Taoist Law

Chapter 23 is hugged

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PS: Thanks to the reward of hearing, thank you for encouragement.

The two wolf demon did not give Zhao Ran how much time to restore the spirit, Zhao Ran meditated that shepherds ride the cattle map, but they were interrupted.

Zhao Ran glanced at the eyes, the two wolf demon have been act at the same time, one is on the front, and the other is behind, each jump into the scope of the France. The front of the wolf demon is slightly larger, slightly shrunk, immediately splamed, pounced in the monk; the wolf demon behind it is slightly thin, and the two scarlet eyes seek Zhao Ran, with sharp wolf teeth The two forelimbs are finely flexed, ready to prepare for it.

The monk's wooden fish immediately flew from the neck and welcomed the wolf to the head and hit it. The wolf was collided with the wooden fish, and the wooden fish was collided on the spot. The wolf demon was hit by the ground, turned a roll, climbed up and gave a monk Force the past.

Zhao Ran quickly launched the law, scattered the boulder tremors on the ground, and a piece of block was floated. He manipulated the compass, mobilizing the boulder division, a little wolf demon that stared at you who had been trying to try, and the other hit the wolf demon of the panel.

The result of separanizing two use is not effective, and there are no better two places. Jumite's manipulation cannot achieve accurate and fast, naturally the threat to the two wolves is not big. What is even more than Zhao Ran's headache is extremely agile. He dispatched the past boulder, vines and other attack methods were easily avoided, and people were really unbeatable.

The little wolf should easily swear the boulder hit it. The scarlet eye bead is always on Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran knows that this wolf is probably waiting for a best scenario. Once the wolf is close, I have to be buried within the field. It is not dare to neglect, continue to control the giant stone, try not to give the little wolf to pounce opportunities.

The situation is even more unsatisfactory, and it is not stupid at his wolf demon. The reaction is extremely flexible, and if the left is left, the right to open all the stones that hit the past, and it is also a few times. Instead, the monk is divided into the wolf, it is necessary to prevent the wolf demon, but also dodge the stone that is opened by the wolf moon, and there is still a reminder to "Do not misunderstand". Soak taking it very quickly.

Zhao Ran said: "Judi Hui brother, come to me, you will interfere with my manipulation."

After hiding the wolf demon, I took the empty from the boulder, and the rolling tape was climbed to Zhao Ran, gasping: "The wolf demon is too tight. Don't leave your hands!"

The monk withdrew to Zhao Rong, Zhao Ran can don't have to use it. He doesn't have a waste of water, and the ride is transferred to the gossip. These boulders no longer find the target when they just fight, but run along the gossip route.

This Zhao Ran felt smoothly.

Surrounded by Zhao Ran and the monk, all parties before and after each other are full of boulders, not only the gaps in the wolf. At the same time, two wolf's dental screams are called even, and there is a lot of stability.

Wolf demon is certainly not so much, otherwise it will not let the monks are so taboo. Almost gave a look at the wind.

I listened to the monk called: "Zhu Dao brother is careful, the animal is going to vomit!"

The voice did not fall, one after the two wolf demon each opened his mouth, the two fire dragons were sprayed from the mouth, and the Zhao Ran and the sum of the center of the array were burned.

Zhao Ran's control law, mobilizing the boulder collection in the direction of the two fire dragons. Block the flame. This is the case, the high temperature hot air from the fire dragon is still passing. Zhao Ran's a few haired eyes were roasted.

Zhao Ran mobilized the force of the lap chain in the law, gathered the water vapor around the surroundings. Unfortunately, there is nothing in all places in the big pause. At least there is nothing stream in the pond, and the layout of the water-bead chain is not ideal, and ultimately only gets a mist in the law, not spinning I have a clean. Not only don't demonstrate the threat of burning by fire, but the high temperature formed by water vapor is evaporated, but it is unbearable.

