Tang's dining table

Chapter 98 Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other

Yunchu woke up very early in the morning. It was still dark, and there were only a few weak barks in Jinchangfang.

Yun Chu looked around, but couldn't find the big fat lynx. He most likely ran to Da Ci'en Temple to accompany Naha.

Er Fei brought him warm clothes ironed with a charcoal bucket, which allowed him to smoothly transition directly from the warm bed to warm clothes.

Ms. Cui had already gotten up and was lecturing the stupid Liu Fei and Qi Fei, scolding them for not knowing how to do any work and only knowing how to eat, and for making themselves so fat.

He also praised Ba Fei for being a good man. He went to the construction site of Jinchangfang to repair the house before dawn, got back a lot of broken wood, came back to chop firewood, and decided to reward him with an egg.

Jiu Fei had already hitched the carriage and was helping Ms. Cui load a box of copper coins into the carriage. It seemed that the woman was going to visit Yeting Palace again today and planned to bring back some more old maids that Li Zhi didn't want.

In fact, Mrs. Cui would like to use some eunuchs, but the court does not allow it. There are very strict regulations on the use of eunuchs. The whole family may be dragged to be beheaded. Therefore, the old eunuchs who have not reached high positions are actually very good. pitiful.

When Yunchu went out, he saw a layer of hoarfrost on the ground. The sand in the gaps between the bricks was covered with hoarfrost in the severe cold due to absorbing water. The grids were quite beautiful.

"Why are you scolding them when you have nothing to do? It's hard to leave the palace and live a relaxed life for a few days..."

While Yun Chu was rinsing his mouth, he muttered something to Mr. Cui. In his opinion, the servants in the house were all hard-working people. Apart from eating too much, they didn't have any major problems.

"I withdrew a hundred thousand coins from my account. I want to try my luck at Yeting Palace and bring back a few more maids that the royal family doesn't want and come back as cooks."

"I remember that our family's money is all at Xiangji Kitchen. Where did you get the hundred dollars? Don't..."

"Mr. Lang, that money is not used now. Our family will use it first. When we need to pay, we will pay it back. The interest on the money in Xiangji Kitchen is so high. We will lose money if we take it out at this time."

"No, that money is Jinchangfang's money. We can't use it casually, right?"

"The money is in our family's account. It's our family's money. What's wrong with using it first? Those residents have received so many benefits from the husband recently, including new clothes, money and food, and the house has been tidied up. There will be more soon. After all the benefits, no one will complain.

Besides, aren’t you buying slaves just to cook for the students who rent them here?

It was all because of Jinchangfang that Lang Jun was willing to use his servants to help them make money. This was extremely generous. "

Although Yunchu felt that Cui's words were highly debatable, he thought that he was very busy today, so he said he would not do it again and left home on a bay-red horse.

It was so cold in Jinchangfang in the early morning that even the strong bay horse didn't dare to take a deep breath.

It was so cold that Yun Chu didn't bother to hold on to the reins and huddled his hands in his sleeves, still aching from the cold.

It seems that the production of gloves should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

There were still people working on the construction site at the entrance of the workshop, but there was a bonfire lit beside it. Peng Wulang and Zhang Ting, together with seven or eight craftsmen, had been working for a while.

Seeing the delicate carvings with their chilblained hands, Yun Chu couldn't help but walk over and said, "Humans are not animals, and this is not the way to make money. Go back, it's too cold in the morning."

Zhang Ting put down the chisel and hammer in his hand, and cheerfully put his hands on the fire. When they were hot, he quickly rubbed them back and forth.

"Lang Jun is going to the Imperial Academy to study?"

"Yes, if you go late, the doctor will slap your palms."

"Hey, aren't there all the gentlemen in the Imperial College who are studying? Why do they still need to play the game?"

"I received five blows yesterday."

"Lang Jun didn't study hard?"

"No, I got impatient while waiting in line, so I threw the person in front of me out."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Advising these people to work less and rest more is obviously an ill-advised act that will not earn them gratitude but only disgust.

Yun Chu had made up his mind at this moment. If he didn't use them to their death, he would be sorry for them.

When a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, Fang Zheng Liu Yi opened the door of the workshop. He did not continue to discuss with Yun Chu about recruiting some women to cook for the students. He might have thought it was impossible.

He had no choice but to bow down to Yunchu and respectfully send the chief to the Imperial Academy for school.

At dawn, Chang'an Street Market was filled with people who were so cold that they shrank their heads like turtles.

In Chang'an, there are only two types of people who get up early. One is workers who stop talking, and the other is officials who need to get up early to go to court.

The paths that the two travel on are clearly distinct. The workers travel in either the east market or the west market, while the officials travel in only one direction - the imperial city.

