Taoist Law

Chapter 174

After listening to Zhao Ran, Zhu Xiang saw the charming: "Little generation, dare to talk to me! If you don't look at the seven girl, you will teach you how to respect the elders! Tell me to talk to you, with you I broke your pro, I will teach you this little generation! "

Zhao Rong said: "The poor admitted is the seven sister, never recognized you, you don't look at it. I want to teach how to do people in the poor, I can't get you. I want to pass by the poor, the poor road is always Waiting, don't deceive you old age, you can let you three strokes! "

Zhu Xiang saw the anger: "Little Machine, also dare to give a mad, and wait, let your teacher teach you to the Zongsheng House, let your teacher teach you! Jiang Teng crane, if you don't want to teach your disciples, longevity to teach he!"

Zhao Ranha said: "This is the best laugh in this year!"

The Oriental Gifts are next to: "What is your description today? You go to the three palace things, your own real teacher is disposed, you don't have the profit!"

The Wei Chaozong stationed came and laughed: "Come come, want to teach Zhao Shi? The poor road leads to teach high!"

The quarrel here is getting bigger and bigger, gradually attracting a lot of people's attention, the blue road is a bit surprised: "Qi Wang is doing?"

Duan Dynasty used: "No matter what he is doing, go to help ..."

The righteousness, the Hall of the Empress Hand, the Hall of the Hall, the old Qiu Yunqing, and the face came out, reparing: "Who did the dare to fight?"

Zhu Xian saw the cold snort, the sleeves left, returned to the blue road and the paragraph. Three people are far away, the blue road is a little unexpected: "Why is there Zhao Zhao Zhao, why is Zhao Zhaowei?"

Zhu Xiang saw smiling: "Who is the real man."

The two are more confused.

Waiting for a moment, Qiu Yunqing came out: "The monk of the Sanong monk saw the blue road, the Duan Duan, the truth of the teacher."

Duan Duan is a bit nervous, keeping your sleeves ...

The blue road took a deep breath and took a deep breath again ...

Zhu Xiang saw this sentence, and his eyes looked ...

In the eyes of these three pavilions, I entered the truth hall, the gate was reheated, "", like hitting in the heart of Suichuan medicine, she can't help it, Zhao Ran comforts Suchuan Pharmacy: "Nothing, will soon come out."

Suichuan has suddenly remembered what, immediately kneel, head to Zhao Ran: "The teacher is on the disciple,"

The Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty laughed, and he went forward to Zhao Rong Dao, and he can see the great practice talent with the medicine of Suichuan, and somewhat envious.

But envious of the envy, I really want them to collect, but these two are not necessarily that Suichuan is a double-cultural fang that is raised by the emperor. It has been completed in the past 20 years. Although this encounter can't blame in Suichuan Body, you can always say that it is not so good, let's talk, the reputation is polluted, fear is discussion in the world.

Zhao Ran also had some headaches. He just saw the hard-top Zhu Xiang. He brought Suichuan's medicine was his disciple. It belongs to the words. Now he is caught by Suichuan to seize the opportunity on the board. He has no way to repent, only The three heads were completed by Suichuan medicine: "First, so, take back to you to return to the sacred hall, then tell you the ancestors."

He is not a headache, what is well being damaged, this kind of thing is not within his consideration, or says that there is no concept in his subconscious. His headache is that he is complicated, there is no time to teach, and his skill is different from ordinary people, how can this teach? Otherwise, Qufengtans, Qufeen, Feng Tang, etc. so good qualifications,

He has already under the door of the income.

Dongfang Gifts took out a graphic flame, the Wei Dynasty took out the mid-term enactment five-way god kinemove, and the gift was given to Suichuan. Both the gifts were slightly heavy, perhaps contain a few degree of sympathy. Ingredure, Zhao Ran busy to make Suichuan to thank the two teachers.

After sending a gift, the Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty walked away, and the two left a place to talk, Zhao Rong said: "If you enter my door, you must make up the class. For the teacher and you a month, put" morality " "Let's down, maybe?"

Suchuan Note: "Teacher, disciples can be back." Now began to recite, back six or seven hundred words, the word is not bad, the oral tooth is clear and there is no Carton. "

Zhao Ran interrupted her, and said: "Yes, it seems that you are idle, then give you half a year, then" Yellow Emperor "," Zhou Yi "and" Participation " Behind it, maybe? "

Suichuan nodded, "On the spot:" The way of watching the sky, the trip to the sky, the sky has five thieves, see the people of Chang. Five thiefs are in the heart, the universe is in the hands, it is inevitably generated ... "

Zhao Ran is a little surprised, asking the left, see Suichuan medicine can recite, and ask the four sons, the result is also. Can't help but Qi Dao: "I have done my homework before?"

Suichuan Answer: "If you want to refine your double repair, these books must be seen, otherwise it will not be cultivated. But don't ask for recitation, just when the disciples are persisted, it is always going to find, very troublesome. It's just a few times, this is much simpler. "

Zhao Ran nodded, there is so found, it is easy to teach, simply put the "unparalleled yellow zither Chengyi" in the storage pneumon, said: "Different from the door, the people must be Skilled, give you two months, letting this book down. "

Such a rude teaching mode is also a helpless move, because he really didn't think about how to teach this disciple, so simply chose the easiest way to make her back book!

Seeing the Sugawa Pharmacy holding the floor flames and five lines of gods. There is no place to put this a big set, and then simply pass the teacher Jiang Teng crane to Suichuan medicine, teach her usage. Suichuan medicine is very novel, put it in a pile of things and fell out, playing, it is a rare bloom, a rare bloom.

Zhao Ran continued to play a strict teacher, the plate was born with her "on the tinning", which is one of the most basic skills of Taoist practice, belonging to "big road goods". But it is the most common practice, Dow Terrace is used as a merits of entrance disciples, including the building, which can also be seen from this practice law.

In that year, Zhao Ran has also taught the midden disciples Song Xiongh, and now I have been in the past eight years. Song Xiong is still unable to practice every day. Now it is similar to between Taoist and Yu Shi, which is the peak of Song Xiong. If there is no qualification, it will get harder and harder.

The talent of Suichuan is not the ratio of Song Xiong, and it has also joined the supershenday, so he learned very fast. "Shang Qing Dao" itself is not long, Zhao Ran only read it again. She didn't miss it. Zhao Ran once again explained it. She actually cultivated it on the pool. For a while, a drop Liquid fell into the gas sea, so Zhao Ran's mouth.

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