Taoist Law

Chapter 143

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Lan Ke learned still did not receive the bonus of the previous lottery ticket. After seven days, his lottery was invalid; and he did not buy the lottery ticket for the last battle, so it would inevitably not appear in the redemption.

The last time I saw him at the last time, I was on the side of the cool door at the end of last month, and showed him that Peng Yunyi replaced the Jincun, who was refunded by Zhao Ran, and several people also discussed what banner words when playing, they finally The word is selected or made according to the recommendations of the law.

After that, there is no such thing as disappearing, and there is no unknown lottery issue point. I didn't participate in any lottery gathering. I didn't have a scene of the game ...

The Eastern Gifts and Wei Dynasty tried to judge that there is a problem in the departure of the brocade, it is because Zhao Ran returned to Jincun, led to the law to learn that he may be exposed, and this is hidden.

Oriental rituals are unfortunately, perhaps the arrest of the capital failed, and the two pavilions were later.

Blame me? Zhao Ran is also very taste after he heard, and I want to explain two sentences several times, and I don't know how to explain.

The Oriental Gifts took his shoulders, comforted: "But it is not worthless, this action, we finally knew his name and the road, knowing his identity, got his portrait. Unless He fled overseas, otherwise he will fall into our hands one day! So, it will not have to regret. "

"What should I do next?"

"This doesn't mean that we don't check the show. On the contrary, as the cancer of the Taoist Tag, the show must be strictly investigated, find a smash, never palliarous. Next, we will continue to find in Beijing Looking at it, see if there is any other clues, we are ready to visit half a month, if he still does not appear, he will dispose of the wind, and there is a spring breeze and watch the cloud. "

"How to dispose?"

"Listening to the wind, after all, his performance is good, we plan to continue waiting for three months in Beijing, see if he wants to contact the law to learn - Of course hope is not big. As for spring breeze and view Cloud, will be transferred to the great pavilion of the Shandong, and the case of killing Meng Yanzhen, and also see what the three palace is a reaction. "

When I left, the Oriental ceremony said that because Zhao Ran's identity is special, it will not let him slow down to check the case, so that he will refill back to the duty of the Xuanzhan Palace, think about growing the faithful credit .

So Zhao Run Zhiyou "and continued to be busy in the Xuanzhan Palace.

In the early lasts, the Beijing road and drain renovation projects have been almost halfway in the middle of the Beijing, in accordance with the statistics of the generals of the department, the total standards of 280 thousand pieces, 3,800 strings Block, coupled with the kiln port using the coal burning kiln, and the subsidy of the trade division, a family of two people, and then calculate the expenditure of the Qingzhuang time fees in the city, charity gold total More than about 4,000.

In addition to the material, the spending of silver is very savings. The reason for the savings is the large-scale use of the spirit of the demon. The progress of the project.

Especially the latter, there is no more than a high-efficiency team from Song You and Lu Ziyu brings to the Efficient team of Song Fan, and there is no good atmosphere of the work of the top floor, and the work of the two homes and cooperation. This project is absolutely impossible. Progress is so fast.

The transformation of roads and drains is a small job. The entire project is expected to be completed at the end of the month. When May, Zhao Ran is ready to start the bridge's prevaggism. When he will start moving the center of gravity.

Unismposted, the household, the unbearable case, finally entered the Decision of the Directive in the Cabinet, the University of Wuying Temple, Xia Yan, the University of the Temple, the University of Wenyuange, the university, Xu jointly agreed by Dadao, Criminal Department and Dali The temple has passed the household in the case,

This thing is so big, some are very unexpected, and it is clear that some people will promote the boom.

When Zhao Ran was free, I asked Li Da Yin, and I didn't have a very familiarity of the school. "This is the official, in fact, let's talk, it is for that position."

Zhao Ran asked: "Which position? What do you mean?"

Li Da hidden in one step: "I may not understand the trend in the palace. Now there are only three in the cabinet, saying that the emperor should add one, not this month, it is next month, take a look at the results of the court. Who is a real winner, a glimpse. "

So Zhao Ran understood, told Chiang I bidding and more selling together.

In the early days of April, the three laws will be aware of the case, first find Huo Wei, and the laurel is a simple query, but just inquiry, both of them are a coloremo, and if they have said it, I don't have to use it. responsible for.

After asking, the round to the ritivity of the righteous guidelines, his identity did not have a legal protection, and was directly summoned. If you want a step to get a day, you must naturally take a risky preparation, Zhang Wei is so shink, it is far from the gentleness of the hall, and the words are quite blanking.

Then I should check the specific goal of this thousand two silver should be verified by the relevant people of Tianfu. The result of the verification is not any problem, the silver is indeed, and it is indeed used in the renovation of the road. It is specifically used to buy bricks, handlers, accounting people, and the kiln mains can be found, and the account will be complete.

After confirming that the households have indeed a thousand two, everyone is really concerned, and everyone is more concerned about the book, especially after the "Imperial City", the facing outward is concentrated in this case.

Appropriation is used to renovate the capital. This matter is a people's heart, the people are called for this, but they are very concerned about the same people for Ganshun, because the timing of allocation is wrong.

The renovation of Beijing is the charity cause of the Xuanzhan Palace. It is the business of the Taoist, and the account is involved in this matter. If there is any supreme suspicion, in other words, it is unauthorized.

There is a saying, the program is not correct, and the result is not necessarily good; the procedure is justified, the result is not enough.

The case continued to progress, on 14th, the three lawsmen began to query the relevant personnel of the household, so that people fell the eyeball, the movement of such a big case, the result is not completed one day.

The reason is very simple, the households indeed paid a thousands of silver to the Tianfu, but the money is the same as the pair of waves!

This results have been exploded, the entire capital of the people will run, and the fireworks and firecrackers do not know how much, the same name is large, and the prestige is no two!

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