Just like the war between Hassan and Compis this time is an obvious example. Yunchu and Wenwen don't care what Hassan thinks at all, and they don't care whether Compis's family will grow up. The only thing they want is the war between them. I hope they can make the area in the river a no man's land.

After this battle, several tribes of the nine surnames of Zhaowu have been attacking each other, and there is already an irresolvable hatred between them.

Therefore, at this time, Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Zhong Kui were preparing to launch a plan to attack Sasanian Persia.

Create a powerful and invincible enemy for the tribes in the river dominated by the nine surnames of Zhaowu.

A few months ago, Yunchu sent a letter to Liu Rengui, the governor of Xiongjin, describing what he was doing in the Western Regions and what he was going to do. Now, Liu Rengui's reply came.

Yunchu looked at the letter sent by Baiqisi and was really filled with emotion.

This letter traveled from the easternmost end of the Tang Dynasty to the westernmost end of the Tang Dynasty, a distance of eighteen thousand miles.

Yun Chu took a look at the envelope and found two small ink spots on the corners of the envelope, so he threw the letter into the bonfire.

Liu Rengui didn't want Yun Chu to read the nonsense he wrote. He had told him a long time ago that if he found two ink dots in the lower left corner of the envelope, he would just burn it and don't read it.

His letter was not read by Yunchu, but the emperor must have read it. Therefore, this letter was the same as the letter written by Yunchu to Liu Rengui. The recipient was not the other party, but Emperor Li of the Tang Dynasty. rule.

"You should take a look and see how an upright man like Liu Rengui flatters the emperor. It might be of great reference value."

While wiping the armor's tenderness, I saw Yun Chu throwing the letter into the fire and burning it, and felt a little regretful.

"Counting the time, Naha should have something to eat by now, right?" Yun Chu added some dry wood to the fire to make it burn more vigorously.

“Not only are we sending food to Naha, but various Buddhist temples in the Western Region are also sending food to Naha’s Buddhist country, but there are not as many as we have here.

Take your time, food supply matters, Buddhist temple management matters, and army establishment matters will all be organized. "

Wen Wen sat beside the fire, hugging his armor, saying he was wiping it, but in fact he was doing it half-heartedly.

When Yun Chu saw his lazy look, he smiled and said, "Miss you, little Guo'er?"

Wen Guo is the gentle eldest son, not his wife. However, in the Tang Dynasty, people are not used to saying that they miss their mother-in-law. They usually say that they miss their children.

"When I left, the woman kept crying. Her eyesight is not good. If she cries too much, she might go blind."

Yun Chu replied softly and continued to wipe his armor vigorously.

If you stay in a wild place like the Western Regions for a long time, you will naturally think of your relatives in Chang'an.

Yunchu himself grew up in the Western Regions. How could he not understand Wen Wen's thoughts? He had the opportunity to stay in the Western Regions and develop. If he had not encountered an opponent that was difficult to resist, Yunchu would have already established a stronghold in the Western Regions. own ethnic group.

However, it is meaningless to lead a group of herdsmen to form their own tribe in the Western Regions. It is nothing more than taking this group of fierce people to establish a loose alliance of nomadic tribes in the Western Regions, and then leading this group of people to follow the big people. The Tang army went to war.

This is not what Yunchu wants. There is no point in building a kingdom of his own in this time and space. It will soon disappear with Yunchu's death. Even if Yunchu can make some changes to these nomadic tribes, wait for him After death, the death of the people and the rest of the government are inevitable.

Wilderness and blood are the current themes of the Western Region. It has powerful and unrivaled power and will extinguish the spark that Yun Chu created, leaving no residue behind.

For inheritance, we must first have an environment that can make the inheritance permanent. Looking around, today, only Datang can barely meet Yunchu's requirements.

Chang'an City is the glorious city chosen by Yunchu.

The matter has been discussed, and Yun Chu is ready to set off with the cavalry.

When Yunchu attracts all the cannibals on the ground of Sasanian Persia to capture him, Wenwen will take the opportunity to pretend to be a Sogdian with the ninth surname of Zhaowu and take the treasure of Prince Beluz from a city called Zalanji. Come out and take it away.

Zalanji is more than 800 miles west of Talos. It is the largest city established by the Great Eater in the east.

At that time, Prince Beluz's brother Arohan fled here with the Persian nobles, determined to use Zaranji as the final hold, and then achieve the goal of restoring the Persian Empire.

Unfortunately, the Great Eaters did not stop pursuing them because the road was far away. After Aluohan led the Persian nobles to make the final resistance in the city of Zaranji, they were still defeated by the Great Eaters.

Therefore, Prince Beluz headed eastward and entered the Tang Dynasty to look for opportunities to restore the glory of the Persian Empire.

His brother Arohan went all the way west, preparing to go to the Byzantine Empire, the remnant of the Roman Empire in the west, to find opportunities for restoration.

The capital of the Sasanian Persians was originally the city of Ctesiphon on the Arabian Peninsula. This city was breached by the Great Ogre. Before the city was breached, the Persian nobles hurriedly fled Ctesiphon with hundreds of years of savings from the Persians. All the way to Zalanji.

In the battle of Zalanji, the Persian nobles were basically killed and injured. The two princes Beluz and Arohan had no chance to take away these treasures, so they had to seal them in the city of Zalanji...

The experiences of the brothers Beluz and Arohan over the years can be called the last tragedy of the Persian Empire.

Yunchu actually doubted whether the treasures of the Persian Empire were real. If the quantity of these treasures was large enough, there was no reason why the Great Eater should not know about their existence.

If the treasure is really in Zalanji City, the Big Eater must have dug deep into the ground to search it.

Therefore, the Persian treasure sounds more like a conspiracy than a real thing.

Under normal circumstances, Yun Chu did not believe what politicians said or the promises they made.

Purposeful lying is the instinct of politicians. They will not feel ashamed for deceiving you. They will only regard the successful deception as proof of their wisdom.

Their credibility had gone bankrupt many, many years ago, otherwise Shang Yang wouldn't have had to erect trees at the city gates to restore the credibility of politicians.

Chapter One

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