Taoist Law

Chapter 150 of the traitor

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Zhao Ran came out of the darkness, holding a box: "Please ask this friend, hiding here in the middle of the night, is there anything that does not mean, please ask the friends to confuse me ..."

He is polite here, but the other person does not polite with him. If you haven't finished it, people have two purple clouds, and they come to Zhao Ran.

After Zhao Ran, he didn't hide, and sighed: "Why can't you talk well?"

Ziyun knife flew out of his side, took a circle, returned to the hands of Xiangling Palace Jin Dan monk, then the monk saw the double knife through Zhao Ran "vain" back, so he turned his head to see another place. Then I quickly rushed in the France, search Zhao Ranzhen.

Zhao Ran saw him in the array, looking for himself around the circle, couldn't help but laugh: "Don't find it, the poor road is here ... Hey, you are very polite, talk to you, why not ? "

The other party still does not answer, and it is still still searching with a fool. When he ran from his own side, Zhao Rong said: "Don't run, tired ..."

The cold is not suddenly turning his face, and the purple cloud double knife cut into Zhao Ren!

Zhao Ruyou hopped, the opponent was quasi-junior, the seemingly deviation, the fact that the size and angle of the deviation was calculated, and Zhao Ran's heart is tied up. More than ten fire characters were thrown out to interfere with the opponent, and the body was backward, and the other's purple cloud double knife, the chest clothing has been drawn.

Zhao Ran is a cold sweat, and he is really a big. This guy is very delicate. If it is a golden Dan repair, the two knives have been seen. It seems that the anti-person died in the words, this sentence is not a word, can you be an anti-dispatch?

He retired from three feet, the opponent's purple cloud double knife like a shadow, tightly followed, still calculated the angle and orientation of the deviation, the blade shot seeming to be skewed, and the thorn became accurate.

After the Baguo Moon, the eight gaggue was very light, and the eight-door change was very light, and the control was extremely flexible. Zhao Ranfa was immediately transformed, and the opponent's purple cloud doubled suddenly.

The opponent is not looked at, the double knife continues to interleave, and then find the correct orientation and angle after the two rounds, and the calculation is fast, and it is really sighful.

Zhao Ran did not intend to consume it, a little wisdom of the loop, followed by a nine palace plum flower. The opponent was shocked by the radioplane, and the brain had a pain, the whole person was caught in a blank, and the huge tornness was suddenly transmitted. This tear force was around him, and the stronger turmoil was formed, and it felt the whole space. It must be torn.

Zhao Ran wants to ask, so he did not continue to hit the opponent with a wisdom of the smart ring, but the Jiuchao Meihua is directly hard. How is the nine palace plum compass, is it a golden Dan Master to resist, the opponent wants to resist, but a few words just flew out, they were smashed by the storm, the mysterious water masks were also pulled seven zero Eight fall, whimpete, the instrument dropped in the ground, and the eyes were reimbursed.

The mana storm continues to be sent, torn into a one, the opponent is weak, followed by the whole body, and the speed is rotated.

Zhao Ruen's eyes did not look too much, and fight against it, it may be over, so he took the photo, withdraws the symbol, the opponent falls in the air, pale, and spitting, struggling, but never can't get up.

Zhao Ran's flying out of the rope, and the red rope was scattered, and Shijoo walked over and took the opponent's face: "Not bad, what? You have qualified registration."

The opponent did not take care of him, twisted his face, and Zhao Ran helpless, he had to show the fooler. There is no way to match the wisdom, and the fooler is slow, and it is difficult to play too much effect on the target object of the emotions.

Zhao Ranfei has been in a long time, and it is not effective. It can only start trying to work with the wisdom of Wisdom, and

traitor? The traitor of the Xingling Palace may be saved?

Who is a traitor, this Jin Dan moon also does not understand, but Zhao Ran engaged in the people who dispatched this Temple Palace, leading the big supply of Shengming, the main force of the murdere is the seven-star monk, used is the There are eight people, two goldenans, six mages, including this person.

Asked here, this guy has a mouthful of mouth, God is unclear, can't ask again. Zhao Ran regrets, but unfortunately, he will not be able to be painful, but also keep people awake, or if there is military and Ding Wei's knowledge, it is nausea, use I am afraid that there will be psychological barriers.

Since I plan to cross a bar, Zhao Ran definitely wants to find a helper, and the power of Xingling Palace is not weak, a refining teacher, two big masters, five golden Dan - the outside is not enough, Zhao Ran felt that if he was so hard, he was afraid of a little hanging. Although he didn't fear the three palace, he didn't want to face his face to become a man. After all, he was still the abstinement of the Xuanko Palace.

So the flyzal oriental ceremony, telling the feelings.

Dongfang Li Zheng and Wei Chao Zong brothers and sisters release spring breeze, watching clouds to Lushan, just out of the jurisdiction of Shangyuan County, about more than 50, received Zhao Rui, I am very interested, and I will decide when you simply negotiate with Weijia brothers and sisters. Return immediately and strive to grab people from the top three palace.

50 miles, all the best returns, but the small half of the time, the Oriental gift is surprised by Zhao Ran, and when necessary, I want to drag the drag, Zhao Ran is promised.

When they came back to the work, Zhao Ran continued to sweep the periphery, and it was still the hunter of the gossip monthly. He didn't need to force the population this time, it was a smart ring, and he flicked the magic and the nine palace. The problem was quite rapid, a column incense, conveniently quietly, the upper three-pater surrounding wind warfare Turning, the red rope is pouring a rotating tie and practicing more cooked.

After the periphery is cleaned, Zhao Ran is close to the illusion, and the nine ridges are grades a generic law. It is "universal", meaning the big road. Since this method is often used, it is natural to say that it is not bad, but it will not talk to Gao Ming. Especially in the hand of Zhao Ran, the role is almost equal to not.

Since the innocence is hushed, his sky is getting more and more juggling. After opening, the position of the gathering of the heavens flows into the orientation, combined with the understanding of this method, go forward, go forward Several steps, go to the left, go to the right step, the Shun Shun Dang into the array, there is no surprising, the surprises.

By the way, by this magic, Zhao Ran is more convenient to hide the shape, not being detected easily.

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