Taoist Law

Chapter 27 consciousness

PS: Thanks not to the people, rushing the treasure, riding a pig flying and other proud friends, and thank you for encouragement. Today, I will see the record, and many friends have given chapters, especially every chapter, the poor and poor is afraid.

Ming. Hui Rong came to the Zen room, explored on the wall, opened the dark door of the compartment. After the Zhao Ran entered the quiet room, he looked at the middle-aged Taoist Taoist who was bundled in the iron cable, said: "Niu nose, you will get rid of you." The palm was blocked, then he pressed him, then took the key Unlock the iron rope, throw him into the corner

Subsequently, Ming. Hui will Zhao Ran placed the position, let Zhao Ran sit in the wall, tie hands with iron rodes, feet.

There is no window in the quiet room, only a weak light in the oil lamp is equipped with iron rods, prisoners, Zhao Ran, although it is not true, but this feels really horror. After the hands of your hands, I bundled it on the iron cable. Zhao Ran gave a lot, I couldn't help but ask: "The master should call you. Whatei is it? Do you want to do it?"

Ming. Hui smiled and said: "Niu nose, you are doing it, told me that the master took me hit, my Master came to you. Yes, this iron rope is from Deg Mountain, and I have brought this I Jin Jin. You don't have to struggle, but struggle, the more you eat, the more you eat. For you, or the old man is still quiet, otherwise you can try, don't presuppose it. " Go out, close the chamber dark door.

Seeing the monk, Zhao Ran is naturally struggling, but every time it is struggling, I feel that I have been tied to the wrist and the ankles of the ankle of the iron rodes and the more powerful. I feel that the pain is, it is really hard to be tight, but I have to give up.

He also wants to try his own way to manage, but he has opened the sky and found that there is no sign of the flow of the sky. It is purely dead. The most reliable war life is a place to be used, Zhao Ran has no consideration, only to turn around.

"This brother ... brother ... I heard it? Wake up! ..."

Zhao Ran shouted half a . . . .. Let him not help but feel like it.

I don't know how long it takes about Mutal, the dark door of the chamber is open again. This is a Bao bottle Zen teacher.

Zhao Ran said the sentence: "Bao bottle master ..." was a man who was still shot, even the tongue did not move half.

The treasure bottle smiled, and it was really worth a Zhao Ran. Reached your hand and pinch the back of Zhao Ran, enlighten the sound "good", then stretching in the umbilical three inch a poke, Zhaoran suddenly felt a knife and cutting meat, the nose couldn't help it. So the treasure bottle praised again: "Sure enough."

"Small Taoist,

Please come to the Temple of Temple this time, there is something to ask, but also hope that you can help me. But you have a lot of mouth. I am afraid that when I will, I will can't help but speak, disturb my peace of mind, so I have to ban you. This is for you, it is also good for poor, so don't worry. If you understand, and there is no opinion, just nod, the poor is also said. "

Zhao Ruyi head. So the treasure bottle continued: "The poor has been repaired by Arhan Golden, but now it is in the last step. I can't see it without me. I can't see it without me. I can't make a review. Alohan Jinbia I can't succeed, I can't get into the world, I can't do it. As for the Buddha position, I don't have to think about it. Before the year, the Master's father is silent, refers to the poverty is the seventeen peaks of the Kala Mountain. One temple has a strongest disciple in a temple, saying that the promotion of the Baotao Temple will fall on the poor. It can be twenty years, but the poor is nothing to grow, and the Master is the last year. Small Taoist, you will Hello to poor, is it? "

Zhao Ran hesitated his nodded.

The treasure bottle is satisfied: "It is best. Last year, the poor self-sacrifornia is a method, which can help the poor to see the root of me. This way is complicated, you don't have to say it to you. I am getting out of my body, into your body of the sea, through your eyes, borrow your consciousness to observe myself, waiting for me to return itself from your body, so you can help me. Buddha fruit. This way is actually a great place to you, you can wash your marrow. Do you have no root bones? After this, you will naturally, you can practice, learn the long life! Explain, can you understand? "

Zhao Ran heard that he didn't believe it, but he didn't believe it. He turned to the eyes of the eyes and looked at the road. If you really have this simple, how can this look like it? ?

The treasure bottle saw Zhao Ran's doubts, smiled and explained: "This method needs a half-way body, that is, the qualification of the door or the null. But this truth is not a real half-way body, he Although the root bone is not displayed, it is always there, that is, the people who have the roots of the doors are poor. After all, as you are very rare, I have been looking for a long time before, I have to have one. Therefore, she only had to try it on him, but unfortunately, it is still a good thing. As for him today, I can only blame himself. He is not willing to meet my spiritual advice. I can only fight his consciousness. "

After a meal, I gave Zhao Ran leaned a little thoughtful time, the treasure bottle said: "You have to do it very simple, relax, my spiritual into your sea, don't resist the heart, let It is natural to be nature. That secretary is because of continuous resistance, it has been aware of a few consciousness by my spirit, and I will have to have a fool. So the poor is here to be with you here, you can help you The monks have achievements, the poor is to wash your marrow, as long as you don't have to resist the heart, everything will be fast, the poor is in the world, the cardd bodhisattva, you open the bones, go back to the truth, so Can you have two full beauty, do you see good? "

The treasure bottle is talking about the sky, and the conditions given are also tempting, but why Zhao Ran feels not very reliable. Just kidding, let others' dog dunks into the sea, what will be the consequence? "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong, the princess of the Tie fan, got a mess, the trotter, the princess is good? Those novels have sneaked others who are not going, and the bridges of Nestlé are also all! I used to listen to it before, now I am in my own, how can Zhao Ran not feel creepy?

Besides, there is baby tissue, Zhao Ran is really not so urgent, it is necessary for others to wash the marrow, according to the previous fine performance, you only need to rise in the position, the root bone nature Come, there is no need to take risks here.

Can he not agree? What is the consequence of not promised? Take a look at the squid in the corner.

Zhao Ran's head is like a stiff, neither heading does not shake his head, just look at the treasure bottle, the heart is going to turn, but I can't think of a way to solve the current crisis.

Tree bottle huh, smile: "Don't shake your head, the poor will be promised. Rest assured, don't want to think, everything is coming."

The treasure bill is finished, closed eyes, hands with a strange law, sitting opposite Zhao Ran, and suddenly sword in the quiet room.

I don't know how many times, I will see the treasure bills and tremble, and I have an extra large grain sweat, and my face has gradually become very strange, I can't say.

Zhao Renben immediately put it up immediately.

Bao bottle lips, the right hand double finger, the diameter, Zhao Ruran, Zhao Ran only fierce, like a heat, self-eye, ending along the nose, the lower jaw, the chest until the umbilical three inch It stopped here.

Zhao Ran's heart hair, I can't help but got a layer of chicken skin, I will not have this hot flow from the body from the body. This idea has just been born, and the hot flow really follows your own heart to back, you can go back to your chest, squabble, nose, and finally rose to the eyebrow.

The process of hot flow returns is extremely short, and the part of the should be, it is like a knife cut. Since Zhaoran umbilical, three inch has been cut to the eyebrow, and he hurts him to fain.

After this pain gradually eliminated, Zhao Ran quickly saw his body, see the good end of the body, and did not be opened to the belly, this is a little loose.

The treasure bottle smiles: "How? Impooked, I don't want to resist the heart, the poor this is getting easy, but it is difficult, not so good. You and rest, I will wait for my next time, Ten thousand relaxation, as long as you work all your best, there will be no pain in this consciousness. "

((This article is started)

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