Taoist Law

Chapter 141 before the defenders

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In the city outside the river, Baishazhou, a round of bending months hanging from the night sky. The light boat scored the water, and broke the full river star of the boat.

Doing free to stop, Gu Yizhang foot tips, jumped through the riverside of the three feet, falling on the boulder standing in the boulder, his opposite, his opposite is a fight, hands holding Du Xingzhi in the chest.

The two men standing face to face, I just listened to the river rolled up the waves of the river.

For a long time, Du Xing is slightly low, and the fight is getting more and more deep, and his face is covered into a vain.

"You came?"

"I'm coming."

"You shouldn't come ..."

"But I still come ..."

Du Xingquan sighs: "Are you really not afraid?"

Gu Yifei said: "What are you afraid? Since you dare to come, you are not afraid!"

"The organizing committee is not allowed to meet privately before the players, otherwise the results of the two are all determined."

"Is there this rule? Why don't I know?"

"" Practice of the Purchase Regulations for the Purchase of Limited Regulations] The third paragraph, the contestants or straight relatives are privately met before the game, depending on the way to grades the results, cancel the qualifications, etc. , I have purchased and redeem it all, I can take one to five times a fine. "

" ? ... whent ..."

"Gu brother is taking a little, coming to it, then there is no way, and listen to me."

"I have something to say!"

"Tomorrow, Du Mou wants to fight with Gu brother. Can Gu brother have to fight?"

"How is the winning? What is the defeat?"

"The winner can put the" Friends of Junshan ", how?"

Gu Yuyuan haha ​​smiled: "It turns out that you are eye red this? It is also, depending on you!"

Du Xing ?? That "That will, please, please, please, I will last, the winner, the winners, the winners, three weeks!"

Gu Peiyuan asked: "Why do you use me? Do you not do it yourself?"

Du Xingzhi helpless said: "When you just think of it, when you are ready, the few satin are closed ..."


Du Xingquan and Gu Peiyuan often met in Jiangxinshazhou, the Huangguan team prepared to guard against the stunned, and the restaurant next to the Gongyuan gathered with friends and friends, Sima Feng, Jin Niang, and Miao rushed over from Maoshan. , Specially for him.

Sima Feng Fu toast: "I wish Zhang brother tomorrow horses to work, and successfully defended!"

Zhang Tengming Hao Mai's raise drink: "Thank you Sima Ge,"

An Miao said: "Zhang Gongzi, I don't drink, today with tea, I hope to shake the spirit, and I will continue to be the owner."

Zhang Tengming also dreamed of drinking. The drink is full, but it is stopped by Jin Niang: "Slow some, let's eat the dish, and then, tomorrow is a battle, leave the amount, win, drink it."

Zhang Tengming took a deep breath and sinking for a while. "Since the fall of the mountain last year, he participated in the practice ball competition. He selected from the sea. After the group competition, the eight strong games, successfully won the decision, there have been frustrations and bumps, see Over the scenery and glory, how many sad teles, how many destroys, don't look at a small wooden ball, but contain the number of inexperienced sour, life tastes ... "

Sima Xi Fu immediately toast: "Single is this family comprehension, Zhang brother does not have this hard! For your brother!"

After the two were finished, Zhang Tengming continued: "After the start of this spring season, the head of the lord is on the head of the grandfather, and the weight is deeply stressed. In these three months, in addition to watching the battle every week, I am also trying to try. The ball skills, understands the mystery, and more thanks to the golden monks, only to be inch, the whole person's mind is completely immersed, such a day, I have never thought about it. I have never thought about it until last week At the time, I was at the scene. Although I was practicing the ball, I thought it was my practice. Practice the ball repairing the ball, the ball, the game is more practice.

Listening to this words, everyone stayed, Sima gave a big way: "Zhang brother is preparing to join the Dan? When it is a gratifying!"

An Miao also took the hand: "Zhang Gongzi said this, I want to sign up, and taste Jin Dan's taste."

Jin Niang is even very happy, holding Zhang Tengming's hand, eyes red, one word can't say.

On the occasion of talking, there is a hustle and bustle of the road, the voice is getting bigger and bigger, noisy, drinking the wine from the second floor, seeing a sedan chair is surrounded by people, do not let pass .

"The surname Huo, there is a species!"

"Huo Your, you are a famous dog, the bad guys don't go to the bomb, and you don't want to fall into the dedicated Gan!"

"Speaking is! How is the Gan people dial to the people to repair the way, hindering what is your surname Huo?"

He is a singer, uu reads the book www.uukanshu.com to catch the wind to catch up, the construction is not unscrupulous, and the construction will be able to listen to the sky ... "

"Dog officials are killed!"

"Tell him!"

I don't know who I sent a sound, and the crowd began to flock to the sedan, and there were many new greenhouses in the street, and the eggs, steamed bread, and the dishes were thrown into the sedan.

The two counsers were squeezed to the West, and the top chair was also crowded. A middle-aged Confucian wolf climbed out from the car door, and was guarded by two loyal sakes. The clothes have been pulled in a west, and there are several eggs on the hairpin, and the neck hangs a vegetable leaf and panic is hurried to escape.

There is a warm laugh in the crowd, which is a strong sense of law and discipline in Beijing, don't look at the fierce, but I know that I can't hurt, otherwise, will you run people?

Sima Feng et al, so Zhang Tengming smiled and explained: "You may not know, this Huo Wei is a manko to give things a few days ago, the buns will be renovated in the capital, and they have vibrate, Jingcheng. The people who argue themselves, slamming their villains, listening to their residents in Xuanjin Bridge, were siegeted several times, so far now, it will be sprinkled, otherwise, not smell, haha. "

Sima Fengfei: "How did Zhang brother care about these idle things?"

Zhang Tengming said: "Sima brother did not live in Beijing. After a long time, I knew, Dao Gate, the things of Dao Dynasty, it seems to be with you, but I am actually close, many times, I don't participate. No. I don't think about it, even I have to go to Huo Wei to throw the stinky egg, haha, not only him, the two latches, the two latches, I am doing break. These three people are now stunned in Beijing. The capital of Beijing is called three! "

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