Taoist Law

Chapter 11, big procurement

It should be located in Dazhong Bridge, south to Gongyuan and the government, and the east side is the six and sideways of intensive settings. Because the status of the Tianfu is high, every household is far from the world's holidays outside the Jiujiang, and the three products are hung, and they must be in the middle of China.

The department of the Ministry of Welfare, Yin Wangzong Yi, who was in the government, met with Zhaoran, who had just met the Immortal Palace. Before I received Zhao Ran, he had already thought about it. No matter what Zhao Fang, who was named in recent years, he held a certain distance, not far from not near, neither sin. The fairy is never returned to the power of the props to master.

Do you want to interfere? Sorry, you will not live.

However, Zhao Ran's performance is a bit of a good time, and he did not propose any requirements for the power of the government, but said a little thing. He asked, the official kiln area under Johnshan can restore.

At the beginning of the country, Jiangnan is all the official kiln, producing a massive brick stone is used to repair the palace and the city wall. Now the huge Tianshi wall is built at that time. The gathering place of these official kiln is called the official kiln village, the biggest one, is located in the official kiln village under the Tianfu City, the most in the most, with more than two hundred kiln, with an annual output of more than two hundred 10,000 pieces.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and the demand for bricks and road stone is only less than one tenth year of Jiancheng, a large number of official kiln is abandoned, and this official kiln area under Jubao is still more than ten. Fire, used to maintain the most basic building needs.

So Wang Zongyi asked: "Is the abba needed to buy brick stones? Is it planning to build a Taoist Palace? Or do it just want to repair the Imitan Palace? If this is the case, it is enough."

Zhao Rong said: "It is not that I want to repair the Xuanko Palace. I am a lot of bricks and road stone in the Beijing road. Many street roads have revealed the soil, last summer, there are more rainfall and full of muddy In the case, there are still many drainage ditch dredges, so that you want to make your best in this regard. "

Wang Zongyi thoughtfully took a moment, the initial lastment, it seems that I want to express it, I don't fold his face, rectify the main two or three main streets in the city, it is, I have seen it, but there is no hundreds Two silver things, the fufts and the Ministry of Works be borne, and this matter can be done half a month.

So I laughed: "The abstament is the people's grievances, this official admires, and it is also the disorder of this official. This way, this official immediately commanded the work of the building to patrol, see which street roads need to rectify, which water The groove needs to be dredging ... "

Zhao Ran took out a hand and handed over. The name of the streets needed to rectify in the city, one row, there are dozens of rows.

Wang Zongyi is not very happy, take this way, this year, there should be nothing this year, let alone the amount of money has to be three thousand two, this silver is from?

I am thinking about the words, I plan to remind Zhao Squash, this is the case, the Xuanan Palace is best not to finish the feet, but listen to Zhao Rong: "I have prepared a special offer here, it is the accumulation of charity, so I mean, from our official The kiln purchased bricks in the renovation of the streets and ditch, and the relevant human resources were also carried out in the way. It didn't survived. In addition, I still want to ask the government, and the county is in the middle of the people. Order, I will issue a subsidy on time. In addition, Wang Fu Yin will come to the meeting, and help me recruit the big-time department, this silver, I will also take it, the whole process is about three months ... "

Wang Zongyi blinked and asked: "Zhao Fang Shi ... What kind of charity is the charity gold?"

Zhao Ran's head: "It is."

Wang Zongyi's body rely on, while greeting Zhao Ran, drinking tea, one side, if Zhao Ran is renovating in Beijing's pavement, this is a piece of political achievement, this performance, how much can you get a lot?

I listened to Zhao Rong: "Through this refurbished road, I also plan to see how the level of stone stone, the official kiln, is.

Wang Zongyi asked: "How many masonry is Zhao Squash intends to purchase?"

Zhao Rong said: "If you don't use it in the road, it is fired according to the work of the city bricks. It takes one foot three inch, the width is six inch, thick three inches, such bricks need 400,000 pieces, I follow one or two silver two thousand bricks. "

"400,000?" Wang Zongyi is a bit disappointed.

"After identifying the standard, the next purchase is 200 million, and there is stone millions."

Wang Zongyon was stayed: "Youth Brick 200 million? Stone Million?" This is the purchase amount of at least twenty-two silver!

Zhao Rong said: "Maybe more."

Wang Zongyi asked: "Even if the Jubaohan official kiln area is completely recovered, I am afraid that it is difficult to complete for a hundred years."

Zhao Rong said: "Guanji Village is just a standard, and this is the standard, I plan to purchase private procurement, which one of the brick kilns can reach the standard, which is to buy. Wangfu Yin said is right, the production of official kiln, I can't get so much bricks for a hundred years, but if you can drive more the kiln stone workshop, I believe it or can. "

"That's more than ten years."

"Now the kiln method is not good, we have prepared a wheeland method, can increase the production of ten times, in order to use the large-scale use of the fuel to the fuel, we are ready to force the kiln factory to use coal as a fuel. Around the city There are many coal mines, such as Qingqi Mountain, Zikinshan, Meishan, etc. I know that there are many small coal mines in production. Of course, Zikinshan is not moving. My intention is to use the coal of Qingqi Mountain and Meishan. In order to encourage Everyone uses coal to burn, my intention is that every two silver sons are subsidized every kiln. "

Wang Zongyi is a minister of the Ministry of Work, although not a specialized servant, but it has also studied the creation of the law, and the thickness is, this is 100,000.

Total 300,000 yuan of business, where Johnshan's official kiln can swallow 30,000 two days, the rest of the 27,000 two, we must purchase from all kinds of civil workshops and mines. Especially the mine, although it is a court, he is a member of the Ministry of Works, and it is easy to get two open instruments in advance.

By the way, I have to go out, I haven't leaked the news, and I quickly recruit the kiln worker. Otherwise, even if I want to open kiln! If you have a kiln factory, open two miners, which are borne, two or three thousand silver, is not difficult.

"Is there a way to be a fairy house?"

"Do not worry, although it is the way I developed in the Holy House, but ordinary people can also show, do not need monks to participate in it. Which kiln factory reaches the standard of official kiln, this secret law is sent to, I only pass five houses, never multiple passes. "

Wang Zongyi finally asked: "When is the abstament to start?"

Zhao Ran said: "Of course, the faster it is, the better."

Wang Zongyi immediately agreed: "Yes, now it is in February, there is two months, the rainy day of the capital is coming, we can't let the people will have another foot and one foot of the rainy season."

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