Taoist Law

Chapter 134 Yang 1 Qing's post

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Yuan Wei saw this angry, sighed, advised: "Why is it in the Hall?"

Jing Wang angry: "Obviously, please give the competition to the contest, but before the king's words, you will get such a breakdown, and you will see it, this is deliberately sweeping the king face!"

Yuan Wei said: "It is always very important, and the temple must be anger."

Jing Wang said: "What did you have to do it? Accept all people! Is this the way? How do I anger?"

Yuan Wei said: "Daomen monk, where will hear the people's own home? The Hall is not knowing now."

Jing Wang asked: "How is Yuan Xue Sao, what is the loneliness? Is it endured? Or reported with the father?"

Yuan Wei smiled and said: "The temple is angry, and Zhao Zhaoran is too strong by the people, the temple is seriously heart."

Jing Wang listened silently, waved, and Yuan Wei said.

It hasn't long been returned to the Jingwangfu on the west side of Huangcheng. After returning to the Hall, the Jing Wang sat down for a long time, and immediately repaired the book, sent to the ceremony of the gift.

After Yang Yiqing took the letter, he thought about a moment, took out the post, to the housekeeping: "Go to Shangyuan County to the government."

The housekeeper went to Shangyuan County, and he was informing Liang County in the Xuankang Palace, so he rushed to Juananyian. I saw that people came in the Palace, and the people were waiting for a time. It was better to encounter Liang You's heart, this master asked: "Yang Daba passed the east of my house, no hurry? If you are anxious, I invite the east to immediately, if, please, please wait."

"Which Town, Liang County is visiting the Daman Palace?"

"That is not, my east is in the hall, and the first one is not a thief who steals the brick stone, and I caught dozens of gas, and I took out several empirical people of Beijing Big Jin Shilun, . The Herce's famous cold gang owner finally landed, this is a mountain, and then it is not clean. When it is a big and fun. I don't know how many people clapping it is fast, waiting for the results, my east is in the case of this case ... "

The housekeeper is a bit, and how does the heart say how the trial is coming? However, he still abides by this point, pressed the curiosity, just said: "Please ask the gentleman to see it. If the case is really a matter of time, I will go back to know the old man, if it can slow down, I will wait. "

Master: "Let me go see."

When you haven't given the Master, Liang You is accompanying the master, ask the housekeeper: "The teacher summoned students, but there is an urgent matter?"

The housekeeper replied: "The little person will die, delayed the county to handle the case, but my grandfather said in the government ..."

Liang Youyi made the master of the master, to the housekeeper: "Teacher has both urgent tricks, I have passed now."

Yang Yiqing is the main examination of Liang Youzhen Township, Liang Younou saw him after the court, Yang Yiqing is not polite, directly asked: "What is the meaning of civilized city?"

Liang You said that he said, asked: "The teacher couldn't have an acquaintance? Please show that the students go back to let go."

Yang Yizhen shook his head: "I want to ask, since the first month of last year, the door will move the right to the business. Why do you want to interfere? How do you recover? If you are screwing the Dichitan Palace, why Don't tell the government? Even if Wang Zongyi does not dare to manage, yourself must be the master of you! "

Liang You thought about it, said: "The big affairs of the business, the door is indeed no interference ..."

Yang Yiqing is not Yue: "Also said that there is no intervention? It is also paving the road, but also to create a civilized city, you still say that there is no interference?"

Liang Youyi explained: "Teacher, paving the road is a thing of the ten-party jungle, take the lead, Shangyuan, and Jiangning two counties, only sent some people to help sustain order."

"Where is the silver of the paving augition? Where does Human hair? Isn't this business?"

"Teacher, here is afraid to be a little misunderstood. The silver is not a court,

"Is this Mikan Palace?"

"Yes, I heard that it is specially sponsored to practice the ball lottery charity."

Yang Yiqing stunned, and asked: "What is the creation of the civilized city?"

"This is also voluntarily, and the Xuan Tang Palace has not forced registration."

"It is a voluntary, why are you so active?"

Liang You smiled: "If you can comment on the title of civilized city, the Xuanzhan Palace promised, a county gave two thousand two silver rewards ..."

"A county rewards two thousand silver? That is not worth you soother?"

"Teacher, is a head reward for the Taoist and Fuwan, is not a public fee. As long as you get the title, you can send it within three months. It's almost the same for the salaries in half a year. You said that I want Don't participate, then it is not to die? "

Yang Yizhen wrinkled: "This silver is also a kind of charity."

Liang You said: "It is."

Yang Yiqing continued to ask: "The land price of the river is soaring, what is this?"

Liang Youyi hop in my heart, secretly said? Is it unfair or say that he is hard to hard? He has a good benefit, but he does not dare to talk to him. He is talking about it. It is simply pushed: "This matter seems to be related to the recent romanting bridge, this is not a student. If you come, please ask the teacher to forgive. "

Yang Yiqing thought about it, no longer difficult to make his own family, so he put him.

Considering a long time, I took a post on the post, evoked the housekeeper: "Speed ​​to send to Wang Shilang."

The housekeeper took the post and asked: "The Master is Wangfu Yin?"

"Just, go now, remember, get a letter to return to the government."

The housekeeper is busy, I have been waiting for the night to return to Yang Yiqing: "Wangfu Yin is busy in the day, Hai is gone, he does not dare to go to the door, he will come over tomorrow, there is anything to ask your father. "

Yang Yi nodded, Wang Zongyi is still very knowledgeable, knowing that his gift waiter is a serious minister of the Emperor, in the future, there will be a respect for the court, and the number of gifts is still respectful. In this way, many things will be done tomorrow.

On the afternoon of the next day, Wang Zongyi came to the door, according to the rank, the two were in the same stage, so Yang Yiqing opened the main entrance, and Wang Zongyi invited Wang Zongyi into the government.

After the cold, the fragrance of fragrant tea, Yang Yiqing tried to enter the topic: "I heard that the city is Linjiang, the price is soared, more than double, Wang Fu Yin, is there."

Wang Zongyi nodded: "Since February, the land price of the river has not stopped, how? Yang Shilang also is?"

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