The end of Zhuque Street is the Imperial City, and because it faces south and faces north, the sunlight coming from the east will illuminate the Imperial City first. Unfortunately, the roofs of the Imperial City of the Tang Dynasty are also covered with blue tiles, so the sunlight shines It will not reflect light, but will make the imperial city look even more lifeless. In addition, there is still a bit of cold fog in the early morning. After the sun shines, the cold fog evaporates, just like the bedroom of the unparalleled devil.

However, Li Zhi was worthy of the title of Unparalleled Demon King, because when Yunchu passed by the Imperial City and turned the corner to go to the Imperial College, he saw the dew cloth posted by the imperial court.

When General Liang Jianfang returned to the court from his army, he came across the distressed border residents of the Tang Dynasty. They cried to the general that they had been bullied by the surrendering Turks and had their wives and children taken away.

The furious general used his big finger as thick as a drumstick to draw a circle on the small map. Then, his troops squeezed towards the center of the circle from all sides.

Then, the general saved 683 people from the Tang Dynasty...

Yun Chu remembered this incident. The imperial documents clearly stated that only seventy-six border residents were snatched away by the Turkic surrender. He didn't know where the extra six hundred people came from. Anyway, there must be something in the memorial of General Liang Jianfang. A reasonable explanation.

Yun Chu didn't know what the scale of the map was that the general gestured with his fingers. According to his understanding of the Tang Army's map, General Liang's gestures, coupled with the excessive size of his fingers, estimated that he could not see within a radius of three hundred miles above the grassland. To the living.

The imperial notice did not mention the fate of the Turks, but only mentioned the number of Tang people who were rescued. This is very sympathetic to the emperor. After all, it is not a good thing for an emperor to kill too many people.

Everyone understands and is willing to cover up for His Majesty the Emperor.

As for killing talents!

It can only be General Liang Jianfang, it can only be General Liang Jianfang.

As a result, General Liang Jianfang's punishment plan was also announced.

"Liang Jianfang, the general manager of Gongyue Road March, acted improperly, resulting in the loss of more than half of the troops and horses in three military prefectures, and the disaster in two cities. The crime is unpardonable. However, the massacre of the Chuyue tribe was a contribution to Sheji. Liang Jianfang was suspended for three years. I will be fined five hundred catties of copper and spend half a year studying."

After looking at Lu Bu, Yun Chu understood that in today's court, the military headed by Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and Yu Chigong could not defeat the group headed by Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang.

When Liang Jianfang made a mistake, it was not that he could not accept punishment. The emperor could scold him in the Golden Palace. Even if the emperor took him to the palace toilet and had his mouth slapped, after the slap, Liang Jianfang would still feel that the emperor was protecting him and would serve the emperor loyally in the future.

It would be a great shame and humiliation for General Liang to post the punishment decree at the gate of the palace and let the traffickers and lackeys watch and discuss it as they please.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the imperial court is killing chickens to scare monkeys, and the unfortunate General Liang is the poor chicken.

As someone who had close contact with General Liang Jianfang, Yun Chu felt very sorry for this cruel old guy. People like Changsun Wuji really didn't want to show any affection to him.

He has such a grumpy temper...and has been so wronged...but he still has to go to school...I really don't know how he will spend the next six months.

As soon as he led the bay-red horse into the Imperial College, Yun Chu was keenly aware that the air pressure in the Imperial College was very low.

It was so low that those students in the Imperial College who liked to carry a book in their diaphragm were no longer willing to recite poems or recite articles. They all lowered their heads and walked hurriedly as if they had some unfinished business that needed to be resolved.

Moreover, the older the prison students are, the more frightened they appear.

The bay horse was stored in a separate stable in the Imperial College, and the groom prepared good food to take care of it. He also repeatedly asked the bay horse to drink warm water, and the groom agreed with good temper.

Of course, Yun Chu paid a price of ten yuan, which is three hundred yuan a month, which is much more expensive than the houses rented to the students in Jinchangfang.

You have to give it a separate room. This guy eats alone. Even if another horse takes a bite of the leftovers it eats, it will kick and bite it. It is also very domineering and does not allow other horses to get close to it. Since then, After its butt is seriously injured, it always feels that other people or horses are coveting its butt.'

If a horse is kicked to death in one day, no matter what kind of horse it is, it will be a heavy financial burden for Yunchu.

Entering the classroom, before putting down his backpack, Di Renjie came over with a smile and said, "You are famous."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "That's right. After all, it's not a big problem for an article like "The Inscription on a Humble Room" to be spread for thousands of years."

Di Renjie forcibly stopped his desire to vomit.

"Your food has been regarded as the best in Chang'an by the students."

Yun Chu then nodded and said: "This is normal. If it's not delicious, I won't charge people the usual money for the meal. To be precise, the money I charge is food money, and the house is given away for free."

Di Renjie sighed and said: "It was originally a good thing, but the timing of becoming famous was wrong, and the good things were likely to turn into bad things."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes come from blessings. I have explained this sentence very clearly. It is not a big deal."

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