Tang's dining table

Chapter 636 Suffering, suffering,

Li Hong grabbed Li Si and wanted to kiss him, but Li Si resisted and kicked Li Hong.

Seeing Yu Xiurong, Cui Yao, and the Cui family all looking at him, Li Hong let go of Li Si in embarrassment and said to Yu Xiurong, "She seems to have become more beautiful."

Cui Yao said: "Your mother has summoned Mrs. Cui to the palace and asked her to bring along the four young ladies of the Cui family who are about to marry. Who do you have your eye on?"

Li Hongdao: "Cui didn't have a chance to see that her mother valued Pei more, and she also mentioned the name of a woman named Pei Wanying."

Cui Yao sighed and said: "Cui family, Lu family, and Zheng family still seem to be so unpopular with the royal family."

Yu Xiurong moved forward, looked at Li Hong and said, "Is that Pei Wanying from the Pei family okay?"

Li Hong sat on the chair, took a pear from the table, took a bite and said, "Who knows, my mother likes it."

Yu Xiurong said in confusion: "You don't care?"

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Li Hong's face and he said: "Anyway, what people value is the word prince. Since it is the prince who accepts the princess, it is none of my business, Li Hong's."

Yu Xiurong said: "Speak politely and don't be so rude. Do you think you still have the ability to separate the prince and Li Hong into two people?"

Li Hong continued to bite the pear and said: "There is no separation, one can be a prince well, and the other can be Li Hong well.

I came up with this idea two years ago, and now I can distinguish the two very well. Sometimes I don’t even have to do it deliberately. As long as the environment and atmosphere are there, I can switch naturally without any flaws.

I am now even trying to accept both sides of a kind of knowledge. Those who are suitable for the prince should return to the prince, and those who are suitable for Li Hong should return to Li Hong. "

Cui Yao sneered: "Doing this will drive you crazy."

Li Hong raised his hand and accurately threw the core into a wooden bucket for garbage. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth. More than 700 people have died, and there are many old, weak, women and children among them, do you think it’s appropriate?”

Yu Xiurong thought for a moment and said, "That's killing someone according to national law, not you."

Li Hong laughed. His white teeth were extremely dazzling under the dim light. He patted his belly and said, "It's not like I haven't read the laws of the Tang Dynasty. If you really look at the laws of the Tang Dynasty, there are at least nine of those people." A successful person will not commit a crime that will lead to death. So, it is not the law of the country that kills people, it is me who wants to kill people, and I kill people for my own benefit."

Yu Xiurong whispered: "Why are there so many?"

Li Hong spread his hands and said: "What can I do? As you know, my wife, my fiefdom is in Jinyang. On weekdays, the head of the East Palace washes horses and Dianshi takes care of it. A month ago, my mother told me that my Shi Wei Dongcheng, the head of the East Palace, colluded with some members of the Li royal family in Bingzhou and intended to usurp 60,000 acres of land in Hedong, causing the people in Hedong to be displaced and in dire straits.

After my mother came to know about this matter, she said that whoever owns the people should be in charge, so she asked me to join the Prince Cult and kill all the officials in the East Palace in Jinyang. Seven hundred and nineteen of them were executed. people, more than 1,100 people were exiled.

My fiefdom has always been managed by my mother, and I don’t know why people like Wei Dongcheng were killed behind the scenes this time, let alone what people from the Li family in Bingzhou did that they shouldn’t have done and were implicated.

Now I get up every morning and look at the documents sent to the East Palace with trepidation, for fear that if something is wrong, a lot of people will die.

So, if the prince and Li Hong are not separated, how can I live a good life? "

Li Hong said it very calmly, as if it was a simple matter to split his personality in two.

Yu Xiurong felt that the person in front of him should be Li Hong, because one of his hands was firmly around Li Si, preventing her from leaving. If it was the majestic Crown Prince, he should not have such interest.

After Li Hong confided his unhappiness to Yu Xiurong and the others as fast as he could, he grabbed a pear, bit it, and left the Yun family.

He doesn't need others to give him advice, he just needs a tree hole where he can talk. Now that he has finished complaining, he can naturally go back to the East Palace to sleep.

It was getting dark, and Yu Xiurong was going to bed. Whether it was Master Xuanzang's matter or Li Hong's active schizophrenia, it had nothing to do with her as a woman in the inner house. There would always be someone to deal with these matters.

Her bed is big, and it must be big. Since Yunchu left Chang'an, Li Si, Yun Jin, Yun Jin, and Yun San have all slept on her bed. This is the most important property of the Yun family, and it must be kept close to her to feel at ease. .

Cui Yao repeatedly told Yu Xiurong not to do this. Only a small family would live in such a large family on the same bed.

Yu Xiurong had been lonely since she was a child. She had spent countless frightening nights alone, and she didn't want her children to feel that she had no one to protect them.

Therefore, every night, counting the number of children around him before going to bed was one of Yu Xiurong's few joys in life.

