Taoist Law

Chapter 122

No I strong recommendation:

The Temple of the Temple of Tai Temple, the temple, the main hall, the sleeping hall, enjoy the temple, including the sleeping hall to resettle the emperor's ancestrality, the emperor and the queen are accompanied by the emperor, each of which is a nine temple.

Chen Tianshi He Li in the sleeping hall, with Zhao Ran and Li Da hugged his best to show his favorite, and the rest of the Tiangong monk, the ritual and the sermon officials went to the gift.

The so-called "nine worship", "Jiu Shi", "Shou", "Black Side", "Vibration", "Prescent", "Murchable", "Worship", "Bai", "Remembrance", worship After that, a tea industry has passed.

After Chen Tianshi, he pointed out to the left side of the temple, said: "When the Yuan Duoyong Shangqiu is in the Yuanyuan, it is also there, and finally, the name of Xing Wang, the Queen's Empress, the name of the Temple His gods are not here, but in the outside of the hall. "

Zhao Ran nodded and did not speak. When the emperor wanted to respect the father of the birth of his father's father, one of the goals to achieve, it is to let Xing Wang enter the temple of the emperor, but if the king enters the temple, this nine temple is in this nine temple? What is the temple in the back? This is not only a technical issue, but also the problem of social order, so it will cause controversy in the face.

The final result is to give the Xing Wang add a "life of the emperor", which emphasizes the life of the emperor today. It is not emphasized, this emphasizes, in fact, further clarity, the emperor is not the son of Xingwang's method, just the son of the blood. Although the god of Xingwang entered the Temple, she could not sleep, and finally I could only enter the temple of the hall, and there was a little "little ".

As the controversy of the year, Zhao Ran did not pick this topic. Chen Tianshi did not further elaborated, but only introduced it, felt through the sleeping hall, went backwards.

The enjoyment is the place that truly hold a sacrifice. Before the sacrifice of the gift, please come out from the sleeping hall, place it in the enjoyment, and then move back to the temple. In the vernacular, it is: Congratulations to you, please enjoy the feast ... Is it finished? You will go back to continue to rest.

As for the last temple, it is not enough to sleep, giving the older emperor used to "pension", which is dedicated to the four generations of Taizu.

Chen Tianshi did not take Zhao Ran to the temple, but in the middle of the hall, Chen Temple settled in the middle of the hall, and went to the two Chartered Palace Monk. After the two monks wrapped around the temple, the hand failed to take the way, and the hanging towels immediately rolled up, revealing a jade column standing alone.

Chen Tianshi stared at this jade column. Zhao Ran looked at the past with his eyes.

This pillar is refined by the Han Baiyu, the high is about one feet, the fist is thick, and the top of the plater is squatting on the disk, the disc is carved, the bottom is carved, the bottom is a lotus, the whole Chinese Stone column is hidden and red, extremely beautiful.

Zhao Ran couldn't stand out: "Hua Table?"

The ancient "Hengdu" and the pre-Qin, which is also easy to write in its own questions, so that the Mun is in the topic, so it is called "", which means that the emperor has opened a word, and bravely Meaning, the same emperor symbol.

Chen Tianshi asked: "I have seen the Jiuzhou Fang Ding on the Lushan?"

Zhao Ruyi Head: "See it."

"What is it?"

"It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors of our ancestors.

Chen Tianshi nodded: "Kyushu Fang Yuan Ding is a synthesis that Yu Tiansheng is in collapse. The morality of the sages, the persevere,"

Zhao Ran is the first time I heard that the origin of Jiuzhou Fang Ding, Jiuqu is Lu Xiujing, and the Lu Xianjing is standing in the world, and it is a teacher. By these two shots, it is no wonder that it can refine the heavy treasure of the Taoist thousands of years.

Zhao Ran asked: "What is the effect?"

Chen Tianshi also pointed to the top stone beast: "This beast is named stone, can absorb the Queen authority, I am a fire, so the stone absorbs the world of fire, and the in the body will precipitate as a spring water. The disc will be used, and the stone will hydrate the bismuth is refined, dripped in the dripping disk, and the pillar is in the bottom of the lotus seat. When the lotus is opened, it can be taken. One is effective, foot Thirty six billion credit, can cause problems, can raise the bridge, function helps! "

Zhao Ran heard, looking at the fascinating Huazang Yupu, the heart of Shao Da Tianshi's reform, from this.

He faintly felt the strangeness of the heavens and gas machine, so he opened the sky to explore. At first glance, he saw that the heavens and gas machines were centered on the whole temple, and they were slowly rotating with whirlpool, from the main hall, sleeping hall, and temples. A silky bide red gas is drawn, floating towards the stone beast of the top of the gossip, is included in the body.

In the periphery, there are more Scholar redness into the Taimiao, which is accomplished in the main hall, the temple, and the temple.

The whole Temple is in absorbing the bismuth!

Zhao Ran is shocking, whispered: "This Temple ..."

Chen Tianshi said: "It's a good eye, the whole Taimiao is a magic weapon, the famous Wade," "

"Who is this magic? When is this?"

"My teacher!"

According to Chen Tianshi, Da Tianshi Shao Yuanjie has begun to rebuild Taimen in the first year of Jiajing, saying is "re-repair", actually the meaning of refining, he used it for twenty-two years, after five refining, finally The refining of the Wide Chemistry is successful, and it is a basic preparation for the change of Taoist.

Zhao Ran looked at this day and sirtily sprinkled with the cattle and rain. In the end, he returned to a shares in the top of the stone mouth of Huazi, and asked: "This is a bismuth. It seems to be not aura, why Didn't feel it? "

Monk's practice, one of the main means is to absorb the heaven and earth aura, the heaven and earth aura exists in all aspects of the world, and the people around people exist, but it is more and less, concentrated and dispersed.

Zhao Ran pulled Chu Yangcheng's tiger flag in the unprotive court, and it was a strong wind. It was more than two years, and he was heard by the fireworks. Others may not be able to achieve it in their lives, but they have been known by Chuyang, and the disciples have come to verify.

The child's white eyebrows teach Zhao Ran to understand the spirit, and opened the window of the world to practice the world.

After Zhao Ran entered the two gas practice, he also began to through the practice of absorbing spiritual power, and it is naturally familiar to spiritual power. In his perception, the spiritual power has a variety of colors, including red, but no matter which color, its characteristics are characterized by warm and transparent, and there is a hot, sinister that is hot, and killing these so-called Achillers. , Fierce, feeling.

Compared with another merits in your own body, it is even more in the same day. The characteristics of merits are in the sky, the simple, the so-called uncomfortable gas, and the front of the front is. Fuji Chinese

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