Taoist Law

Chapter 123 Lotus

Chen Tianshi said: "It is indeed unable to be perceived, but it is actually in our world. If it is not a teacher to refine this Weide's Chinese-style, we can't see this coolness. Achiegle, actually It is the gas of Wu De, and the evolution of the eloquency, in the summer, it is blue, it is white. In Qin is black, it is Huang in the Han, and I am Daming, it is a kind of Moreover. Its gas is colorful, and it is not assessed that only through the Temple of Temple, the magic weapon refined by my teacher can be seen. "

Zhao Ran continued to ask: "This five morality, when you can really use the rain bridge, become invincible?"

Chen Tianshi said: "According to my teacher's calculation, it should be ok, but it has not been confirmed, because the lotus is not open, we have never been able to verify."

"If the lotus is open, how do you use? Is it? Or automated is Hongqiao? Alternatively or with petals to cancel the sky?"

Chen Tianshi shook his head: "Everything is unknown, only wait for lotus, you can see it."

"When can I open? Ten years?"

"It was expected that the three provinces were returned to the emperor. For ten years, they could set the first lotus flower. But now, it is much better than I think at the time. Since last year, I have been a year, I have seen you. Above this lotus, there is a total of nine lotus, and the southeast has already appeared. "

When Zhao Ran closed, I saw the mouth of the six-digit, and I really became a slightly richness than the rest, and it began to highlight.

Chen Tianshi continued: "It seems that it can be used for less than ten years, eight years, or even seven years, lotus will become, I will witness this door for thousands of years."

Put Zhao Ran, uncovered to him the secret of Wu Dezhi, this is Chen Tianshi tells him that you have improved your credit, we are responsible for innovating new flying roads, two legs, must be Go better.

Zhao Ran temporarily accepted Chen Tianshi's statement, but there is a question, since there is a so-called Wu Deng in the world, why didn't you see this with this? Will it be seven years later, eight years later, when the lotus is full, it is found that everything is futile?

Zhao Ran wants to be unclear, do not need to think, with five moises, this is Shao Da Tiansheng, Chen Tianshi, what they consider, as long as they do their own, improve the credit, no matter in the future Is it useful to the gas, as long as the credit is sufficient, the development of the Taoist does not lose the direction.

Zikinshan southwestern Wood, in a house not far from Taiping, Gu Yao took four disciples, sit around in the house, they have been standing for three days, so far, the temperament is suffocating, and when they look at the wall The nine palace mi is looking at the window. Simply take the target character to pass the thank you letter from Jinlian, the name "Zhao Ziran" written on his own paper can be officially launched, and thank you letter. In order to ensure that the other party accepts thanks, he deliberately uses the golden page.

This is a migrate fractal not recorded on " ". It is in seven-order. It is in the past year from an overseas division, one thousand two thousand two thousand two, change him. Six best beautiful women.

After many murders fail, Gu Yao finally waited, decided to use this extremely precious, and recording Zhaoran's traces. The reason why he is willing to take it because he recently gradually heard, the general consultant of this Pushing ball competition, the Xuanzhan Palace seems to be very luxurious, it is said that the famous four-season Qianzhuang gives him a 500,000 silver credit. Limited instrument.

When I heard this news, I didn't hesitate to use a nine lord mi. He knows that even if you grab this grant, it is not used, but it indicates that the money and treasures of Zhao Ziran will never be less, just get his storage bag, this is no white fee!

Time is a little bit of a bit, when it comes to the sky, the nine-liosi is shining,

Several people suddenly spurred, and Gu Yao took the paper from the wall, paved on the table, and there was a detailed map of Jingcheng on the table. The map is covered on the paper, and the Zikinshan that is notned before, and the map and the tutor are coincident together.

The paper is still shaking in the white point of the shake from below, and the track is clearly drawn in the above in the box.

The nine palace mi is only a fragrant time, and it will automatically dissipate after a fragrance. Gu Yao took a few apprentices' full-eyed perfusion.

They choose to wait near the Tacou, because the time given by the compass given the time, the card is in this position, just two heads. If Zhao Liangran chooses to wear the city, they will stop going to the south. If Zhao is choosing from the city wall, they will push the West.

White sport is very fast, from Zijinshan, to the west of Xuanwu Lake, soon, I will pass the god door and then continue to west.

This is the route to go back to the moon in the city!

Gu's old man said, and his five people were immediately started, and they took the nine lords of mun to fight, they did not dare to use spells in the city, and they can only rely on the foot of ordinary people, choose from Taipingmen. It is prepared to block Zhao Qiran on the road in the north side of Mozhen Lake.

In order not to shock the passers-by, the masters first along the shore of Xuanwu Hunan. After the Qingliang Mountain, then in the face of the foothill, it is a random road in the evening.

On the side, I watched the Nine-West Laman, I saw that the white point bypass the Yi Fengmen in the northwest corner, folded to the south - this was undoubtedly, Zhao Ziran is ready to return to the moon!

At this point, the nine palace dismiscathes have been effective, and gradually chemically dozen smoke.

I can't help but I can't help but I'm old, but I don't have time to distress this value of thousands of people. I rushed out of the cool door with my disciples.

After the Yifeng Gate, it is a cool door after he is confirmed by Huai Gate. It is just two miles. It is afraid that he can't use half of the fragrance.

Time is very nervous, and take care of several disciples to north, and start to set up a variety of sides of the sake of surveys.

Master is still the old man dress, squatting on the road; the old two plays a cup of tea, take out the table and chair of the table and chair from the storage instrument, the pot bowl, start to cook tea; I am sitting on the stool to drink tea The feet are firewood; the old four plays a scorpion in the opposite side of the road, and there is a break in front of these more than a dozen bronze.

Gu Hao is also sitting on the sleeper, and the unparalleled eyes are closely staring at Zhao Ziran to come over.

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