Taoist Law

Chapter 172

The Bao Bao Court is located in the northeast direction of Jinji Peak. From the position, Zhao Ran wants to pass the truth hall, and then inwards in two or three miles, pass through the Billin Sea to reach the destination.

Rendering in front of Zhaoran, it is a brilliant palace. Every palace is entangled in the palace, and the palace is covered with the vain.

In the morning, I took him here, and I brought him to a palace, let him wait, at the same time: "Zhao Fangxie cuts all things around, do not pay attention to these , will suffer. "

Zhao Ran agreed, looked at these like a jade belt-like, secretly destroyed, is these flow-like

Zhao Ran waited for a while, and the flow of the stream in front of him disappeared, revealing the body of the palace, Zhao Ruwang, the temple is "Yu Xi Hall".

Entered the hall, the inside is empty, only two futons, a few cases, Chen Tianshi is sitting a few sides, reaching out: "Staying."

Zhao Ran sat next to the case, and got the empty hall, whispering: "Is this the Bao Bao Court?"

Chen Tianshi smiled, his pair of shots, suddenly showed a row of row, six or seven, the square is a door, and it is a piece of object to block the object. Qing dynasty.

Chen Tianshi once again, the wooden door is slowly opened, and the object inside is moving out of the top, and the floating is floating. There are some lucky lottery, there are some simple, there are some distinctive shapes, and there are some weird.

Zhao Ran Yang took a look for a long time, muttered: "These ... are all the magic weapons of the total collection?"

Chen Tianshi smiled nodded: "Right!" The empty troisity of there is no magic weapon in the middle of the upper middle: "This is originally a five-school trial map, now in your holy hall." Also points to a picture on the right: "this is……"

Zhao Ran recognized it out: "Six reincarnation!"

It turned out that the Eastern Tianshi thought that the five-school real-shaped map of the gift was replaced with the six reincarnation map, which made Zhao Ran's gratitude to the Oriental Tianshi once again. Many.

Suddenly remembered something: "Bagua Ziyu Dan furnace? What is Zhang Tianshi to change?"

Chen Tianshi said: "It is sold with silver."

"Can the silver change?" Zhao Ran is somewhat surprised. If you can really change the magic treasure, he doesn't mind making money more effort.

"Of course, I don't have it."

It is necessary to have two real teachers of the treasure, two old, eight patriarchalism, and then report the clouds, and Changyu's real people. "

Don't watch Chen Tianshi is a Tianshi Tianshi, but twelve people have adopted, and then approved by the two of the two orientations of the temple, it is not small, and the relationship Zhao Ran is not too late, he is more concerned Is the silver: "How many silver is used?"


Zhao Ran took a breath: "Good expensive ..." Bagua Ziyu Dan furnace better, but with 800,000 to change it, it is really a bitache. Eight hundred thousand two silver assets have all the venue, but there are 800,000 codes of silver, but they are willing to use 800,000 silver to change a magic weapon. It is also a little less. I moved out of Huayun Mountain in the same year, and the casino in my home is so poor Baba's five or six thousand.

Chen Tianshi said: "It is indeed expensive, there is no number, the treasure homes are free to sell magic weapons, can't say. These eight hundred thousand two, the dragon and the dragon, the Henan Xianyuan Pavilion and my family have everything. Fifteen thousand silver. "

Zhao Ran is somewhat intake, and the word asked: "Longhu Mountain is willing to make a silver, I can understand, but ... Tianshi, you and Guo Zhen people ..."

Chen Tianshi smiled and smiled. "There is no way, in order to let Zhang Yuan Jiji into the real teacher, we have spent a big heart, and the hundred miles are half a ninety. It is necessary to succeed, but the students are both of your home. The article has given the way. In order to buy these two articles, everyone has only saved money, and Long Hu Mountain is not so much silver, what should we do? We have to join together. "

Zhao Ran scratched his head, a little embarrassed, haha, "this ... Tianshi is forgiven."

Chen Tiansheng said: "Two articles I read, especially the second article, when you are very spicy, killing people don't see blood! My family is very concealed to serve five-body investment, he counts, add a total of more than 1,600 words, each The word is 500, which is worth a thousand gold! I said to Guo Shi, when I was in the world. "

Zhao Ran explained: "This is my company's company ..."

Chen Tianshu put his hand: "I have read this article on" Junshan Notes ", including Luohuai, and some other people ... don't look at these two articles and other articles style, the same text is the same, but that contains The murderous murder is absolutely more than one level. I don't believe that Luo Zhiqing has this keen, this consciousness, even if you are not writing, but you must be your idea. "

Zhao Ran smiled, did not explain, explained that others did not believe.

Chen Tianshi said: "I heard that I have gone to Kyushu Pavilion, I have seen the credit pool, how?"

Zhao Rong said: "" The promising growth situation of the Tianfu. "

Chen Tianshi asked: "Who is the most intense? When you know that you are the most intense?"

Since I asked, the answer is undoubtedly: "Zhou Zhen people?"

Chen Tiansheng helpless: "Yes, it is her and the old and old, she is more intense than the opposition of the old Song, usually can't see, but when I talk about it, my temper is very explosive, this woman is not good .. .... "

This kind of words are not good, can't nod, you can't shake your head. The best response method is to make something thought, so Zhao Ran's eyes suddenly deep, through Chen Tianshi, look to his back , The arms are hugged, and one hand does not stop the nose, it seems to be suffering.

Chen Tian took the way: "It is good to rise this year. Because of this, Zhou Zhen talent is not too trouble, otherwise, hey, it is hard to tighten."

Zhao Ran continues if it is thinking ...

Chen Tianshi said: "So, I hope that no matter what the future is, no matter what you have, you can continue to stay in the day, let the Xuanzhan Palace will go down, let the sky, let Nanzhi, and even drive Zhejiang, Henan's credit also saw it, is it good? "

Zhao Ruyi Head: "As long as the door needs, I will definitely do it."

Chen Tiansheng reached out and took a shot Zhao Ran's shoulder: "Very good, I will also support you."

Suddenly said: "I haven't played for a long time, and I will give me a game with me?"

Zhao Ran is busy refused: "You are boy, don't you give you old?"

I saw Chen Tianshi like a laughing expression, and the eyes were turned, trying to test: "Xu Zhen people and Wu Tianshi loves to play, or ask me?"

Chen Tianshi smiled and smiled: "Okay, there is labor."

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