Yu Xiurong first wrapped Yun San, who had a nice smile, in a quilt and put it next to him. Then he placed Yun Jin next to Yun San. It seemed that he was placed at the farthest end. When he woke up in the middle of the night, this guy was always in Yu Xiurong's bed.

No matter what, I can't drive him away.

As time passed, Yu Xiurong just let it go.

The children were very uneasy when Yun Chu was away. Although this was Yu Xiurong's own idea, at this time, she, the mother, had to protect her children and give them comfort.

At dawn, the bell of Da Ci'en Temple rang strangely eighteen times more. Then many monks carrying burdens and holding shovels left Da Ci'en Temple and Chang'an. Some went to Baqiao. Some went to Xianyang Bridge.

Liu Hucao from Wannian County felt that he was almost exhausted and wished he could tear himself apart into seven or eight people to use.

In order to count and calculate the accounts of Qujiangfang Liushuipai, he has borrowed more than a hundred accounting rooms from various famous merchants to participate in the accounting nucleic acid of Qujiangfang Liushuipai.

The county minister will arrive in Chang'an in three months. The cannibals, Persians, and caravans from the Western Regions will also gather in Chang'an under the name of the county minister's investment promotion.

At that time, all the goods will come in and out from the flow card, which will be a huge account. If the old accounts cannot be settled clearly before the county official arrives, the county official will not be able to verify the new year's account. profit or loss.

The imperial court has clearly issued the Di Bao, which states that the Xianqing period is coming to an end, and the new year's name will be Long Shuo!

As for why the reign name was changed, no one except the emperor cared. Today's Tang Dynasty spans thousands of miles away, and it has the power to conquer everyone in the world.

Although famines continued throughout the country, with the government's reasonable response, there were finally no refugees or disaster victims.

Therefore, the emperor could use whatever reign name he wanted, and the people didn't care. They just felt that they had adapted to Xianqing's statement and wanted to change the name again.

The most leisurely people in the entire county government are the county magistrate, the bookkeeper and the tax ambassador. They come to work every day, bring food to work every day, and convene a meeting with each county government official every day.

The meeting has only one purpose, which is to study the contents of the imperial newspaper issued by the imperial court every ten days, as well as the emperor's imperial edicts, especially the "Jiandong Capital Edict" issued by the emperor, which must be read and learned every day. .

Wannian County's various subsidies have been banned. In fact, only the county magistrate and the three of them were banned. The rest are said to have paid, so they can continue to enjoy the previous benefits.

As the saying goes, if something is good above, it will be effective below. Yun Chu, Wen Wen likes to make pots of tea, and the officials in Wannian County and Chang'an County yamen naturally like it too. They come to the yamen for half an hour every day, Make some pots of tea yourself, eat and drink the baked brown pancakes or steamed buns, and you will be full of energy all morning.

Nowadays, we have meetings every day and it is difficult to make pots of tea, so one person holds a red clay pot, washes the tea leaves, and rinses them with boiling water. It is still a pot of strong tea. Drinking one pot can keep you energetic for half a day.

As long as these three people no longer do bad things, Liu Hucao and the others are willing to give people a minimum of dignity. Although meeting every day is a waste of time, after all, it is a very taboo thing for petty officials to ignore officials. If they can live in peace for a day, Just a peaceful day. Anyway, as long as the time is delayed, it will be beneficial to them. After all, when spring comes, the county official will come back.

Therefore, whenever the superiors at the top were talking incessantly, the officials below would exchange opinions in a low voice, or drink tea.

As long as Xie Rong said that the meeting was over, everyone would disperse in a hurry and go about their business that they would never finish.

The county magistrate's main responsibility for renting and adjusting servants was already completed during the summer harvest, so even if he wanted to do something, he would not be able to start.

The chief bookkeeper is mainly responsible for the recording and transfer of land, lakes, hills, and mountains in Wannian County. However, in Wannian County, a county that already lacks land, there is no extra land or mountain land for him to transfer. Therefore, Although there are people everywhere who want land, because they don’t have land in their hands, they can’t do anything.

As for the tax ambassador, there was no such position in Wannian County before, but now there is one. Wannian County does not know what to ask people to do. After all, the taxes in Wannian County go directly to Taifu Temple and are sent by the Ministry of Household Affairs. The official has no way to control it.

Yunchu is not in Wannian County, but Wannian County is full of Yunchu's shadow. These shadows influence Wannian County officials all the time, making them move along the route planned by Yunchu.

When I checked in the school newspaper today, there was a message saying that a giant caravan led by Yun Chu had arrived in Tingzhou.

Xie Rong and the others, who had suffered a lot in Wannian County, seemed to have heard the sound of Yun Chu's horse hooves.

After a few months, even if they didn't know much about who Yun Chu was before, these few months have been enough for them to understand him.

Xie Rong wanted to leave the big trap of Wannian County... He asked Xu Jingzong to pay his respects, but there was no response.

He also sent a greeting message to Li Yifu's family, but there was no response from Li Yifu. It seemed that as long as Yun Chu was involved, everyone would habitually remain silent.

This made Xie Rong extremely miserable every day.

See you tomorrow

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