Taoist Law

Chapter 136, Junshan Mobile

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Four seasons have four branch in Beijing. In the redemption link, it is really a good way. Zhao Ran immediately agreed, with Dongfang to go to Zikinshan.

On the road, the Oriental Gifts: "I saw the" Junshan Notes "before, the Zongsheng Hall has developed a new generation of flying characters, the price is very low, I don't know if this fly is sold? Is it easy to be intercepted? Receive When do you move? "

Zhao Rong said: "In fact, it is not a new generation of flying characters, maybe it can be called simple version of the flyback, the use of the previous flying difference is not big, but the bearer is much less." When I did a simple introduction .

Oriental Gifts: "Junshan Notes" said that this kind of fly is only one or two silver, the carrier is only two silver, such a low price, is the Zongsheng Pavilion not fold? "

Zhao Rong said: "I am considering the formation of Junshan Mobile, there is no interest in the stock?"

"Junshan Mobile? Is this a new shop that is going to be prepared?"

"Yes, specialize in operating flying, communication, communication, communication business."

"Why is the move? Why not call ... Junshan Fetion? Or Junshan traffic?"

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Telecom ... The prospect of Fetion is not as good as mobile, the traffic will have new business in the future. This is not a focus, the focus is, is there being an interest?"

Dongfang looked at his confident smile, remembered his past "record", not from the mouth: "Good, 50,000 two? Or 100,000? Our Yuhuang !"

Zhao Rong said: "Five thousand two, Yu Huang Pavilion accounts for more than 100,000, Yu Huang Pavilion accounts for 1%, the ceremony is the same?"

Dongfang's rituals have been pondering for a long time, they will come back to taste. Zhao Ran is a bit limited to the shares, indicating that his prospects for Mount Junshan is extremely optimistic. So I asked: "If 200,000?"

Zhao Ran quickly gave an answer: "It accounts for two%."

Oriental Gifts took a long time and asked a question: "The low-order method of flying characters is the most easy to imitate, not to mention, this is a simple version of the flyer, as long as it is asked The city can put a refining method by the rune structure. How to ensure that the future of Junshan Mobile will be willing to buy rather than homemade? "

The essence of this problem is actually a pricing issue, and in the case of unacceptable technical monopoly, the basic factor in determining the price is cost. Zhao Ran did not hide the meaning, and the big cockroach took a self-use fly to hand to the East ceremony: "The ritual brother takes a look, if it is refined by the brother, how much silver is there?"

After the Oriental Gift came over, some hesitated: "I really let me see?"

Zhao Ran did a hand gesture, in order to show yourself, oriental rituals are not rushing to Zijinshan, and the two have found a tea building in the roadside. The Oriental Gifts will be immersed in the gods, and Zhao Ran has a bowl of tea, and the Oriental Gift has retired from the study of rune structure. It is said that it is actually such a thinking, when it is true ... A simplified single split, the province has no number of troubles, why have never been seen in the millennium? "

Zhao Rong said: "It is not no longer thinking, but I've been awarded to the avenue. I thought that this is the next year, I think of it, I don't have to be interested, even if I explore it, it is not necessarily Will think of broad, more likely to hide, think that the secret transmission, pass the one or two generations, if it is an unfortunate, it will be lost. Only when I am such a class, I will focus on this, haha. "

Oriental Gifts Nodded: "Let's say it." He shook his head: "Where is it customary? Although it is a good, it is also a good, and the elegance is."

Zhao Rong said: "How much silver is needed with the energy of the ritual teacher, how much is it takes? How much man is expensive!"

Oriental ceremonies closed the deposit, and the road: "Almost around one or two silver, three times can get ten, the mana cost is much more,

Zhao Rong said: "Now the problem is coming, the ceremony has used the ten two silver, spent three times, consumes one-fifth mana, refining ten flying characters, when you get down the mountain gate, suddenly found on the market, The same ten flying characters, you can easily get ten silver, you will think about it, do you think about it? "

Dongfang Liquan: "It is indeed the cost of buying. Can you make money?"

Zhao Rong said: "Two years ago, the Zongsheng Hall has developed this outcome, and the reason did not take it, because I haven't found a large-scale refining method. Now we have found it, so I am going to take it out and the world monks share. I can also disclose a little, the sale of the fly, will rely on the Junshan note issuance point and four seasons, one or two silver are the retail price, the price of bulk wholesale is only eight money! Even if the future, the future, the future, can still make a big earner earn.

Based on the confidence of Zhao Ran, Dongfang is no longer hesitant. When you contact the Emperor Tianshi of the Yuhuang Pavilion, you will have to reply, and Dongfang Tianshi directly asks him to enter the share of 200,000 silver.

As a result, the Shareholders of Junshan moved almost completed, so that the Yu Huangge is already enough, Zhao Ran did not intend to share it with others, this is the blood transfusion machine he reserved for the Zongsheng Pavilion, will The source is constantly hematopoietic.

The key technology of Junshan Mobile is to rewrite the targeted improvement of the Fracture. This is the second revision after the replication method is written after the revocation of the copy lottery ticket. It can be called the Fragrance 3.0, if there is no technical support, Zhao Ran is It is absolutely not available for large-scale supply.

After the Oriental Gifts and Zhao Ran reached the shareholding agreement, it immediately represented the Sanqing Pavilion to him, and 10,000 communications and five thousand carriers. The price is supplied, and the total value is 10,000 and two silver. The supply period is one month, Zhao Ran is very refreshing, in his, but it is a four or five days of production. Perhaps the time of four or five days, the home of the family will collect the power of the whole door, but I can take it out, but I am afraid I have to get tired.

During this order, the Zongsheng Hall will earn five thousand two. Of course, this is no case in which R & D costs, but for Zhaoran, the so-called research and development costs, in fact, it is, it is not enough. .

Last year, the Sanqing Pavilion used more than 7,000 flying characters, and 40,000 silver were consumed, and it was tightly tightly used. Although the amount of load information of the new version of the fly is not large, but in actual use, the number of flyers in nine-nine flying characters is 100, which is basically sufficient to use. And one is not enough, two, two, two are not enough, it is not a problem.

After the Orientation of the Orientation, she labeled the tone. "Single order, the Sanqing Couple saves more than 20,000 silver, Zhuo Long is very pleased. In the next year, the Sanqing Pavilion's flying fidelity is enough ! "

Zhao Ran smiled and did not speak, and he said that you have added orders in the year.

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