Taoist Law

Chapter 159 Good people

Zhao Ran has walked to the gurt of God, and he received the fly character of the Oriental Gift. After a day of treatment, Gu Yao's teacher and apprentices have returned. Dongfang said that this finally figured out the true name of the other party, the surname "Gu" "Come", "Lanchuan" and "Gark" are his pseudonym.

Zhao Ran stayed, this I remembered that there was a "Gark Xue" monk who issued a few days ago. I didn't expect him to be him. No wonder he didn't go to the prize, and didn't buy a lottery ticket. I have been in the prison of the Juan Tan Palace, this is really ... I am distressed ...

Dongfang said that Gu Ke Xue agreed to contribute to all of his informed, and provide adequate evidence to confirm his supply, but there is a prerequisite, he wants to see Zhao Ran.

The hidden stronghold of the Empress Pavilion in Water Body has expanded a lot. Through Zhao Ran revealed the news, the Wei Chaozong will cut the west of the west, and the total cost has taken more than eighty silver, and the current price has turned More than double.

Dongfang Li also represents the Sanqing Pavilion's sub-dish in the south, and after the East Pavilion's yard, it became a courtyard of nearly eight acres.

Before buying, there was a small earning idea, but after buying, they will not be sold out, to tell the truth, earn more than 100 two silver sons through the way of fried land, come to the two pavilions It's really not to see your eyes, just renovate it.

After the renovation, in the middle of the two yards, he quickly built a rockery to distinguish the block, got a few of the rivers and the big stone, and there were a bit of interesting interest.

Dongfang Lihe Wei Dynasty was standing under the rockery, see Zhao Ran's arrival, showing it on the rockery of two or three feet, so Zhao Ruen is going.

Gu can learn the top of the rockery, the fishing fire on the north side of the wall of the wall is full of nostalgia.

Zhao Ran went to him, after handling his hand, accompanied him a moment, then asked: "I heard that Gu Precious wants to see me?"

Gu can learn back: "Don't claim for the predecessors, seek Zhao Fangzhang, I want to thank the abbot's life-saving, if there is no financial assistance, Gu Mang and a few disciples, this is not in the world."

Zhao Ran smiled, unliked: "In fact, I don't want to thank me, save you, if you want to clear the tumor, if you care about the truth, you will fully cooperate with the two pavilions."

Gu Kexisen said: "Yes, but I still want to talk to you."

"Please tell me the predecessor."

"If I fully cooperate with two pavilions,

Can you give me a chance to give me and my disciples? "

"what chance?"

"I didn't choose to choose, my disciples didn't choose, but from now on, my old age I want to be a good person, the avenue doesn't expect, but I have a lot of white and the disciples."

Zhao Ran looked at the old man in front of the white hair, there was a bit of gods in a time. He watched the big river outside the wall. Seeing they let you do a good job ... "

Gu Ke said: "The old man said to them, they said that this is listening to you."

"Ah?" Zhao Ran stunned, it is really not going on the board. It's not open, and Zhao Ran can't help but ask: "Who said? Song Dynasty and Guardian?"

Gu Kexisen shakes his head: "No, they said that it is Wu Tianshi and Zhao Zhen."

Zhao Ran didn't know what to say, Wu Tianshi and Zhao Zhen actually gave this kind of thing to his decision? Is it too much to see yourself?

See Zhao Ran did not answer, Gu Kexis took a hard shell fold page, and gave Zhao Ran: "Zhao Fangzhang, this is your postal practice certificate. At that time, Yu Dao Long said, future Some evidence, no matter where it is, enjoy the right to be protected by Dow, as long as the power can be able to give the licensee. "

Zhao Rong said: "If you know that you are Gu Ke Ke, I will not be certified. And the name on this certificate is Gark Xue."

"I haven't learned in the future, I haven't lived to learn. I only have the goroke Xue, Zhao Fangzhang, and the old disciples live together ..."

Zhao Ran retired to the roll-away, and the Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty, the two were very clear, and the two were very clear, together to Zhaoran, indicating that Zhao Ran decided to give the guidance opportunity.

Zhao Ran sighed and turned to: "Good cooperation with two pavilions, make up for your previous negligence. You will be Guke Xue."

After that, Zhao Ran turned around the rockery.

Zhao Ran followed the garden with Dongfang Lihe Wei Dynasty, Gu Kexisen is still moving, and staying out of the direction he leave.

When I came to his body, I walked to him, I wanted to take him away. Gu Keecheng double knees soft, squatted toward Zhao Rong's shadow, and slammed three heads.

Zhao Ran and Dongfang Rong, the guards, the guards, the newly opened courtyard, Zhao Ran smiled: "This industry is very good, Sanqing Pavilion and the East Pavilion will thank you for two brothers."

G / DPRP: "The site should not be here? This is really like a so that it is, what is it ... Landscape?"

Zhao Ran's head: "This piece along the river will plant trees, the road of Qingshi Tiles will be in the flowers in the flowers, and the people can come to the river view when they are idle, and they will play."

Juggle, Zhao Ran asked: "Two brothers, now Gu Ke Ke learned, he is the most critical person, there is he cooperated, it will be able to check all the show, but must be fast. On the top three palaces have begun to jump wall. "

So today's Juan Tan Palace was briefly told, and the Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty Pen were meditated.

Zhao Ran said: "Gu Kexisan is here, the brother can only solemnly remind the two brothers, beware of being in the third palace. My company is now in the moon, and there are still many spiritual repairs. If it is Two brothers need, a fly, and the moon is inevitably transferred. "

Dongfang Ring Road: "Let's rest assured, we don't have to worry here, I am old, and the Empress Qiu Changzheng is rushing from Lushan. Two two tonight, we will escape the academicians, spring breeze and Viewing the cloud and other people committed to the real teacher, the above three palaces can not be divided into us. After the truth, it can be officially summoned. "

"That's good. The only worried, it is the crime of destruction in advance of the three palaces."

"It can't be ruined. Before you have learned, you have come, Gu Kexue has simply say some cases, and the show will be mastered by him, and the upper three palace is destroyed, and it can't be destroyed."

Before Zhao Ran left, the Wei Dynasty was said: "We are also very worried about the safety of the safety, just have already neglected, my family three sisters and military, Ding Wei, Zhao Ran's need, although he said."

Zhao Ran smiled: "Thank you for your brother, the sister's sister can stay. Of course, she is not a good night to have a bridal fight with my three division brothers? Simply let her go to the moon."

Wei Chaozong laughed: "This proposal, I am in favor of my hands! Sanmei lost, I have never forgotten, so I don't accept it, I have a headache, I just let her go to quarrel."

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