Taoist Law

Chapter 147 7 Star Wen (on)

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Gu Hao's man fled to the house in the critical situation, and the house they just came completely collapsed, a burly strong man hit the long handle hammer, stepped on the ruins, stepped on the bricks Four people, top of the top of the golden helmet, dressed in the sun, glittering in the sun.

Gu Yao squinted his eyes: "Giant Hengshan!"

The giantheng mountain did not answer, and two eyes were cold in the face of the helmet.

I don't know when, I took out a monk with a brightened silver gun. I stood three eldest in front of him. I held a knife shield. Behind two robe.

Gu Yao Head took a circle, nodded: "Zhao Fei gun, three knives, water fire road people, Xingling Palace Seven Star monks, all come to deal with the old man, when it is a pet."

Here is not far from the waterfront, it is in the fishing village. It is reasonable to say such a movement. The fishermen in the village should be alarm, or there is no way to escape. Either a far away, never don't move like it is like now. No matter what happens. Gu Yao Heith has turned, and it is said that it has been used to lock the quarter from the opponent, can't pass the voice.

The seven-star monks belong to the hardening in the Xingling Palace, making the giant bangs of the long silend and the Zhao Fei gun who make the silver gun are the Dafa Master, the three knives and water fires are all Jin Dan Masters, and the ordinary upper three palaces The monks are different, they are all kinds of monks who are good at fighting. Seven people were born from the South China Sea, and they were recruited in the top 20 years ago, not only awarded their duties, but also fonduated with a large price, it was one of the war of the three-palace bine.

Different from the teacher of the old man, the seven-star monks are good at hard and harden, and they hit the assassination of their teachers and fans. It is not a way. But since it is daytime, it has faced a bright, and I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid. What's more, the other party is in order to kill people, it is impossible to come so seven.

Sure enough, after the three knives, there was a figure, which is the dedication of the Xingling Palace, and the refiningant is moving.

Gu Hao, asked: "Saddao brother is also difficult for me to make a teacher?"

Sheng Dynasty frown: "I heard that you have to betray the three palaces?"

Gu Yao He shook his head: "Where is the Sheng Dao brother? The Palace made me close the show, I was inquiring, just gangled Henan, now I am going to Hangzhou, how to talk about the beta Is the palace? "

Sheng End Ming Road: "In this case, you will go back to me, let things know, don't you have anything?"

Gu the old road: "Take the situation in front of us, Sad Brother, do you think I dare to go back with you? Go to the three palaces, afraid it is a dead road?"

Shengdong thought about it, nodded to agree: "It doesn't dare, I am afraid I am afraid."

Gu Lao Tao: "Shengdao brother, looking at you in the past, I have always been good, I have always been served by the sincerity, let go of my teachers? My teacher is in accordance with the court, Take all the show in the show as soon as possible, and I said that I didn't say a word! "

Sheng End sighed: "If it is next to it, look at the emotion, put it. But it is not, this is the token of Qiwang Temple, I am not such a courage, you If you don't want to go, I have to do it. "

When I talked about him, I tried to play Zhang Fei, and it was like a transparent wall that hit a shadowless transparent wall, folded back into ashes. See this, his eyes have fallen into a seam: "What is this?"

"The nine ridges are degraded, but it is hidden, and then adds an iron lock."

After that, the Sheng End Ming big sleeve is turned, and a man is struggling to take care of the old man. Gu Hao helpless, only have to fight, the fingertips popped up, and the strength of the Sheng Dynasty. Sheng End Ming double sleeves rebound, the two mana rotates, and when they are dragons, roaring again. Gu's old man is still in five fingers, pops up five red light, and dispel it.

Sheng End is not ill, and the mana will once again in the sleeve.

Maple leaves, falling towards Sheng Dynasty and surrounding the seven-star monks around, let people be hiding.

Sheng Dynasty praised the sentence: "Good way!" Shake hand is three flames. The four-order parallel of this road is a good condition of the attack and defensive. After playing, it immediately generates a flame burning the blade, covering the whole hospital, and shooting a dazzling radiance.

At the same time, the three flames appeared at the same time, and the one layer was covered with layers, and walked the old man and the five people, and built a golden flameless flame cage. The cage will burn all the red leaves of the sky into the ashes, and the land is landed.

The same firing, the refining master's grand ending is to be much better.

Gu Yao's helplessness, he suddenly violently countered the means and was resolved by an opponent. There is no better way to temporarily, you can only continue to be patient.

Sheng Dynasty is in the Xingling Palace, which is a big dedication, it is very strong, but it doesn't mean how much is it than the old man, and I can pick it up in the three pagodies in the past year. This is the recognition of the Shangsan Palace to him, indicating that he has a unique strength.

From the fight, Gu Yao's skills come from Xuanmen Authentic. According to the reason, it can be stable, but he has not received a dining teacher. In the use of the art, it is not small, so it is not small. When the festival is mutilated, it forms a deadlock.

The spirit of the Sheng Dynasty did not take care of the old man. The purpose of he shot is to drag the old man, and to create a fighter for the four-star monk to defeat the other party.

The seven-star monks have also shot. At the beginning, the feet began to step on the battle, with the giantheng mountain as the heaven, Zhao Fei gun is the heaven, pressed the gravity of the seven-star, with the water and fire, the sky, and the pounding , The three knives are jade, Kaiyang, rushing, Samsung set a fighter, guiding the direction of attack.

Beidou Qixing kills, immediately attacked the old man.

Whether it is Sheng Dynasty or a seven-star monk, all of their recruits have been taken by Gu Hao, and the red leaves of the sky continue to be generated, falling as a rain, struggling with the opponent.

Four disciples have never been shot, and each is a quasi-position.

The old bodies are like a, like Xuanwu, accounting for the north, the main old clouds; the old two arms stretches, looks like Suzaku, the southern place, the summer of the Lord, the old, the old three, the old three, the old man , Accounting for the power of the West, the autumn of the main less Yin; the old four-shaped circles, the Qinglong's power, accounting for the place of the Orient, the Spring of the Lord Shaoyang.

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