"This is not a way, you will be baked into meat sooner or later, you don't use the wooden fish hard to be born. This is not good, and you will have a stroke of your Laugz.

"The poor is the 'Changming Bodhisattva' ..."

"It doesn't matter, you have a little curse!"

"This wolf is unknown, Changming Bodhisattva is useless. Otherwise, do you think that the poor will escape? It is not a poor battle, it is really playing."

"I am going, waste dessert, you!" Zhao Ran is a little angry and does not fight, casually: "You don't have a exquisite network? The same is good, it will come out!"

"No, useless ..."

"Why is it no good? How is it? Say! When you have a life, you still hide, do you want to die?" Zhao Ran is suspicious of monk's character, serious lack of trust.

The monk hesitated halfway, only biting his teeth: "Linglong.com is most afraid of fire, was sprayed by this wolf, and it was destroyed ..."

Zhao Ran suddenly speechless, half of the sigh: "It turns out that you are all restrained, you can't run back to me, you are hugging my thick legs ..."

The monk is thick, the face is complimentary. "There is a good brother, and today, he will look at the brother's high-mocking means."

Zhao Ran did not care fine to become a "thick leg", and it would be more uncomfortable to be burned by the flame. He only cares about the effect of the Linglong Net: "Can this net Can not trap the wolf demon? Just take a moment Ok? This beast is too dexterous, I can't play it. "

"It can be able to, but this website is not easy ..."

"Is the important thing is an important website? Hurry up! Rest assured, I will be almost, try to keep this broken network! I will take this big one, then cover your small , I am fully killed, and help you deal with it. Do you understand? "

The monk is helpless, I have to take a sleeve, and the exquisite network has appeared above the head of the small wolf demon. It is a shroud since the top of the top, and the wolf is bound.

The Wolf demon is trapped by the exquisite network, and the red eye bead begins to struggle, see struggling, not open, and the mouth is going to fire on the net.

Just like this, Zhao Ran took the opportunity to manipulate the law, and several boulders were surrounded, and the wolf demon killed in the net. The wolf demon leather is thick, and it has not been killed after being smashed by the boulder, but it hurts straight, but it has been interrupted several times.

If you don't know when you want to see when you want to see it, Zhao Ran bites teeth, manipulates the law, turns the golden sword at your eyes, pointing to the wolf demon trapped in the net.

When the Wolf Demon had a hurt, the golden sword was separated from the eyes, and it was in the wolf to wear, from the back of the back, brought a blush!

This sword is in the middle of the principle, the wolf demon fell in the whimper, struggling with the four legs, and immediately died.

Zhao Ran's hit, the legacy, but the golden sword has been separated from the eye, and the operation of the whole method is also terminated, and the stone that is flourishing is landing.

It is desperately resisting the big wolf demon, I can't eat it on the spot. I have no boulder block, the flame of the Wolf demon is now rolled up. It's good to have a monk, and I have a roll back in the ground. This avoids the opening, there is no fire to be baked by the flame, but the eyebrows are all wrapped into a black gray, and they are in an instant. This is the child, it has become a thoroughly bald scoop.

The boulder crashed, there was no obstruction on the lawn. When the big wolf became a fallen wolf demon, when he was screaming, screaming, heard is full of pain.

If the big wolf is just hitting, Zhao Ran really doesn't know how to resist it, but since this animal himself delayed the best time, don't blame Zhao Ran again.

Zhao Ran hurriedly took the golden sword back, and then interchanged with the position of the jade printing, so that Yuyin became the master of the abundance. This is adjusted, the power of the faction is sharp, and Zhao Ran is more easier.

With a successful experience, Zhao Ran kept the monarch, so soon, the big wolf is sleepy in the exquisite network. Zhao Ran's control of the giant stone hit the Wolf demon, then found a shine to start the gold sword, the same sword wearing the throat, slaughtered the wolf. When the wolf demon fell to the ground, people also fell on the lawn. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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