Taoist Law

Chapter 161

That night, Zhao Ran was sent to Zikinshan by Chen Tianshi.

On the way to Shangshan, Zhao Ran asked Li Dawei: "Lao Li, Chen Tianshi is asked for me?"

Li Da smahested: "Do you know what you do?"

The dramatic change in this moment, let Zhao Ru's heart have been careful, mostly the things of the show.

Zhao Ran looked at Li Da Houji: "Lao Li, no matter what is doing, I am worried."

Li Da Houpeng: "You are a fortune, but what is my teacher?"

Zhao Rong said: "This thing sooner or later, I personally think that it is better than the late, get rid of this stain, everyone can light up, isn't it?"

Li Dayin is not good: "You stand in the truth, but what is the use? You go to tell my teacher."

Zhao Ran knows that Li Da Yin is on the air, and it is not good for it. He is not worried that Chen Tiansheng will take himself. Since people are looking for themselves, they will explain that they want to sit down and talk, otherwise it is not asked at all.

It is still in the temple of Ziyi, still is Li Da hidden with Chen Tianshi, Zhao Ranzheng sitting headed, waiting for the possible arrogance.

However, the wind is raining, there is no arrival, Chen Tianshi's tone is very peaceful: "Today, I fly the Kyushu Pavilion, asked about the credibility of the Tianfu, now I haven't bleached four million, so Looking down, I have been tens of thousands of last months, there should be no problem, even one million, and two million are very likely. "

Zhao Ran replied: "Mainly, in three things, the first one is the practice ball competition with the Li Da hidden brother, the driving effect of the growth of the credit growth is not underestimated; the other two is the renovation of Beijing and preparatory bridges, etc. After a new city, the Beijing Road is new, and the credit should also grow. As for the bridge, I expected a big outbreak point, such as the bridge built, should break 20 million this level, I am still more optimistic of."

Zhao Ran did not want to say his goal, but at this moment, the relationship between the two parties is subtle, he decided to take this target value and ease the atmosphere.

Sure enough, after listening, Chen Tianshi is very happy, and the face of Li Da Yin is also very beautiful.

Chen Tianshi promised: "If the credit of Tianfu can reach 20 million, let me say a wish, I do my best to complete it!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Then I can write down Chen Tianshi's commitment.

Three people laughed together and fell into silence.

After a moment, Chen Tianshi finally said: "Today, the Tianshu fly is worthy, and the real master is in summary, discussing the show."

Zhao Ran nodded slightly, indicating that he has heard it.

Donned, Chen Tianshi continued: "I heard that Gu Kechu, who is in charge of the show, is it caught?"

Zhao Ran nodded again, and encountered the people in the riverside fishing village to kill the learning apprentice, said by what he saved, the last said: "This is a lucky, it is not intentional, of course, intentionally I can't do it for it. If they are two ornaments, how can I get a business? "

Li Da Yin was blamed by: "That is not to hand it over to the East Pavilion."

Zhao Ran asked: "Lao Li, then you said, should I give people? Who is returning to the three palaces? Or stay in my Xuanko Palace? Or hand it over to Lao Li? Still talking about it, Just not doing this? "

Li Da Yin has a moment, can't answer.

Chen Tiansheng smiled and said: "The thing is here, the big hidden should be pursued. On the Sanchewan founded the show, there is a discourse, the inside is right, sometimes it is difficult to comment. Today, please come, not It is necessary to blame, but I want to ask, let's practice for the emperor, what do you think? "

Zhao Ran out: "It doesn't agree!"

Chen Tianshi asked: "Why?"

Zhao Rong said: "Is this a ancestral system for Lushan? It is ruled about six hundred years ago."

Chen Tianshu put his hand and said: "What is the ancestral system, don't mention it, it is not a human body, if you really follow the ancestral system, I will not talk to you when I don't invite you to Xuan. The Tan Palace is served. If you say that your cognition, the emperor practice, what happened? "

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "About the emperor can not practice, I have answered the records of the year, when I was the first to advocate. He said that the Central Tang's disaster is returned to Li's practice, with the emperor sitting big, Taoist It can't be made. In this way, there is also the emperor and Buddha door to collude, fight the move of our door. Therefore, the fax teacher said that the door needs to practice the emperor. "

Chen Tianshi said: "If you say that it is orthodox, you can have an intellectuality, check it out for six hundred years ago, it is really less. But today I want to say to it, if there is a day, there will be a day in the future The Truth Hall, can see a lot of history of the Tuesday of Lushan in the Baojian Pavilion. "

Zhao Ran is busy: "Chen Tianshi highly watched the small road, the small road He Dynasty, dared to expect the real teacher."

Chen Tianshi said: "If you are expected, you don't have to be humble. When you let go of the relevant historical materials, you will be aware of this discipline, but it is not a meeting."

Zhao Ran is awkward, and "there is no mention?"

Chen Tianshi said: "The fact that is too ancestor. It is not known that the emperor of Taizu has been a monk in the Buddha, and the Daomen sent ancestors who have supported a lot of Cheng Dabao in the past. The arrogance of the Taizu is the most inquiry, in fact, it has finally confirmed this result, and he finally took the people in the dragon chair. "

"Biqiu? Isn't it the fish of the Buddha Wars?"

Chen Tiansheng smiled, did not correct Zhao Ran, but said: "Therefore, the fax Tianshi is the so-called first advocated, in fact, it is not mentioned by the Lushan sitting, but before this, each of them discusses the time of the true life. For a condition preset for the emperor. But because the appearance of the Taizu emperor, this condition is slightly not mentioned. "

"Where is this rule?"

"Really amended, after forty years, Yan Wang launched the situation. At the time, the door was divided into two factions. They all support Yan Wang. Just a support of the prince, just in the two swords, when I prepared a battle, I said the door. It was found that Yan Wang's counsel is a monk, so Yan Wang is annihilated by the whole family. At the time of recourse, all true found that Yan Wang has worshiped this monk, practice to Shami. The matter caused an uproar in the same time at the time, and the real manner did this really agreed the rules that the emperor could not practice. "

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